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This whole situation is trash


Nigel Douglas

powder didnt know who silco was. none of the kids did. She probably just thought he was a stranger

DelusionalNYC (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 02:10:50 She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"
2024-01-13 02:10:50 She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"
2024-01-13 02:10:50 She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"
2024-01-13 02:10:50 She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"
2024-01-13 02:10:50 She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"
2024-01-13 02:10:50 She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"
2024-01-13 02:10:50 She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"
2024-01-08 07:04:33 She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"

She thought some random stranger's first question would be "where's your sister?"

Dud3 itsj3ff



Thank you!

Tony Lee

Wait no way???


All I have to say is.. Powder's VA is amazing

Big Daddy Dre

I know people are defending powder because she’s a child and she was just trying to help but if you’re the reason my whole family got killed…whatever relationship we had is over and idc if you is my sister 🤷🏾‍♂️🙄


This ep made me crying, sooo good the voice acting and everything happened is on the point


I cry every time i watch this episode. My favorite episode for Act 1.

callum brodie

I get where your coming from, but I couldn't leave her for good, especially in this world. She is a child and had nothing but good intentions.




I understand what your saying but I would not have left her for good. The situation they were in was just awful

Nelson W

The lanes is the one of the districts in Zaun, in which Slico mentioned in the talik with Vander, and the whole undercity is called Zaun, In contrast. the uppercity is called Piltover.


ohhh the misery


been refreshing every 15 minutes for the past 2 hours now and i was JUST bout to go to sleep (2am here), glad i refreshed one more time haha


HOLY HELL 2 more episodes! YES!!!

Erich Bomke

Sit down my son and let me tell you a story. It was a Tuesday. I remember it well. For on this Tuesday, there was a DOUBLE DROP!

Smash Bran'Discootch

"Arcane reaction when? Reaction now." bro you had me rolling with laughter lmao


I feel like you can’t be too mad at powder. If she doesn’t come, they likely all die. Her monkey catches the dude attention, stopping him from continuing to bust down the door. If she doesn’t come none of them likely survive because she came Vi survived.


OMG, what a pleasant surprise! But I'm already bracing for you guys being unnecessarily and excessively angry at Powder. Smh.


I will tolerate no Powder slander


ngl lupa u lowk made me mad bro u can obviously see that powder has major issues and it slowly comes full circle. how fast she switched up. and it it completely went over ur head but whatever since the first episode🙃😭


Also she's a child.... with what's clearly some mental instability, and overall desperation. It's a frightening combo. But you're definitely right. HOWEVER, if they gave her a damn gun, she would've come and rescued them, without collateral damage. But then again, giving a little girl a gun.... ehhhhh. It was a hopeless situation to begin with tbh.


cant wait for you to meet harley quinn


« yooo when is arcane reac ?? Yes » thx fam 🔥

Erich Bomke

Screaming at the screen for Powder to blow them the F up. Screaming at the screen because Powder blew them the F up. "Yo Powder is trash"

Big Daddy Dre

@callum i understand that and i can forgive her but I’ll relationship would never be the same


Lupa would beat a child confirmed???????


I can't be mad at powder, simple.

Jmooth Sazz

first off, powder did not switch up bc she didn't know who silco was, andddd shes like idk 11 and mentally/emotionally destroyed. anddddd yall were hyping up the use of bomb before powder set it up, give her a break lol


the end of thsi epsidoe was pain the way it flips things and sets up this show is brilliant


Love how yall are expecting a small child to have the judgement and rationality of a grown adult lmao


Is Powder trash because of what she did? Yeah... Is she still my favorite character with the best scenes in the show...? Yeah.

iMovie stars

Lupa constantly shitting on powder is annoying as shit


u gotta realize vy made her too confident like she should have been realistic wit her from the start.


bro idk why but i like powder as much as you guys but them hating powder is entertaining af stop hating them that's their reaction


"You tell them to light a fire, they bring oil."


Lupa is a pure Jojo fan rn and i love it!


powder is trash


Roshi really said Vander killed him. I know what he meant but wtf XD.


