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Sad to see it go, fantastic finale, S tier spinoff SSS tier universe!


Daniel R

awesome series! thanks for the reactions! loved reliving the series with you guys :)


Saw your tweet… I might need that Sandman reacts my man! The waiting is killing me


What day is sandman comin

Night Wolf

Is sandman really good?

Shawn Mondol

this is my one piece equivalent


You and sheera gotta check out the sandman Roshi, it’s 🔥🔥


Jimmy's real answer about the time machine is him not giving chuck and himself a chance to fix their relationship when he first visited his house to drop off groceries which we saw in this episode. Chuck honestly wanted to talk about Jimmy's cases in a friendly way and jimmy essentially brought that down and bit back wih arguing with him again. That's why we see that slow shot of the time machine book.

Judah Davis

I think Jimmy restoring his name and leaving Saul Goodman behind is the best ending this show could have gotten.


Will we get She-Hulk reactions?


Comparing mid to better call Saul is crazy I ain't finna cap

just a guy

I think the flashback with his brother was his "regret" answer. Maybe if they had that talk, Jimmy would have ended doing something else than keep going with the law practice he didn't seem to like

just a guy

Oh and the Walter White scene was when the vacuum cleaner dude made them clean, fresh IDs and so on

R'Mani Leavell

What if the entire reason they had Saul/Gene/Jimmy work at Cinnabon was for that prison transition lol


Can y’all react to The Sandman on Netflix


they already said they're reacting to it lmao


just a little fact u missed is that initially Saul was supposed to get life + 190 years. But the prosecutor was willing to deal to give him 30 years if he admitted guilt. But then Saul played them and lowered it down to 7 years. But ofc with his final "sacrifice" he was given 86 years. The worst deal pretty much.


Aint caught up yet but dope to see it ends off great from what Ive heard. Ive been enjoying it as much if not more than Breaking Bad at times real talk

Franklin Saint

Imo Jimmy is living A comfortable life in prison just because everyone praises him in there and can clear his consciousness and lies there is no more Saul cause Saul is finally gone


The Saul and Walt scene was when they were both in the basement near the end of BB waiting for Vacuum guy to sort them out with their location, new identity etc. It was also Saul's last scene in BB.


I was thinking before this finale that if Jimmy just ends up in prison it would be so very anticlimactic. Boy was I right and boy was it perfect. It fit so well with the Jimmy character and the tone of the show. Honestly IMO I enjoyed BCS more then I did BB. Both are amazing though. What an amazing duo of shows. Bryan Cranston and Bob Odenkirk and everyone else involved created 2 of the best series of all time, back-to-back, I don't think that's ever been done before.

Damarcus Miller

So no marvel she-hulk reactions? I didn’t see it on the schedule 😖


Better Finale then Ozark out of 10. Don't even feel bad at all for Saul. Like I could sympathize with Walt to a degree but Saul? Nah, he had it coming ever since he was a kid. Also he did Oakly mad dirty. Sauls brother was always right about him lol

Champion Bescos

I genuinely hope not. Sorry to be in the minority, but with their limited time, there are very likely far better things to watch.

Leandro Da Silva

Jesse is the only one who got a decent life in the end of it all


It was a good and long run


i mean Kim looks well. She a lawyer again


Very interesting statement that I don't see discussed much. I do hope people consider Chucks words about Jimmy more. Yes Chuck was wrong for holding Jimmy back from his "birthright" company and he would talk about him negatively around his pears in the background. All terrible. But I think that distracts from his point about Jimmy. I do think he was unfortunately correct. But in the end good job Jimmy for owning up to your actions in court I can respect that at least. Walt - dead, Jesse- free, Saul/Jimmy- prison nice trifecta.

Knuckle's hair

Kim isn’t a lawyer she faked her way in by using her old bar ID since it has no expiration date. Flawless conclusion to Jimmy character, I’m so happy to see him drop Saul name for good, that was a powerful moment also sharing his regrets especially with his brother was great. What a journey I need to rewatch this series again


I love this universe and want more but I'm also pretty damn excited to see whatever else Vince and Peter have cooking away from this.

Knuckle's hair

Peter said he wants to take a break from the universe but he kinda tease about the possibility of doing a sequel for Kim " certainly never say never and I think if you watch this episode, Kim seems like she’s got more to do, that’s for sure. " - Peter Gould


To me it seems like he has accepted who he is and wants to clear his consciousness. Thats why he calls himself James Mcgill in the trial. Idk if im looking into it too much but he wants to be James Mcgill again but everyone in prison will see him as Saul, which will be good for him but will contradict what he wanted for himself. In the end he has a very not happy/not sad ending which I think he deserves.


No she isnt, as far as we know she is just volunteering to help out but it could also mean that she wants to go back to that life


Wow you guys wanted him to get away? Totally not my take but still a fun reaction. Sad to see such an amazing show end. Vince and Peter 2 for 2 man.


thank y'all so much for covering this show. not a lot of people have the range to go from anime to drama like this. it is sincerely appreciated.