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Sheera wins the clapped in the comments award for this month, yall will know when you get to that part lmao

Still an episode of Gurren Lagann dropping once its done exporting!



Its called egg tempera, it's a real way of making paint that is pretty long lasting, like 2000 year old paintings are still around.

I VisiBomb I

that being said: its better to use oil paint since it blends better and has more quality of life reasons to use, and considering our era, theres no need for y'all who might consider starting mixing egg and powders to own paint that'll last 2000 years.


😢 I'm so happy

JunpeiFES .

If only this was Cobra Kai but oh well, "requests" has more priority ):


I mean, Cobra Kai has come out every Monday since it started. Shows like You, Squid Game and Arcane are only 8-10 episodes and just suddenly dropped in the middle of everything.. makes sense to ge through them quickly.

Jdogzero Silverblade

yea no not sure how you forgot who he was. its the guy in episode 1 that was about to be duped into a crap payment until vander stepped in and threatened them with the entire bar XD



ka9k 1

That shit with sheera was hilarious


They need to stop abandoning this girl, she's been through enough 💀


Why😂why does everyone think it’s the black kid, I swear it’s clapped so many reactors


So just to clear some things up for you, the guy in Viktors flashback that he goes to at the end is the guy that helped Silco in the first few episodes. And the crack addict guy that got the medicine is the guy from episode 1 that Vander helped in his bar.


lmfaooo whaatt??? Sheera seek help bofl. "Little black kid".


There's actually an LoL game for the Switch, I think it came out pretty recently. Looks pretty fun. I'll probably buy and play it after the season finishes.


If your wondering why jinx has amazing reflex’s it’s cuz the voices in her head tell her when to dodge and when their is danger nearby


Jayce wasn't wrong though. Snarf 2.0 was basically looking at everything in terms of his own lifespan. On top of that, the refute of "Who holds you accountable?" is 100% valid. He may have come across as aggressive, but he felt he had to put his foot down. His brother from another mother is dying, there's not much time. So yeah, Jayce did what he had to do.

Kevin Davison

I guess you can call this spoilers but here’s my theory for why I think Ekko is the leader of the Firelight:


yeeeaa Sheera. Thought it was anti-black juice lmaoo all jokes tho. The guy that helped caitlyn get the meds for Vi is the guy in episode 1 Vandar helped when he was gonna get ripped off in his deal in The Last Drop.


Aint no way sheera thought that was ekko that had me weak

Smash Bran'Discootch

Jinx literally has Borderline Personality Disorder. It's a pretty severe mental illness characterized mostly by an extreme fear of abandonment as well as things like losing touch with reality and severe dissociation. I know cause i've got it. Seeing such a visceral interpretation of it in media is both heartbreaking and also amazing. The representation is real. More proof of that is how Jinx "splits". Splitting in the context of BPD means when you grow so attached to someone and build them up in your head as this perfect person, then as soon as they let you down ONE TIME, they suddenly become the worst person in the world. She split on Vi when they were young and Vi left her and she said "She is NOT my sister". She then split on Slico in this episode. He was her favorite person, then as soon as she thought he lied to her he became the enemy. It's a constant cycle of idealization and devaluation. It's been said that people with BPD are like "Emotional third degree burn victims. They have no emotional skin." and you can see this displayed really well in how Jinx feels everything SUPER strongly. When she's sad, she isn't just sad she's DEVESTATED. When she's happy, she's super giddy. When she's angry, she's destructive. Like, she absolutely has BPD and that super traumatic event when she was young is what triggered it.

Deric Jackson

Yeah, Although I wouldn't have kicked him off the council since progress needs breaks every once in a while to remain safe. Everything else Jayce said I agreed with. He doesn't help, he just says no you shouldn't do this because of the potential for bad and then doesn't help them make it safer or anything.

Kevin Davison

Ekko revolves around time. His first line is “give me a few seconds” in reference to his in game lines. In episode 4, you see the Firelight leader follows a strict 5 minute timer.


WTF are you guys even talking about? Raid? Looking for you? They were setting up blockades lmao. Jayce told Marcus to check anything and anyone coming into town.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also yeeeeaaahhh sheera? Ekko grew up to be the white dude? I didn't know the Shimmer Michael Jackson's people o.o

Kenneth O'Connor

Lil hairy professor better get Tf outta there before everything he was spittin comes true AGAIN hahaha


Reason why jinx freaks out at the end she's hella confused and thinks the Vi she saw wasn't real after she disappeared hence why she asked Vi are you real


Appreciate the double upload guys! <3


Good call with echo. I didn’t even think about that

Julian Walker

Hiemi actually was there and seen it...


