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So Im seeing here the subs are drastically different from on Crunchyroll. I think from here on out we will opt to watch the non Crunchyroll subs lol


Roger Powell

It's even funnier when you realize that Ishigami is actually describing the American tax system.


yeah you miss out on lot of jokes with official subs

Kitsune Tengu

Yeah Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii yaboyrTwerk yaboyrTwerk yaboyrTwerk

mitch anderson

Yhhh the non official subs are the best tbh 💀


Slime tonight or tomorrow?




there was a whole part where they were talking about a Dachshund and its just......not here in this version


Patiently awaiting for new slime ep reaction 😁


Slime was too hype my 🧠 🤯... I will be waiting for the reaction 💯


Bro, the most recent slime ep was posted at 4pm on a TUESDAY, the episode before that was 4pm on a WEDNESDAY. The upload dates have varied. Why are you mad at me for asking a genuine question?


Dang, I watched the official subs. I didn’t know I was missing out..


I mean why do you have to ask the question. Just wait till it comes out


I agree past 2 weeks they have uploaded slime literally the next day I get it why people are asking it but I'm guessing we ain't getting it today boys :'(

Cleven Anthony

Really y’all ? Why are there people mad that we’re asking for slime ? Not only was it only Tuesday but they definitely said at some point for a little while slime wouldn’t have a set day. There’s no reason to get on peoples cases cause there anxious to watch them react like we all are for different shows lol


@JJ cos we are humans and not a bots ? What are we not allowed to ask anything what kinda rules is that lol chill out......people are more sensitive then the actual creator themselves jeez


I’m not gonna lie a lot of anime non-official subs are way better it’s just the truth because The jokes ain’t as funny on localized




The amount of dicks in the translation


its either that or begging them to watch something else. Then I get flamed for trying to have actual discussions or post information relevant to the show they watching you wouldn't get normally. Welcome to the patreon.


Which subs are you watching? Whatever subs you included in the video while editing were complete ass in my opinion, but it sounds like the ones you watched were good.


The sheera doki doki laugh always kills me

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-19 23:11:37 I would keep watching the crunchyroll ones they are better in my opinion, the subs are different especially for that joke because neither of them can be accurate and keep the joke making sense in english, so they both had to just come up with english dick jokes that are totally different from the japanese ones. The crunchyroll subs are just worded better and more accurately overall IMO.
2021-09-15 08:25:17 I would keep watching the crunchyroll ones they are better in my opinion, the subs are different especially for that joke because neither of them can be accurate and keep the joke making sense in english, so they both had to just come up with english dick jokes that are totally different from the japanese ones. The crunchyroll subs are just worded better and more accurately overall.

I would keep watching the crunchyroll ones they are better in my opinion, the subs are different especially for that joke because neither of them can be accurate and keep the joke making sense in english, so they both had to just come up with english dick jokes that are totally different from the japanese ones. The crunchyroll subs are just worded better and more accurately overall.


Sheera's face in that scene where Treasurer was making fun of boobies :D


Watch the non-official they are always better in a full comedy show anyway. Official usually avoid dirty jokes translated correctly.


Ishigami curious about futas.


They're watching the official Crunchyroll subs. The ones in the video here are Good Job Media. If the issue is the wiener skit, neither of them are actually translating the Japanese. They're just different ways of handling a pun (and then more puns) that just don't translate: "chinchin" means when a dog stands up on their hind legs, but it's also a childish word for penis. Neither of the subs were wrong. They just chose to make different compromises.


The official Crunchyroll subs often leave onscreen text untranslated, and what is translated gets put at the top or bottom where the dialogue gets translated. It can get hard to follow. Season 2 is Funimation exclusive, and their subs were even worse with this. Good Job Media translates everything and goes above and beyond with their typesetting. (Like in this episode, they completely recreate the pyramids with English text.) But their translations can be pretty different. Like they go against both the official anime subs and all the manga translations (both official and otherwise) and translate "o kawaii koto" as "Isn't that just adorable?" instead of "How cute." And they're not wrong! They're just different. If you want to keep the official translation but get some better handling of onscreen text, there was a group called Kill Aniplex that was releasing modified subs of season 2 as it was coming out.


Shirogane got possessed by Rengoku with that job recruiting lmao


when dumb ass Roshi said "a fan?" I lost it lmaooo

Lupa is Dadi

maybe watch the sub that's closest to the English translation?I would think crunchy roll being official would be the right sub.


Definitely watch the crunchy roll subs, it's more correct


I am convinced the non-Crunchyroll subs' "translator" doesn't understand a word of Japanese and is just making shit up based on the apparent context. Most fansubbers have historically been like that. It's actually pretty hilarious when you can easily tell that a fansubber "learned" Japanese by watching anime. Specifically other fansubs, so they recycle the same bullshit "translations" ad infinitum. That sad thing is that there are some really famous ones that the official translators are forced to keep using because viewers riot if they don't stick to the crap that's been around for decades. I have personally literally explained to people what certain words *actually* mean using full linguistics-level explanations complete with explaining how certain kanji work, and they would become enraged at me that I would dare go against what has already been established (which in those cases had absolutely nothing to do with the real meaning).


Ishigami has me rolling on the floor i swear to god


lmao they watching GJM which are superior to CR shit in every possible way, crunchyroll often has the worst subs on the market lmao

Corey Hughes

So far I really dislike the Good Job Media subs. They have Chika saying "fuck" and Kaguya saying "dick". Totally out of character for both of them I think.


Superior in all ways except for comedy, the main selling point of the show lol. It's been frustrating to read the subs and have a joke fall completely flat like 8/10 times and then have Roshi read what subs they're seeing and it being way more accurate for an English joke. 1:1 Translations are nowhere near always best.

this guy ?gae

actually false, most of the fan sub from pirate site are accurate including this series. now about the chrunchy sub is idk since that thing is ban from japan, most of the anime streaming site are all banned in japan so i cant comment about that. but most of pirated version has accurate sub