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aaaand now shes nuts lol


joshua barnett

Powder/jinx is my favorite character

Jdogzero Silverblade

Shira: shes a loose canon Jinx's title: Jinx The Loose Canon. XD


I know this reaction was ages ago but I hate that thinking about "Oh, a kid do wrong, but let's leave it alone to take responsability" but then years later "Oh, I knew it was going to become a terrorist". Dude, literally humans are always the same. We don't stop to think logically about stuff, we just throw emotional stuff at others and then we can't even stop at what point we could've change things. Powder did something horrible but we don't stop for a moment the huge amount of stuff Vi made Powder to do when she was literally a kid with 0 understanding about what was happenning. The only thing she was always thinking is how she could be useful to her sister, to be like her, but only one time Vi stopped to say "hey, there's nothing bad to be different" but it was already too late. She didn't took the time to explain to her the meaning about that. Oh well, old time discussion but still happening. We love how kids are but we abandon them when they are not like we want them to be and we don't stop to guide them to be better on the things they can be but then we are there to, again, say how big of a failure when society literally push them apart.


I’m so wet


God damn are we about to get bombed with the rest of the episodes?


thats what trauma does to u man 😔


Holy shit Roshi.. I love you guys.


Christmas came early we getting some more Arcane


Two! Love yall.


This and the new Spiderman trailer dropping tonight?? We've truly been blessed

Mozart Waddell

Multiple Arcanes but no multiple Cobra Kai's 😢😞


Jinx is amazing

iMovie stars

Lupa is way too hard on jinx but whatever


Worried the bias towards jinx will take away from the appreciation of her impressive feats. Good reaction otherwise :) double drop!


Sheera: She's a loose cannon. Me: OH SHE SAID IT SHE SAID THE THING!


Jinx is literally league of legends Harley Quinn. Like when I first saw her in episode 4 I immediately thought about Harley Quinn. Lupa kinda hard on her tho. Her brain is shattered. She has PTSD and is literally insane. Not like everything was all peachy and she just decided to switch side. When she joined silco, 3 of the 4 people in her life died because of her trying to save them and she felt her sister abandoned her. She presumably went insane and her mind broke at that moment. I also don’t think the black lady gave her information. We kinda see her come up with her idea before the scene where the black lady walks out.(I believe that was the order of the scene.)

Erich Bomke

You dont get to be mad at a would of-should of-could of situation when you have all the camera angles. Any person here that saw their loved one being choke slammed by a monster would either run away or do something. You can't predict the future to know they would get the locks undone and open up a wall.


Sherria got her sherriagon activated jinx's alias in-game is loose cannon


Not gonna lie Lupa constantly shitting on jinx even when she's not on screen kinda killing it for me.


Lupa is just incapable of liking cool characters. Jinx, Zenitsu.. 😔

Loren Perry

shes always been nuts. what kid makes nail bombs casually


They already had skyships, engines and electricity. We saw them Ep1 when Mylo said he want to shoot one down, and Powder said she wanted to ride one. Funny how she now is lol. Correct me if i'm wrong, but their tech was like steampunk 1900s level overall. Then jayce showed up and invented lightspeed.


Also, Silco is not grooming Jinx. It's a daughter and father relationship. Nothing more


"She's a loose cannon" yes, yes she is XD


How dare this child who's just lost her family not take responsibility for her actions, how dare she not survive on her own and instead be raised an cultivated by a criminal. This poor child who has been through hell because of one accident she made is terrible and deserves no redemption, am I right? Lmao. Stooopid

Ophelia Pane

What happened to rooting for demon time bruh ya'll trying to be angels now.


I think lupa is hard on her because he thinks she’s a 20 something when she’s actually prolly like 15-16😂

Runner Up

Ima be honest I was not expecting this frequent uploads of this but appreciate it nonetheless!


HAHA! Sheera: She's a loose cannon :]


Jinx about that action, it's beautiful


lupa the jinx hate crazy bro act like she was 21 disobeying victor and them she was like 7 bro and man talking about taking responsibility they instilled none of those value into her so i blame the people watching over her


The only tech they developed with hextech were the gates, everything else is normal technology that doesn't really use magic, you could even see a blimp in the first episode so engines and hoverboards are just normal tech and not magic.