If you're a little kid feeling powerless worried about your older sibling wishing you could help them, and you discovered that you have several magic bombs, you would 100% formulate a plan and act upon it. I guarantee it. There is no way, especially when you're at a more impulsive stage in your life, that you would not jump to action upon that realization of having something powerful than can potentially help your family and friends. It really doesn't matter who you are, or what you say, or what you THINK you would do, fact is none of y'all would deny yourselves that opportunity. In addition, she knew they were destructive, but she definitely underestimated HOW destructive they are. She did not need to equip the monkey with that many lol. Also, she definitely wound the monkey up way too much. But, as a kid with her circumstances and mentality, she was like, "YES, the more the better. I'm gonna save the day, be a hero, and everyone's gonna acknowledge me." Honestly can't be helped. If only she could've gotten her hands on a gun. XD

Smash Bran'Discootch

People give Roshi crap for being on demon time 100%, but it's situations like this where he's SUPER understanding of the emotions that people are feeling that show just how well rounded a dude he is.


Y'all are so.... idk. "Do something!" Well, if you watch, that's exactly what she's doing. You can wait a second. "Throw the effing bomb at him!" It's really not that simple, though. Especially given that it's a show, you can't just do something as boring as throw a pebble and voila, everything's solved. It's a TV show, there's a process, especially when there's a lot happening. Also, something you don't seem to be aware of, time passes differently in shows/movies than in real life, about 99% of the time. So yeah. Just saying.

sotonye ogan

Alright this show kinda lit ngl 😂. But the way Powder jumped in and hugged him so quick like you aint see Vander dead body right next to you?? sped activities.

Not Amused

They’re just hyped watching the show man, calm down. People sometimes get excited and just start saying things without thinking THAT deeply about it lol.


The clapping in these comments😭 they about to postpone the episode 5 reaction forever


I get that, but at the same time it's also a pretty shallow way of thinking. Just simply, "Oh she killed them." Nah, it's not black and white like that. There is literally no way she could have known exactly what would happen, or exactly how much to wind up the monkey, etc.

Jigga Man

Powder is pure Trash. Straight Doodoo.


I love this comment so much this really summed up how I feel about roshi I love him so much no homo.


Fun Fact: Powder is actually not trash, but that one-dimensional opinionated statement is. Villain? A bit over-simplistic, don't you think? I really hope you don't think this is a good vs evil story. It's clear there's so much more than that to this, and there's a lot of layers and complexity, a lot of gray area.


this comment section. how is everyone gonna spam them everywhere to react to this, then get mad at the way they react? 💀

Alex cleveland

Seems like this show has a toxic fanbase already to it.... Tho idk fully since Ive never watched this show and never interacted wit the fans of this show lol

Bully Finch

All these people in the comment section are Jinx Stans. How many times do people in your family have to tell you to "sit this one out" before you actually take their advice?


i dont think they were going to get away at the end, just because they broke the wall doesnt mean that the juiced up guy was not going to chase them. they aint batman theyre not just going to suddenly disappear lol

Bully Finch

Thats what im saying. Their criticisms are valid it's just long time fans dont want people to see their "Mains" or favorite characters in any other light.


what the fuck was this episode


shes literally a fucking mass murderer in league of legends lore but okay


Good shit


More episodes?? Hell yeah!


fucking snowflakes in the comments holy fuck

Sauce Sorcerer

Y'all are buggin if you think they were going to survive that even without Powder intererring. Vi and Vander, the best fighters in the squad, were both injured/tired and even tho they got a hole in the wall, did you see how far down that jump was? You think they were about to jump off this building or climb down while injured and get away from the monster dude? Did y'all forget how fast he was clapping the police lady and Vander's friend at the beginning of the ep? And it's not even like they would've ONLY had to escape the monster dude, Silco's crew was still there posted. That just wasn't a situation they were going to get out of without someone dying.

jesse almonte

These comments are ass toxic as the LoL community

Davon Thomas

They are literally going the route of villian lol. The story of league of legends does boil down to good and evil as all things do. That's the purpose of the show, they are clearly showing you which side can be deciphered as good and evil while also trying to squeeze in subtlety of name drops and visuals.

Davon Thomas

People mad that they are flaming a young Jinx.

Bully Finch

Vi beat the bricks off of everyone except silco his right hand and the decker kid. As for how they would have got down the hole I can't think of anything rn but it would have for sure been better becoming an orphan a second time.

