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Preparation for the final battle


Spearbearer Josh

LOL she fucked him into unconsciousness


Surprised your pfp isn’t Kiritsugu the way you’ve been on his dick this entire time, goddamn


I cant wait for y'all to catch the 3 Heaven's Feel movies for the ACTUAL ending to the story.

Jalen Holmes

Final battle will be lit and movies animemation are god tier

Fernando Perez

I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but aren't ALL 3 endings technically canon?

Matthew B

saber isnt his servant anymore. Thats why no healing


It still provides passive healing but its not fast, the part that is seen in Unlimited Bladeworks is the moment where Shiruo captures a perfect "image" of Avalon within his reality marble which being in close proximity to saber and her sword regen-ed him. However, once he left his reality marble, where Avalon was stored Saber was no longer in "connection" with it, and thus it cannot be used until a similar connection could be formed or the pact is renewed.

Matthew B

yea you all got valid points, I stand corrected


Every route ending is valid but with Heaven´s Feel you finally get all the info even though I still enjoyed the key scenes in HF far more in the VN that in the movies.


Every ending is canon, there is no real ending. Only Heaven's Feel gives most answers to the plot holes left in other endings.

Charles Liu

Letting y'all know that that magic circuit transfer scene was supposed to be a full on sex scene so y'all was joking but also right at the same time


Yeah I was gonna write that in the original visual novel it was a full on sex scene and that Rin gets mad because Shirou is too rough on her and she had to make the connection for the mana XD

None None

It's just not the same without the awkward, terribly written sex scene.


HF isnt the actual end lol. All 3 routes are canon at the same time lol.


he dont need sabre to use avalon its the real version not a summoned one and its fused inside him. Avalon isn't omnipotent and it cant heal everything.


Nah Gilgamesh didn't see Spider-Man 3, he saw Dragon Ball Evolution. XD

Hakurei Oni

In the original visual novel that was a full on sex scene between Rin and Shirou, magic transferring involves exchanging bodily fluids. Obviously they kinda censor this aspect of the lore in the anime


Not really. The super healing in the anime was just because of drama effect. It has nothing to do with what you said. Shirou doesnt even know he has that thing inside him and without that knowledge, he cant form an image. In the Visual Novel, Avalon does heal Shirou but is very very weak, because he is not Saber´s master anymore. So yeah, the Avalon super healing in the anime is just for dramatic purposes.


Yes, like everyone in the comments is probably already saying, the transfer they performed was actually a sex scene in the visual novel. Obviously they made it different here for obvious reasons but the subtext is still there for those who played the visual novel or know of the sex scene.


Avalon just got out of juice when he healed Shirou in the Archer fight. Thats the only feaseable explanation for the anime as things happened differently in the source material. Avalon still heals him, of course, but it is a slow healing, which is why he was still getting patched up by Saber. And of course, none of them know Avalon is inside Shirou.


Next few episodes are gonna be EPIC AF. Y'all not ready. Ya'll even less ready for Heaven's Feel after that. XD


Animation, soundtrack, everything. ufotable + Yuki Kajiura = EPIC.

None None

Fate's main purpose was to establish the plot and setting, UBW was about diving into the main character's psyche, and HF is kind of the culmination of the game's themes and the grand finale. They form a sort of "beginning, middle, and end" to the overall narrative, even though they're each a standalone retelling of the story with their own canon endings.


Love how Sheera's jokes are just completely accurate during that mana transfer scene lmao.


Also the high jump scene didn't suddenly make her fall for him or anything. It just struck a chord in her how he was just relentlessly trying despite it being impossible for him to make the jump. So it's really the very start of her interest in him, it's not like she just shot straight to true love after seeing him do a few jumps.

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

Ah yes, the magic transfer. Really is a good one. As Shirou said in the novels “Tohsaka’s defenseless ________.”


I can't wait till they do Heaven's Feel. Those movie were godly. Easily the best in the entire series.


Lol. That joke about Shirou’s arm just falling off.

Antonio Williams

What is the origin of the 5:30 joke? I keep feeling like it's an avengers reference, but I'm not sure


Can't wait for HF movie


So explain this, how did her father gave it to her


The way Gil spoke of using the grails as weapons is actually part of the premise of Fate/Grand Order where people basically use grails to summon their own group of servants to work for them. It's cool how they weave in Grand Order in the show multiple times.

