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that girl can die straight up





yall so real for this




I already know who you're talking about 💀

Smash Bran'Discootch

It just goes to show how good that actress is. We HATE her here, but we loved her in Squid Game when she dropped that marble and gave her life up.


Same bruh. I just read the description and shit was so obvious who they were referring to lmao


omg i’ve been waiting 😭 i didn’t want to watch on my own

Dezmond Broadway

Push me to the edge all of us are dead 🧟‍♂️


I was doing homework and twitching/waiting for the notification sound






i love you. thanks


Been waiting for yall to drop this, Turn Up!!!!!!!!!!

Justin Jefferson

Man she is a good actress because she had me yelling at the screen when i was watching this the first time lol.

Andy Jarquin

Damn I bet nobody fucked with Roshi during sleep overs while growing up lmao they knew they’d get a face full of dookie

Smash Bran'Discootch

Really? At my high school it would have been met with a "Yeah? And? Everyone else here is on welfare too."

rickie woodson

korean culture lesson time: respect for your elders is very serious and there is a whole social structure around it. there are two forms of speech, formal and informal. you should always speak to your elders in formal korean unless they give you permission to speak informally (usually only with close friends). even when drinking together, the youngest must serve the drinks pouring for the eldest first, so forth and so on. just think of it as the japanese "honor"


Nam-ra didn't actually saw her wipe the broom, she only saw her back. She connected everything only when she noticed Na-yeon grab his hand. It was too late to say anything, no reason stirring things up at that moment.

Derrick Vang

Had to stop watchin the show after this episode lol it got me too upset


Okay who is worst this chick or the one guy who fucked everyone in train to Busan?


wouldve been cool if he turned into a sentient zombie

rickie woodson

that was a great "acting" episode. amazing job all around


she wouldve caught the meanest right hook if i was in that room


Ms. Park is a great and caring, but also incredibly reactive teacher. I understand her desire to help her students, but she is so BAD at actually protecting them with foresight! I think her kindness is amazing to reflect that 'caring' teacher role model, but she needs to be better at predicting WHAT can go wrong and ameliorating it before it happens.

Crow's Nest

It's crazy cause imagine if that was lupa or roshi or your bestfriend she did that to, she would not have gotten away with a shove in america.

Ryan Hill

Note to self: gain ultimate Roshi loyalty by cooking for him.


This whole reaction series is gonna be Sheera yellin at the screen. This shit is a exercise in frustration 😂


dam bro the gene to not react what so ever with useful info seems to be apart of that bloodline as both her and her father seem to only ever do anything after the fact lmao


Was that.... EMOTION roshi??????


Police in other countries don't really use guns unless it's a gun threat. It was called as just a virus as well, so they treated it as just rioters.


Mrs. Park gets the most stupid ass teacher award


Nah first time these three are chiller then me cause I would’ve crushed her skull cause impossible you killing niggas right now and if he was a homie oh hell nah I would’ve turn the announcement room in a torture chamber. Oh and btw lupa even animals/beasts respects the hand that feeds them so the nigga is just trash 😂😂.




Nah bc I already seen this show but lupa screaming when that zombie came through the window made me shit my pants 😭

Bobby Robinson

Daaaaaamn they got roshi to tear up!!!!!


Ok. So who is the worst: this bitch in pink sweater or the guy that had many people killed in Busan?


Nah. I was with Sheera the first two episodes. Now she definitely not being realistic🤣


No she's way worse, these kids know each other. That guy was for himself from the go. And he did it to survive, she was being vindictive and cruel


It gets even better though, but also sadder than that. It's just so beautiful


Nayeon is a terrible person but shoutout to Lee Yoomi for her performance, girl is acting her ass off

tana tana

they got my boy roshi cryinnn

Jai Carter

First genuine time seeing roshi cry!!

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also Sheera hit the nail on the head with my main gripe about this show. If those people had been getting zombie blood in their mouth and eyes, they would absolutely have turned. It's not like the virus made the zombies grow venom sacks in their mouths or anything. So Sheera, for the sake of your sanity, just know that this zombie virus doesn't have any rules. At all. Well, maybe once or twice just for plot convenience, but then they immediately contradict themselves later. The writing on this show, while at sometimes it SHINES, other times it's really really poor. But yeah, the fact that this zombie virus doesn't have any actual rules like any other zombie media might throw your Sheeringan off a bit.

