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welp, Marcus is in trouble lol



lets go


I clicked so fast when I got the notification LOL less Gooooo




Bro if we getting episode 6 I'm gonna cry




they got my mans roshi working hard in the basement rn i ain’t complaining tho


I immediately drop everything for these reactions lmao

Garrett Malone

Here I am expecting Harley Quinn Wednesday and get surprised by another double arcane drop. (Hoot Hoot)They must really like this show.

Smash Bran'Discootch

It's probably a combination of them really liking them and the amount of interaction these videos get. I was looking at the number of comments per episode and they outweigh like everything else they're watching right now. Even if like half the comments are toxic af lol

Deric Jackson

"Crimes of grindlewald" Roshi leave


You guys are killing it with the uploads, but don’t get burned out or anything! Love you guys!!


Really like Caitlyn's character design...... for reasons. But my favorite character so far is Jinx. I like and appreciate her COMPLEXITY as a character.


Mirror's Edge: League of Legends Version


Props to you guys for the binge haha. You know we wanted to binge it too.




Why does Mel have to be nefarious and sinister? Why can't she just be one of the "good people?" Y'all are experts in random assumptions right out of your asses, it's both amusing and irritating at the same time lol.


Bruh I've seen many reactors think the same thing. She comes off like she's plotting something. It aint that serious

Smash Bran'Discootch

Well, if you remember, immediately after the scene with Jayce and Viktor in the hospital, the cards that were laid down were Death and The Magician. I don't know shit about league of legends, but that seemed pretty on the nose symbolism.


Idk y y’all don’t like jinx. She’s my favorite and she’s hot

ka9k 1

She is fine as hell, but everyone knows that you don't stick your dick in crazy

Ranginald Vagel

Vi surprisingly stable for someone who spent years in jail getting abused she’s tough as hell


Funny that you mentioned them maybe coming out with new games bc of this, earlier this week they dropped a full turn based narrative rpg (really good) and a puzzle sidescroller, with a street-fighter style fighting game in the works.


You can check the "Council Archives" from the homepage of League Client to check her files and you'll see what she did inside the prison. In short, she murdered, mutilated, beat up Silco's people and feared by a lot of inmates.


Vi and Caitlyn's dynamic is amazing


Don't forget about the MMO. Gonna be a long time but can't wait for it.

Jak The Rifter

mirrors' edge with vi and set in that city

sotonye ogan

The way Jinx moves is dope as hell ngl my fav character by far 😂


To copy my comment from a previous episode, because they probably didn't see it and I feel like some context need to be given to the different technologies: "So, there's basically 3 technologies. Regular technology/science, basically what Piltover already had. Hextech, which gives off the blue-ish glow, empowered by the gems. Chemtech, which gives off the greenish hue and smoke, which is powered by chemicals. "


The young violinist is a cameo of famous violinist Ray Chen - he also played all the solos.


how can anyone watch that funeral scene with that young girl and still defend jinx? yes she has reasons for turning into a psychopath, but shes still beyond redemption imo


shes crazy not a psychopath. psychopaths are born with no empathy or emotions for others. clearly jinx is not that way as she has ALOT of emotional trauma and attachment towards Vi and even Silco. She might be a sociopath but even thats hard to say since shes really just emotionally unstable. Same reason ppl like Joker. Sometimes crazy is what people enjoy watching. Nobody talking about redemption out here. There are plenty of villains in shows that are beyond redemption but at the top of the popularity list.


Vi got HANDS man.


Lupa be like: "YO! Is that Chekov's gun? He's gonna want that back!"


they actually started on a fighting game with league of legends characters


Homegirl got baptisized in the flint water supply.


So the only people that would not know Vi uses the gauntlets are poeple that have no idea what League, this and the Monster Hunter movie really depend on you being a fan to get the full effect still good though.

Bully Finch

The score playing during the sinister sex was Disney af.


My face after their speculations at the end of the episode


Pretty sure in episode 3 when Silco went up to jinx to get her to join him, he had a knife that was bloody and it then panned to Vi in the alleyway holding her gut as if she was stabbed but maybe im over thinking it


Sinister sex xD

Tim Chaos

Sinister Sex part…4? Roshi slays me every time it happens 😂💀


14:24 they are already doing that, there's a fighting game coming out, an ARPG, a turn based RPG which just came out and another game featuring heimerdinger that also just came out.


i have to thank you guys for giving me the term sinister sex lmao

Mozart Waddell

What in the sinful baptism 😬

Jay Herbo

Any Lucifer fans(I'm tryna figure out if jaces VA is Dan)


32:06 Reminds me of the scene from suicide squad "Would you live for me"


That magic the gathering joke hahaha


35:32 call that shit the cunt punt.

by chances

lupagan please stop working full time XD