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SOOO glad we got to watch both today!!!



yo pass me some tissues will ya!!!


Y’all might talk about it, but who’s side y’all on?? Zeke and Eren or Paradis or?


Fight back nigga fight back

Solivigant Kaiba

I've been nasty waiting for y'all. *ahem* [Verse] Spilled guts and glory Urban Legend. I am that story It's the killer killers captain MP Anti-Personnel Control And I'm out of your control I just do what I know Do it Better than anyone I know Let my body count speak for me I see where puzzle pieces fit And got the ear of royalty From a royal bloodline Strong as identity Underground survivor Know how to stay alive Murder Urban Legend Knife to the throat with no hesitation Quick cuts and keep moving [Bridge] Draw no attention while I works up front in the background Never one to back down Move up and keep using Need god-like power to be Better than me Better to be a better me I'd kill for that Elite and loyal squad Willing to back any play that I make Spill a whole lot of blood if that's what it takes to Saves lives, take lives Simply prioritize Got goals to achieve now open your eyes, see past the lies

Nicole Guerrero

we were blessed with double episodes this sunday and this anime is so raw, i honestly think it’s the best one I’ve watched yet, the storyline is *chefs kiss*


This anime has reached new levels of depressing. I really don't like not knowing who to "root for" or not even have the urge to really root for any side. I literally cannot wait for this to be resolved and finished lol.



Jalen Holmes

Aot goated. Also I feel that eren is doing that to protect in someway like I feel like he's lying to them


damn there's gonna be the craziest cliffhanger next epsiode

Big Daddy Dre

Grisha ain’t shit...man had two chances and still fucked up

Prune Chips

One thing that I think is really ironic about this scene, is that Eren is taunting Armin about his feelings for Annie. While beating him up with the skills he learned from Annie lol.


Goat eren has arrived

DIO not Dio

I like they had more of a reaction the horse getting a lil cripsy than Levi getting blown up 💀 Even the concern for Zeke was low af lmao "Zeke is DEAD"

Dyran Whitaker

This anime is the best shit I’ve ever seen they got me conflicted, stressed and thinking about life my god 🤣🤣

Christopher Wells

I mean they all get to live, just not get to bear children, thats probably enough to stop the attack on the island. Since no new eldians will be born the power won't be passed onto others as long as they don't get eaten.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

AoT doesn't hold anything back when Grisha was basically portrayed as the "good guy" fighting for the Eldians but what we didn't see at first was the ugly parts and lengths his actions had on those close to him. He honestly brought it on himself by not seeing the forest for the trees. He only learned his mistake at the end but forgot it when he became a Titan.

Prune Chips

Never thought the trio would break up. I don't even ship Eremika but what I said to Mikasa was awful, and I appreciate Armin punching him. Also Zeke's whole childhood makes me want to give him a hug, until I remember that I hate him lol


Roshi the rumbling isn’t apart of Eren and Zekes plan their plan is literally just wiping out every single Eldian


Fun Fact: Young Zeke shares the same VA as MHA's Midoriya.

Jahari Fields

For confirmation the rumbling isn’t their plan, their plan is to get rid of eldians ability to have kids in order for them to die off peacefully, the rumbling is just some shit they’ve been telling everyone


tbh I don't see the problem with Zeke's plan.. So the eldians can't have kids anymore? At least they get to live...Paradis option was to use the rumbling which would literally wipeout the population of the world.. & The world just simply wants to put an end to Paradis so they can stop living in fear of the Rumbling... the way I see it Zeke's plan seems the most logicial and fair for both sides with minimal loss.. yea its fucked up but at least the cycle will be broken and nobody would suffer from times like this ever again

Matthias Krömer

no it's not. The plan is to alter the bodies of Eldians so they can't bear any children.


That's clearly what he meant.


Dont mix the rumbling and euthanasia plan, they are not the same


Zekes plan is to stop Eldians from being able to have children, not by killing them, literally just altering them so that they can’t have kids any more


Zeke's plan is to euthanize all Eldians to safe them and future generations from the suffering of being born into this world, and save the world from the terror of the titans existing in this world. From his perspective he's saving the world.


think you guys misunderstood Zeke's plan. His plan is change the bodies of every Eldian so they don't bare any children. He wants Eldians to be extinct via that method which would take 100 years max. The Euthanasia and Rumbling are two very different outcomes.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

When it comes to the history it really doesn't matter because no one really knows what happened all those years back both sides are interpreting it how they wanted.