Jigga Man

Powder: Kills 3 of her childhood friends playing with 3 bomb crystals, one of which took out portion of a building. Powder: Joins the side of the man who killed Vander. Powder: Mass murderer, killing innocents and allies on a whim. Powder: Gives Vanders murderer a mini WMD because she wants to feel useful. WTF am I not getting here? I'm generally confused how anyone can look at this chick as anything but trash at this point.

Enkyri (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-17 03:55:25 Powder is responsible, but honestly Vi is to blame for everything. Powder lacks self-worth due to her mistakes & Mylo reaffirms her insecurities. So, she looks toward Vi for validation. Vi is shown as being slightly defiant to Vander. So, Powder is learning defiance. Then, Vi takes her on a heist & tells her she's ready. So, to be told she's not ready from her validation probably hit 3 times as hard. Also, Powder asked if they should show Vander the crystals. Vi said no. Whole time child had 3 unstable bombs on her.
2021-11-17 03:13:30 Powder is responsible, but honestly Vi is to blame for everything. Powder lacks self-worth due to her mistakes & Mylo reaffirms her insecurities. So, she looks toward Vi for validation. Vi is shown as being slightly defiant to Vander. So, Powder is learning defiance. Then, Vi takes her on a heist & tells her she's ready. So, to be told she's not ready from her validation probably hit 3 times as hard. Also, Powder asked if they should show Vander the crystals. Vi said no. Whole time child had 3 unstable bombs on her.

Powder is responsible, but honestly Vi is to blame for everything. Powder lacks self-worth due to her mistakes & Mylo reaffirms her insecurities. So, she looks toward Vi for validation. Vi is shown as being slightly defiant to Vander. So, Powder is learning defiance. Then, Vi takes her on a heist & tells her she's ready. So, to be told she's not ready from her validation probably hit 3 times as hard. Also, Powder asked if they should show Vander the crystals. Vi said no. Whole time child had 3 unstable bombs on her.

Quaylan Nelson

You know, I never thought about the last part. Powder brought up the crystals more than once and nothing was done about it.


Honestly, who to blame for this is everyone, just literally everyone. You can't control people who've got it hard. Powder just wanted to help, she had an idea, she's a little girl who believes she can contribute and be a hero and prove everyone wrong like any normal child would who is denied permission to do whatever and it flopped big time. Vi hitting her was the wrong thing, but understandable because she must have had a hyper adrenalin rush since the start when her life was in danger the entire time, then an explosion happened, she was crushed and heavily injured, her bestfriends and father figure dead right in front of her and all that pent up anger on Powder being a screw up that she kept inside ( even though she was nice about it you know Vi was always annoyed and angry at Powder but kept it together ) just came out with punch to the face, or slap. Just tragic all around. It's everyone's fault.

Bully Finch

@Jigga Man They have an unhealthy attachment to her joker like personality and Aesthetic from way back in 2013 when she was released. Joker the movie was great his origin was sad and wasn't fair but im not gonna sit here and tell people not to be hard and critical of the gd Joker. Wth is wrong with people.

Crow's Nest

With a broken wall they can run away, and they could probably get help pretty easily cause most of the undercity is still on Vander's side

Sauce Sorcerer

Vi is a good fighter, don't get me wrong, but do consider the positioning of where they fought too, they were fighting on a narrow bridge where there wasn't much space for others to swarm her, which they absolutely would've done if they DID somehow manage to climb down the wall. Don't forget Vi is still a kid and stands absolutely no chance against that monster strength Decker has in his drugged up form, even Vander was taking heavy damage from those few blows.

Doughboy 1027

Me watching Powder lose her shit when Vi left her: " Oh wow, Jinx was already a little...cray cray...makes sense.

Bully Finch

All im saying is if they somehow got down through the hole Decker would have still been occupied on the metal wall everyone but silco and his right hand were unconscious and didn't know about the hole in the wall they had a solid chance to get away in my eyes.

Deric Jackson

She had no idea who was fighting who really. To her Silco was a random dude that was willing to help when she thought her sister left her. We know he was the bad guy but she didin't

Deric Jackson

That was the only time she was told to by Vi but yeah it's definitely her fault tho. But i also feel as tho you shouldn't be taking your little sister to rob places and then gassing her up along the way. Both her and Vi were at fault tbh


Each one of yall were wanting powder to use that bomb until she actually did.


