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Damn we thought some big brain shit was going on with Gar, whole time it was just cause he got folded lmao



u guys still posting kizu later?

mitch anderson

Y’all would agree that Bio Ship basically got a train ran on her right? 👀

Big Daddy Dre

YAll niggas done clapped yourselves again and it’s only the intro especially this nigga lupa they literally said in the last episode why Megan would recognize Saturn girl and I’m pretty sure 15 niggas said it in the comments of the last video 😂😂


Y’all are always so sus of literally everything lol. Sometimes you didn’t but idk about some of these ones lol

Kitsune Tengu

Wait Kizumonogatari is also scheduled for today right?


I just be watching the show from your reaction vids lmao


This has already been a big improvement over season three so far in my opinion


Guys I don't think kizu is coming today

Omar Bautista

Yet to see the full reaction but you guys are spinning in circles thinking Saturn is thier kid, like Jason Todd is a Nightwing clone. It's like how mgaann can tell the mind link is her brother or someone else's. People have unique mind links and she would better recognize Saturn's mind link a second time. Same how mgaann can't use her powers when Simon is around in a stealth mission

None None

"*Gasp* you looked into my mind!?" Yep, that yellow martian is 100% guilty. That line of dialog is blatantly foreshadowing that she's got shit to hide and was panicking because she thought her mind got read.


Yeaahh roshi?? Misgendering Chameleon boy


I saw like 10 or 15 eggs bro bio ship is a freak 😂


Yo is it just me or is lupa head band dope af?


Pretty sure the Superman thing was just a nice little end credit scene nothing more.


Conner hitting that rock gave me brief Nightwing flashbacks lol. If you know you know 😏


You niggas are waaaay too paranoid for your own good lol the second someone even breaths the wrong way you freak the hell out


Yeah imma be real. Them being suspect of EVERY little thing they do and say its a bit annoying. Like every time a martian says a word or moves a finger...suspect. Cmon guys settle down.

Austin Friley

Ain’t no way that was just from the mob he’s been losing it since the ship ride there

CJ Dennis

I'm not really getting any bad vibes from the Yellow martian or Megan's father. I don't know who going to be guilty of what outside of the obvious. 🤣 🤣

CJ Dennis

It's Camelion boy not girl lol.


Relax lol Jon didn't clap Lois.

Jose silva

No grand blue this week?


I remember in the comics , Jon accidentally incinerated a cat. He was trying to protect it from a big hawk trying to kill it and ended up smoking both. Heat vision is scary af yo.

Adrian Valiente

lol Sheera is overly suspicious of the yellow priest and m'ganns dad. She has great prediction powers so I hope it don't turn out to be true.


I don’t fully recall their backstory but if what Roshi said about those guys being from the future is true, maybe that psychic blonde chick is beast boys daughter. He has the Martian blood/potential for his lineage to have that ability and if he stays with the princess(I think) then that explains the looks


It's all very cool themes but i do hope that if they keep doing it like this it gets a little bit more interspersed....Also i could not give a flying fuck about the wedding. We got ourselves a whole ass murdermystery but instead we out here chucking rocks!


think of the legion of superheroes as a side justice league of the future. chameleon boy, phantom, and Saturn girl are simply just aliens from the future. they have no relation to the heroes of today just similar abilities. basically a copy of the justice league from the future

Devin B

They did say that he still had trauma because of Brion leaving the team but the psychic attack from the mob just added more to what he was already dealing with


Yeah but on the flip you cant just throw out the other theory especially after how she took M’Ganns form and healed Beastboy without Beastboy realizing it wasnt her. I think their connection is deeper than we realize. She clearly wasnt supposed to interfere but went out on a limb for him. Saturn Girl appears to have more of a personal connection to these characters than the other two


Is kizumonogatari still coming out?


Yeah but clearly Saturn Girl is more connected to these characters than whats on the surface. So we may not be wrong at all.