Roshi react to the Wheel of Time pilot please. I swear it will be the next got


sheera stop staring at my soul please

Smash Bran'Discootch

I've read all the books. Robert Jordan was a god. I'm super hype about it but I'm also way nervous. I REALLY hope they do it justice.

Shawn Nguyen

300 years of experience

John Spartan

That not-ekko dude (lol) was the slanky man with glasses from ep 1 that Vander had to save from getting a shit deal on his bar


Which is basically her, she got some reality dissociation mental illness coupled with other thing

Ranginald Vagel

Them floundering trying to recognize Huck is definitely a bruh moment


Jinx sacrificed her friends to gain Spidey sense.


LUPA redeem himself in this reaction.


Don't know if y'all missed it but the scientist with Viktor is the same scientist that helped Silco make the shimmer in act 1


lupa they are going to have a fighting game about league vi is probably gonna be a payable character there here it is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EM2JL7iqdCY

Sauce Sorcerer

I think the guy cutting her on the leg was the proof she needed that it wasn't just her mind playing tricks this time around

Erich Bomke

I think he is hoping for more of a Assassins Creed or Bioshock where you play as Vi solely.

Robert L

Sheera sees a sickly white man and thinks its a young black boy lmao.


people are so weird getting mad at reactors for posting their genuine reactions lmao. It's also hilarious watching people whine about when things are being watched/uploaded. Imagine how annoying it would be if people just bitched at you every day for not watching the shows they like 🤣

Darius Wells

The watch, the bandanna, the hoverboards since he is friends with the dropboarders, his mask resembling a piece of his splash art outfit, his decision to capture vi instead of leaving/killing her. If anything, it’s more compelling than saying it ain’t lol


Was never seeking redemption. But I peep how tight yall get when I shatter your opinions with my opinions. Love yall.


Guys you know the guy who met Victor when he was a kid was the doctor who made the shimmer, that’s why you see his face burnt, because what Jinx did

Miguel NoName

I had no idea, but I thought they have done an amazing job so far portraying her issues, and having the audience feel conflicted about her actions. This show is god tier.


Did my comment get deleted :(. Typed up a whole ass paragraph too

ATINY_ Treasure

I also think the leader of the Firelights is Ekko. Reasons being that for starters we all saw in the first episodes that he was great at building gadgets, like he was literally listening on Vander and Benzo’s convo with the Enforcers. Second, HE was the one who witnessed what Shimmer does to people first, when he stumbled upon the massacre before breaking Vi out of where she was locked. And because of that I have no doubt that’s the same reason why he has his gang get rid of Shimmer and has Silco as his enemy, I would say Benzo was like a Father to him and this is his way of getting revenge and wanting The Lanes to return to what they were before falling into Silco’s control. And I really do hope that he is Ekko, because it definitely seemed like he recognized Vi and that’s why he took her

Lance Isaac

Aint no way Sheera 😂😂😭😭. Im dying laughin. That made my night😂

Miguel NoName

After watching the episode again I just realized that guy is Singed from the game. I feel so bad for that poor animal he just experimented on. In episode 3 there is a brief moment they show how the shimmer is being made, and there seems to be a beating heart or some sort of organ that’s part of the process of making it. I gather that organ was from the animal.


IT time for sheera to redeem herself also lol


Sheers thinking Ekko pulled an MJ had me dying.

Big Juls

oh lawd sheera there's no way you thought my boy ekko was the white drug addict 😭😭


Sheera this episode: “I don’t see color” 😂 Also day 3: Throw Justice League Dark Apokolips on your watchlist and Justice League Dark if you have time


If you talking about mistaking Ekko for the guy in the first ep then I hate to tell you she is not the first and she did not have you guys to set her straight so no Sheera doesn’t get my vote for getting clapped in the comments award.


wow o wow lotta crows around for some reason huh?

sotonye ogan

Fr i get Lupa when Heimerdinger was tryna act like he knows shit like bruh you immortal and im dying tf you lecturing me for 😂😂

sotonye ogan

Aint no way Sheera thought the shriveled ass Vector was the black kid lmao


the fucked white guy w/ glasses was Huck, he was defended by vander in the first episode at the bar.


When jinx tilted her head to dodge the blow coming from the top. OwO

Steven Fechter

So why is Vi pretending like she was looking for powder this whole time? She literally said "fuck this girl" and abandoned her while she was begging her not leave her lol. Im not sure why Vi thinks this relationship is salvagable, shes the one that gave up on powder first.


She didn't abandon her, she was still in shock and wanted to process it alone just 20 feet away from powder when she sat down and started crying. And when she saw silco approaching her she instantly tried rushing for help but marcus drugged and dragged her away


I love how they did the ending with Jinx; it just looked like she was having a moment... in a moment... in a moment... in a moment (everyone, shut up, I need to think) lol it just felt right how they showed her losing it.... I loved it <3 Great reaction, I'm looking forward to more. God I hope we get more seasons and/or more spin offs.


