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The frustration!



as a firefighter/emt myself if the zombie apocalypse happens im sorry but family comes first, im out first chance i get

Cole M. Phillips

As usual, imma recommend Generator Rex In addition I also recommend Kiznaiver animated by the same people who did kill la kill if I recall correctly

Adam Gleaton

oh shit, that's some nostalgia right there. Generator rex was the shit.


I know there probably arent big on reacting to cartoons besides Avatar, but Ben 10 would probably be my highest recommendation, its got some length to it also.


Lupa fucking killed me this episode lol


Nam-ra did not saw her wiping off the blood from the stick she just saw her back and figured it out afterwards. Thats why Nam-ra said to her you did it and when the one girl said the name of the guy Nam-ra got her suspicions confirmed


Ben 10, Alien Force and Ultimate Alien yes a thousand times yes please

Asad Khabir

*knows zombies are infecting people* *sees someone stumble with a big fucking bite wound on their neck* 'Are you Ok!? What happened to you!?' Don't know mate. Maybe they came down with a cold.

Asad Khabir

For some reason the subtitles for you guys are different to what I got. The Professor didn't say there was a cure to the virus on his laptop. He said something along the lines of 'if there is a cure it would be in my laptop.' He probably meant that if you study the virus you might find a cure


couldnt change the system so he changed the people. damn


I lost it when Lupa just got up and left at the end lmfaooo

rickie woodson

this is korea not america. they dont carry guns on them like that, not even the cops. and they are trained to NOT use them first unlike in murica. so even if he had a gun on him his first instinct is to use non lethal force

Asad Khabir

Yeah lmao Roshi that was me too. Zombies on the stairs really said 'Aight Imma take a smoke break' and disappeared.

Asad Khabir

It's one of thise games where when you reach the save point the enemies despawn


I love how they reference shows in other shows like roshi saying how he started the rumbling lol

Asad Khabir

Also btw if you were wondering, pretty sure the other firefighter dude did get bit. I think the show writers kind of forget about that lol

Dontsop Keran

Ain’t no way sheera said to fight back against a dude with a knife💀

rickie woodson

what she means is, no matter the crime, if you did it cause you wanted to or forced to it doesnt matter, the crime was committed. in turns of murder "i didnt want to kill your son they made me do it or they would have killed me".......nobody wants to hear that. the person is still dead. she was still sexually assaulted/violated.

Immoral Mortal

Lol sheera cant remember anyone

rickie woodson

PUT THE PHONE IN YOUR POCKET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! 아이 진짜!

rickie woodson

and the knife has zombie blood on it. SHIT! and i just made a prediction that cheonson or baresu would die, most likely baresu so onjo can get with cheonson. now i dont know. maybe they will get the cure in time before someone has to kill cheonson

rickie woodson

just found out we got 12 eps in this season.........THATS TOO MUCH. im like "well this is the half way point". what the filler is going to happen to stretch it out for 8 more eps?


Could be totally wrong but it had something to do with aggression and it could be like she got none of that inside her cause she let herself get bullied (and didn't stand up for herself?). Basically she's a coward/peaceful.


OMG This show I can't. Dude just BO2 tomahawked him for no reason.

Ale D. Schuberg

Imma need a marathon of this reactions, peak content


nah im with roshi. fuck that public servant firefighter shit. if the public tryna eat me im going to find my kid. wtf I look like giving zombies a shower for some random politician.


Sheera's face when she's disgusted be having me dead


These AOU Are Dead reactions are golden 😆

Jun Rivera

So I think the suicidal Chick her instinct to live was low so the virus ignored her and thats why she has not turned I think the science professor has said something similar to that

Jun Rivera

Bruh that was so funny at the end I can believe how mad you guys were even tho all the episodes end in cliffhangers

Jun Rivera

He clean it off on his shirt and the last person he killed with it was the principal so maybe it won't do it

Big Daddy Dre

That’s the reason all them yakuza niggas keep them mini swords on them😂


NO FUCKING WAY BRUH🤦🏽‍♀️noooo whyy


Man I WISH yall would just upload more episodes😩I wanna binge the rest but it's better reacting with yall


