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we can definitely be wrong but......

more stuff is exporting, its been a long day lol


Andrew shultz

Lupa was super confused during that end talk lol. He thinks shiro as a kid was pulled into this world at the end of zero?




Yall niggas better not spoil them...I'm watching you, and so is the editor lol

Vincent S Deluca

I will say Shirou’s trace Magic let’s him rebuild any weapon that he has seen and understands. He was thinking of weapons that were powerful and Archers swords came to mind so that’s what he recreated, and Rin was surprised he was even able to replicate such powerful Swords to begin with


Shirou having flashbacks of events he literally didn't see from an impossible perspective lol.


I’m amazed

MM (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-11 11:59:40 Yooo I can't wait for the next episode reaction!!!
2021-08-11 11:59:40 Yooo I can't wait for the next episode reaction!!!
2021-08-11 11:59:40 Yooo I can't wait for the next episode reaction!!!
2021-08-04 05:34:54 Yooo I can't wait for the next episode reaction!!!

Yooo I can't wait for the next episode reaction!!!


Yo. Lupa is looking nice with that hair and that shirt.


That theory at the end would make sense. Remember when there was tha moment when Archer had the same amulet and Shirou also had the amulet when they revived him? OMG THINGS ARE COMING TOGETHER


Bro they all got them ultraspeed hands


The only shows I binged ahead was Bongou Stray Dogs and YJ everything else in the rotation is fresh for me!

None None

Listening to the theories people come up with for the servant identities is the best part of watching people watch this show. Shame they don't speculate more.


I liked the scene when Dracula fought batman


Lol at the start it was "archer is so badass. Shirou in his damn track suit... all dudes wearing track suits in anime are trash..."


I loved Kuzuki catching the blade between his knee and elbow. That was awesome!

Viela Guay

It's not explained in the anime really at all, but when you project a weapon, for the first like couple seconds it runs on autopilot according to the skills of the original wielder, which is how Shirou ever manages to trade blows with Kuzuki and such. Without that crucial info it really does just seem like he just randomly becomes top tier out of nowhere. Also fun fact those are the censored bug designs. The original designs are far more phallic


Guys keep ya geek explanations to a minimum pls let them speculate whatever tf til the show is over lol

Solivigant Kaiba

5:55 I mean, I went to highschool in America and we used to head over to our next class or stay in our current class and eat the lunch we brought from home. It wasn't that weird, some classmates also went to the cafeteria, got lunch just to head back to eat in class.

Devin B

In terms of raw combat skills Souichirou might be above Kirei and Kiritsugu cause I can't imagine those two giving Saber the work like he just did.


I don't know why i read this as you went to america highschool.

Apinity ExMachina

I love these fucking theories. Most entertaining reactors.


Im ready for the castlevania


I think Kirei is equally good or even better than him though. Saber was caught offguard here and possibly not even fighting with her true potential due to it.


Well, technically that’s incorrect, but it’s spoilerish to say the correct thing. Also, it’s interesting that using Archer’s skills he was able to fight Kazuki, yet Saber was unable to stand up to Kazuki.


Just so you know, Kuzuki was not lying about not being a mage. Him not being a mage is why Caster needs to gather mana from innocents in the first place.


Caster-master was the one who killed rider, it makes since after watching this episode


Shirou's projection magic allows him to replicate weapons as long as he understands the overall structure of the weapon itself. Seeing as how interested he is in Archer's way of fighting, that was the first thing he thought to project in the heat of the moment


Time for battle of ideals to continue.

