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So this Thursday we will drop 3 episodes, we realize its better to watch all the episodes for the different segments together, so we will do it that way from now on!


Lupa is Dadi

Or not godamm edit: genius


This episode hit me with the feels so fucking hard the first time i saw it...


I’m eagerly waiting for that Cobra Kai reaction

None None

Just be warned the last arc is five episodes. But the first two are kind of disconnected from the last three, so it's better to break them up that way.

Tony Lee

Cool to see y'all sticking through all the wordplay since that turns off a lot of new viewers. What happened to Sheera's voice btw XD

Ara Araragi

If it helps you deal with Arararagi's groping, Hachikuji's been dead for over 10 years, so technically she's older than him... And if that doesn't help, then brace yourselves, because this show doesn't shy away from weird moments.


The weird loli stuff only gets worse, just a warning if you ever get uncomfortable with some of the shit Araragi does. Looking past all that gross stuff you'll get an incredible story, but for many that weird stuff is very hard to look past.


This show focuses on a lot of different fetishes and character types.


if you caught it they quickly explained why hanekawa could see her because she also has problems at home and never wants to be there so she could see hachikuji as well in case you didn't catch that lol. Its sorta relevant info to know about hanekawa

James Yoder

Gotta get used to that harassment lol


"I graduated from a plot device to a reoccurring character"

Hybrid Notions

Is Sheera ok? Her voice isn't sounding too good, hope it's nothing too serious. Anyways, glad to see you guys reacting to Peak Fiction. This series isn't for everyone, and can get kinda weird sometimes. But if you're able to look past the weird stuff, I think you'd end up finding something amazing. I think it's a genuine masterpiece, and one of my all time fav series. Hope you guys end up watching the Kizu movies too, it covers two of my fav characters in the series (Araragi and Shinobu) and might be my fav part in the series

Weltall Gaia

I love this show. Its weird as fuck, and plays merry hell with words and quick cuts and weird ass scene angles, and sexual harassment, but its super interesting.


i dont see a reason for them not to watch the movies at its one of hte most primordial parts of the story, as well as the best in my opinion


Monogatari is that type of series that you enjoy the ride while its happening without necessarily waiting for an epic conclusion. There is not much builup and most dialoguesa are just silly, but they always hold some meaning. The tales are not that big so shit happen kind of abruptly and thats part of the charm


get ready to recieve a million lectures every time araragi molests a child

Sebastian Stróż

So I read some comments before watching the episdoe and I was like "damn, they really didnt like the whole groping thing". Now that I watched it I know I'm a dumbass for thinking comment section portrays actual reaction, sure they dont exactly like it but dont go ape shit either as its just a small portion of a show. Cannot wait for more episodes, glad to hear you will watch 3 episodes if needed and as someone pointed out last arc is 5 episodes but its best to split it into 2 and then 3 episodes.

Sebastian Stróż

I'm 99% sure they will be watching movies after Bake. When it comes to weird stuff, there is no question the whole thing is weird but I would say you dont want to look past it as it's part of the experience. Also, movies are 100% important for how you view the series as they explain (without really telling you, because fuck you) how the story is told in the rest of the series.

Pan Cakes

araragi kinda sussy?


Wait so is araragi and that girl dating now?

None None

One thing I really like about this show is the attention to the way the characters are posed. Each of the girls have little movement quirks that are meant to make them look like their animal. Like Senjougahara's glaring expression, stiff gestures, and habit of outstretching her arm all the way out to point at things, like a crab. And Mayoi leaning forward to make her posture more snail-like. The next girl's probably the most obvious, from what I remember.


Noooo I just started watching with them damm alright can’t wait


Nice 👍🏾

Sebastian Stróż

Haha, looks like you are enjoying it! Look out for spoilers in the comments and buckle up for the wildest ride you can imagine.


Araragi goes from being the best character in the show, to the worst character sometimes.


Slime reaction?


Right, was checking for the last 3 hours at work 😢😢


it makes me pretty uncomfortable, hachikuji is mentally like 21ish so while its still bad araragi got the tiniest possible sliver of a defense at the very least


it defo still weird but techincally all the lolis are older than him, an i keep that in mind to look past it

King DDD

they usually upload slow when they are caught up with the anime they are watching


Are they supposed to be tuesdays or wednesdays? Cause it keeps switching I swear

AlexXis Amadeus

"I wouldn't fondle my little sister" So, about that... Let's just say, the people who made this show knew exactly who they were making it for. Yes, it will get more egregious. Not abhorrent, but pretty gross. Bail now, if you can't stomach it. This show is the reason for the "X000 year old loli" trope.

None None

Nah, it existed long before this show. Hell, I'm 90% sure the one in this show was directly inspired by Evangeline from Negima. The two characters are just too similar for it to be a coincidence.

Connor Grynol

I think it’s this episode when Araragi says “it’s my duty.” That moment was when we, the viewers, first get an understanding of what kind of person Araragi is. Senjougahara put it into words but another way to look at it is that Koyomi Araragi is similar to Shirou Emiya in that they find value in themselves by being of use to others. As the series progresses we also get to see part of the hypocrisy of this ideal and the self destructive nature of it.

Greg Harrison

Uploading by arcs is a cool idea, last arc is 5 eps though. Looking forward to episode 12.


Wow Sheera put the words into English so well my brain felt expanded.


This is a fun arc to rewatch once you know how the snail works. Senjougahara never interacts with the snail or its belongings. While the other two are instantly invested in the snail since they meet its conditions.

Drake Rage

Sheera, he doesn't have a "Hero complex" since he isn't making himself feel superior, or fueling his ego by helping people... Like he told Senjougahara, helping her wasn't a big deal to him so he told her she didn't need to feel like she owed him anything. Even though she told him she had that problem for 2 years and many people had come to know she had an issue, but nobody helped her until Araragi came along. But to him helping someone is not a big deal. This episode made me sad. A little girl missed her mother, so she set out alone to see her Mom on Mother's day and ended up dying, really sad.