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Someone needs to call the police on Araragi



araragi the goat


besides the nude loli this ep is great

Sebastian Stróż

Awesome reaction as always and keep them speculations coming because it's real fun watching someone watching it for the first time trying to figure it all out. Now to the episode. I really love this Nise episode because it really showcases bond between Araragi and Shinobu (also why it's so important to watch Kizu first). As you probably noticed, Araragi freaks out then he sees a girl and naked one almost sends him to grave from excitement. That's totally not the case with Shinobu because they have a very, very different bond. Also as much as I really hate this argument (400 y/o vampire) for her it makes sense as her form is a direct representation of her power.


Now this the kind of content that has me edging on edge that conversation was deep between shinobu and araragi.


The lolicon aside this is one of my favorite episodes in the whole monogatari series, it’s the closest to the books the anime ever got for me. The raw personality of Heart under blade and araragi going on and on for ten minutes straight, their physcallity portrayed masterfully. There’s never any attention called to it, but they shoot the shit like a proper team. And the confidence Heart Under Blade feels in her body, regardless of the form in now takes speaks leagues of her age and wisdom. She’s a confidant woman stuck in a child’s body, but she refuses to let her partner get any amount of gain on her for it. And you can also tell that Araragi doesn’t particularly get anything sexual out of the experience by watching the camera. There’s a bit of tacit intrigue, but nothing close to what was happening with Kanberu. A master class of a scene for me. God these books were so good, and left a lot more to the imagination as well.


100% the camera work is far more subdued in comparison to the Kanberu scene, these two and their rivalries of thought outclass all the others for me, all though Kanberu can be fun with what she brings to the table.

None None

One of my favorite things is that half of this episode is a nude loli, but it's almost completely non-sexual (the only two expectations are when she's teasing Araragi about being a lolicon and a brief moment when she's trying to seduce him). It really shows how differently Arararagi views Shinobu compared to every other girl in this show. Also, that pose Shinobu's doing around the 13 minute mark, where she tilts her head at a weird angle while looking over her shoulder, is the infamous "SHAFT head tilt". SHAFT Animation is notorious for over-using that pose, so it got elevated to meme status. It become so well-known that even non-SHAFT anime started doing it as a joke (Kaguya-sama did it all the blasted time).


Like, the fact Araragi basically ignores the fact hes in the bathtub with a naked kid until SHE mentions it to tease him pretty much says it all. Dude just doesnt see her in any kinda sexual way, he's more flustered that she showed up and started running her mouth than anything else. The camera keeps pointing out "yo, lookit all this nudity goin on" while both characters are more fixated on washing hair and having a chat.


I'll add a lil something, at least from my perspective. This show gets better and better the more you go into the other seasons, the story just expands and stuff. The writing really is top level.

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

Yeah, this is the reason why we suggested watching Kizumonogatari right after Bakemonogatari and it's to cover the dynamic between Shinobu and Araragi because as you guys have said, throughout the whole Bakemonogatari, Shinobu did not talk and it will throw you off if you watched this without watching Kizu. Pretty good stuff and looking forward to the next episode!


SHAFT characters dont have necks, they have ball joints. lol


Don't be like that, it was not sexualised. In Europe most countries have countless statues of angels in public places. Angels normally are shown as naked little kids with minimal or no clothing to show their immaculateness. There are even fountains where they pee in. I always found that funny :D Different countries different culture.

Taylor Moon

One of my fav episodes xD


It may or may not be coincidence that my favorite Monogatari season (also one of my favorite seasons of anime, period) is the one where Araragi almost never appears.


shinobu best legal loli in all of anime

Jose silva

one of a kind series, the further you get the more you realize how unique it is. Specially the characters.


character designs change a lot along the series and i think it's cool having an anime where people don't look the same every time

Tyrone Arcega

Please watch drifters.


is it only me or everyone else have trouble with loading video?


Kidding with what? Those statues are real, it is considered normal in most European countries. You will also find them beside naked adults. Only because statues or paintings have nudity in them doesn't mean it is sexualized. Otherwise it is a cultural thing.

James Ancester

keep huffing that copium bruh. You can still like the series without doing mental gymnastics trying to justify the objectively weird parts of the show.


Oh believe me I'm not justifying hachikuji or other weird scenes. It's a you problem when you think nudity is always sexual ;)


Idk if yall fucks with Star Wars, but the Kenobi trailer dropped and it is HYPE


Shinobu so peak


I mean, I do think that this interaction specifically wasn’t sexual at all apart from quite literally one joke. It’s more the problem with American culture viewing any type of nudity as explicitly sexual regardless of context.


shinobu theme is such a banger

AlexXis Amadeus

"Trauma bond" is a great way to describe Araragi and Shinobu's relationship.


Coming back on it now I realized how nice they animated their hand movements in the bathtub, props to the team