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This man Isaac is on a mission!


Drake Rage

15:19 I am sorry wtf is with the dialogue? Carmilla just made a point to note that humans reproduce, "self-replicating food" ma'am ALL animals reproduce. Stating the obvious like it was some smart observation.... that was honestly some cringe ass thing to say, and she is one of the main antagonists of the show, lmao.


when roshi started doubling and tripling down im just sitting here like "NOOOO! DON'T DO IT ROSHI YOU'LL GET CLAPPED" lmaooo he was so sure.


my name is HOV 😂😂


good to be here first

Shawn simpson

Yessssiiirrrrrr lovin the content btw


It is the guy from John Wick by the way, Lance Reddick.


It is Lance reddick. "Dont clap yourself"


Nice to see that twist at the end!!! Next year they should start a scoreboard for who gets clapped the most


Isaac's journey is what made this season for me.


i don't think the captain is Jamaican, he is somewhere from africa. because isaac and his army are in north africa right now going to italy.


Lupa is right. It is the guy from John Wick.


half way through s4 now, bruh, this show is so much heat

Smash Bran'Discootch

Damn I've never seen Roshi get clapped in the comments before the video was even uploaded lmfao

William Tippen

Damn Roshi doubled and tripled down on the clapping that is Lance Reddick 😂😂


Just waiting for that... If you know what i mean LMAO


Roshi clapped


the fake jamaican IS zavala's voice actor, and the voice actor for saint germain is the speaker from destiny 1


North Africans don’t even sound close to that, plus there aren’t many Black north africans because they’re mainly Arab. It’s way more likely that he’s just a Caribbean sailor who travels a lot which makes a lot more sense considering the obvious attempt at an accent.

Jaelyn Mcgee

That actually is Lance Reddick. and yeah I was blown away when I found out that it was him. Pretty much this whole season, is "Issac Gets his Hopes and gives out the Smoke"

Jake White

I mean, it’s not really supposed to be a dead on Jamaican accent. It’s supposed to be the va’s best estimation at what a Caribbean ship captain’s accent might be after decades of travel and speaking with people of other languages. If the show was legit portraying a native Jamaican living there currently and that was still the voice, then I’d agree with the complaints lol.

Ranginald Vagel

Not to mention the series is set in the Old World pre-Columbus so the dude's never even heard of Jamaica

Quinton Campbell

didnt know you guys were Jamaican, thats dope!


Alright. Get Roshi some clown shoes.

my name is Sheeraroshi Lupa

Ohhh my beloved Prophet is mentioned in this animation, but sadly they told I lie about him. He never said what Isaac claimed He said.


I didn’t know that Saint Germaine’s VA was the speaker from Destiny 1, but now I can’t I unhear it

RavinFox .

Lupa picked a great time to trust his ears and go with his gut. Normally his gut is the one that gets--- actually wait, pause. I can't say that. What I'm trying to say is that he has stomach problems at hilarious times but NOT TODAY.

Father Feugo

there is a jojo Easter egg when the shop owner is holding a mask of similar design to the vampire mask

Lupa is Dadi

Lupa with that reverse clap


yo they know the titian vanguard awesome


Just commenting to congratulate Roshi for his lead role in this episode of The Clappening.


When my friend and I realized that the captain was Lance Reddick we just started referring to him as Zavala. I don't think I can hear him in anything and Not think of him as Zavala.

Cabo Boose

It is Lance riddick/zavala lol

Joshua Burns

Ayyy lupa hit me up on some destiny 2😂😂


The Captain IS the Concierge from John Wick lol. Gkad Lupa trusted his gut Roshi got Clapped this time


Funny that Roshi says "dont clap yourself" while clapping himself.


Lmaooo it is the nigga from John wick. I ain't Jamaican but maybe he sounds like that because of the time period ehh idk lol

jesse almonte

The two black side charachters are the best charachters in this show

jesse almonte

Im pretty sure the captain is speaking in a haitian accent


Roshi clapped


Okay Lupa I see you taking taking a W with the clap lmao


Sheera giving me Lady Dimitrescu flashbacks

Marcus Brandon

Roshi yo I hate to do this but lupa is right my g


Roshi get clapped bruh


Lupa was right about the voice


i honestly forgot you two were jamaican

Nikolai Cannady

Roshi clapped by Lupa lmao, I also as a fellow Jamaican that studied linguistics; that’s a Caribbean pirate accent: pirates picked up bits and pieces of other accents from crewmates and their travels and spoke their own unique version of Patois on the high seas. Not uniquely as distinct as our dialect is, so it’s a bit all over the place. Argh mateys.

Jigga Man

This man got a post credit clap 👏🏾😂


For those of you that don't know, the symbol on the green bands on the Monks of the Priory is most definitely the Satanic cross. so they're definitely Satanists, which makes sense with their obsessions with hell and Dracula, given he released demons unto Earth


I've been getting into Buffy The Vampire Slayer recently (great show btw), and Kendra's accent must be in the top 10 most offensive Jamaican accent on TV 😂😭


So the Satanic cross is the alchemical symbol for sulfur?


the accent isnt Jamaican btw


roshi Clapped In the comments because the captain voice actor is the hotel manager from John Wick LUL


Yoo, bring out the clown makeup. Nice clapping Lupa, well played


The captain is 100% Lance Reddick from John Wick... Lupo get him

haywood banks

Sidebar when yall finish Castlevania you should watch Overly Sarcastic Productions Castlevania video, not as a reaction, but as an interesting take on the show



Shaun A

Lupa is right about the captain

Grand-Daddy Longnuts

Why can't I watch the video? It's just showing up as a JPEG


try watching on a browser instead of the app. i had the same issue

Oui Oui

let’s hear y’all’s Jamaican accent


Man this is one of the worst maps I've seen my entire life