Eh its kind of a mix, he probably has paternal instincts towards her but its not like he took her in with no ulterior motive


when is ep 5-6?


I'm pretty sure Jinx just went to the speech and that's how she knew. Her scene in the cave was before Jayce gave his address.

Miguel NoName

Yea, I normally agree with Lupa, but he has no sympathy for Jinx for some reason... :/

Miguel NoName

When is episode 5-6 dropping? I can't wait to see you guys react to Vi fighting.


I want more Arcane!


Bruh the comments 😭 I understand being annoyed with some of what they (mostly Lupa lmao) said but its also funny how people were begging relentlessly for more episodes and now the comments are just filled with a different kind of bitching


jinx kinda reminds me of harley quinn so I thought lupa would like her as well haha


I was so happy hearing shoot faster while jinx was working lol


NGL if roshi solo'd this I'm pretty sure he's gonna like jinx and be more sympathetic towards her she is so awesome and better than Harley IMO.


Jinx is one of the most iconic and most famous characters from the game itself. I suggest that you watch the music video from 2013 (yeah that shit's old), "Get Jinxed", which also played in this episode while she was fixing her junk. We all got so hype knowing and waiting for Powder to turn into Jinx, and it's finally happening, so cut her some slack for now.

hector torres

For couples reach you should do komisan can't communicate


Ayo lupa wtf 😭😭


Is Lupa retarded?


people crying in the comments —stfu.

Ky Williams

damn we got a hardcore powder hater😭

jesse almonte

Get jinxed was like 8 years ago, and it is now retroactively sad

Nermin Selimovic

Some Info on Hextech and the Timeskip: - in this Lore the Age Gap between Jinx and VI is higher than in the "Game Lore" - Runeterra Lore never specifically gave Age Numbers for any of these Characters - the Hextech Innovation is just the Hexgate so far, everything else was allready developed far before - between 10-12 years have passed, this is not by facts, but by the Innovations that are still missing like (no Spoiler: Blitzcrank), AND the things that allready happend like Viktors Development, Jayce Development, Singed becoming "singed" about Jinx: yeah clap Lupa, he deserved it this Episode, and praise Roshi for being openminded - Jinx never chose to hurt her Friends, it happend collateral - Jinx was about 9 years old given the fact she learned Parkour with 7 - Jinx was abandoned (like the PS Exclusive Game Abandoned by BlueBox) and given her Age she was looking for anybody to be a patron or comfort her Silco was the father she needed at this moment. While she did KILL her own friends, she is not to blame for it, for she was put in a situation where Heists, Fighting and Weapons are "normal" - she was literally doing her "best"


Spider-Man trailer 2 reaction guys!


The comments. jesus. Dont hate when you don’t get the reactions that you want. They can have their opinions as well. And whats with the impatience on the reactions? Don’t want them getting sick trying to fast run everything.


y'all literally see a traumatized child get groomed and blame the child instead of the full grown adults lol insane


not sure if anyone has said it yet but the song Jinx is listening to is the theme song from her release trailer


For all the people defending Jinx and shitting on lupa trauma is not a good reason to blow up 6 innocent people and potentially start a war. she literally blew them up and stole that crystal for approval lol


Let's be real. The people who are mad at Lupa for disliking Jinx are people who played the game. Yes, played the game don't argue with me saying LoL has nothing to do with it. It does but I won't deny there probably are a small group of people who are dogging on Lupa but your argument ain't gonna stand. Jinx's character was EXTREMELY popular during her debut in the game because of her loose canon, jokster personality. They have a personal attachment to Jinx due to YEARS of exposure to her psychotic charms and her legacy within the actual game itself since 2013. So yeah, Lupa not liking her for being a screw up is pretty expected and all you people who play League need to back up some. Also Mel is Leblanc. I'mma keep saying that 'til I'm wrong which I won't be because you guys can't prove that it isn't Leblanc just as much as I can't prove she is Leblanc. lmao

