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re-uploaded for organization/confusion purposes


Michael H

The leader of the Quagoa is basically a legendary hero king among the species. They are basically at the absolute peak of their power. To submit his entire empire to two randos simply because they are confident would be straight up insanity. He’s listed as one of the best leaders in the series, though, so if Shaltear would have given him any show of strength, he was smart enough to submit.


‼️PLEASE READ ROSHI‼️ Episode 8 jumps from volume 11 of the LN to volume 14, volumes 12 and 13 will be in a movie. Also there is a translation error in 8, they say Theocracy but it’s actually the Roble Holy Kingdom (we’ll find more about them in the movie) and a new name Faceless which we will hopefully learn about in the movie.. just thought I’d let you know cause A LOT of people were a little confused from episode 8 lol (Last one 😪😂)


Also Roshi, to add to what KingRoboNinja said, Episode 8 has a post-credits scene. But it happens DURING the ending, which plays for like 30 seconds before the visuals cut away to the scene. Can be kinda easy to miss, saying this to y'all just in case.


Turn your defeats into victories. Man you the Real MVP thanks Roshi love you guys and the channel🤩


MAJOR TRANSLATION ERROR IN EPISODE 8 To add exposure to the issue, pretty much every time they mention the “Theocracy” in episode 8, they are referring to the “Roble Kingdom/Holy Kingdom” which we know nothing about as of yet. So if your confused about not knowing what kingdom that is, it’s not your fault, its the shows fault for skipping an arc It’ll be shown in the upcoming movie.


So yall misunderstood the Clan Lord. He was willing to surrender but he needed a reason to surrender which is why he was mad and said why didnt you just show us your power. He couldnt just surrender without a show of strength because the others wouldn't go for that.

Devin B

I respect Hejinmal a lot just cause he immediately knew what time it was when he saw Ainz. He didn't want to take a chance when he saw a heart in his hand and bent the knee as soon as possible.


So now that we’re not getting two episodes of overlord a week, what’s gonna happen to Tuesday or Wednesdays overlord spot?

Steven Fechter

Ainz: *Coughs* Demiurge: Amazing, I understand, you want me to have nazarick develop a virus that will devastate the mortal population. Ill get right on it.


They don't actually change the ending every episode. They start it from a different point in the ed depending on the run time of the episode.


Damn roshi, you need to fuck up more. 😂


Facts, he didn’t know Ainz sent the Death Knights.. All Shalltear had to say was “the frost dragon is dead/on our side” that would’ve been enough


Dragons can naturally tell how much something is worth (kinda like a sixth sense for treasure). Hejinmal was fucking terrified of Ainz and his crew cause he understood just how expensive all their equipment was.




Huh? They’re already watching the sandman, there’s 2 episodes reactions video’s out already

Darrell Jones

Sasuga roshi-sama!! You re-uploaded this so we have another chance to rethink our comments. You are truly a benevolent being. All hail our 3 supreme rulers 🙏🙏🙏


The clan lord did what he could. Are you saying that you would give up everything you own to some guy who walks up to you and asks for it? For all he knew, these two were just the messengers with the condition "If we dont return in a certain amount of time our full army will attack." The clan leader was right when he said they didn't show their strength. Imagine these two scenarios for a moment. You are with 10 of your buddies and a guy walks up to you. Scenario 1: He walks up and says for you to give him your money or he'll beat you all up. You laugh. How were you supposed to know that he can a hole through your chest? Scenario two: Same thing, but he shatters a Boulder with a single punch before he asks for your money. You give him your money.

Osiris Cage

The clan lord allowed his people to die in battle rather then them slaughtering each other.


pretty much ainz tried to do diplomacy but that only works for humans monster or non-humans will submit to the more powerful.

Stephen D

Ainz: *Chuckles* Was I that obvious? As always Demiurge you understand me perfectly. Ainz's internal monologue: What the actual hell?

Pilligrim Ilyas

Jurrasic Jordan. Nah, that's ok, you can watch the rest of the season just fine. Holy Kingdom Arc has almost none relation to the volume 14 with Re Estiz Kingdom so rest assured


Except it wasn't Ainz, it was Shalltear and Aura trying to do it, and we very much saw how well that went.


"Nah, im vegan" Bruh, are you vegan if you eat metals? What would that even be called? LUL


Ainz was like, "I need more dragon corpses..... oh shit, thank you for volunteering!"


Nobody: Demiurge: "Sasuga Ainz-sama! Subarashii! You exceed my expectations!" Ainz: ? Demiurge: "I understand EVERYTHING now! I now know the meaning of life!" Ainz: ???????