Bruh what tf is that ending 😑😑😑😑

Barbara Mcfadden

I can’t wait for the next episode lol one of my favorites 😂

Smash Bran'Discootch

Nah, it happens quick but you see that he got his arm underneath the zombie's chin and managed to push it upward so the zombie couldn't bite him. The blood was from the zombie. I had to rewatch it twice to see.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah, she was. But so was he. Forcing him to film her was also sexual assault. What makes her trash is how she treated him, tried to guilt him into going down with the zombies. Just because someone has been abused does not give them the right to treat other people like shit and take it out on them. Trauma does not give you carte blanche to act however tf you want or to treat other people like shit and in turn bully them the same way you were bullied. All that does is make you just as much of a piece of trash as the people who bullied you.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Not gonna lie, I almost turned this show off at this episode. I was like, "You mean to tell me that this HIGHSCHOOLER, this CHILD threw a KITCHEN KNIFE, not a throwing knife, but a full on kitchen knife with a thick ass metal handle down a LONG ass hallway and it hit this dude with enough force to stab him and take his ass out? Seriously? Thats just fucking dumb. Aint no way in a million years that ever happens." I mean, dont get me wrong, I had fun with this show and i'm glad i didn't turn it off. If episode 3 hadn't been so good, i might have. Sometimes the writing in this show is just so damn good, and other times it just leaves me sitting there like, "Seriously bro? Like...why though?"

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah, i don't know why they thought she saw her just cause she was looking at her. Girl in the pink had her back to Nam-ra. Sometimes i think they forget that the people in the show don't know that they're in a TV show. Because in that situation, I know for a fact that the LAST thing i would be thinking is that someone would willingly infect someone else when we haven't even found a safe spot to shit yet. It just wouldn't register in my mind. I might think she was looking at the murder weapon or even if I saw her wiping the blood off i would just think it was to eliminate the possibility of accidentally infecting someone.

Maine West

Tune in to the next episode of "Who's gonna die next"


I feel you. This show has a lot of same appeal as recent goat tier anime. Hot to start, but it gets away with a lot of inconsistencies because of it's shock value. Still a solid ride, however.


It’s literally live action anime its meant to be goofy and stupid and just fun


Y'all need to watch Kingdom for an actual good Korean zombie show

Ky Williams

all these character arcs actually go somewhere just gotta keep watching

Jaime Ruiz

So I think if he did get stabbed, he’s gonna get himself w somehow, and turn into a zombie, but like the scientist. guy.

Jaime Ruiz

Don’t feel bad for her, dumbass girl was a part of the same group that bullied the hell out of the scientists kid.


Yo, in all honesty, this show was about as good as Hellbound. One has a better ending, however..

kurumi Tokisaki

Roshi im sorry but a zombie apocalypse come you still gotta do ya job. Ima need my content.


That would make a great poll, where would you rather be stationed in a zombie situation, the bathroom, somewhere with food, or the roof? 🤣

Joey Zero

Cops aren't trained to use them first in America lol. It's just some cops are trash at their jobs.

Joey Zero

Why was throwing the kitchen knife so crazy? I'm pretty sure it could easily impale someone from that range. Maybe not kill, but it wasn't such a crazy thing to try.

Joey Zero

IDK what y'all freaking out about. That knife throw looked pretty clean to me.

Smash Bran'Discootch

The balance on that knife is totally wromg for throwing. Like they make knives specifically for throwing. With that big fat handle spinning through the air like that, since the two sides of the knife have different weights it kills the momentum because it cant spin equally. I mean this whole debate is moot anywy but i aint trying to spoil anything.

abdulrahman fahad

i love you guys so much amazing reaction


personally, this is one of the shows where you can just turn off your brain and be like 'haha zombies'


Since the witcher is done. If you guys are looking for a live-action replacement, I recommend The Peaky Blinders


Not everything is a character arc though, some plot points just highlight the hopelessness of this virus. Whether you're alive or dead, it's messed up. You're gonna lose your loved ones, children are going to perish, nobody wins


Just want to add on for future reaction, the main characters are high school students which means they're KIDS. There will be some choices they make that will frustrate you cause we all are adults watching. Lastly, since it is in a Korean Zombie film there are some culture aspect that the characters will or wont do that'll make you confused, such as obeying adults without questions and other stuff (no spoilers) So yeah, keep up these great reaction.