When are you guys dropping FATE?


yall are so quick to call mikasa a slave when she's gone against eren so many times and literally told eren he's lying? ppl need to realize eren's hypocricy, u don't need to be spoiled to realize the bs he spits. like we've watched 3 seasons of eren protecting the two of them like what's not clicking and we just saw eren blushing at mikasa and his freinds after he says he cares about them more than anyone else. just know that even tho mikasa gets slandered so much by the fandom, she understands eren the most


It just never stops escalating...


Yooooooo wait when Eren said the 2000 years thing...I was rewatching season 1 and wasn't the first episode called something something 2000 years also? I'll reply to this when I find the name - it's called to you in 2000 Years!! Also the thing with the ackermanns is that related to the body change thing they were talking about with the founder being able to change bodies and stuff??


Really appreciate the double upload guys thank you ^_^

Jalen Holmes

The rumbling isn’t apart of Eren and Zekes plan

Ayomide Salami

Preface: I'm an anime-only. Notice when Zeke thought Eren wasn't going to agree with his plan, he put his hand in his left pocket(Like Shit I guess I'm going with Plan B). Then when Eren agrees, he takes out his hand from his right pocket and tosses him the Baseball. I personally think Eren told Zeke what he knew Zeke wanted to hear. From the Owl's actions, I know the Attack Titan can see the future. So maybe Eren sees the 1 in 14million Dr.Strange, Endgame ending. P.S. If Zeke just died, I think the beast Titan would go to Historia's baby.


Anyone know if we getting golden kamuy? Im guessing not.


There's really no point to the rumbling anymore. The point was a defense but now they wont need that defense because no one will be scared of them anymore. They can pass on their respective titans but when all the eldians die the rumbling will be moot. It just a card used for them while they are alive until they aren't.


They're not gonna kill all of the Eldians. He's gonna make it so Eldian's can't bear kids anymore.

Natasha Padparadscha

Levi's host was Erwin, but now that he's dead Levi is semi-free of the headaches


I think the Euthanization plan was to not have children anymore. They're plan is not to kill those who are living, just to prevent those who "might" be born. Basically he wants the use the power of the Founder Titan to change every eldians body to be unable to reproduce.

Mr. Toastman

Idk if it's being made clear to anime-only watchers, but Isayama is purposefully making the true history of Eldian conquest ambiguous at this point. Both Zeke's father and grandfather are presenting opposing stories, but at this point neither are true and neither are false.


Yall missed Zeke's line saying they would rewrite Eldians bodies to no longer be able to give birth. That's the euthanasia plan - a peaceful death for the remaining Eldians and a peaceful extinction. The rumbling is separate from that plan.


Thank you for the clarification on the plan yall, tbh euthanize probably isnt the best word lol since hes just looking to make everyone infertile 🤔 Euthanizing would be him killing the current Eldians humanely not preventing new Eldians from being born. I get it now though! So the Rumbling is a bluff?

Alvin Smith

Hm why would it though? Wouldn't it just go to any random Eldian?


Yeah , but if I’m being honest i think Eren is really going to do It and is just using Zeke to get access to the power. He probably plans on killing everyone else on the planet so that the people of the walls can be truly “Free”


I understood the plan today as being having the founding titan sterilize the Eldians so they can no longer reproduce. I do agree that euthanize was a terrible word to use in that context.


I understood that. Apparently roshi and I understood the episode differently when we talked about it afterward

The Pebble

Sooo, I guess if Zeke really killed himself there, Eren is just gonna be goin after Historia now; Especially since Hange kinda foreshadowed it when she said she thought Eren would never sacrifice her. Damn this is a good show.

Deshawn Smith

"The best lies were always mixed with the truth" I think that best represents what Eren is doing for the entire table scene. Think about it guys


Just so yall know, the Rumbling is definitely NOT part of Zeke's plan. The plan is to rewrite the Eldians bodies so they can't bare children. So they'll eventually die out after 100 years, they won't be instantly killed, they'll live out their lives as the last generation of Eldians. The Rumbling is used as a deterrent against the world since they'll become hostile to Paradis/Eldians, but Zeke's plan doesn't involve this.


Roshi needs to hold the L. He misinterpreted Zeke's plan completely. I hope he rewatches this episode.