James Woodson III

I feel like the sex aspect is fanservicy, between family I would imagine it being handed down via a blood pact or something

Vincent S Deluca

Yooo between castlevania and this next Monday is about to go crazy


really wish u guys to react to Babylonia even if u guys didn't play Grand Order. u can see matured Gilgamesh as a wise king.


So idk if you guys remember but at the start of the show they mentioned Shirou used to be in the archery club and he was amazing at it and it seemed like he never missed. Which is why Archers main weapon was a bow but that’s also just a pretext to say that Shirou’s ability of observation is extremely high, so whenever he’s fighting Shirou just learns very fast. That combined with copying projections is what makes him the perfect counter against Gilgamesh


smh the dolphin censorship...


This. Say what you will, but I personally think Babylonia and Apocrypha have the best Servant rosters overall, out of all of the series


@Paramveer Budia there is already an inherent connection between family. The transfer used here is meant for non-blood related individuals to transfer it. There are even more invasive means (such as straight up physical extraction, not unlike what Gil did to Ilya), but this method is the least invasive for non-blood related individuals. I suppose the act itself symbolizes "creation of life" (even if it's not actually in the truest sense as to what happens, but the symbology itself counts, much like how blood usage as a catalyst is partially mana related and symbolical in nature), which is a blood connection of sorts, as seen w/ any lineage family tree types of things in a sense. Fun fact: plenty of young male magi get funding by selling their spunk for rich af old magic families, which they use in all kinds of experiments of various sorts

None None

According to Rin, it's normally done through blood transfusion, but she kind of brushes off that method as being "too messy" since they only had one night and she doesn't carry around the medical supplies needed to do it. Dicking is faster and easier.

Emil (edited)

Comment edits

2021-09-19 23:11:46 do we get triple drop next week for the finale?
2021-09-19 23:11:46 do we get triple drop next week for the finale?
2021-09-14 10:27:54 do we get triple drop next week for the finale?

do we get triple drop next week for the finale?


I think it started in MHA, maybe before. But whenever there's a meaningful conversation/speech, it's always sunset


lets just say Hentai game

Oh Alone

13:24 That Face !


am i the only one who finds it funny that the best characters in UBW are the returning ones from zero : Rin, Kirei, gilgamesh, saber

Linus Lim

So in the original source, the author was afraid Fate stay night wouldn't sell so the visual novel was originally basically a hentai. This magic crest transfer part is one of those parts that was altered for a standard release ;)

Sebastian Stróż

I'm pretty sure Apo is hands down fan favorite when it comes to servant lineup. F/GO ofc has a ton of everyone so thats that but Babylonia is really awesome to see Gil when he was ruling a country.


Nah they are the best characters period 😄

Chinese Cartoons

They are from FSN first and reoccur in Zero. Fate/Zero was written 3 years after FSN. Kirei and Shirou are probably the two best characters in Fate...except in the anime where Shirou is a nerd. Kirei is still great in all versions tho


He had no more mana left to trigger it

Austin Yun

Avalon would be working at its strongest if Shirou were contracted with Saber, she was physically close by, and full of mana. Even then it's not perfect healing. If you think of it as one of Saber's Noble Phantasms, it's never been filled with mana and invoked by name the way you have to fully trigger them (ie, Excalibur). Even partially working, it's still saved him from multiple fatal wounds in under a day and he's waving his arms around. Assuming you survive getting stabbed (that shit went all the way through him) that's months if not over a year of recuperating and physical therapy.


I think the worst part of these anime adaptations is the total lack of Taiga Dojo. lo

Austin Yun

I also wanna see them react to the actual sex scene here, because shit is h-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s


I was not prepared for the tonal whiplash from those VN sex scenes.


The reason he needed to be patched up is so they could show him half-naked. Ya'll forget this was initially a hentai.

Viela Guay

Tbh something I find so funny is that Shirou is objectively the worst at sex in the UBW route out of all the other routes. Both Fate and HF are far more sensual, and then in UBW he really is just clutz mcgee.


Can you guys also watch the ova of UBW call Sunny Days? It's an alternative endind of the story for about 10 minutes.


Something, something mollusk...


He was pretty much out of mana so Avalon wouldn’t be healing him, plus you have to remember it’s just a copy of Avalon so it’s not a perfect heal.

Drake Rage

2:48 Yeah Lupa, and I remember how you were talking mad shit about Kiritsugu for like half a dozen episodes for trying to destroy that Evil fucking Holy Grail. Great discussion at the end though, Shirou probably copying all the swords in Archer's Reality Marble is a good theory.