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This man is always clueless lmao


The Pebble

In the LN he actually got down in the "cheeks up" stance she used, and stated how embarrassing it was to be doing it xD

Shawn Oxley

Jircniv is literally a good ass ruler its kinda sad to see Ainz reduced him to this


It's crazy how big time merchants, like real deal shady or not, have no fear of others. This man said, yep that's Ainz, oh well, what can i do for you today? lmfao


its hilarious cause jirc is doing it himself ainz hasnt done anything besides be like "whats up buddy"

Popplio Family

Damn y'all getting these out EARLY

Jarelle Hamilton

I was waiting for the drop. LETS GOOO

Ashif N

Can you guys please start "The Devil is a Part-Timer"? I am sure it'll be a blast!

Invader Rin

Overlord is just the story of an average guy, stumbling his way to success -- to becoming an Overlord.

Zen Reacts

Roshi is literally Jircniv


Mans went for a custom match and left with the Emperor feeling depression


Vassal state is essentially when a country ecomes subservient to another country and said country controls what that country does for the most part. Also yall really forgot those daggers were Clementines lol

Team Skull Grunt B

I love relationship between ainz and nix. Ainz thinks they're like best friends meanwhile nix is scared for his life thinking ainz is plotting LMAO


Poor emperor sat down at the table to play 4D chess and his opponent turned up not knowing the rules to chess and still won.


I’m convinced bro gonna be bald by the end of this season cuz it’s like every episode stressed more and more 😭

Gas Bandit

The daggers he "borrowed from Momon" were Clementine's daggers. To become a "vassal state" is basically to get merged into another kingdom and be ruled over by them. In essence, Jircniv was offering his nation's immediate surrender, offering to bend the knee to Ainz right then and there.

Touch Me

Ainz isn't what everyone believes him to be , BUT he's still a thousand times smarter than most iseaki MCs , you could see that from episode 1 of season 1 immediately .. he's more careful , less cocky and not a shy and dense idiot lmao


Anime really doesn't give us Ains thinking too much, but he thinks Jircniv as a friend ruler of nation. So in a sense being a friend to the most powerful being in that world isn't really being unfortunate. Jircniv is funny, waiting for his bald head from all the stress...

Adamantite Momon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 01:59:03 Jircniv thinks Ainz is playing 4D chess…Meanwhile Ainz playing 2D chess with AI hints turned ON
2024-01-13 01:59:03 Jircniv thinks Ainz is playing 4D chess…Meanwhile Ainz playing 2D chess with AI hints turned ON
2022-08-17 16:53:47 Jircniv thinks Ainz is playing 4D chess…Meanwhile Ainz playing 2D chess with AI hints turned ON

Jircniv thinks Ainz is playing 4D chess…Meanwhile Ainz playing 2D chess with AI hints turned ON


Lol y'all kinda like Ainz' subordinates..... always thinking he has a plan. XD I mean, ofc sometimes he actually does have a plan, but usually not as complex or big brain as they tend to assume (especially Demiurge).


Some supplementary info: The main objective in claiming the Goat spell has a 10 year cooldown was to have somewhat of an alibi against any possible player out there using it to frame Ainz. Headhunter Rabbit is a man, he dresses in a maid uniform to seem unassuming and get an advantage in combat (less likely to get crotch hits). He's repeatedly punched things to harden his hands into his perfect weapons. Ainz has been scrying on Jircniv to learn how to behave more like a ruler, which has led to him seeing Jircniv as a friend. Oddly, the feeling isn't mutual, and Jircniv has just gotten more stress due to feeling like someone's watching, yet nobody can detect anything like that.


The emperor is too smart for his own good 🥲

Devin B

Jircniv is just under the impression that Ainz is eventually going to do horrible things to the Empire. I don't blame him for thinking that way cause the way Ainz approached them is like someone who rules with an iron fist but he's really worried over nothing.

Devin B

I still think it's crazy that Jircniv was cheering for the Warrior King. He has it in his head that he has to kiss up to Ainz but he still had the balls to cheer against him.


na he will be fine he just has to accept Ainz sama and than let go of the stress


but he does have dumb moments but well we all have them


what do you mean? he plans 10.000 years ahead!


i would also say the 10 year cooldown is to eas the people. so they think he can't do a massacre like that every day (but he could)


right, like if im him im cheering for warrior king silently in my head lmaooo


Vassal States are countries that pay tribute to another country either in money, military power or resources, and in exchange they retain their identity and some degree of autonomy. They are effectively subordinates to another dominant state.