Stephen Delong

My nigga Lupa lookin fresh AF🙌

van (edited)

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2021-08-11 11:59:38 no way yall can do this with the schedule, but the abridged version is great to watch along side this
2021-08-11 11:59:38 no way yall can do this with the schedule, but the abridged version is great to watch along side this
2021-08-11 11:59:38 no way yall can do this with the schedule, but the abridged version is great to watch along side this
2021-08-04 09:35:24 no way yall can do this with the schedule, but the abridged version is great to watch along side this

no way yall can do this with the schedule, but the abridged version is great to watch along side this

Scott Riley Adrueno

I think Saber was caught off guard as well. She went in thinking like she was just mowing down a defenseless dude and got hit by crippling blows instead which weakened her for the rest of their fight.


lmao at lupa saying souichirou is the simp in the relationship


Lmao y'all was wild with that intro XD


(I've seen all of UBW btw) Just cuz he summoned his weapons, doesn't mean he's him. It could just be that he's gaining the ability to replicate any weapons he sees. That would be the most common and logical conclusion one would draw from the context provided.


Not to mention that's actually what he's doing. He's just replicating a weapon he sees. Assuming they are both the same guy, it's basically just a fun little time paradox. If you go back in time to give Shakespeare the copy of Hamlet that history says he wrote so that he can use it, who then created Hamlet?


Materialization is pretty shit all things considered on grand scale of things. Take a look at any true mage from the Age of Gods, for example. Pretty much most Magic-heavy Servants (i.e Casters) are from Age of Gods, w/ some exceptions that technically qualify only under Caster, but aren't magic-users in the traditional sense per se, but depending on POV you might argue their specializations technically might fall under Magic


First time I saw this episode I fucking panicked because I thought Shirou's weakness was going to cause Saber to die to a damn master.

None None

It's hard to tell what's happening from the way the anime shows it, but Kuzuki is using a martial arts technique specifically designed to fuck over Instinct users (Instinct being that thing Saber does sometimes where she'll foresee herself getting killed by an attack, so she knows to dodge). He punches in a way that tricks her Instinct into thinking he's punching in a different direction, so she dodges the wrong way and jumps directly into his punch. That, combined with Saber being blindsided by this random dude, not having any experience fighting Eastern martial artists (they made it a point during the Assassin fight that she'd never seen Japanese swordplay before and needed a bit of time to understand his movements), and him being buffed by magic meant he had absolutely everything in his favor. If any of those factors weren't in play, Saber probably would have just bodied him.

Mikal Adkins

Can't wait for them to react to the second opening.

Devin B

As soon as Saber came at him thinking he wasn't gonna do anything that's when she lost the initiative in the battle, after that Kuzuki kept catching her lacking. @None None that actually makes sense cause even though it seems like Kuzuki is a strong fighter it still shouldn't be enough to compete with the strongest servant class. He was just a bad match up for her.

Devin B

Lol I think he's talking about the fact that Shirou somehow saw clearly how his weapons looked even though he was way too far away.


Would love to see you guys play Gears or Halo. OR play Dead Space, if you haven't already.

Cleven Anthony

Nah theirs way too many hints and connections for it to just be a coincidence there’s a very high chance archer is in fact emiya from way in the future at least that’s what it looks like to me I over analyze things lol


"Japanese characters don't go to the cafeteria...". Well yes, if they did the studio would have to draw a bunch of people and bring in chatter SFX. It's cheaper if the characters eat in the classroom, that does happen in Japan though.


they streamed their gameplay of it months ago on twitch and youtube, just search it up and you'll find it ;)

Trequan Williams

Do we have more Fate coming soon I can’t wait to see yalls reaction to this show

Arsean Wilbon

This man Kuzuki was throwing deadly ass flicker jabs 🤣😭 like Mashiba from Hajime No ippo. If you know you know lol


Casters master was never a mage he was an assassin that killed mages

Jose m Nunez

no 2nd episode today?