Keegan Uerata

Its funny that shaltear is the only one who thinks on the same wavelength as momonga but she gets falsely corrected by the other guardians lol


Ains tested fall damage in the novels. He flew to space and fell, he did not take damage.


??? which novel volume i do not remember that.


I find it hilarious that Ainz is successfully taking over the world by complete accident

The Pebble

Fall damage? You realize this world isn't a game right? He is obviously just too strong for terminal velocity to hurt him; It's not as if a toddler in this world would be immune to falling from space, which is what you imply from your wording.


He literally talks in game terms in the show though. He's called out his and others' levels. He talks about hit points and fall damage and game items and NPCs. They may not be in a game currently, but that's where Ains and the rest of Nazarick came from, and those are the terms they view the world on.

modern viking

fall damage is a gamer friendly word to describe getting hurt from falling many people use this term in real life. just because he used it doesnt mean that he thinks the world that ains is in is a game. and he isnt implying that no one takes fall damage in this world because we literally saw the death knights die from falling last ep. he is implying that since ains is lvl 100 with great stats and many passive buffs to prevent damage he didnt take damage from falling as stated in the books

zILovePelmeni _

theres a skipped arc between ep 7 abd ep 8. keep that in mind because said arc will be a movie


I think it's crazy that people don't understand why the guardians think Ainz is so Big brained or don't catch on to how he's not as smart as them. He's literally their one of their creators. If there that smart and he created them why would they ever think to question him on anything. That's like me getting to serve under God if he was real. I wouldn't have the balls to question him.

FreshxEli Tv

That dragon getting absolutely clapped reminded me of the skit when lupa turned roshi into goup juice 😂😂😂

Pretty Bear

Dragon got a one tap on the 💰, watch the dude from the intro get folded by an arrow to the knee. I also think the big joke behind the guardians hyping up Ainz is they're smart enough to think of reasons that explain away all of his mistakes. Especially Demiurge, almost feel sorry for him 😂


50,000 would've died whether they submit or not. The King was in such a shit situation lmao.

Ec Aea

Anyways for the Quagoa guys , i believe the leader initially truly thought they had a chance. I think it is after the first wave that he started realizing that theres no stopping the carnage now so he just went on gasing up his his elites to send them to their death. It shows a lot when he asked why did they not show their strength first and let them surrender , i actually think he truly regretted.

Ec Aea

To prevent uprising of their own most likely. Your elites could easily round themselves up and attempts to rebel and end up causing more deaths .




Ainz screwed up again, his completely OFF HAND COMMENTS keep misleading his crew (IE Demiuge) to misunderstand his intentions, which leads to nazarick doing all of these ridiculous projects

Reckless Company

i like dragons so im happy he didn't die lol


Btw Hejinmal straight up lied.. that boy only has 1 mom 😂 Ainz just HAD to fill in the gaps 🤦🏽‍♂️


Ainsz was being stupid. He is becoming more and more logical so he thought up the only possible "truth" assuming they weren't lying.


I'm just going to mention now that in the next episode they skip an arc and don't explain anything. They did it because the arc is being made into a movie but because of it some stuff might not make complete sense.

ClusterDSA .

Is that why we never heard of the food aid thing that is suddenly happening? I kinda just took it in stride like, ok I guess that's a thing that's happening but I was pretty curious how that situation came to be seemingly out of nowhere.


@ClusterDSA that is correct. the food supply is because of the movie events. als it's not for the Theocracy (slane) that is a translation error

The Pebble

Yeah Sheera, it's pretty easy for you to be so critical of the decision making for characters when you are a viewer with omniscient knowledge of power levels and information; I've never seen someone so lacking in perspective that it's painful lmao

ClusterDSA .

Holy shit that makes it even MORE confusing. So they drop this plot point on us with no context AND they tell us it's for someone it's not because the translators fucked up. It's like what you would do if you deliberately wanted to confuse people. It's so bad it's actually kind of funny.


the Dragon could't open the treasure room. thats why his gold was in front of it


i think thats still vegan. vegan means no animal products. and metal / ore are fine

Savage2fresh 60

even tho no one probably caught it I loved the Kevin hart reference lmao


It's like when she was getting mad when the boys missed the ball in Haikyuu. That ball is going so fast in reality that unless you are standing where it is or are able to accurately predict where its going, you've got no chance. Acting like the ball ain't going 50 mph


It's corrupted. Is it somewhere else?