Kevin Davison

Yeah, when people tell you your whole life you cant do shit and your trash, youll try to prove them wrong.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh yeah she fr nuts. Losing her entire family, plus the guilt of having inadvertently killed them, seeing vander dead, Vi punching her and then abandoning her, all of it worked together to completely shatter her mind leading her to latch onto literally the worst person possible. My poor baby Jinx. It's a sad ass situation.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Either that or they're people like me who know literally nothing about League of Legends but actually have the emotional intelligence to empathize with her. She was an emotionally vulnerable CHILD who ACCIDENTALLY caused a horrible tragedy when all she wanted to do was help literally her only family in the world. Yes, it is her fault that they all died, but intent plays a vital part in the situation. She didn't mean for any of that to happen. She was what, maybe 11? She not only lost her entire family, but she was hit with the realization that she was the cause of their death all at the same time and the ONE person who she relied on, the only one she had left punched her in the face and then abandoned her. Yes, Vi's reaction was absolutely understandable, but so was Powder's. That was a HORRIBLY traumatic event and it absolutely shattered her mind. She was then taken in by the villain at her most vulnerable point. She's not trash, she's broken. She's sick and she needs help.

Matthew Osteen

As someone who doesn't play the games like yeah Jinx is pretty bad. For sure I like her character and everything but if there was no redemption arc for her Id be alright with that. obviously, their gonna give her one so no biggy but I'm with lupa on this

Osiac Adrian

This is literally just a sad story for Powder: tragic past, lived in the slums her whole life, no actual parents or real guidence, constantly tries to pull her own weight despite failing at it multiple times. The mission where she lost the stolen goods? Yeah, good job entrusting your whole loot to a kid that's like 10 and then get angry at the fact that she threw it away just to escape. Everyone from her group kept calling her useless and a jinx, so ofc she wanted to prove herself and be useful. She followed them to help, obviously. She noticed (from her point of view) that they were in trouble and helped the only way she could: her bombs. She didn't have our point of view of how strong the bombs were or the fact that Vi and the crew were about to escape on their own. "Her sister told her to stay home" ... well Boo hoo. What kid would listent to that, when her only remaining family/friends were in danger? The scene where Vi hits her? Replace Vi with Vander and instead of lashing out like an immature and emotionally distressed child (like Vi did), he would've acted like a real adult and shielded Powder from the truth of what she actually did and this wouldn't have happened. (obviously it couldn't have happened this way. I'm just trying to make a point that Vi exploded emotionally and ruined Powder, making her into Jinx). Oh, and good job letting a kid (that you already consider a fuck-up) handle 3 extremely high-potency bombs in her back pocket, Vi. With their own knowledge (not the viewer bias), Vi is the most responsible for what happened throughout the whole thing, but I'm not seeing anyone blaming her or holding her accountable at least, so I had to voice it. Sorry for the rant. :)


Damn these angry comments really surprised me.. LoL players are usually known for being so friendly 🙄


the duality of man: begging for them to drop all the episodes now while trashing the way they react to the episodes.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Aye no bueno my dude. Tf. Yeah i disagree with his opinion but my man's got a right to his own opinion. Just cause it differs from yours is no reason to insult him. Fuck outta here dude


That is a hilarious joke. That was joke. You got me with that one. lmao


Lupa there were flying things in the first episode, can't remember what though.

Jigga Man

powder/jinx needs to go, trash all over


People need to understand that whether you sympathize with Jinx or not. You have to respect that people are allowed different views. No need to hate on anyone relaxxxxx

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yo I just read through a lot of these comments and yall need to ease up on my man Lupa. Yeah my opinion of Powder/Jinx differs from his, but like he's allowed to have his own damn opinion. And straight up insulting him cause he doesnt share your opinion is a beta-bitch move.

Davon Thomas

The league of legends fanbase is one of the most toxic out there lol. Reaction channels should just be aware, people hate when you voice your own opinion. Watching their reaction makes me realize that people would prefer fake reactions over legitimate ones lol. Like damn people can dislike a character arc because of what is presented to them for the first time. Just because y'all have years and years of knowledge of a character doesn't mean everyone will feel the same way for a first impression.


Regardless of Lupa's views on Jinx, she is factually a terrorist lol. She can be traumatized and still be an explosive terrorist/murderer. Subjectively, you can say she's trash. It isn't an objective statement. And people are allowed to love trash lol.


tf are these comments O_o


Yeah he completely forgot that Piltover was already a steam punk city and that they already had flying machines because you don't need magic for basic flight engineering...