It's because the zombies were getting stuck at the front of the staircase due to how many were trying to fit into the small opening. The water from the hose also caused them to get slowed down, that's why there's no zombies chasing him. Plus they literally showed that the zombie were stuck in the scene where the firefighter was fighting off the zombie trying to eat his elbow.


Nah bro, not Ja! 😂😂

KSR Petite

01:03:00 zombie got stuck up... thats why they dont chase the father... you can check again.

KSR Petite

No, he killed a zombie after killed the principal.. when cheongsan running outside from the principal office.. but i donth think the knife will stabbed him,, maybe just the knife handle...

KSR Petite

I think Scare/Fear are the one that makes human turned into a zombie after get bit,, I think Eunji not scare thats why she didnt turn? Idk or maybe she's just immune?


The actual virus knows 🙄😭☠️


im guessing the virus acts more like a venom than a poison, meaning it would need to enter the bloodstream through bites, cuts, and scrapes rather than be ingested through the mouth. since no one that got blood in their mouth has turned from what i can see.


I think for your own enjoyment, stop wondering about arcs...for me the beauty of this show was the wide range and intensity of its emotions.


The Professor explained it, it's about will to survive. She was so intent on destroying the phones and avoiding shame that she willed the zombie "twitches" away


I think it's the opposite, her will was stronger than the virus


They mentioned in the first couple episodes that the reason a parasite would take over a snail is it has a greater will to live. They mention in this episode that she "is dying to live", hence her will to live is stronger than the virus so she isnt turning. Its not completely clean but they reference that numerous times throughout the show

Mikaele Rosecrans

When dae-Sue was suggesting to poop out the window and Lupa said that whole idea went out the window I thought of all people Roshi’s dumbass would say Literally 😂😭


The girl isn't turning right away because her will to live is stronger than the virus. The show tries to set it up, albeit not cleanly, with the professors speech on how if a parasite infects a snail, it will prevail not because its smarter but because it's will to survive is stronger which would explain Roshis observation of the professor not acting like the rest of the zombies when he was bitten and walking around. On the roof, the boy says to her that he can tell she doesnt want to die but is rather "dying to live" which is evident in her trying to destroy all the phones. I think the reason the zombies leave her alone is because she is infected, she just hasnt been consumed by it but rather shes like a mutation. Not saying it makes sense, but i think thats what the show has been trying to setup


Naaaaahh Roshi you and Lupa on that phone part had me actually screaming LMAOOOOOOOOOO you two are too fucking funny together istg

Drake Rage

Nah, they better NOT kill that man. He is like the only likable character right now. Straight up trash show if he dies.


Lmao, in that scene with the firefighters what did you want them to do? Go down with no weapons and try to help buddy fight off a horde of zombies? What would have been the point just for them to all die? They did everything they could. His friend even waited to see if he would come up. If he did, he could help him. If not, he could run through the door. I would say that scene was the perfect series of events that could have taken place. Everyone played their part, helped each other out and escaped. No one sacrificed anyone else.

Quinton Campbell

They expect everyone in this show to have answers for a situation no school lesson, occupation, or everyday life skill could prepare them for. If we went by everything yall would n wouldn't do, this series would be 5 minutes long 😂 yall are frustrated by the wrong things yo

Quinton Campbell

And then sheera wanted this man to fight back the nigga holding the knife 😂😂😂 ma'am

Melvin turman

If y'all are into this show y'all should react to the anime highschool of the dead

Earphone Jack



Loving the reactions. Dang, I really wish y'all would react to Sweet Home. I feel like you guys would really enjoy it like this show!!!