Seriously! Each one of them were cheering for it until they each saw the aftermath. I'm sure if powder knew it'd do nothing but kill her family then she wouldn't have tried. Especially Lupa, he turned SO quick on her when all she actually did was do exactly what they said for her to do.


That’s because he understands more than he others I don’t even hi I they heard her call Vi mom

Bully Finch

Bro I will admit Vi should be taking her on heists but if the one time I ask you to sit this one out and you can’t give me a break ?


I can’t fucking believe it. How did she fuck up again? Just how? I thought there was no way she’d fuck up again and that this was her character redemption moment and she just… Like they even made a point of showing them about to escape, so not only was her fuck up monumental and useless but it was also unnecessary. EDIT: Damn, my anger left quick. I already started to feel bad for Powder once Vi started walking away.


What ya'll expecting a 10 year old to do to help Vi xD

Jdogzero Silverblade

jayce's speech towards the councilor to convince her to give them a chance shows his ignorance. talking about the equality bit since none of the houses are equal and they literally have a city size slums under them.


Fuck Them Kids - Michael Jordan


And you can't even be mad at her :P She used the bombs just like you were yelling at her to do so


Its funny watching this reaction compared to others because most i've seen people teared up or cried at what happened to Powder.


TLDR of this comment section: "We are disappointed(and mad) that you guys didn't gave the reaction that we want!"


To the powder simps and sympathizers out there... She ain't the one...! She's broken and most of the pieces are gone forever. I bet she'll end up blowing up all of Piltover 🤦‍♂️

Deric Jackson

Oh no definitely powder's fault but she wouldn't have had the stones if Vi let her show them to vander. Vi led her friends into a trap. In my eyes she just copied her sister. Even the first episode Vi brought her friends and sister along a job to rob someplace even though they knew Vander would be mad at them. You can definitely be mad but you gotta also take a step back and see what Vi has been teaching powder.

Bully Finch

I’m willing to concede that but I’m also certain that if vi knew that those crystals were actually bombs at the end of episode one she would have done the right thing and given them to Vander.


they ment use the invention without all 3 of the unstable bombs she added on

Smash Bran'Discootch

You can sympathize with someone's situation and still not support their actions lol. It's the same situation with Kreese in Cobra Kai. Kreese is a piece of shit. Yeah, he's got his reasons for being that way, but he's still a monster. Powder's the same way. She's got her reasons for being a monster, but she still definitely is one.


They are doing this for every character in every reaction


thanks for the double upload


All they said was 'Throw the f'ing bomb at him' while he was fighting Vi, if she did exactly what they wanted Vi would 100% be dead, she only lived cause she was behind the door when the explosion went off.


half the people defending her main her lmao


Roshi understands the whole powder situation. I feel bad for her tbh. Never played LoL btw


All these Powder Jinx defender. Lol. I feel bad for her but all this is on her.




Audio type: English[ Sheera naration]

Devin B

Basically this whole situation happened because Powder didn't listen to Vi. It's one thing if Vi brought her along and she did all that then Vi would've blamed herself for the situation but the fact she went against Vi's wishes and did all that made it hard for Vi to try to sympathize with her.

Devin B

My thing is she realized what 1 of those crystals was capable of doing but she decided to use 3 of them at once. Idk how she didn't expect damage on both sides.

Devin B

To put this situation in the simplest terms, Powder is a child who wanted to prove her worth to the group in any way possible since she keeps letting them down and decided to disobey Vi the only time she told her to sit this one out. I'm mad at the fact she used three of those crystals when she saw what one of them was capable of and didn't expect anyone on her side to get hurt. This situation is messed up but regardless if she's a child or not she decided on her own to do that so she gets most of the blame for it.


I think in the end it comes down to she didn't even consider that she could hurt her fam, cause if she really did realise how powerful they are and she was worried about that then she might of held back. Either way I think expecting her at her age to make any choice in that situation that would have saved her fam is wild, I can't even think of a way that it would have turned out better except being able to judge the strength of the bombs well.