Bully Finch

When powder was having her breakdown in her room she connected the dots on how strong the crystals were when she threw her bag.


Yeah I still remember that music video. Damn, it's been that long huh.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Holy shit this was so well put. Like, I empathize with Jinx hard. And I feel really sad for her while also agreeing that her actions are unacceptable.

Ale D. Schuberg

This is whats it looks like everyday in the League of Legends community, people mad toxic lmao


My god people need a chill pill for real. The reason I'm watching these 3 and not other channels, especially on patreon, is because of how uniquely they perceive the show, and how they like and dislike certain characters. I'm here for all of those 3 and their perspectives. None of their perspectives are wrong, and depending on how you grew up or how you were as a kid, you will take things differently. Powder could have stayed away, realising how dangerous the things she had were. Will I fault her for going anyway and trying to help? No. Does that mean she didn't fuck shit up? No. The show builds tension and shows they all were free and ready to go then her monkey exploded and everything went to shits. Granted we don't know if Deckard would break down the door and enter killing all of them anyway but we don't really know. Respect each other's perspectives. It's not like Lupa is out here actively asking to hang Jinx. He's allowed to not like her for the fuck ups she had in the story, even if I don't agree with it, it's interesting to see how someone else perceives the same story. I'd argue against his point of view, and yet he's right. She didn't need to blow up 6 adults just because. Yet she did it anyway. That's Jinx, that's her character, blow shit up, kill people, cause mayham and chaos. Take a chill pill, sit back, relax, take in different perspectives and if you have to write down points as to why you disagree if you have to. Remain civil, personal attacks makes you lose every argument you want to make.


Lmao it's only a show to entertain us, why are all acting like it's a life/death situation? Stop acting like children arguing at school geez did no one taught you that people have different opinion? bruh


Lupa, ignore the clapping lmao and keep the reactions coming guys, great work as always!

Elijah Smith

Its funny yall get this triggered over a fictional character.. A well written one but a fictional one.. Roshi and the gang keep up the great reacts and as usual don't these try hard, soft ass,triggered fools get to you.. Love ya'll

Kristian Thaler

These comments are only here for entertainment purposes


Considering that Jayce is basically famous up top, my guess is his lab position is well known. That's why Jinx probably was like "Fuck it, I'll kill some enforcers and steal whatever the fuck they have up in there." thus showing she is both strong and capable of bringing benefit to Silco. That's my guess at least. Thank you for the double episode drop! Such an unexpected but welcome surprise!

Norrin Radd

Jinx knows he has the gemstones. Remember episode 1.


Just an FYI, the flying ships were there BEFORE Jayce made the Hexgates. Not sure about the hover boards.


Lol idk what to say to this. Jinx is a VERY iconic character in league of legends so mfs were going to get pissed if you talked about her badly either way. Powder was a obviously mentally ill and weak child that wanted to feel useful to her friends and family no matter what. Things just went south and tragedy came with her help. Then in her most vulnerable broken state she was scooped up by a villain and now she is even more fucked up. Either way enjoying the reactions lol

Doughboy 1027

While being "traumatized" understandably explains Jinx being the way she is, it also doesnt make it ok to kill people.... This shouldn't be that difficult of a concept to grasp. There also doesn't need to be this line drawn in the sand about "whose side you're on" for make believe characters that literally do not exist. You're allowed to feel bad and sympathize with Powder...what-the-fuck-ever, but that also means that there will be others that wont.

Trey Milliner-Williams

I think its funny people are condemning Jinx actions. Is she crazy and homocidal? sure, however piltover deserves everything they got coming to them. they actively engage with the oppression and systematic discrimination of a whole community of people simply because of the region in which they were born. No one in this series is innocent. Everyone is fucked. Hell Jinx/Powder actions are the most understandable in this series currently. If i grew up watching everyone I love and my community be terrorized by some rich fucks and I suddenly got the power to give some payback Id do it too fuck it.


They had blimps in episode 1. The ONLY thing that HexTech created was the Hex-Gates.

sotonye ogan

Jinx be listening to too much playboi carti music lmao. I aint mad i like that demon timing.