I don't know about that man. I'm fairly certain a lot of the mfs that turned already had fairly strong wills to live. Either way home girl didn't want people to see her titties so badly that she was willing to let a bunch of zombies munch on her ass and then shake off a whole ass virus. Either way her priorities are fucked and that dude is way better than me cause I wouldve let her ass drop a long time ago instead of arguing with her all night to stay alive.


so many things to say but i’ll just say i cant wait for more of these reactions. i love when you guys predict things and i sit there smiling at whether you get the predictions right or not. nonetheless, im so excited for the next episode reactions!!

Antoine Cooper

Nam-ra didn't actually witness the girl wiping the stick with her handkerchief. In the quick flashback, it shows her turning away when the girl's back was to her. I think she just came to the realization and put it together after the fact since they were the only two in the back of the room. I mean, to be fair, I don't think anyone would expect a classmate to purposely kill another classmate.


i swear this man lupa is damn funny at the end HAHAHA


I cant wait for the next episode of Sheera's "This is what I would've done" in the series called "No shit"


This is a great show to react to but holy shit the writing on this show is ass.


Has one of the worst endings I've ever seen lmao


that show is wild, the physics!! ( . Y . )

Lamaree Jackson

Shit reminds me of Lost. A show with a whole plot and story to tell, but seems so random on an episode to episode basis. Just crazy shit happening to show that crazy shit happens.


@Camryn2223 even then they would have been able to funnel multiple zombies through the stairway. It was just for plot convenience them boys took a break on the stairs XD


When does the constant complaining end with Sheera? You're even getting mad at Cheong for not fighting a nigga with a kitchen knife now. This is even worse than Lupa's reactions in Arcane cause at least in Arcane, Jinx was the only character he bitched about and he had some valid reason for disliking her, it's just he took it too far with Jinx and didn't try to see it from both sides but you're getting mad at literally every character and every action they make that doesn't line up exactly with yours. Like you're seriously getting too stressed out over a tv show and it's freaking annoying.


Very rude comment because Lupa and Roshi saying obvious things too. Although this comment made me laugh


Bruh if you ever watch horror movies, like this is what we black people do. Cuz for some reason they all lack common sense


Maybe they assumed it to emulate like some sort of kunai


Its more like the virus acts very different. Only when they are in fear of death or want to die is when the virus takes over. Throughout the show, the time to turn varies because of hysteria.


it's just annoying to see. people at this point just wanna complain and not enjoy the reactions. sad to see, they are great and if you dislike the reactions just leave. so annoying.

Zazies Beret

Y'all really be acting weird in these comments. Why do you care so much about how someone reacts in the moment to a FICTIONAL tv show? In a sense, even if Jinx did nothing wrong and Lupa simply just hated her character who cares?? This shit is all subjective, so if Sheera or anyone thinks the characters are being dumb or possibly even smart they can very well interpret it as such. You reaction obsessed niggas need to log out.

Rain storms

My dude no one cares about your input if u have a problem with someone's reaction toward something just stfu there's no really no reason for u to get this worked up over nothing but a reaction you don't like it tough luck move on fuck you and fuck your input leave them be


Sheera or anybody getting mad at dumb decisions is fine but Sheera is literally getting mad over shit she wouldn't even do herself, like what I said earlier about fighting buddy with the knife. It's easy to say "I would do this" or "I wouldn't do that" but when you're actually tossed in the situation it's different. I mean have you seen Roshi and Sheera stream horror games like Outlast? Sheera will get mad at Roshi for panicking during chasing segments but when Roshi hands over the controller to Sheera now she's suddenly too afraid to even play or move the character when anything slightly scary happens cause she's the one holding the controller now. So yeah Sheera just mad annoying/hypocritical in horror genres cause she always expects people to do shit she wouldn't do herself. Any other reaction she's fine but I just knew she was going to be extra af in this show.