Paul Tar

Just to add to a prior comment, Jircniv has a feeling someone is watching him (that's why he's losing his hair - the paranoia). So Ainz who is watching Jircniv to get tips on being a ruler (including hand gestures/how to addresses people etc), is leading to Jircniv's emotional / psychological breakdown.


To be fair, that was a MASSIVE coincidence that most of us like and think is hilarious, but in a show that isn't as well written would be an obnoxious contrivance. Flying up to see the emperor and the Theocracy together and saying vaguely ominous/threatening things, but it was actually Ainz trying to make a bit of small talk with someone whom he thinks is a friend. That little social visit cost him his greatest plot and it was all on accident. Demiurge probably would have found out about it pretty quickly if it went through, then would have somehow created a plan for it thinking that he's just barely grasping at Ainz's plot. Ainz isn't dumb, he's just not the super genius everyone thinks he is. He's probably about average, but his game knowledge, caution, his npcs, max level, and game items make him extremely dangerous. Like you're doing new game + for the second or third time, but your character is stuck in the first third of the game. The only real threat are that the characters are people now and they can go off script and think for themselves. Also there's at least one other person out there that might be the same level and have the same stuff, but you don't know who or where they are.


quite literally hes the definition of "overthinking"

V. R.

An example of a Vassal State is like the houses in Game of Thrones. They're all technically their own states, but they're supposed to be subservient to the main king.


In the LN, Ainz thinks Jircniv is a really big big fan of the War Troll and thats why he's cheering so hard for him. Jircniv just wants Ainz to loose so he can escape this whole situation lol


That fireball spell sealed in Ainz dagger was casted by Fluder so its actually super strong. Also when Ainz dodged attack there was a aura of despair effect, that is another technical shit he activates lv1 aura for like 0.1sec then turn it off again, because the aura gives debuff on agility, strength, etc.. it creates like lagging effect.


Who said the text was in Japanese? Pretty sure the language they all use is Japanese to begin with is it not....


Def need to just accept it bro ainz wanna be friends but he think ainz plotting 😭


a vassal state is like a puppet state, they are your subordinate and would aid whoever they are a vassal to if called upon


and yeah last episode was from the emperors perspective and this one was ains obv

Daniel Gonzalez

Nazarick had us believing the hype I was starting to think Ainz knew what was up in the last episode too but nope same old Ainz


It was japanese because it was a book from the game


No the new world has its own language and only items from the game are in Japanese. That's why ainz can't read or write

Randle Dandle

Vassal is kinda like it sounds, they work under the sorcerer kingdom kind of like different states in the USA.


Yeah kinda, though he does immediately follow up with "I have other spells I can use"


Gilgamesh gonna be bald by the end of this lmao!


Might be a little while with all the new seasons coming out in the next months


They already said they are going to watch it but maybe not until November or December because of all the new seasons of anime lined up in the next months

Devin B

On the cover of the book they had Japanese characters on it so the book definitely was in Japanese. Plus when Ainz was given something to read when he first got to that world he couldn't understand what it said. Even now you would see him have other people read things for him like when he first appeared as Momon and asked the guild clerk to pick a job for him because he couldn't read the requests.

Devin B

He doesn't want others to think he's OP but he also doesn't want them to think he's powerless either. That's why he mentioned he had other spells so people would know not to mess with him while also trying not to scare the people he wants to be on good terms with.


