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Need to have a talk with whoever is writing this


B Mowglli

Shinsekai Yori picks up after 5 episodes though, like it deeply hooks you by then since the worldbuilding is set up enough and the crazy mystery, other-worldly stuff starts unraveling But yeah, it has its own 'merging with your environment' subplot as well - though it's totally different, super artistic and tragic. It's my favorite anime after Made in Abyss, I can't recommend it enough. It's wild they watched stuff like Misfit of Demon King academy (which I enjoyed, but it's like a 7 max) before Shinsekai Yori (obvious 9/10+)


fate grand order babylonia demon front when?

Osiris Cage

That man Lupa is sitting there sick 😂😂😂 He's had enough


Akihito Tsukushi and Kinema Citrus (the studio) is hitting the 120+ combo, the perfect juggle in the corner, no counter, and they're about to cash out on the damage in the coming episodes. Let's go.

Yuudere Hi

I love this show so fm but it makes my ass hurt.

Taylor Moon

This show is goat’d beyond all goats

Xan Acktor

right on time


Lmao i love this show but gotdamn is it fucked up

Pan Cakes

LES GOOOOOOOOOOOO, Also I noticed that baluf's form looks better than the others. maybe since he was the only one that felt remorse, he was rewarded with a better body?


It has been a long time since an anime made me cringe this hard 😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬😬 and I have seen some sick anime lol 🤣


Belaf being clapped this whole episode was just wild. Mans was starving himself unable to do anything except barely live off the same stuff

Joshua Smith

does anyone know how i can get amnesia on purpose?


Bruh the creator needs to be locked up atp wtf 😩


This season is a whole Bloodborne

Master Nayan

The reason why its so messed up is because Irumyuu had 3 wishes , being able to bear a child, protecting the village, and having a home. it wasn't one directed wish so the abyss combined all wishes into one fucked up situation where her babies healed the villagers and she turned into a village. also shes a child with no concept of where children come from, so in her mind they just come out of a belly, and so the abyss granted it in this horrific manner.

Antonio Williams

I highly highly recommend checking out Shinsekai Yori. It's an incredibly underrated series that feels so much like Made in Abyss that I kinda dub the abyss as potentially being part of their world. It's amazing but unfortunately, despite the fact that most people who watched it say it's one of their favorite series, it's still a hidden gem (which lowkey should be a poll category.)

Mozart Waddell

This was not the show to watch after finishing Paprika while eating a chilli burger


Yup super underrated and one of my favorite anime. Squealer THE GOAT!


This whole time we’ve been navigating inside Irumyuui like it’s another episode of Cells at Work…wholesome 😚


I guess this is the wrong reaction to ask if I should watch it? 😂


LOL this is normal made in abyss for manga readers now!

Nazmus Safwat

Does anyone know if they are panning on reacting to House of the Dragon?


Yeah, they uploaded the first episode like on Monday I think


I bet lupa yam meat delicious too. >:)


Roshi looking a little like light skin jesus


this is getting better and better


I love this show so much because it's one of the few stories I've experienced that explores making its audience uncomfortable by refusing to sugarcoat its own circumstances. It asks the question, "how far will someone's mind bend in order to continue living in the most unforgiving conditions? And what kind of person will they become along the way?"


I love this show, it's probably one of the best anime. I also happen to hate it, I hate it profoundly. My heart can't take seeing all this evil shit happen to children. Because it's children, I'm constantly on edge and feel really uncomfortable. The music doesn't help. It so beautiful, ethereal and fragile. It never prepares you for the bad stuff and once the bad stuff happens and the music kicks in, it's like twisting the knife in the wound.


It's weird seeing Sheera understand Wazukyan and not Roshi. She's right as fcked up as it is - he is doing it for his people and not out of some evil goal.


This is being a little bit too edgy for me now lol.

Bestoria Jy

So the third wish which the old man wished for is to have a home in Irumyuu?

Reckless Company

this show is literally a daily dose of depression this is just as traumatizing as goblin slayer smh lol


Reading it was one thing, but seeing the story again but animated this time just hits different.


Goblin Slayer is INFINITELY less traumatizing than this show, my dude! XD


So like, how on earth does Lyza fit into all of this then? Especially with Reg?


Roshi about that roshi justice until shit get really real lmao

AJJAMES123 156

bro the doomslayer needs to come and kill everything in the abyss cause this is horrible


i remember me saying back in the beginning of the season that the people from the flashback are the villagers and someone told me no they not. i knew i was right! this show got really dark sheesh

Harry Tobin

veuko wished to be close as possible to irumuyui so thats why she was in the darkness in her mind away from the villagers

Pan Cakes


Solatic Syot

Made in Abyss is dark, but honestly it's how creative it is about that really gets to me. This entire flashback feels like some kind of old mythology that makes zero sense when you read it.

JackLover19 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-28 14:16:36 that's what im sayin
2023-11-28 14:16:36 that's what im sayin
2023-11-28 14:16:36 that's what im sayin
2022-08-26 02:38:33 that's what im sayin

that's what im sayin

Lil Uzi Vert

when you think this anime can't get any worse, IT GETS WORSE


If I'm Reg or Riko I'm sending up ATLEAST 500 balloons ASAP saying "It's super fucked down here. Seal this shit up YESTERDAY!"