Lol it wasn’t. The point is that Levi doesn’t have a host which makes eren’s theory complete bullshit. Eren said an ackefmans powers gets awakened when they trick themselves into obeying a host(seeing them as the king of eldia). But Levi’s powers were awakened when he was a kid, naturally, not because he obeyed orders or needed to protect someone. Same with Kenny. His powers awakened normally while fighting and didn’t obey anyone. He then used his power to slit the throats of the military police who were hunting down ackermans. There’s so much evidence that calls eren’s theory bullshit. Mikasa’s protects wren bc of her promise she made to Carla and bc she loves him. Unlike eren who sought revenge after carla’s death, mikasa made sure she kept her promise and continued to protect the ppl she calls home which are armin and eren. Levi and Kenny both don’t get headaches like mikasa does, which is kind of a hint actually if u think hard enough to why she’s the only Ackerman that gets them in the first place.

Jay rellim

Zeke intends to sterilize Eldians, thus euthanizing the Eldian race after a generation. so yeah it seems a bit convoluted but hopefully it makes sense now

Jay rellim

Zeke intends to mass sterilize Eldians, thus euthanizing the Eldian race after a generation. euthanization is the goal, the sterilization is the method

Immoral Mortal

Im all for Zeke and Erens plan


So many essays to copy from thanks guys

Jay rellim

i dont get eren's logic? if that's the case, shouldnt he be influenced by warhammer memories and feel a sense of duty to marley? lol and also we never saw levi getting those headaches in s1-s3 (also this 'headache' scene lupa mentioned is not in response to protecting some host/leader bc levi was badass/awakened/whatever before he met eren. imo this is a misdirect by the author) ? this nigga lying your honor

Greg Harrison

Somebody probably already said but, Zeke plan has partial rumbling as a deterrent. Where they rumble some shit to make sure paradis doesn't get destroyed by Marley. That plus the euthanasia to make sure no children get born. Think back to that ep Hizu came in plus this ep.


lot inconsistency he has to be capping

Jay rellim

also is it me or is zeke kinda dumb in the fight with levi? what honestly made him think levi wouldnt cut them tf up lol he has to know paradis eldians knew titans were humans this entire time?


i think it was the fact that they were his subordinates and hoped levi would have hesitated.


21:08 Lupa put his feet up on the couch 😂😂


I think you missed it, but the reason why zeke snitch out his parents was because the marleyans found out about the eldian resistance's, about his dad and mom. So in order to save him self and his granparents he had to tell them


Great reaction as always y'all. I do like that Lupa picked up on the Bertolt/Armin memory thing however, it's not exactly out of nowhere that Armin would care about Annie. Just go back to season 1 where Armin and Annie did have conversations with each other. And Annie spared Armin's life when she was the female titan going after Eren that first time. So they did have moments together and it's not completely influenced by Bertolt.

J. J.

Bruh Armin has had a crush on Annie since S1, you guys forget?


Right! I was so confused when they were confused lol

Jay rellim

but we do know about the vow renouncing war and why the king created it in the first place.. so while we dont know how much was exaggerated i think we can assume eldians did some pretty terrible shit to marley if not the rest of the world (i dont remember if the world hated eldians before marley used them as weapons of war)


I mean that's still basically a spoiler lol


I gotta see where this goes because as of right now I'm on the side of the original crew (levi, hange, armin, mikasa, connie and jean) because I just don't like how eren and the jaegerists are doing things. I get that the military hasn't been doing things right but that doesn't mean eren and followers are doing it any better.


Probably tomorrow since last week it came out on Monday I think

Jeff Heart

Why was Levi so close to him when he had a thunder spear in him?

Jay rellim

he didnt think zeke would try to commit suicide. he even chopped up his feet assuming zeke wouldnt move too much despite the pain lol


No sympathy. Fuck Zeke.


the plan for the rumbling was to be a show of force. to get the world off their backs so they'd have enough time to catch up industrially/technologically and not have to rely on the rumbling to keep the world at bay. this was all stated when yelena layed out some of zeke's options for paradis and eren rejected it because historia would have to continue the royal family cycle. not sure where roshi got it in his head that paradis who didn't even wanna attack marley with eren but, who also agree with using the rumbling are gonna use it to flatten the world

Miguel NoName

If when someone gains the power of a titan that belonged to someone else they get their memories, and their personality changes, wouldn't that explain the reason Eren became so cold this season? Basically he got his father's memories, feelings and hatred. He also ate the Warhammer titan which probably changed him even more.

