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welp my error is your gain, heres the actual episode 6!

episode 7 was uploaded by mistake earlier

will prob delete and re upload later with the correct background to prevent confusion



Honestly this day was starting out Meh but this double upload mistake had gotten me on a good start today! Love seeing y’all enjoy shows


Double? Let’s GOOOOO! Sasugaaa!


Let's gooo double overlord drop


Yessssirrrrr 💀 i watched that one and was like wait hold up we killing the dragons already?


We're getting 2 episodes today because y'all made a mistake!!!????? Let's Goooooooo

Anbu Bunny -3-

Lesss gooo double ep 😤😤😤


accidental double upload haha love it


‼️PLEASE READ ROSHI‼️ Episode 8 jumps from volume 11 of the LN to volume 14, volumes 12 and 13 will be in a movie. Also there is a translation error in 8, they say Theocracy but it’s actually the Roble Holy Kingdom (we’ll find more about them in the movie) and a new name Faceless which we will hopefully learn about in the movie.. just thought I’d let you know cause A LOT of people were a little confused from episode 8 lol

Tommy Ortega

Nah leave it up lol it’s a treat


It's fine Roshi, we all make misstakes, only this time i'm gonna be praying for more of them. Double uploads are lit ong. Can i get an amen? 🙏

Jacob The weird

If it still says “the Theocracy” on the subs they really mean “ Roble Holy Kingdom”


Let’s gooo


Slightly fucked part is that the runes on the sword Ainz showed are just cosmetic. Yggdrasil had no Runecraft™ system. Uh, hey, at least it motivated them? All's well that ends well.

Devin B

I'm assuming Ainz is probably so used to the style of fighting in Yggdrasil that he doesn't even think about tactics like using the environment to your advantage. For all of his fights he just overpowers people so he just think strength determines the outcome of a battle.

Adamantite Momon

ngl the ending of this episode was the first time Overlord hit me in the feels a little…the way they did the sound effect of a memory a distant past


Yo Roshi since you’re about to catch up to Overlord are you gonna have something fill in the trio spot for Tuesday or Wednesday? If so I’d ask for Danmachi or another poll


ahhh the adventure of gimli continues


beard yams, i never thought i'd hear that from roshi lmaoooo

Geo Rockmann

Keep in mind that some episodes have post credit scenes while the end credits are still rolling


He used to challenge people to best of 3 matches in the game, gather as much info as possible of his opponent on the first round (and lose), then fight and usually win the next two. He went more for roleplaying for his character instead of min-maxing so he's not THAT powerful, but he made up for it with game knowledge and strategies.

Devin B

When I mean tactics I mean tactics that involves real life situations and not ones that are specific for gaming. We saw how knowledgeable he was when he had a pvp with Shalltear since he already knew her build but in regards to fighting in this world where you can use anything to your advantage he doesn't seem that knowledgeable in that regard.


Ah fair. He's rather cautious, especially so since Shalltear's brainwashing, and got tunnel vision on "THEY DIED ALMOST SIMULTANEOUSLY? MUST BE A PLAYER!"


Wait, what parts of 8 were vol 14? Im up to 13 with the physical releases, and didnt notice anything i hadn't seen yet. Granted it's been a while since ive read them, but everything happening seemed familiar.

Daniel Turner

ainz was practicing that silence pose in the mirror in the previous season

Drake Rage

I like that Sheera caught on to Aura finding out what happened to the Death Knight. Since the "Death Knight Mystery" goes into next episode before being resolved.


I do always like it when Ainz references how shit the world he came from was and how he would rather improve this one for his friends and citizens. When he mentioned he wanted to create good labor laws and not create ppl like Herohero, who we saw as the slime guildmate in the very first episode. Herohero was at a company that overworked him so much he needed regular doctor visits for exhaustion and needed to regularly take sleep inducing drugs to actually sleep well. Even quit the game until he came back to say bye to Ainz in the first ep. Ainz and all his friends/guildmates were essentially living in a dystopian future a la cyberpunk iirc, and were in different levels of the economic caste system, but still became friends through the game.


Danmachi would be cool but I really want them to watch them Isekai Quartet now that they have watched all of the anime that appear in that collab show. So preferably yeah, they should make a poll to see what the others think


The books go chronologically. So if ur actually on 13 ur in the middle of the Holy kingdom arc. Books start the Holy kingdom arc book 12 and it ends book 13. Book 14 comes back to re-estiz kingdom. The anime has decided to group books 10, 11, and 14 instead of just jumping back and forth. So people get all the Re-estiz storyline grouped instead of separated by a whole season in a brand new kingdom. So it's not as jareing I guess. The anime has never been to the Holy kingdom yet it. That's the rest of the jaldabath story line. It's gets pretty dark Demiurge is truly a demon is all I will say. It's really good and ties up a lot of random loose ends

Oax Al

Ainz was like "only 6 that's craaaaazzzyyyy. Whelp time to get back to the gym, cause ya'll need to get in shape."


OK, i was wondering why it didnt feel like they had skipped 2 whole books in the story. I guess i just didnt notice the time skip. Shame tho, i really was hoping to have seen "Ima kill a chick with another chick" this season.