Sheera: ‘She’s a loose canon!’ Riot Games: ahh yes that is exactly what we were going for

Lamaree Jackson

I haven’t even started watching the reactions for this show yet. Just laughing at the comment sections cause I knew everyone would be trying to clap them in the comments for not reacting to the favorite characters the way they do. Begged them to watch something they knew nothing about, just to get mad at their straight, unbiased reactions. Do y’all keep this same energy about traumatized children when Eren is fucking everyone up on AoT? But here they’re supposed to be understanding of the mass murder 🤔🤔

Caleb Campbell

People who have been playing league for a while, of course they're going to empathize with Jinx in this. Since Lupa knows nothing of the game or the lore, he can have what ever opinion he wants since its based on what Riot presented to those who never played league at all.

Jdogzero Silverblade

shira: shes a loose cannon. jinx's description in league: jinx the loose cannon XD


Jinx is irredeemable, but that doesn't mean they can't empathize with her or still enjoy her character as a villain. This is still early in the story, just chill and let them enjoy it as they see more


Vi smacked mans around in prison because she knows he is one of Silco's goons from before, how y'all miss

Jdogzero Silverblade

out of all the chaos you guys seemed to have forgotten the reason they went there in the first place. vander was going to give himself up but then got kidnapped meaning they were still left with no one to blame. he took VI to have the scape goat instead of vander. its why the enforcers didnt run through the under city like they were going to if they didnt have someone caught.


Lupa: "Fuck kids. They should be acting like adults. Also, fuck mental illness and childhood trauma. No Redemption!" 🤣🤣🤣


Jinx is pretty much Harley Quinn. Silco is like the less crazy and composed Joker.


And he's not having sex with her. I'm scared people get the wrong idea of her affection toward him. If she sat on his lap, then I'd be worried.


I know alot of people are gonna come and state the obvious like jinx's trauma and how she's a child and all that obvious stuff and I completely understand but I'm with lupa on this one, the fact that I understand your story doesn't change shit tho so don't attack people who don't share your sentiments... Yes we understand but she still a killer, yes it's sad but lions don't ask for permission before they eat


Naw man powder is best girl


great reactions, dont let comments sway u guys. Looking forward to more


I just wanna say I like Powder’s character, she reminds me of Harley Quinn. She was a child when all that shit happened so obviously it broke her but it’s understandable that some people wouldn’t like her.


IMO, I love the reaction. it's raw and unfiltered. Lupa disliking Jinx is the expected reaction for most people seeing how it was written. If you played league you expected them to write her a crazy story line similar to the one of Harley Quinn. Also the setup up having VI as a good person who will get their hands dirty and Jinx who has gone of the deep end but has good in her is a great mixture of yin and yang as the main characters. This series is great and can't wait to see you react to more.


The comments on these Arcane vids are the most insane I have seen on any reaction, didn't expect this show to be so divisive. I can understand that there are those who are overreacting to some of the opinions Lupa/Sheera/Roshi have but there are definitely valid opinions in those who think that Powder isn't completely in the wrong for what happened. First off she was a kid, and whether you think that is an excuse or not doesn't change the fact that kids behaviors and the way they grow up is influenced completely by their surroundings. The only person who was there for her after she 'realised' what she did was Silco, which is absolutely not going to result in her going down any immediate path to redemption. Anyway is a great show and I hope they enjoy the next 2 eps, shit is getting so hype!


Why is everyone so mad bruh just let them enjoy this amazing show


u can hate her for the things that she has done but in the end, she is a very dope character have you not seen that entrance that shit lit.




Love the reaction, thank you!


I actually really like both Vi and Jinx's characters. Can't wait to see where the story goes with them


idk why so many people in the comments don't understand why they feel the way they feel about jinx. Like, you can understand her traumas and still not be a fan of the character. Let's give them some time to actually get into the story, because all that happened so far is she got a bunch of people killed, so I feel like it's pretty reasonable to not like where her character is going so far


Love your reactions


Loved the reaction, are we gonna see a reaction from the new Spider man trailer?


Damn... so this is what the aftermath of a war-zone looks like


Lupa can't just enjoy good writing can he?

Anthony Coley

Lupa keep talking bout this responsibility lol powder was a CHILD she had no responsibility.