Michael Pamon

Gar is green because the monkey god that bit him was green.


When Sheera asked, "Why is Beast Boy's skin green instead of white?" It's because of the monkey god that bit him (the previous season explains it in more detail) which is also the reason why he can only change into animals from any planet he's been to.


I posted the same answer and didn't see yours until after. Sorry about that.😅

Matthew Osteen

I think I just realized what story they adapted this season for and if I'm correct it's about to be crazy and I mean crazy!!!

Ashanti Patmon

I just realized that Megan dad is the og of Jon Jonzzz

Michael Pamon

Yoshi remember how in previous seasons M’gann and Psimon could feel each other’s psychic links? That’s basically what’s going on with M’gann and Saturn Girl. While I wouldn’t put it past the writers to make Saturn Girl some type of descendent of Gar or M’gann and Conner (since the Legion are from the year 3000) I really doubt that’s the case.


Same lmao, that wedding should been postponed as soon as the Zeta-tube blew the fuck up. I mean I get why they showing it (& luckily once we get to earth they just getting paperwork done so we don’t gotta focus on it after) but more interesting plot points are happening at the same time stealing it’s thunder. Hopefully the wedding wraps up next episode or they decide in universe to postpone it cause of fuckery.

Weekly Flo

I think the Yell'on Martian knows something about the murder of J'emm's dad. It might be why she changed her skin to yellow, because I assume that she was A'ashenn before, even though she said that she was G'arunn. Also surprised they haven't picked up on how that M'Comm, Ma'alefa'ak now, is working with Darkseid as a pawn to work against the new gods, so Darkseid is also making moves against Savage, but granny goodness wasn't apart of those plans. I think the person messing with everything is one of the children Granny raised and there's goign to be another future kid/event to take place. Those 3 are definitely on assignment to help. I hope hope hope hope hope that star fire and raven are introduced

Totally Thomas

So Gar got major anxiety from not accepting loss. Imagine your mother dying before your eyes, godmother dying after she promised to protect you, Wally dying after being a huge hero mentor, and finally Brion who you consider a brother losing his shit and starts killing people: all while your girlfriend questioning if y'all should split. Yeah Gar is mentally broken and it's sad. I thought he was annoying this season but looking back, this (Beast) boy has gone through hell.

CJ Dennis

I think the Yellow martian is Yellow because they said in the first episode that when a martian becomes a priest or presitess they change their skin color to yellow.

Brandon Gibbs

It seems Conner & M'gann should've been worrying more about BB and his mental problems over failing Brion, it was just a good thing Saturn Girl helped him herself when she did.


I noticed that all 3 people from the Legion have an ability similar to Ms Martian. I wonder if they’ll go the route of all of them having Martian blood and that being where they get their powers. I know it’s not like that in the comics but I think it’d be a cool new take on the characters in this series


The main reason i think this is cause it seems like Saturn Girl is Megan and they chose two other characters that have powers similar to the Martians and their spending these episodes on mars. Although Saturn girl wasn't able to phase through things so I'm wondering why she cant if she's megan but who knows. Prob not what's happening but that's my theory haha

CJ Dennis

I'm with Roshi it's nice that they are putting in all these different themes (although some of it might be a bit on the nose). However, I do hope they leave it here and not push it throughout the whole season, and more than most likely they won't.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

I guess if you're suspicious of everyone you're gonna be at least right on one.

These Plums

The reason she'd recognize her mind touch is because of the filter going down in all the chaos last episode. Saturn girl said she was detected so if the filter goes down again MG would pick it up and recognize it from episode 2


They just makin maaad parallels this season huh?

rickie woodson

so m'gann is trans now? ooooh twitter must be LIT!


The emotions this season are going hard, the director and writers deserve a raise for how good they made this. I wasn’t that interested in a Mars-centric setting but it has pleasantly exceeded my expectations.


Yoo wtf Roshi I got that same shirt 💧