Deku Kana

the way I’ve stomp this bitch


yall forgot they literally mentioned train to busan in like episode 1 lol and searched for zombies on the interwebs


Ouuu lord I just want to beat the fuck out of that girl so fucking sad what she did to that boy

Davon Thomas

Basically it's a korean film capitalizing on zombies films because of how much people liked Train to Busan.

Mikaele Rosecrans

I lowkey kinda cried n shit like he was a male he has so much capability to help n shit n I wanted to kill her as well

Scott Riley Adrueno

The bully literally killed the victim straight up


Sheera: So ya'll not going to make her apologize? *moments later* Sheera: I told ya'll this was a bad idea! Honestly I'm just going to try and filter Sheera out in these reactions.

kurumi Tokisaki

Teacher: If you cause someone else to die, living becomes meaningless. The crew: yep! ....wait why is she helping her lol. I'm gonna be the odd one out here and say that pink sweater chick would be a lot relatable to more people than you think. They don't fully know how you turn (honestly the show has plot holes with this in general). She is a child that made a mistake and would be in juvie not thrown out a window. She was scared and would probably survive longer by herself than in a group of students that let anybody come in and turn. TBH i would've been more like kitchen dude anyway. Hate me :p

Jaime Ruiz

Haha fucking dumbass teacher.


Bruh I would've spartan kicked her ass out the damn window after I found out she killed my friend. Like all cause you wanted to be right? Bitch go die.


My nigga weeped! Been a minute since Roshi turned on the waterworks 🤣

Joey Zero

Listen, I hate pink shirt as much as the next guy, but I really couldn't blame her for being cautious in that moment. They have no idea whether or not being scratched also turns you and his nose was bleeding just like the friend and the teacher who turned. She sucks, but it was smart to be cautious there, because if she was right and everyone ignored her, they all would have been clapped. Of course, this is before she killed the guy lol

Tim Chaos

At this point I’m just watching this show as if it’s a comedy 🤷‍♂️ stupidest characters in a zombie show lol


At the beginning this may have been fine, but she literally went in the booth and rubbed the blood on him just to show that she was right. So this wasn’t about her being cautious, it was just her wanting to show them that people had to listen to whatever she said.


I don't think Namra saw what Na Yeon did completely, she suspected it and put it together a little later

Adrian Valiente

"Shes gonna apologize". What about her character up until now makes you think shes apologizing lmao.


They know what zombies are remember they referenced train to busan


Kick that bitch in the ribs.

Arima Kana

roshi cried. that's really rare lol

KSR Petite

Namra (Class prez) didnt know what will nayeon (pink sweater) do, yes she saw her wiped the blood from the stick but she didnt know what she's do that. She also didnt know by wiped the blood to some wound can makes someone turned,, they only know if its a bite. She start to put together the pieces,, and you can see she tried to makes nayeon confirm first.. she only said "I saw,, you did it" but she never mentioned about gyeong su,, Nayeon the one who mentioned gyeongsu,, I think start from there she confirmed that nayeon killed gyeongsu by wiped the blood to his wound.


Ms. Park wins the dumb-as-fuck teacher award.


The teacher is ducking trash for going after that psychopathic murderer


The girl didn't actually see her wipe it, she saw her go over to the stick and then put 2 and 2 together after she went in there and he came out infected


After she left I would open the door again and scream like I never screamed before only too kill her faster

Quinton Campbell

How is Prez trash? Keep in mind WE SEE THE PLOT, Prez was being cautious, and overall I'm sure she didn't want to come off like that pink sweater bitch and accuse someone of something that hasn't happened yet.


"She cooked you food! What's wrong with you" lol


i don’t think you guys noticed but the actress that plays the really annoying girl in the pink sweater was actually in squid game! She was the girl in the bob that sacrificed herself in the marble game for the main girl lol she played two completely opposite characters— selfless vs selfish


Roshi, hierarchy is really important in Korea. You always need to respect people older than you.

Jade Pinnock

Btw the annoying girl is Jiyeong from squid game! (girl who sacrificed herself for 67)


Nah they did my guy so wrong, someone send this bitch into the void.


yall notice nobody used the chair for the window Zombie, "L Script" LOL


wish all of written story fit our narrative of our past understating of all story written. that leaves for no space for space creativity .


This is a crazy show

Savage2fresh 60

looks like we found our sang-woo lol!

Isaac Cobbinah

the story is decent, and your reactions are making it easy to watch but man the acting is soo meh


Literally worse than RACHEL, she is for the STREETS!

aya thedestroya

Not yall referencing Highschool of the Dead and the False Alarm MV,, yall rlly my ppl loll 🤣