They totally forgot about the airship in the beginning of the first episode of Arcane, huh. Remember, Piltover was always scientifically progressed. So, there's basically 3 technologies. Regular technology/science, basically what Piltover already had. Hextech, which gives off the blue-ish glow, empowered by the gems. Chemtech, which gives off the greenish hue and smoke, which is powered by chemicals.

Marcus Lyles

“I thought they were hinting at her being a his new love interest” hehe……hehehehehee


Y'all some bitches in the comments stg


There are whole thesis statements in here 😂

Steven Fechter

Yeah shes trash lol. People obviosuly only like her cuz shes a quirky waifu

Steven Fechter

Yeah im not sure why that matters, shes an adult now and acting even worse. Everyone has trauma, doesnt give you the right to inflict it on others.


Commenters aren’t always going to agree with the reactors opinions and vice versa it’s really not that serious we are all are own people at the end of the day just keep it respectful and move on.


I'm sure others have stated the relationship between Jinx and Silco. I think he's a father figure to her and nothing more. She sees him as a father and latches onto him physically and emotionally because he was there when she lost everything. Honestly she's probably afraid of losing him as well. This is how someone with the mental health of a child being abandoned acts like. She is extremely dependent on having a central figure in her life. Because she lost everyone as a child and she is quite literally going insane, she never grew out of her childhood and used toys to help her escape her reality. Silco is her everything now. She lost her parents. She lost Vander. She lost Vi. She killed Milo and Clagger.


yes please don't just straight flame them explain it first

Shinobu Oshino

lol these comments. as someone who has played the game for 10 years i can understand there reaction. and its the right response to someone outside of the game and its lore. it's funny since jinx is a really good and busted champ depending on meta so seeing her backstory animated is cool. and seeing peoples reactions to these characters is cool. Her story aint nun compare to the rest of the in game champs


Some of yall commenters really just out here justifying why people hate the LoL community


Yeah Lupa, we get your point already, you hate Jinx for no legitimate reason whatsoever. The only issue with this reaction is some dude constantly beating a dead horse out of an extremely narrow-minded viewpoint.


"Mom, the reactors aren't reacting how I want them to! Come pick me up!"


i feel like everytime i see your comments, they're always negative...

Faiz Khan

she a schizoid now lol

Reckless Company

i love her energy sure she might be crazy but thats understandable but she was a little girl when she killed the mind has a way to deal with trauma her way is trying to prove herself the deadly way all i know she better keep that same energy they both need to sorry to each other i know its hard the lesson her is love your family and forgive if not here comes the crazy bs that happens as a result lol


The thing with Jinx/Powder is..... imagine a can or bottle of soda. You shake it up for a long-ass time. Then you open it. She was already mentally unstable, her environment and upbringing shook her up a lot over the years, and then the incident at the end of Act 1 opened the lid.


Cancel lupa he not allow back in these reactions videos nomore for two whole weeks lmao. Put him in timeout damn man child lol


Holy shit, this comment section is beautiful. Now throw this show under the bus and add another episode to Harley Quinn.


ngl i get why people hate her but for some reason jinx is my favorite character so far


All of you are way over reacting lmao, leave that shit to Roshi and the crew cuz all you in the comments are doing it wrong. lmao


Lmao sometimes you Patreon "fans" disgust the fuck out of me. The majority constantly bugging out for reactions to popular shows, on some borderline harassment shit then when the crew dont react how YOU want them to react yall start flaming these niggas like damn stfu and be happy theyre even putting this shit out for you spoiled brats. Its happened on a couple shows but in recent memory this the worst one.


You keep saying the same thing about Jinx like it's some incredible revelation. The fact is, Jinx is still a mass murdering terrorist. Of course people would dislike her, wtf


Please don't let this comment section discourage yall. Alot of us love your reactions and would like to continue to see yall react to this show.

Joseph Mohlenhoff

I really hope you guys continue to upload, the point of a reaction based channel is to see everyone else's reaction, may it be the same or not, that's the point of this type of stuff, also jinx is definitely a bad guy right now, so don't get discouraged roshi-and co, there are still people here to see what you guys think, vs fight what you think!!! (Forget dem haters lupa)


Part of the reason i love that they reacted to this series, is cause they don't know anything, total blind reaction.


