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Hector aint Hector anymore......hes REEK



Not Reek 💀💀💀💀💀


O yeah yeah o yeah yeah o yeah o yeah


It's coming bro. Chill



Bona Fide

Yessirrr love you guys


Syphia is what all mages should be


yeahhh boiii


Les gooo

Kai Lee

Nah that's straight disrespectful calling Hector Reek lmao, Reek is on a whole nother level of bitch.

Antonio Williams

This is by far the funniest season by far and has my favorite line from any movie or TV show

rickie woodson

reek? what the game of thrones................

Jake White

My ears just vibin along to the reaction: Lupa at 13:25: “I’m bout to end this man’s whole career”

rickie woodson

naive my ass. he was STUPID and a TRAITOR. stand by your maaaaaaaaaaaaan. hector just listens to the wrong music


To be fair, Dracula lied to Hector about what they were doing and once they'd gotten going didn't even pretend to care about keeping his promises. Even then, Hector was trying to fulfill the original bargain by working with Carmilla but was outmaneuvered.


I'm mad y'all called him Reek 💀


This season is where I left off watching so it’s cool to watch along with you guys now. 🔥🔥


Ayeeeee we are up to season 3!! Which was the best season imo!!!

Jake White

Facts. People seem to confuse “being an actual traitor intentionally” versus “being manipulated by those more powerful and tactful than you because you’re naive”


Reek. 😂😂😂😂


Dont feel bad for laughing about the water getting thrown at him that shit was funny 😂😂

Joseph Tom

The day has come 😭👏👏👏

Faiz Khan

Roshi right that squirrel kinda thicc

Faiz Khan

Roshi right that squirrel kinda thicc

Scott Riley Adrueno

Reek had it worse I guess but I can see the parallels hahaha

The Pebble

I get what you're saying Sheera, but being turned into a vampire as a 22 year old doesn't mean you'll stay a 22 year old mentally forever.


Congrats your name is now Reek!

Cleven Anthony

It’s okay bro I laughed too lmao dumb ass shoulda stuck with issac and been loyal 😭


REEK please, not theon 😭


Damnnnn my boi naked cold, dick touching the floor 🤦🏾‍♂️ it’s bad for home boi

Isaac Tsumetsuki

Castlevania Season 3: Alucard becomes a Wine Mom


Sypha and Trevor's story this season feels like a mission from The Witcher, and I mean that in the best ways.


Where Roshi get his top please it’s 🔥🔥


Yo. Hector gets did soooo dirty. Carmilla loses her heels and steels Hector boots and makes him walk in the snow. Gets thrown in a cold cell. Finally starts to get warm and has the guard throw ice water on him.


Otku Supply, I got the same shirt it's fire. He's also on Twitter @SoulKingLives


I feel real bad for Hector, dude wanted to do good by everyone but got fucked because of it.


Carmilla using the F word when she complains really draws out the rawness of her character and oddly I am amused when she uses it 👌🏾


I've rewatched this show a million times and never put two and two together that she took his boots, that's so fucked 😂

Lamaree Jackson

Watched enough of that Alaskan Bush People shit to know that they do fuck fish up when they catch them so they don’t suffer lol 😂

The Truth

The dude had his finger cut opened and his bone pulled out, can you blame him? Worse torture I’ve seen

Jimmy Martin

I choked on my damn water when Roshi said what RPG are you from😂😂😂😂😂


Reek reek, it rymes with meek