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Araragi is gonna get his boots smoked. IDK how hes supposed to handle these boys


Daniel Borrego

i mean, she probably wouldnt as a dollar in 1900 was much different then now. a lbs of bacon cost 10 cents. back when she was still young who knows what things cost. probably bartering and gold/silver/copper pieces. 20 000 bucks isnt too bad to mediate .


No it’s not supposed to be before bakemono It’s a flash back and in the novel it’s the second after bake


the correct way to watch is what youve been doing which is release order, dont worry about the people who want it in chronological order



None None

I just woke and decided to see if this got uploaded over the night, just to see it got uploaded 6 minutes ago. Today's my lucky day.


No, the release order is not the correct watch order. The only reason Kizumonogatari adaptation didn't come after Bakemonogatari is because of production issues, there were a lot of talks on how to do it and the production committee came to the conclusion that they will make it in 3 movies and those take a long time to make as you can see the art and animation is way above the standard. Because of that they just decided to continue with the other stories while working on the movies on the side.


NISIOISIN has said he thinks new fans should just watch them by release order, checkmate bro




He never said that but alright. Don't know what is up with Monogatari fans, I see them especially on Twitter when arguing about certain stuff. They just pull the "Nisioisin said this and that" but it just lies he never said anything lmao


The perfect way to start a Friday morning


u realise im talking about the novel release order not the anime right? that is literally the correct order as written by NISIOISIN so first its Bake then Kizu then Nise then Neko kuro then the events of second season


After 84 years, it's finally here! I can't wait for you guys to react to the other 2 movies, it's just going to get better from here. The introduction to Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade is amazing. One of the best characters in the Monogatari series.


Its 1:30 am in AUS and as im getting into bed I get the notif and just... well shit

Valdemar The Dark Thugy

Yaaaay, kizu is finally here, the tale of the king and queen of monsters starts here. As always, thx for the reaction (P.S. Araragi apparently doesn’t care about any kind of vehicles )


I'm so ready for that Dramaturgy fight. One of my favorites in all the series'


Also, monogatari's art style is based around the French New Wave film style IIRC.


Bro, Im so hyped to re-watch Araragis baseball pitching skills

James Ancester

Damn, $20000 is quite a fee for "asking politely"... but in that situation, it probably beats being triple penetrated by priest guts and his goons


pastor anderson is that you???


The slayers are speaking in a foreign language and that's why Araragi can't understand them.

AlexXis Amadeus

You guys should remember not to take the visuals of this story anywhere near "literally". It's about 90% metaphor, 10% unreliable narrators, which is why the entire franchise more closely resembles some coomer's art-house project more than it does a traditional... anything. It's like one giant concept album music video.

Alex cleveland

Have not watch this movie yet, but it looks fucking amazing for the first few mins I just watched 🤩

Austin Yun

Kiss shot acerola Orion heart under blade

F already S

Heart-Under-Blade: In kanji, "heart" = 心; "blade" = 刃. So "心" under "刃“ makes "忍” which means Shinobu :)

Kitsune Tengu

I love her name Kiss-Shot Acerola-Orion Heart-Under-Blade more than shinobu

None None

Kizu = Scar Kizumono = Used goods (in both senses of the term) Monogatari = Story Most iterations follow a similar naming scheme, where it means "____ story", but also has a second meaning if you read "mono" as part of the word (bake = possess, bakemono = monster). Because every fucking inch of this damn series is a pun.


@ArchbishopM I agree with you, but you didn't specify which "release order" you meant. This is important because I see a lot of people that say to just watch the series in the order that the anime was released, rather than in LN release order, which is likely where the confusion/disagreement with AgustD started.


Glad you guys are watching this, ty for the reactions :)


Its almost never really brought up, but can we take a minute to appreciate how baller the soundtrack is?


Basically. And it's been covered in other places, but the Monogatari series essentially adopts the [French] New Wave of storytelling (it's probably more apparent here, given the French that appears throughout the film).


Release order (the way the anime was released) is always the way to go. The Kizu movies don't hit as hard if you don't really see araragi's and shinobu's relationship throughout the previous series first


Bro I'm not even going to lie to you Araragi could never go up against Anderson lol I don't even think Shinobu could but then again all the other times he fought Alucard the mf wasn't even at full power


I never noticed how much he looks like Akira Fudo in the Kizu movies.


These movies go crazy Def one of the most visually appealing movies for its time


The proper way to watch it is by book release order. Anime release order is decently fine. Then if you want to know the past events before the later events happen then watch it in chronological order. There is no “correct” watch order it just depends if you want to watch it how it was meant to be adapted which would be release order or if you want to watch it in a way that the story makes sense which would be chronological order. Either way it is a great anime to go back and rewatch it in the other order that you didnt watch it in the first time


The crying baby thing was just symbolic of Kiss-Shot's screaming that she didn't want to die btw. That's why it can be heard when Araragi is contemplating what to do. Instead of her VA dubbing in lines for that whole sequence, they just insert the baby crying sound effect, likening her cries for help to a baby's wailing.

Neutr0n (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-26 11:04:24 Nope he did say it. Guy literally said release order " is what youve been doing", and they've already reacted to Kizu, soo...
2021-10-28 22:30:27 Nope he did say it. Guy literally said release order " is what youve been doing", and they've already reacted to Kizu, soo...

Nope he did say it. Guy literally said release order " is what youve been doing", and they've already reacted to Kizu, soo...

Balázs Börcsök

I was waiting so long for you to react to this.


araragi is a chad the anime just saves cost to draw him handsome AF. How you think the man is scoring all these women?