None None

Nah, he never killed mages. He has this long convoluted backstory (that they didn't even include in the original game or any adaption, because it got cut from the script and was thrown into the "sequel" as a bonus scene) about how there's a secret organization of Super Assassins that raise children from birth to be Super Assassins. They're taught every assassination technique possible and trained to be the perfect killers who can kill anyone 100% of the time, but the catch is that they kill themselves after killing one guy so it can't be traced back to anyone. So rich people pay a LOT for this service. Kuzuki was sent to kill his one target, some kind of king or high-ranking politician or something, then just walked up and killed him in seconds. Then he had a moment of clarity "why the hell did I spend the last 18 years learning assassination techniques, only to never need to use any of them?". Instead of killing himself, he decided it would be more effective to just use what he learned to kill everyone involved with the entire Super Assassin organization so they wouldn't try to hunt him down, then find somewhere quiet to live out the rest of his life in peace. They probably left it out because it's fucking absurd, even by "mages summon the ghost of woman king arthur" standards.


you guys should play a survival game like the forrest

Leon (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-11 11:59:40 I’ve seen a lot of anime with characters track suits but now all I can think when hearing that is Subaru 😂
2021-08-11 11:59:40 I’ve seen a lot of anime with characters track suits but now all I can think when hearing that is Subaru 😂
2021-08-11 11:59:40 I’ve seen a lot of anime with characters track suits but now all I can think when hearing that is Subaru 😂
2021-08-11 11:59:40 I’ve seen a lot of anime with characters track suits but now all I can think when hearing that is Subaru 😂
2021-08-11 11:59:40 I’ve seen a lot of anime with characters track suits but now all I can think when hearing that is Subaru 😂
2021-08-11 11:59:40 I’ve seen a lot of anime with characters track suits but now all I can think when hearing that is Subaru 😂
2021-08-04 20:08:11 I’ve seen a lot of anime with characters track suits but now all I can think when hearing that is Subaru 😂

I’ve seen a lot of anime with characters track suits but now all I can think when hearing that is Subaru 😂

Viela Guay

I mean that was due to Kuzuki's unique skill that he used. Which again Saber only survived due to her max rank "Intuition" skill, just like she did with Gae Bolg. Good ol in-universe plot armor


are we getting ep11 this week or not?


Wow Roshi called them dick bugs


No pressure for ep 11, take your time!

Josh ? (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-11 11:59:20 What possibly ties in with it all is that he died in the earlier episodes but she revived him with that gem which has something possibly something do with Shirou and Archer
2021-08-11 11:59:20 What possibly ties in with it all is that he died in the earlier episodes but she revived him with that gem which has something possibly something do with Shirou and Archer
2021-08-11 11:59:20 What possibly ties in with it all is that he died in the earlier episodes but she revived him with that gem which has something possibly something do with Shirou and Archer
2021-08-05 03:37:00 What possibly ties in with it all is that he died in the earlier episodes but she revived him with that gem which has something possibly something do with Shirou and Archer

What possibly ties in with it all is that he died in the earlier episodes but she revived him with that gem which has something possibly something do with Shirou and Archer


That sounds more like Kiritsugu


That’s awesome! I didn’t know anything more than there being an organization, so this was some really neat info.


Kuzuki has magic. I think he meant he’s not a mage in the traditional sense like being taught magic by your family.


"dick bugs"... well , you're not really wrong there...