Lupa with that "you're trash" defense mechanism


Lol @ everyone being so mad @ their feelings toward a fictional character. Let’s simmer down and just enjoy the ride guys. My personal opinion tho…powder trash 😂. I feel for her need of validation and her issues….but she coulda stayed home. Also day 2: please react to Justice League Apokolips War


Thank you for the reaction. To those who are mad protective over Powder, you need to realize that they have zero connection to these characters. I've been invested in League for 10 years and even I can make the distinction between game and show.


Lupa: Throw the crystals hurry your trash Also Lupa can't believe u threw them your trash 😂

derick ako

bruh they were doing all types of parkour jumps in the beginning they coulda easily made that jump

Sauce Sorcerer

Difference this time around is that they were injured and tired. Vander was getting beat before Vi and her crew showed up, and Vi had just got done fighting Silco's goons. They were hopping buildings just fine at the beginning of the show because they weren't battered and bruised at the time lol.

Practially Incarnate

Don't quite get the Powder hate before this, Vi is the one who has been at fault up till now, was her plan that went south and triggered the cops to go down on them which then triggered silco to make his move. Powder on the other hand keeps hearing from her friends (and sister, she didn't hear the part where Vi actually defended her) that she is trash and can't do shit.

Jaime Ruiz

It’s okay to dislike a character just like it’s okay to like one. I like Silco he’s a cool villain.


I think it's more that Shimmer makes you addicted to the POWER it gives you, rather than the substance directly itself per se (but it's essentially the same in that case, because your brain associates said feeling of power to the Shimmer itself, since you only get it when you CONSOOM Shimmer, even tho in theory you could get powerful via other means than Shimmer)


Yeah. The other 3 are just as guilty for this. Powder might not have done this shit, if the others hadn't been raging about her, calling her a jinx n shieet (she heard them shit-talking her in episode 1/2 I think, which compounded on her feeling of worthlessness, since everyone keeps saying how worthless shit she is)

Devin B

They should watch Justice League Dark before watching Apokolis War


Love your reactions


i don’t care if they hate her but i think it’s dumb lupa went from saying ‘your bomb better work or you’re trash’ to ‘you’re trash for using that bomb’ in a few frames…


Seriously he's screaming at Powder to throw the bombs then when she throws the bombs and things don't go right, he switches up and gets angry at her for throwing the bombs. Like I fuck with Lupa but he's seriously a clown at times.


A lot of Jinx main here in the comments are crying 😂


Hey Osenbei Sensei, u simping Jinx? You replied to all Jinx related comments, chill out bruh 😂


Lupa you getting mad at Powder for not throwing the bombs then getting mad when she throws the bombs just put you on clown status this reaction.


Bruh, no idea who was excited about Viktor. Of course he'd be there, what's the big deal.


Bruh how u mad at the bomb but had the same idea 🤡 lol


Yeah like they were at like the 50th floor and juiced boy was about to break in making in impossible to get away. Powders bomb was pretty much the only way to turn this situation, its just a little unlucky that the one bomb ricochets into the room with vander and kids in it. In an alternate version powder would be the absolute MVP saving everyone while having her first succesfull bomb like a full on character buillding arc but that makes this episode so good. The writing is phenomenal and how they created the illusion of an escape + showing the thin line between epic gamer moment and absolute tragedy we should always think about while watching shows with a climax like that, brutal reality can hit hard and it did.


LUPSAN shut the fuck up! HOW the hell you going say throw the bomb but then get mad when she do it . Niggas wanna switch and shit but was telling who to hurry up. Fake ass lmao same sheera also. Both y’all ass just clap youself


FACTS but wanna call her trash after she throw them. Fake ass ppl

Im high cuzz

Damn I thought powder was gonna take a W shit just went way left 😂😂


Im not mad she kill them cause it is her fault. I’m just mad at lupa for switching up acting Like he wasn’t just cheering for her to throw the bomb.

Lazy Mike

go back to your parents cellar punk and play some lol and dont't come out.

Anthony Coley

I don't blame powder she's the only real child here


Notice how the screen focused on Vander when Powder said: "she is not my sister anymore"? Silco was in that moment actually empathising with Powder to some extent and replied: "We'll show them (our brother/sister)".


