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Jayce is RAW!

Arcane Ep 9 Reaction when?



Bro when Singed was talkin about how he had a daughter was he talkin about the mutant he was forcing to stay alive when Viktor was a kid?


No, but the results of that experiment is what he wants to use for his daughter. You'll see if Arcane season 2 delves deeper into Singed.




Tell me youre dropping 9, cus its just one epsiode :))))))

FabriZzio Pz

I love these people


The fact that Sky is also the same girl from Viktor's flashback makes her death more depressing. It's already too late when Viktor found out that she has feelings or actually cares for him.


Oh shit No idea Viktors mentor was Singed


lupa really forgot singed was there with silco from the beginning lmao

Nelson W

"For mining? yeah " have me dead, LMAO

Big Daddy Dre

Heimindinger use to shoot dice bruh blew into his hand and started shakin only thing he didn’t do was snap 😂😂


"all it takes is one disagreement in the mines" im fucking dead dawg

Manuel Granados

The way Roshi screamed at the end 😂😂


Fuck that I’m body shaming that bitch look like she can eat mike Tyson. She got early wwe rock body type with the face of every old black strong actress in movies.

Big Juls

"for mining???" omg LUPA 😭


lupa got humbled real quick when he had the taste of the hammer

Overlord Saber

Bruh, fuck that kid. He got like 10 people killed touchin that button, no sympathy


They probably just told those kids to push the button when the cops show up. I don’t think he deserved to get clapped for that.


bro lupa with the ending sound HAHAHA


Sky admired Victor. She was interested in him and had wanted to interact more with him but every time she tried he would just say he wanted to stay at the lab. Too focused on his work given how little time he had left. Life coming to a close and desperate to sacrifice everything for more time. Its depressing that the one night she chose to go back to share her research with him was the day he decided to gamble it all. His gamble cost him the woman he grew up with, no words to how devasted he must have been.




Seems like you maybe didn't notice but that's the same doctor who fed the Cat to the Rat the first episode and got lit on fire by Jinx's bomb episode 3.


Yeah, didn't notice that the girl in Viktor's childhood flashback was her at first, but it's sad.


Jayce's Mining Gear are not weapons but can be used as such. Think of it like Promare's final fight. That huge mech at the end was designed only for building/terraforming the new planet they were gonna inhabit once they find a suitable place but the dude ended up using it perfectly fine for fighting which was hilarious. It shows that it doesn't matter what you make that's for something practical, it can always be used as a weapon regardless. I mean a shovel isn't a weapon but I sure can use it like one.


"all it takes is one Disagreement" oh god please STOP!!! LOL!! I AM LOSING MY ULTIMATE SHIT!! AHAHAHAAH!


lol Lupa, you do realize we have Hammers that are tools to build things, yet believe it or not they can still be used to F* some one up. Does that mean we stopped building hammers? Chainsaws & Axes to harvest lumber, again pretty sure they can mess some one up real bad.

Quinton Campbell

That doctor is the nigga that got fucked up in the warehouse explosion


The scientist that 'saved' Jinx was the same scientist in the first 3 episodes that made shimmer with Silco and of course the same one Viktor met in his childhood. The scientist that also got hurt by Jinx' explosion in the third episode, which is why he's scarred.


“That’s traumatizing as a kid” bro💀




alot of people are saying that there is too much lore to get into and to not waste ur time. DO NOT LISTEN TO THEM PLZ there is a man named Necrit on youtube who has made an up to date timeline of the league universe. the video is like 20 mins long so it isnt that much of a time commitment

Matthew Osteen

Nah bro that hammer was for building houses lol

rickie woodson

cobra kai night cobra kai night! to ramen or not to ramen, THAT is the question


lupa's hair looks dope, what's the style called?


I’m surprised y’all ain’t have more to say about Caitlyn having her old school R&B music video shower cry moment with the flashback 😂😂😂

Ky Williams

he got twisties basically starting dreads and he has them braided to the back


Momdara got me like 😍😍😍


Nigga Jayce fr said he made them for mining foh those shits are for giving out HANDS


That kid should not have been there to get clapped by the Ray Hammer lol

Sebastian Ayala

Jayce is the mvp, fucks mel and pops off with the hammer!


Hextech taken down by 76 lawsuits im dead


yo btw, that super speed monster is actually an easter egg cause their helmet is actually a item you can buy. Tank-type characters use it and it has an active ability where it speeds you up for the next few seconds. It is as scary as it was in the series whenever you see one of those characters runnin at you at mach 10.

Will Jones

Those gloves were made to "mine" souls.


EDITOR... please.... you gotta edit that Roshi scream at the end into random highlights in the future

Steven Fechter

Bruh they gave the lesbian character GIANT FISTS FOR WEAPONS. That has to be a joke, and now Caitlyn is getting jumped because she was too busy crying over Vi (who is doing some FISTING with Jayce now)


those gloves were made to mine graves and secure the material that goes into them


Yeah of course he knows him that's the doc that worked with Silco in episode 1.

Illusary Illustrater

me when roshi said what is his spine made of: nothin now

Immoral Mortal

lol big daddys, Didnt know roshi played bioshock


Jayce: we will never make weapons Also Jayce: Hammertime

Mirz Mirz

respectfully thats entirely sky's fault why would she ever do that wth


Ok so is Hextech weightless? I know nothing about the lore of League and if they explained it in the show I missed it but how are Vi and Jayce swinging around giant metal weapons does the gemstones magic help? Or is it implied that they are fit enough to actually do it.


The magic helps them. Like when Jayce showed off the gauntlet by picking up a huge rock with one hand


I heard somewhere that falling from a great height could cause your shoes to go flying off. The force from hitting the ground is gonna cause a lot of pressure inside your body. Bottom of your feet is often where shit gives first causing your insides to shoot outside, knocking your shoes off.


yeah there's even the little detail that Jayce is struggling to move his hand with the glove on until he puts in the gem. The first thing they did with hextech was zero gravity so it's plausible there's a system helping them with the weight, AND they happen to be super fit


its a little bit of a reach but there are real life associations to molecular flux and weightlessness. i.e, if you spin something extremely heavy on an axis it sends it inertia in all directions making it almost weightless. If arcane energy is this powerful then i would hazard to assume it can have similiar effects on its own inertia at an apparent state of rest. there is anti gravity as well built into the hexcore. but these items can be used to stop and rewind time itself to if they can mess with tachyons than i dont think weightlessness is too far off the spectrum