Something that is really badly explained in the anime version is the magic system. Magecraft in the fate world is intimately linked to who you are as a person and natural abilities but also how old is your family ( remember back in fate/zero, Waver , rider's master , wanted to prove that a young family could overcome older familiy).As a fact, the more older your family is at using magic , the more the children of the next generation will have "magic circuits" ( the green rune-like things that show up when Shirou (and sometimes Rin) use magic), who are the things that generate magic energy. The more you have, the more you can generate magic energy at once.There's also the fact that the older your family is , the more you inherit refined techniques and knowledge(examples of that are Rin's jewel magic, Kiritsugu's "Time Alter" or the Matou's "Dick Bug magic'"). But as a "rule" , only the eldest of the children inherit the "secret" knowledge and all. That's why the Matous wanted Sakura. The magic in their blood disapeared ( we don't know why) , they wanted to get new magic blood in their genealogic tree. Sakura probably has amazing natural disposition to magic , but since she is not the eldest, she couldn't be taught her family's knowledge.The Matous have a lot of knowledge, but no one they can past it to, so Sakura and Rin's father agreed to give her to the Matou because it would be "the best" for her to thrive as a mage. All of that to say that Shirou is "trash" because since he's not Kiritsugu's biological son , he is essentially the first mage in his lineage, so not a lot of circuit , no secret techniques to learn... Adding to that , kiritsugu didn't really teach him a lot , only two types of magic : "reinforcement" , which is what he has used so far , that consist of strenghtening someting that already exist like making a blade sharper or a wall stronger (it works also on the human body but the results aren't that extraordinary unless you dedicate a shit ton of time to it , or come from a long lineage of mages and so have a lot of circuits= magic energy) and "projection" that create (out of nothing) a pale imitation of an object. But these created objects (called "projections") are kind of "hollow" and again , unless you have a lot of magic , or dedicate a lot of time to it, there's no point using it. To borrow the words of HxH : " you could conjure a good sword with enough time and training , but it would be simpler and more efficient to just buy a good sword". But then comes Shirou. Because of "natural disposition" and his past ( the fact that he survived the fire of the grail but lost every memory of his life before that, hence becoming "hollow"); he sees himself as a "human blade", that " doesn't deserve to live unless he's saving something" and so, he is able to analyse and project an almost perfect copy of anything remotely linked to the concept of "blade", and gaining the knowledge to use it perfectly, which is why , by just seing Archer fight with his blades once, he was able to progressively learn his fighting style and after a time , projecting Archer's blades and fight exactly like him. But since he's not a Servant, he doesn't have the strengh to use it for long , and it has a backslash. Amazing reactions and like you say: " onto the next"


That's one of Fate's downside ... unless you're willing to dive into novels and other media ( or do hours of research on wiki pages) you don't learn a lot of the lore or side stories. And some of them are sometimes even more interresting that the main story

Joshua W Capute

Bruh someone else who gets it AND can explain without any actual spoilers! Keep doing the Good Work, I'm glad someone said something since they didn't start with UBW or F/SN (and will probably end up skipping over F/SN altogether unfortunately) because I feel that these are lots of things that people who don't start with F/SN or UBW (and probably skip over F/SN all together unfortunately...) Both routes work together to definitely expand upon at least the Magic aspect, despite what people like to claim, you don't truly get all the info without F/SN. This is exactly why I am a vehement advocate for starting with F/SN or UBW and not F/Z because there's so much dialogue in F/Z especially in the first few episodes that acts as an giant info dump to those who already have a decent idea of how the world and magic works to get the "rest of" or the "whole" story, and to anyone new it's either too much for them and they feel like there's "too much" or "unnecessary" talking. (YES I have literally heard this from reactors barely halfway through the Zero series before, but I won't name names), and/or they just make piece with the fact that there's a lot they still don't fully understand and finish the Zero in a similar way these guys did where they obviously really enjoyed it and understood most of it but still have lots of questions because they've been given information they don't know what to do with and still don't fully understand everything that's a bit more subtle in UBW considering the very significant fact that like the Star Wars prequels, Fate/Zero was written YEARS after the Fate/Stay Night Visual Novel specifically to be a prequel meaning everything you get in Zero is supposed to be an enhancement to "tie up" lose ends about certain characters, plot points, questions and Lore about what happened in the 4th Grail War, on top of spoiling the Majority of the really good "secrets" and "reveals". Since both Stay Night and UBW only focus on Shirou and the 5th Grail War, and barely even reference the previous War due to there only being 1 survior, and although quite a bit learned in Zero is relevant to F/SN or F/Z, it's already pretty much assuming from the star that the viewer has seen at least UBW and F/SN; or more likely actually, read the Visual Novel or played the Japanese Eroge (yes the original Japanese VN was an Eroge to those who don't know, and the only way someone who can't speak or read Japanese can even play is to play a fan subbed mod of the original Eroge or to find the equally rare Ps2 or Windows ports called Fate/Stay Night Réalta Nua which cuts all the "Explicit Adult Content" for ages 15+) there's a legit reason why Saber who's identity is purposefully concealed throught most of both F/SN and UBW is flat out given in episode 1 of Zero and why they force her to be cursed by Lancer and take a backseat in a lot of the action, it's straight up assumed the viewer already knows who she is and has seen her fight and so the emphasis is definitely on the other Servants and Masters despite Kiritsugu and Irisviel undoubtedly being the "main" characters of Zero. This also then makes it difficult for them to see who they are supposed to be "rooting for" (let alone remember characters in some instances) and why they should even be invested in any of the characters considering Zero is a classic Tragedy and F/SN/UBW/HF is an Epic Heroic Odyssey of sorts. Also, despite It also being claimed otherwise by some, every other Fate series does actually do service to explaining more of how this World Works while still being primarily more focused on great epic action than story; and even though I'm sure many westerners will refute it, criticize it, and/or outright attack it, Fate/Kaleid Liner Prisma Illya happens to be the one "spin-off" which actually goes above and beyond to explain even more imo than even Zero or the others, personally most of the deeper understanding of Mages, Magic, the Grail and World's Workings I actually got from Kaleid, and so much so that Kinoko Nasu, the creator of and writer of the Fate/Stay Night series has publicly stated that he was so thoroughly impressed with Fate/Kaleid that he genuinely considers it to be the "canon" Illyasviel route even though he had absolutely nothing to do with it.