On top of that she is actually clumsy so by extent trash the reason why she’s effective as jinx is cause she don’t care about who gets hurt anymore it’s like evil Superman saying his better cause he won’t hold back. The way it’s done is that she will only succeed as a loaner never in a team .

Ranginald Vagel

Idk about that people who take the shimmer in large doses tend to end up kinda tweaking and looking bad physically.


I mean the look might be cuz just like roids, it fucks up your body since it FORCES you to become OP (temporarily), all of that shit has to come from somewhere, so what happens once it's gone, and the "energy" rebounds inside your body?


i can imagine lupasan typing into google like "what the fuck is ganking"


This show is toxic but lupa right powder is trash she was told to stay home stay away and they ain’t listen…vi stay home we got this powder I’m coming to fuck it up


@DevinB agreed. But I figured they been watching a lot of DC lately so I just picked the one that I thought was the most 🔥


that switch up lol, gotta keep that same energy cmon now, and you cant call her trash for trying to prove her worth

twis tempo

nah shes trash got everyone killed

Jaime Ruiz

shut up when you can't understand the nuances of why Powder went. It's not like a few episodes ago Vi was telling her that she'll always be on her side, family sticks together, etc.


Ight y’all is just show it’s gotta be dramatic to sell no need to be toxic to each other powder should of stayed home tho listen to your parents


Damn this show getting a lot of comments on your patreon posts


He's just getting into the league of legends mindset lol, thats exactly how people treat teammates


I said GLOVE UP.😂

Jay Voorhees

Here we go with this Korra shit again y’all so pressed over a reaction you didn’t like all imma say they have tons of other content on this platform watch that and find the reactor who has the same opinion as you towards the show instead of sitting there episode to episode pressed in the comments that they’re being hard on a character you like. Why are we like this as a society? Sensitive and Offended if someone doesn’t share our views and comments “I don’t like this cuz …” So pressed over fictional characters, that again are Keyword:”Fictional” you guys go on about “the characters is like this, the character would do this, the character is this”not thinking that the writer made the character this way and the character doesn’t exist in real life. It’s a basic saying it’s been said for years, “if you don’t like something don’t watch it” very simple but people don’t understand that concept

Arsean Wilbon

This is Vi’s fault first she should of never did that mission especially since she knew she was wrong to do it. But powder needs to listen instead of beggin to prove herself


Feels like the bad ending of a video game


y'all too sensitive in the comments. It ain't that serious

Big Juls

powder fucked up heeeavy I dont think its cool to duff little girls in any world let alone cheer for it, thats just me tho 🤷


Jinx and Vi had it rough damn


Seriously you can still think what Powder did was fucked up but why hate a character that was written to be a certain way to progress the plot of the story. Like Lupa wants everything to go right with no conflict or twists in the story. Same thing happened in Re:Zero as well, people have to understand that realistically made characters are going to have flaws and tragic outcomes so to constantly bash a character when they were written that way for the sake of the plot is mind numbingly annoying on Lupa's part.



Reckless Company

i know one thing powder better keep that same energy alot people forgot she was a child who had little experience with explosives she couldnt have known the aftermath was gonna be this bad cuz when she fell and had that beautiful scene she had no idea she was killing her teammates

Joel Ansere

The team in general never tried to find Powder’s strengths instead just focused on her weaknesses. If they did they would know she literally has talent for guns when she perfectly hit all the targets.

Stephen D

They literally almost made it out. They got Vander out of the chair and just made an escape route in the wall. If they had a few more seconds they would have been home free.


I’m might be the only one but if I was vi I would beat powder half to death and abandoned her. She killed everybody for no reason and only because she didn’t listen.

Quinton Campbell

sheera and lupa are flip floppin all over the place lol


Aye she proved her worth alrighr proved that she was indeed useless😭


nigga pays to watch a reaction and now its upset about a reaction.


I pay to watch Roshi and last time I check I'm not complaining about him now am I? No lol tf lupa just that side character to make Roshi look good


Lupa literally wanted Powder to do something, rushed and cheered when she did, and then when it didnt work got mad at her for trying to help. how? lol


Vi said to Powder that Powder is the only thing she has left and you all need to understand that Vi was the only thing Powder ever had and Vi kinda abandoned her and Powder didn't know that they were escaping. She thought that she would help.


do you fucking hear yourself? Your fucking trash take, you would beat your own sister to death for a mistake? Ya it cost lives, Vi was justified in being as upset as she was, but she didn't kill them for "no reason". From her perspective she was trying to save them when a fucking monster was attacking her sister. She doesn't have hindsight or spectator-vision to know they were close to escaping. All of yall saying this are just trash.