People keep commenting about how bad the comments are but there's like maybe a few of them? There's more comments about bad feedback than actual bad feedback. Y'all trying to be slick with it but y'all secret haters.


If they had shown the weapons would they have kept them out like the stone? If so wouldn’t jinx have taken the weapons instead? That’d be kinda mad

Delinda Arts

jinx lit, violet lit, we all lit! LMAO


Im seeing alot of people who would willing Die on a Mission with Powder, yall the REAL real ones I guess.

Immoral Mortal

You guys should just embrace Powders chaos and stop hating


I really like Jinx. She is so deliciously damaged and raw. IRL I'd stay the fuck away but when she's on screen I pay full attention and she pulls me in really hard. It's not easy to immerse me so well but her presence does that. Her scenes are fucking excellently written and directed. IMO OFC


Thank You for having the same thought as me, dope character, but when I’m watching this shit, I put myself in the situation of the characters, I am not fucking with that shit. I 100% agree with you. Not quite sure why everyone else’s trippin about my thoughts in the moment with the characters. I may have to shut the fuck up for the rest of these videos 😂😂😂


lupa ur a beast bro, please dont change the way you react to shows just because of some children. i love how you keep it real


ironic when there's a comment right under this one telling them to stop hating

Nikolai Cannady

I think the Jinx slander is kinda heavy since it's from the perspective of "you keep fucking up kid" and not the mental health angle of "this was an undiagnosed kid who had several traumatic events, was groom and did not heal and lost touch with reality". I really enjoy these reactions despite that so all the complaints seem a little weird.

Donovan Doyle

Bruh it's a game character no matter the trauma if an irl person killed 6 ppl they'd be jailed 😂 if you gonna act like she's real treat her to the same standards instead of being weird af

Austin S

pretty obvious lupa is reacting from a perspective of being in Vi's shoes, or someone who just lost everyone and everything because of powder's actions, I think its a pretty fair reaction (regardless of why, someone just killed your whole family, you're gonna be hurting)


I cant believe sheera even said her in-game title "Loose canon" lol

Mike Nellis

Man that's the last time I read comments before watching a reaction. Yall acted like lupa insulted ur mothers so I expected him to say some outta pocket shit but it wasn't bad at all.


Can understand why some people would hate jinx, but dont understand why lupa hates jinx with a passion but loves harley lmao


4:01 literally the Bifrost bridge lmao

Dougie Fresh

Fuck this Jinx bitch. I hate her ass too Lupa.

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

Never heard of the game. This is my first time seeing the show and this episode but all I can say is I like Vi and powder so far


its just showing a severe lack of empathy for trauma or acknowledgement of childhood trauma


that awkward moment when you're watching a show and you get triggered so much by a complex character you can't enjoy it


I'd hate to be lupa's child god damn

Jay Herbo

This is random but anybody remember those mr T league of legends commercials from back in the day


Everyone in the comments complaining about Lupa and Jinx and I'm over here mad that they think Hextech is what invented the technology to create the blimps LMAO. We saw those blimps in episode 1 remember LOL.


Yo their horrible minute by minute guesses are so upsetting. No critical thinking between the 3 at all


Dang, y'all pestered and bullied them into watching the show and now all you can do is complain about them watching the show. There's just no pleasing people. They watch so many shows at once, god forbid they forgot that 3 second shot of the blimp in the first episode. Lighten up.

Grantland Shearer

I love when the professor says "How did it come to this?" WTF you mean bro? You just spent the last how many years making your live so much better and left these other guys to rot away. Wtf you mean how did it come to this?

Grantland Shearer

"Jayce Talis, you are on this council. But we do not grant you the rank of Master."


the lack of empathy for powder yikes, she's just a kid who's groomed gaslighted and just abused. idk how yall find it in you to hate her so bad, ofc she deserves redemption, she's literally a pawn and needs her family who supports her and loves her. also the dickrider comments lmao, no one is attacking anyone bro ppl are allowed to disagree with other ppl and explain their own opinions it is never that serious

Yuudere Hi

100% disagreeing and explaining why you disagree is totally fine. The people who resort to name calling and everything like it is totally not.

Khalib clark

Jinx is the best character on the show since she’s a villain and their the best.