@Rain storms, Sorry there's a comment section for a reason, just like you have the right to complain about my comments, I have the right to complain about the reaction.


if you don't like it don't watch it meat riding bald bitch


I can't wait until the 5th episode. I use to get so triggered over reactions but I've come to just accept(and enjoy) them. You three are among my favorite reactors(whether I agree with your POVs or not.) Thank you for the hilarious and fun times

Yolo Samurai

At the end of the day, once you get into the "If that were me" 's then you've already lost the context of the story. The reality is that these characters aren't you and they are not always going to do the things you perceive yourself doing in these situations. I'm not mad at you guys though because lots of people think that way when they watch these end of the world type of shows, I just never get why people fail to remember that perspective.


So he is done right the knife had infected blood on it so if it cut him at all he is toast


People paid to watch these reactions and paid to leave any type of comment they want. Stop white knighting the Roshi gang because they probably don't give a shit and/or probably understand they themselves can be annoying at times, but that's the fun of a reaction. Just be happy nobody is being NASTY like people get on twitter/facebook.


They can complain all they want. They paid money to see it and they paid money to leave any kind of comment they want about the reaction. At the end of the day, Roshi gang still gets money. Be happy this isn't Twitter or Facebook where people would leave actual nasty comments. The feedback you find annoying is very tame.

Isaac Cobbinah

lool what the hell are u on? so justify the girl leaving the safety of the roof to go destroy some cell phones

Yolo Samurai

Well she was ready to commit suicide already, so safety wasnt a concern for her to begin with. Thank you for proving my point.

Isaac Cobbinah

lol they are teenagers smart enough to use smartphones, they arent some toddlers, these guys in this show dont use common sense most of the time


When is using a smartphone have to do with rationally thinking in a Zombie attack? So you saying at the age of 15 or 16 you would absolutely know how to think straight and work your way around major and minor obstacles when hundreds of dead kids come after you? The show emphasizes on that aspect which makes it realistic not some bs fiction where everything goes into plan with sick action sequence.


Someone being recorded is different than doing the recording. That argument doesn’t hold up. And he didn’t tell her that dude was extorting him for money over that post. Dudes a punk, we see it in his character. She didn’t force him to follow, so how did she treat him?


How yall mad about what the comment said when that's the point of a reaction. Yes, it's their reaction, and it's the viewers job to have opinions on said reaction. All opinions aren't going to be good or positive, and I personally found Sheera's constant complaining annoying too. There's nothing wrong in what they said. Yall acting like they told Sheera to die or some but all they said was she was being annoying, which I and other people thought so too. Yall some dick riders.

Steven H.

he wiped it on his shirt after he killed the teacher, so idk

Kyojin Kirā

water is the biggest problem. if you cant find a water source, you die in 3 or less days. you can go without food for a long time, hell some people can go without it for months

Mikaele Rosecrans

Lupa I want to Dab u up on that CD one bro 😂😂😭😭 3 days without water 3 weeks without food would be the max

Mikaele Rosecrans

One thing I’ve come up with why these two never turn was the desperate hatred and Willingness to get something done that overcame the fear of being scared like that girl she was focused on the post that was gonna be posted she had determination and she lived through the Fear most of her school years


Yeah but then he stabs one in the neck before he throws it so I guess we have to wait and see.


yea this series will get u pissed w so many characters 😭😭 esp w the suicidal girl

Infinite Ree

true. episode 5 is where I lost my shit. this show is wiiiiiiillllllld

Azzy V

I understand everyone has opinions but if you dont like it you dont have to say anything they are making reaction content for us to enjoy and if you dont like it dont pay for it simple. you are allowed to have an opinion but try to be considered of others because you dont have to be here. So moral of the story is everybody just stfu and enjoy the reaction if you dont like like gtfo simple as that !!!


LOL My man walks out of the interrogation room and sees the zombies like "daaaamn that's craaaazy."

Papa Souls

aight people r just scum in this world, AY YO ZOMBIES buffet right here cause im done. yall can eat me


Smash.. Putting recording someone on the same level as being recorded in such a situation on the same level is absolutely ridiculous. The rest of your point is valid but it kinda makes your whole statement seem off when you begin with that