Stanley Labissiere

Y'all do realize that ALL THIS wouldn't have happened if Vi wasn't trying to be big guy on campus and didnt try to rob niggas

Trevor Wingard

Powder, snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.


Actually he was the one saying she would fuck it up. Said she shouldn't go like twice before she went and once while she was climbing up. Cheering for her to do something in the moment is normal, and he didn't even do that. What are you talking about?

Scott Riley Adrueno

Wow, a lot of these guys completely missed the point of all these. The viewers are meant to be frustrated with Powder. Lupa is justified on this one. You are meant to be mad and disappointed with her so you could feel how Vi felt. How is this not coming across to your thick skulls? The writers know what they were doing and they were straight up gunning for these exact reactions and emotions.


You’re meant to feel disappointed in Powder? You’re not MEANT to feel anything when it comes to characters in any story. How they make you feel is how they make you feel, regardless of anything else. I’m 100% certain the writer didn’t write it in a way to specifically only have the watcher/reader feel disappointed and resentment to her. There’s nothing wrong with feeling bad and empathizing with her character lol. Get off your high horse with this comment.

Scott Riley Adrueno

Wow, so you're saying the viewers are not meant to feel anything while watching this? What's the point then? That totally contradicts to a lot of writing and characterization techniques. You write to evoke specific emotions with the readers/viewers. You don't randomly put shit in order to get random emotions in the hopes of landing something good. That's not how you write a story. What you say totally invalidates Vi and her actions and motivations. She was disappointed with Powder. And she resented herself for it for years. How else would you symphatize with that without going through the same emotions she had? Are you high? Seems to me, people just love to paint everything in black and white. You're meant to be conflicted with Powder, not unconditionally love the terrorist, even if she was a victim of circumstance


Fun Fact: You’re doing too much with these comments and clearly don’t know her actual character in game either lmao.

Champion Bescos

Scott is spitting facts. There is absolutely such a thing as writers intent, and while art is always dissimilated, absorbed, and interpreted a number of ways, to assume ANY competent writer isn’t gunning for specific emotional beats with their scenes is ridiculous. It may not always be taken by the audience in the way in which they intended, but I think it’s safe to assume the writers in this case wanted there to be clear annoyance and conflict in regards to Powder. They want you to acknowledge her shortcomings, not that she’s necessarily the worst thing ever. It’s not black and white, they go to great lengths to show that. People getting mad defending an intentionally flawed character


Imagine telling people what they’re meant to be feeling when watching a show. Couldn’t be me

Scott Riley Adrueno

Imagine completely lacking reading comprehension and not knowing basic writing techniques. Couldn't be me.

Zi Liu

Wow people don't have manners in the comments. I only watched the anime, and I don't sympathesize with Powder at all after what she did, there is a line that just can't be crossed even if you are a kid. Like if your toys didn't work what made you think they would work now..? With powerful explosives?


Possibly late reply but, it’s more than just, “she’s a kid”, it’s she’s a kid with an extraordinary amount of trauma which manifests in extremely low self worth, abandonment issues, etc. the child brain is essentially clinically batshit crazy in comparison to adult brains, add all that trauma on top of it, and her actions weren’t bad at all (obviously the outcome was terrible but it wasn’t her intended outcome). They were incredibly impulsive and incredibly stupid, but that’s how kids are, she only intended to help her family, she wanted to be helpful. Keep in mind she wasn’t doing something she thought was bad in order to help either, because her creations have only been frowned upon when they DONT go off. Now I will say that I can’t sympathize with her much from that point onwards. I can a little cause critical thinking skills, but her actions are largely malicious. As for the toys, her bomb worked great tho? Like it did exactly what it was supposed to, she just put too much in and didn’t think ahead. Cause kids are really stupid.

