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Too much stress




Cloud Hound

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Peaky blinders?

Chris Tercero

Hey guys just to let you know . Ep 24 does not complete the story !! You have to watch Steins gate 0 after


Hey, just letting you guys know, after Episode 24 you have to watch episode 23b, Open the Missing Link, before watching 0. If it isn’t on the platform you guys are watching it on you can easily find on on YouTube. You start 23b at ~13:50 into it since all before that is the same as episode 23. And just to emphasize, if you don’t watch this none of Steins Gate 0 makes sense.


Also, just letting y'all know we love y'all and are glad everyones feeling alright again


like all other comments, please watch Steins Gate 0

Oax Al

Save the girl. Save the world. Let's Mr. Mad Scientist.

Adrian Jansen

don't forget to watch episode 23b, it may be similar to og ep 23 but don't let that deceive you

Ec Aea

The easiest way to explain is this , whatever happened from episode 1 onwards needs to happen , so that he will send that message about Kurisu being dead and be sent to other world line to experience the 3 weeks of hell and relationship with Kurisu SO that he can have enough "love" and "ambition" to the point that he would , on this current Beta world line fail to save her once , make a time machine due to all the past experience of that 3 weeks , time travel back and send the message back to this point in time , to fake what happens on the episode 1. Basically every episode after episode 1 is just a journey for him to gather enough emotion for Kurisu to save that Kurisu he saw on episode 1. In short , deceive the world to make it seems like a loop , but turns out its a "Loop the loop". I'm sorry if anyone felt that it contained a bunch of spoilers , but at this point, the show itself had already explain all of it and you just need to do some mental gymnastics to piece it together. Also that other Okabe that you guys will be seeing in that building , he's about to go through 1 hell of a trip(the whole season). Glad you guys are well again btw.


Yes it does, dont pressure them into watching 0. 0 is just a deeper dive into things/ an alternate timeline. ep24 is ultimately the ending if you don't count the other extras. Plus, 0 is a bit slower in a way, it might not be the best for reactions.


its always russians dam lol


Really hope you guys give Steins Gate 0 a chance!


You shouldn't try and pressure them into watching a show, and the story wraps up fine after the last ep. Though I do think at some point in the future they should watch SG0 if they have space for it. Also, SG0 isn't really much slower than the original is, rewatching the first 12 eps of the original is incredibly slow.


AHHHHH!!!! I think they are gonna accidentally watch ep 23b!!!!! At the very end, around 23:30, Roshi says "We got 2 episodes left", but Steins Gate originally is only 24 eps long. I really hope they don't watch 23b and then since the start is the same end up skimming through it >.<

andrew ayala

Everyone is saying to watch steins gate 0 after.. but i aint see no one tell em to watch the GODDAM MASTERPIECE. STEINS:GATE LOAD REGION OF DEJA VU MOVIE... movie reactions on here are always peak


Nah I think they're gonna watch episode 25 which was the extra little OVA they put at the end. I really liked that one tbh


I hope that is the case, I just don't think they have watched many OVAs before which is why I thought it might be the other way around. Not that I don't want them to watch 23b but I think going normal 23 into 24 is better for the first watch~

Reuben Filimaua

It was hilarious watchin y'all frustrated with Okabe during the fight. Dude's not a fighter man give him some slack. And he's already mentally stressed with PTSD so ofc he's gonna be useless during a life-death situation 😂 Understandable either way, but was still just too funny


Sorry I’m lost with the schedule but are we getting the last steins gate tomorrow or next week?

Joey Zero

"What are you doing!! Don't just stand there!" Okabe rushes in and stabs Makise "OMG how could you do that you idiot!?!" Instant classic


basically, if he completely prevented his whole trip through time (that started with the first D-Mail), he would never have acted as he did (developing the time machine) & fallen in love with her (gave him the drive he needed to go through all this). Basically, he the "plot points" still need to happen, but he can fill in the blanks between them (because Okarin never checked if Kurisu on the ground was dead, he immediately ran & sent the first D-Mail, so it has no effect on his past self's actions if she's just unconcious & doesn't change that "plot point").


Before you start season 2 you have to watch the ova or it won’t make sense


Yess ep 23b. I wish they placed it together with that season but oh well


You are mostly correct about the start of the show and what he actually witnessed 👀 Point is, his future self is telling him to save Kurisu without changing the past itself because him witnessing her death is what starts all of this and leads them to the steins gate world line. Poor Okarin from all other timelines 🥲


fuckin hell I forgot there was a second season. Another 23 episodes of this sigh


Gotta watch Stein's Gate 0 after this.

Shin splits

I rather them not. Being really honest Steins gate 0 wasn’t that good. I feel like it’s better for them to end it off here

Shin splits

Tbh I rather them not watch Steins gate 0. It’s good if you are really into steins gate but for most ppl it’s really tedious imo. Also I don’t think it would be good for reactions since the the shoe is really slow yes even slower then the og series. Also personally speaking I don’t think it’s as good as the og series and then watching ep 24 and then maybe the ova would be a good wrap for the series as a whole.


Your opinion so fair for you. Most people are asking for their reaction to it and would watch it. There’s a lot of character development and towards the end it’s even more heartbreaking than the end of this season, regardless they’d find out for themselves as to whether it’s worth a watch. The beginning of SG0 isn’t boring at all, it’s different because of the contrast, there’s so much unanswered questions and mystery but definitely doesn’t have a slow start like this season because everything has already been introduced/established .


True but from the way they reacted from the beginning portion of this… I think they’ll be fine


The pacing of Steins gate 0 is actually a lot better. If anything it’s really mysterious in the beginning but they’ll see if they watch it.


Please give Steins Gate 0 a chance. Thank you


You should 100% finish the series and do zero in the future

Drake Rage

Bruh, I must have been so mind blown when I saw this the first time. I literally don't remember any of what happened this episode.


"you couldnt have given me the hint ?" laughs in steins gate 0

Caleb Taylor

steins gate 0 is trash

chou sion

your tripping lmao, that shit better than part 1 of steins gate

chou sion

so basically past rintaro has to see her dead, and sends the message to darui which was when he first switched world lines. it's a loop, he has to make the loop continue but also save kurisu