There is actually a lot of lore behind the things that were mentioned in this episode regarding the "seeds" and the "hexcore". There's even a short cinametic video trailer for the game LoL, which kind of shows a bit more about what these "seeds" are. The whole series kind of just spun off of years of good animated videos for League of Legends and then people begging for a series :).


Glasses dude is the one from the first episode. Vander saved him in the bar


The dude that knew Vi and got Caitlyn to the doctor was that scrawny nerd dude that was getting fucked over on a deal in Vander's bar


Vi and Caitlyn, just gals being pals. You three are the worst at reading the room when it comes to romance. 😂


Im not entirely sure but is the doctor viktor keeps seeing the one from the explosion that fucked up the kids and vander? remember we thought he died. He had a face covering from maybe his burn and tbh i think hes Singed, but thats just a guess.


I don't blame them 100% but I do think its funny some people ship cait and jayce (who have no sexual or romantic tension whatsoever) while ignoring the obvious set up thats happening with cait and vi lol. im curious to see where it goes


if you guys like this you should watch overwatch animated shorts really good.


Also something cool someone pointed out to me, when Jinx is talking to chuck she puts up 1 finger and taps the counter twice: 1 drink on the double. Then she points at it and he puts a straw in it like Vander used to


I literally used to main him, and I didn't connect the dots until I saw your comment! So excited now!


Great reaction as always ! I'm sooooooooo exciting for act 3 ( on saturday ) . BTW the scientist in Vector's flashback is the same one that worked for silco making (Boost juice) for him and got blown up in his lab in the first act because of powder, and the guy with shimmer addiction that helped caitlyn is the guy vander helped him making his deal first episode.


yeah and i was really hoping for a series because of the cinametics for years bro, and when they made one they really did a greeeat job


Yo sheera wtf 😭


So I'm not the only one who got pissed off by that lol Sheera and Roshi sitting here trying to set the record straight like nigga we don't care! The way it come out of his mouth in this dudes situation was just shitty


ekko be like, lemme do that again..... wait professor yellow fluff, is this tinkering right?


all vi gotta do is press R on Salco..... i dunno what she's doing....

Jigga Man

Lupa bro ain't you Jamaican how you out here asking if tumeric is a word lmaooo


turmeric good af for you :)


yo, I just finished RTTV's reaction someone in their group also thought that the white guy with the glasses white was EKKO lmao they thought he was all grown up into that.


Seen 2 other reactors say the same thing SHEEEEEESH


The professor will be proven right.


The girl in viktor’s flash back is their assistant. Her name is Sky and watching Viktor made her get interested in fidgeting with science

Zion Noland

This episode reaction made me tear up lmao idk watching the whole thing with y’all really added to the experience. I didn’t even cry when I watched it on my own first. 😭


anyone peep how the voices in jinx's head told her the people were coming and they told her to dodge that attack from one of the hover board guys


"Im tryin ta save your life, bro" my fucking sides. LOL

Totally Thomas

The Firelight Leader is definitely looking like Ekko. Poor Heimendinger; getting kicked out because he wants to show caution to synthetic magic. Can't wait for the next ep. from you guys.

Andrew W

Firelight skin for Ekko better drop a week after the third arc comes out lol - this show is straight fire, and I'm loving these reactions!


I'M DECEASED "Isn't that the black boy"

Ivan Šlogar

Hey guys, the guy who helped Cait get potion for Vi and who sold them out is the guy who was bullied in Vander's bar in the first episode.

Jaime Ruiz

I don't feel bad for the donger. He goes around saying no and to wait, and telling everyone that theyre wrong but he never has answers, just fears.

Faiz Khan

this man Lupa never used turmeric powder when cooking smh my damn skull piece head top

shijishoutmon flare

roshi stupid with that crack epidemic explanation lmao


That whole shot with powder and all the demons she has to live with. Literally “ on her ass” 😢


the guy with the glasses was the one who xander stepped in to help not getting scammed in the first episode.

Delinda Arts

I've watched act 3 about 3 times now. so fuckin good.


that crack epidemic line though lol


Crack epidemic line was crazy to me bc I fr been thinking ya'll should react to Snowfall for the longest! Unless you've all seen it already ofc. Mad love to you three.

Lupa is Dadi

How did Sheera clap her self? I didn't notice anything


Bro, how did you miss the blatant as fuck part where she thought Ekko was the white white guy with glasses lmao. They talked about it for like 2 minutes.

Lupa is Dadi

when you've stuck around as long as I have this is nothing compared to the theories they all have come up with. This was just Sheera being dumb lmao.