I say it again much of Slane racism is justified


Fluder is so much more nasty in the novels. dude has no pride

Geo Rockmann

I know that its confirmed that ainz luck is just plot convinience but I've always liked the theory that his stats from yggdrasil like luck, wisdom or intelligenz also transfered and that thats why he subconsciously always makes good decisions


Jircniv doesn't surrender immediately because he thinks that Ainz could maybe be assassinated or killed if they caught him off guard. You do need to specialize in magic or sword(Ainz can't pick up a greatsword in s1) but Ainz's stats are so high that it doesn't matter. So after Jircniv saw the fight, he literally has no hope so he tries to join as a servant(vassal state).


if i remember the game doesn't really have stats so no luck or wisdom stat there are HP, MP, Magical and physical attack and defence and special


What? It kinda is This world is dangerous. Undead are creatures that hate the living and kill them Many demihumans eat Humans. So of course you hate them. Almost all grotesque are evil by natur Even their hate against the Elf king is justified I do think some take it to far. But they are right with wanting to make Humans strong

Eric Keatts

Best example I can think of is what the 13 Colonies were to Britain essentially, right?


the dual swords/needles are the weapons of that clementine chick right?


it was really fun to see Ainz turn up in this episode


Really wish the fight wasn’t, talk, fight, talk, fight, talk, kill, resurrect. It’s like they’re using their budget in bursts.

Bob The SkuII

vassal states are basically "independent countries" that are owned by another country. so the empire would basically run itself but be owned by Ainz and his country. the literal definition is "a state with varying degrees of independence in its internal affairs but dominated by another state in its foreign affairs and potentially wholly subject to the dominating state."


Ainz did say last epsiode, Coincidence sure is scary XD


I’m still confused what his hand were supposed to indicate when he showed them?


yup, and his movements in the fight are reminiscent of his fight with Clementine. he actually fights as she did but improved upon her mistakes.


the "superficial" or "non-material" stats like intelligence or luck would come from the characters flavor text(AKA settings). Demi and Albedo are smart because they are described as such. As a player Ainz has personal no flavor text but flavor text of his race&job classes apply to him. As an undead he shouldn't have strong emotions and that's why he gets the calming effect thing. His race of Overlord probably describes them as intelligent


Idk if anyone's mentioned this yet but the daggers that Ainz is using that he claims to have borrowed from Momon are the daggers that belonged to the assassin bitch he crushed to death in season 1. Nice little attention to detail.


Ohh. I thought you meant OmG and just had a typo Huh I never heard of OnG / on God before. Neat

Team Skull Grunt B

It has nothing to do with budget, the fight is adapted the way it was written in the LN. This isn't a combat oriented anime


I was gonna say last episode that I highkey feel bad for the emperor lmaoo my man stressed

Xackz aple

Puerto Rico is a Vassal state of USA. Got it?


A vassal state is kinda like what Canada is for UK


Osk is a true man of culture. Buff women FTW.


The Rabbitman is a Guy though xD osk is interested in anyone buff, even the Martial King. It said he really likes hands of warriors

Musical Esscence

Ainz: *breathes* Everyone: What a masterful plan, Lord Ains!!

hertung wert

My theory is that Ainz is a different entity from the salaryman whose internal voice we hear, and that that entity is actually as intelligent and farsighted as the Emperor and the NPCs believe him to be... and the "player" is slowly merging with that entity without even noticing. He's perceiving his own actions as random, when really they're calculated and controlled by "Momon", the Yggdrasil character. Just like Albedo became what Ainz scripted her to be in the opening scene (which would explain why that scene was a thing in the first place, they could have made Albedo fall in love with him without him scripting it), Ainz is becoming the entity he's roleplaying. (btw this is not a spoiler or anything, I've only watched the anime and know what you know)


His fears are completely valid absolute power corrupts absolutely, also ainz subordinates would already be committing crazy genocide if it weren’t for him


It's an interesting concept, and I kinda wish it to be true, but I also feel that something like this isn't good for a MC. Although, it's a good story beat for a side character. I think MC's should have full agency unless the plot is to free them from their compromised agency.

Team Skull Grunt B

Basically ainz was so terrifying that he instinctively tried to transform and run, but used force to surpress the transformation. That's why his hands were scratched up


The Emperor having the worst day of his life

Ec Aea

Vassal state is like being absorbed into a bigger country under their name but maintaining some form of autonomy. Basically what hes doing is to make everyone submit to Ainz but preserving their country's identity.

bob berry

I don't think this is true in the light novel it go in more depth about his thinking. He not stupid there a reason why he was the leader of the guild. He understand everything he doing just question himself rather the npc would be ok with it.


I haven't read it myself, but apparently the spell Ainz used against the army, when he lied and said it had a 10 year cooldown...he can actually use it three times per day.


