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Fail Mixer



Roshi trolling Lupa got me WEAK😂😂😂😂😂😂


Scaring the hoes +1000

Big Juls

Early posts!?? LES GOOO


this is a diving anime


This is unrealistic af, smh. Them mentioning Iori having a gf already would have in reality made them MORE INTERESTED in him. This is why if you have a best female friend or w/e, you can use that as a potential bait to score bitches if you enter a bar or w/e. Hell, I've even heard of people who make it succeed by wearing a fake engagement or a wedding ring

God Mage KI

It's called preselection, and it's very real. "Preselection is a principle which dictates that women are more attracted to men that seem attractive to other women. ... Basically, if attractive women see you NOT getting rejected and that you're OK in the presence of other equally attractive or more attractive women, they will be attracted." Women feel more comfortable with you when other women have already vetted you.

Baren Nerab

ok you need that intro song for when you guy vlog the aquarium haha


So anime about diving to alcohol to drown in your girl sorrows...