Grantland Shearer

Hah. Then there is me, I missed Victor's name until watching the last reaction


Powder caused the explosion that made it into a bigger deal. Ya'll are shit.

Charlie baker

Luhbaby what are you on my guy,lupa and sheera are usually way funnier then roshi,aint nobody riding on roshis coat tails. Those 2 make the jokes while roshi plays off of them and his infectious laugh just makes you join in heavy.they have an awesome trio dynamic that honestly makes me wish all series they watch include all 3 not just sheera and roshi

Charlie baker

And honestly people be getting way to heated about powder fucking up like what were yall master thieves/parkour artists/demolition experts with perfect judgement at 12 after losing your parents in a damn killing field by rich people police.she is a kid and kids fuck up,either way lets be honest silco was going to come for them relentlessly anyway and vander was inevitably going to die protecting them leaving silco to come for them.just because they were about to get out of the building doesn't make them safe. One way or another too with Vi's terrible judgment she was going to get her and the others killed just as easily as powders bad judgement did in the end,hell ep1s heist could easily have ended up with everyone dead.

Charlie baker

Vi could easily have gotten the 4 of them killed in the poorly planned heist in ep 1,its only luck that lets powder be the butt of ridicule here instead of vi.hell this poorly thought out rescue was why they almost died prior to the bomb.

Trequan Williams

Nahh even at 12 I knew how to fucking listen especially if I know I’m goin to be in the way which she did constantly idc if she’s a kid that doesn’t make u any less responsible for ur actions and hers got multiple ppl killed she done for good I would’ve left her too after that

Trequan Williams

Did you watch the vid? He said he wanted her to do something but not at that moment he was the one that was saying she was goin to fuck it up like she did I knew from the start of the show I wasn’t goin to like that girl this jus makes it easier to hate her 🤷🏾‍♂️

Trequan Williams

That’s why you listen in the first place and stay put unless they come for you like she was told

Trequan Williams

Oh yea don’t mention how if powder wasn’t there the mission would’ve went perfect and nothing would’ve happened like they said in the show when she not with them they succeed when she joins they fail so clearly we know who’s fucking up

Charlie baker

Ok my guy sure throwing an explosive at a mutant monster while trying to help save her family makes her a murderer whos is completely worthless and deserves to be abandoned ,you sound ridiculous and thats a terrible take on the situation

Trequan Williams

Only part of this I see as Vi fault is the fact she took powder on missions considering she kept fucking them up there had to be something else for her to do

Trequan Williams

Ngl this comment dumb asf jus cause the character was written a certain way doesn’t mean he can’t hate the character who are u tell someone how they should feel if that character something stupid that he doesn’t agree with he’s aloud to hate that character no matter how the character was intended to written ur the only annoying one thinking someone shouldn’t feel something because they were written that way foh

Yuudere Hi

Yeah bro, because at 12 you had your family basically kidnapped from you. You can't fucking compare your "responsibilities" at 12 to what you literally witnessed Powder go through. Not to mention she's shown early signs of issues, terrible take from you.


Na, skip all that. From a parents standpoint (they dont have any, but for the point im making), try telling their parents she "accidentally" killed all 3 of them because she refused to listen. Then tell them "not to be so hard on her". Lol tf? Her bein 12 doesnt change that she did something irreversible, and no amount of "sorry's" or "understanding" is going to bring those kids back. Fuck Powder. Actions have consequences, and the consequences of those should be she get her ass left to deal with her own shit

Yuudere Hi

Yeah so you're basically saying "Imma fuck my kid up way worse." You don't think she knew it was her fault? It wasn't intentional, not to mention she's just a fucking a kid. Some of you show early signs of being shitbird parents and you don't even realize it.


I think powder was younger there, around 7-10yo


I mean, grown ass adults let a child run around with explosives. Their fault not hers


yeah useless like any child. useless like you


i understand that. i was so angry with her but that also quickly left. it wasn't intentional


i understand both side be mad at powder because what she did. people died. well 2 vender died because of silco not the bombs. and i can be sad for her. a child rarely understands the consequences for what it's going to do. i don't blame Vi for walking away to cool her head. and she would have come back. just sucks that silco and marcus showed up


a lot. i know a few children who don't do what tolled until yelled at or something.


jesus these comments are really something is the game community really like that?