Wow thanks and without spoiler too good job


Thanks ! I aim to please 😁 I just hope they see it to help them understand more , but i have faith that they'll figure out a fair amount of things as the route goes on


Anyone else just skip that essay? ^


I read the first one the second guy lost me 😂


Sorry, after posting it first , i tried to edit it to reduce the size , but i couldn't think of anything not necessary to understand better the world ... My bad for taking up so much space xD


uhhh you're kinda wrong about shirou tho hes actually born with more than normal magic circuits hes not trained to tap into them.


Shirou has a lot of circuits for someone not born from mages , but he has a lot less than Rin for example, or any other mage born into a fairly old family... beside , his circuirs are low quality because Kiritsugu didn't even teach him how to use them correctly

Tim Drake (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-11 11:59:20 I am the Bone of my Sword
2021-08-11 11:59:20 I am the Bone of my Sword
2021-08-11 11:59:20 I am the Bone of my Sword
2021-08-11 11:59:20 I am the Bone of my Sword
2021-08-11 11:59:20 I am the Bone of my Sword
2021-08-08 17:52:27 I am the Bone of my Sword

I am the Bone of my Sword


As shirou's ability, "trace on," says he can "trace" weapons. He really liked archer's dual wielding blades so he copied them. In the beginning of the ep he kept saying those were really pretty weapons and I agree.

Wasted Potential

Archer: Tries to kill Shirou multiple times Roshi: Ah yes, he's just trying to toughen Shirou up


Matous probably died out because Zouken kept pushing everyone to die for him. Even Shinji's mom was constantly assaulted by Zouken bugs like Sakura was and then eaten alive after Shinji was born. Besides, with an immortal father, Shinji would never have inherited any of the family mana crest.


Pretty sure Shirou's abilities are due to him being warped by something... thanks for keeping spoilers under wraps


Shinji is not Zouken's son but grandson And where did you see that shinji's mom was assaulted by worms ,i don't remember ever seeing or reading about that. But it wouldn't make any sense since it was Shinji's father who was of the matou blood line.. And the matou don't have to pass on a magic crest since they have a special type of worms called "Crest Worms" that act like magic crest and can reproduce. And i didn't say that the Matou died out ( even if it's true) but that the blood of the matou lost its magic. Shinji's dad was born without magic for apparently no reason , while Kariya , shinji's uncle from Fate/zero ,had magic. But since Kariya died without children , the only branch of the family left is one without magic

x bombay

pretty late but i feel like we need a pic of that Xbox