Colonies of an empire are different, they have way less autonomy and lose their identity as a nation, like Japan becoming Area 11 in Code Geass.


whats funny is he said hes the most unfortunate in the world but he was actually the most fortunate because ainz fully respected him and the alliance with the empire but this man clapped himself overthinking everything lmao.

Ranginald Vagel

Yeah that sounds about right. It was clearly bullshit. No RPG has an attack with a ten year cooldown.


Ainz is lowkey pissed that Jircniv wants to submit. He was actually looking forward to being Ruler buddies with him, especially since Ainz has no fucking clue how to be an overlord and wanted Jircniv to help him with that (He's actually secretly spying on Jircniv and copying his mannerisms to give off the air of a ruler).

Jeffrey D

Anybody ever notice how jircniv looks like alibaba's evil twin?

FaytScar gaming

That trader's type is Ghislaine from Jobless reincarnated.

The Wheff

Most anime fights are 'stares epically', talk, flashback, talk, fig-(insert flashback)-ht, in depth breakdown of the fight we JUST saw, talk, flashback, fight, talk, unleash secret power, win, flashback, enemy joins the good guys team.

Jeffrey D

I might not be into that type myself but he definitely gained my respect

Stuart Hanmore

Technically, but only in the loosest definition. While we recognise the Queen as the Head of State, Canada is fully independent from Britain and they play no part in handling political affairs for the country


The rabbit maid is guy that surprised me when I heard it A vassal state is any state that has a mutual obligation to a superior state or empire, in a status similar to that of a vassal in the feudal system in medieval Europe.

Zohnty Luwang

vassal state is basically an enslaved state to the other party

Random Guy

The anime failed to explain the fight, how he was copying clementine, but without the martial arts to back it up, he uses his negative energy to weaken the enemy enough and dull their senses to make up for it.

Jake Kirby

This, exactly in perfect words, but to be ultra simple, its a country that pretty much serves another bigger country, Jircniv wants the Baharuth Empire to just serve the Sorcerer Kingdom. whereas before they both had an alliance which meant they were on equal footing but now it will have a relationship of a master and a sevant

Oax Al

Emperor mans seems like a decent ruler. Acting in what he believes is best for his people, even if his safety isn't guaranteed. Sure does he have world conquering fantasies, yes, but my guy's title is Emperor. Who wouldn't get hyped up to conquer some shit? He allied with Ains to buy time, because he understood Ains was a threat. Then realized nobody he knows of, could ever match up against Ains and offered the most sane option an Emperor or King could offer. Bending the knee in exchange for human rights of some kind.

N Rudd

Being a vassal state essentially meant that another country essentially owned your country. Vassal states don't really get a say in what they are doing, unless their head country agrees with it. In war times, they could tell you "Send all of your soldiers to fight X country" and they would have to. They could say "We need 30,000 slaves" and the country would have to hand people over as slaves. They could demand food, money, water, war, slaves, livestock, whatever they wanted. So what Jircniv means when he says "negotiating the terms of being their vassal" he is talking about negotiating what they have to provide, and the maximum amount they will provide, and the protections they get in return.


Dammm seeing that promoter/merchant reminds me of Tintin a fat Tintin

hertung wert

@Yanpo Fair point... my other idea is that everything just falls into place so that he perfectly fullfills his role, no matter what he does... not by coincidence, but fate

Tyger Burch

He rolled up on the Warrior King like he completed all the side quests first. 🤣


So would that be kinda like the U.S.? Each state is forced to follow federal law however are able to create their own unique laws and have some individual control


yeah Ainz is smart but not genius albedo or demiurge smart. to remember how an opponent fought and use their style and improve upon it show Ainz is pretty smart

chase salii

The eye you was reffering to with shalltear was


this whole episode just prove's how IMPORTANT POV is, from Nix's POV in ep 3, he was shitting platinum bricks, in ep 4 from Ainz's POV he was being generous and asking kindly whats up to everyone...... in other words Truth is stranger than fiction


Was that lady clementine's blades and skill?

Random Guy

he tried to expirement, but the only way he could pull it off without using martial arts was to slow down the enemy with negative energy since he wasnt as agile or as flexible as clementine