Honestly what Sheera said " somebody has to be this way " is facts. One of the main reasons we have the things we have are because of people who lack empathy on the necessary evils they do to better or save society at large. For example, it was seen as extreme taboo to defile the dead but there were people willing to go to extremes to do the necessary evils of grave robbing ( usually hiring people to do it for them ) to experiment and research human anatomy and how things work to educate themselves and others to save lives ( don't argue it being different because they're dead because people took this extremely seriously ) . Though this eating fresh out the womb-die tomorrow anyway-type babies situation is screwed, it's all in the name of survival and given what needs to be done you have to be thankful you weren't the crazy one and cope with the guilt of benefiting from the fucked-up things people did that is keeping you alive. It's just sad how these guys mentally got destroyed facing the unknown like that. I can only pity all of them because I'm sure explorers back then and isolated tribal people had to do face these experiences to the point of horrible cannibalism.


Vueko: "I just don't want to forget about her" The Ending Song: "I still remember you; the time we shared, the love you gave Though everything has changed, you push me to live on..." 10/10


IRUBURU IS IRUMYUUI! "40% Cradle, 10% Mother" - Episode 5

Kaitsu Tokiyas

also remember, the people who turn into narehate / hollow because the irumiyu effect , cant go outside the village

Kaitsu Tokiyas

also it was irumiyu wish to save the people there ,and the egg grant the wish... so thats why the baby is dont have any organt to digest , so the vilager can eat the baby .

Steven Fechter

So this is why belaf wanted mitty so badly. 1: He desired a source of susitance that wont run out since that was causing them so much misery. and 2: Belaf gave himself to Irumyui because he was guilty how badly he enjoyed eating her babies. Even tho he sacrificed himself due to his moral and nobility, his soul still desired to eat blessings of the abyss. So he gave up half his body for mitty (including some sensory organs). Interesting character. He also constantly talked about how beauty is in the eyes, and he asked riko for her eyes. Also after becoming a monster, his eyes became dark voids, techincally they werent even eyes, they were more like mouths. Theres a lot of consistent deep writing in this show. Not to mention the forms of the 3 sages look a lot like the forms of the interference units they meet when the ganja corp first arrives at the golden city. And those similar looking interference units then get literally eaten by the abyss. Which is possible foreshadowing. This season is killing it with how they are connecting the two plots.

Steven Fechter

I believe wakyuzan was low key corrupted by the abyss before the story even begins. And seeing vuekos compass set him over the edge. Also that ending song "I still remember you" 1 second after vueko says "i just want to remember her" lol. not so subtle.

Steven Fechter

its world worth world building. also its lovecraftian in nature which is a tried and true method of story telling almost never explored in anime.


Shinsekai Yori is a goat tier anime. Only issue is it's quite slow. like 19 episodes of buildup for a crazy finale.


I don't think Lupa will make it to the end of the season 😂 Also whoever told ya'll last episodee that Fapta and iruymuyi weren't the same person was just spoiling shit.

Ramone Moore

Bro this is not how you introduce charters ew bro after this anybody we meet need that reg blast to the face from now on

Deku Kana

This show is such a special type of twisted


You know everything's fucked when Roshi isn't on demon time

Drake Rage

It is crazy how f'd up Wazukyan was with the stuff he did, but it is also true that they would not have survived if he wasn't the one Leading them. He had Divine Powers with being able to tell who was important and what he needed to do to keep them safe, an actual Prophet. He was able to remain calm and do what he had to without ANY ill-will to make the group survive. It seems crazy to me how he understood Irumyuui and Vueko's relationship, he was always gentle and offered kind words, even during taking the babies while they are still alive because they have more healing properties than if they die. Then he saved Vueko's life and locked her up in the dark while gently telling her she will feel Irumyuui connection the strongest there, and it is to save the people and the Village while Irumyuui's wishes come true in very twisted ways, but if Vueko dies, then so will Irumyuui, and everyone in the Village die too. First it was Bondrewd, then this guy.. people doing awful stuff but not at all anything like your traditional Villains.. these people's complexities and reasonings are in a whole another dimension because it makes sense in a very f'd up way.. since The Abyss is basically Hell and they are living in it.


Still he was lacking basic empathy in everything he did. Maybe it is because he can see the future and that makes him detached from real life. Maybe he is on the spectrum who knows...

Drake Rage

Wazukyan? Yeah, because he would have literally gone insane if he had Empathy while doing the kind of stuff he had to do. That is why I have mad respect for him to have 0 Empathy but still always being gentle, kind, and supportive towards everyone even though he had to do completely F'd up things. That water scene, where they were discussing how the water is contaminated with worm eggs that is slowly killing them, and in the middle of the discussion he casually drinks out of it because they don't have any other option since they need water. He might be the Hardest character on the show, lol. Absolutely insane.

Doughboy 1027

"Demon time" out the window huh? I get it though, this is beyond rough to even try and comprehend let alone "rationalize." But, unfortunately Sheera is right. In this situation someone has to be Wazukyan, if you genuinely plan on living on. Sympathy or Empathy wouldn't serve you to well here.


Did they drop this show?

Derick A. Hartman

https://www.patreon.com/posts/quick-update-71221662 Lupa was out doing some family business so a few shows were on hold.

Xan Acktor

Lupa has returned for overlord reaction but not this. I understand if he needs a mental break from the abyss, that last episode looked like it hurt the shape of his soul a bit.


Nah 2 eps ago lupa said "This show is so gooood"


I think she wished for a few things. 1) she wished she could give birth, 2) she wished to have her bunny back (which is why her babies look like the bunny, 3) she wished she wasn't in pain anymore, 4) she wished for everyone to not be sick (which is why eating the babies cures the disease)


Please drop 3 episodes this week to catch-up if it's possible for you guys!

J Man

So Made in Abyss season 2 is just an anime version of Dead Space then?


Lyza is the restaurant owner who calls herself Moogie