Miguel NoName

If when someone gains the power of a titan that belonged to someone else they get their memories, and their personality changes, wouldn't that explain the reason Eren became so cold this season? Basically he got his father's memories, feelings and hatred. He also ate the Warhammer titan which probably changed him even more.

Oui Oui

she didn’t get beat by cops. She got mauled to death by their dogs


I've never understood the logic here, he wants to sterilize eldians so they can't continue breeding to prevent titans from continuing, but why wouldn't he just make eldians not able to become titans instead?


I love how this episode ties back to a few episodes ago when Gabi was talking to the girl Sasha saved and she stated that her mom and grandma were born on the island. Did they deserve to be turned into Titans because of something their ancient ancestors did to the Marleyans all the while the Marleyans thaught Gabi the Eldian are and have always been their enemies; it is the Eldian's fault they live the way they do. However, the Eldians currently living have no ties to what their people this centuries or millenia ago. It wasn't their fault that things are the way they are now. Yet here comes Eren and Zeke just deciding for their entire race to just cease existing because it'll spare the Eldians from the burden of their past that, at this point, arent even affiliated to. This story is tragic bro...

Beef Gristle Mill

Can somebody clear up the Mikasa situation up for me, im a little confused. Eren said that Ackermanns forget themselves to follow the commands of the king of Eldia right? But then they referenced the cabin scene, at that time Eren didn't have the founding titan and was just a normal kid so why would Mikasa follow his "commands" if he couldnt really give any?


It wouldn't stop the discrimination. Remember, even if they can't turn into titans they are still Eldian. Pretty much they will always be treated like shit.


you'll understand why he said that and if it was true or not later on, don't worry

Jay CacBh

Nah, I dont fuck with eren and zeke with this. There plan to "save everyome" is basically genocide and fuck that lmao

Daniel Turner

Thought they would dive more into the Ackerman stuff since they skipped info in ep 2 and this was the last chance but Ackerman were part of Titan experiments that’s why there literally built different


Well both plans are basically genocide for Eldia or the rest of the world. But yeah Zeke plan is like running away from a problem

Jake Thompson

Armin definitely liked Annie before becoming the Colossal, but Eren could know that and use it against him.


YO ROSHI, Y'ALL MISUNDERSTOOD THE EUTHANASIA PLAN. You missed it when he asked about how the founding titan can alter people's bodies, he asked if he change them so they can't have children as well. His plan is to use the founding titan to make all eldians sterile and that way within 100 years they'll all die off. The euthanasia plan is not about killing all the eldians, it's about euthanizing the eldian race by making it so that no more eldians can be made. The rumbling in his plan is likely meant to be a threat to scare off the rest of the world so they can live out their lives and die in peace.


I don't think they misunderstood. It's all the same end result....


Hope they rematch off camera cuase they completely misunderstood Zekes plan.


[anime-only] the best lies are mixed with a little truth, right?? lmao Eren is CAPPIN heavily his "truth" has mad inconsistencies - I feel so sad for him but he still need his ass beat a little bit for making Mikasa cry and turning up on Armin! And Zeke...sucks he went through all that as a kid, but he can still drop dead lmao. Why does he ALWAYS underestimate Levi, practically begging him to show out again and again!

Big Juls

I hope you guys read the comments to understand what's really goin' on. Zeke and Eren DO NOT want to euthanize Eldia by killing everyone. They want to alter their race's body structure using the Founding Titan so they cannot have babies and therefore ending the cycle. In order to achieve that, they have to kill anyone trying to keep the brothers apart, sadly. In 100 years or so when everyone dies off, the world will no longer have Eldians to fear and no more Eldians will have to suffer. It's still a really sad way to go about it, and I can't wait to see the other plans they can come up with, but it is a pretty smart way to end the bloodshed. The reason why the Jaeger Brothers tell no one except each other is because every Eldian would be against it. They're basically trying to pull an Itachi and silently liberate their people by ending their people. **I have not read the manga, but this seems to be right

J. J.

The Jeagerist don't know about the euthanization plan....they think Eren is going to use the rumbling to kill the rest of the world.


If Zeke and Eren's plan is to euthanize every Eldian and let them die off in peace, I think they've fucked up. If "The Rumbling" is just one big deterrent, then I don't think it will work out well for them. Instead of acting as a deterrent, it might just incentivize the rest of the world to attack Paradis and declare war. Plus, even I forgot this, Marley are already on the island ready to attack since Zeke betrayed them.


The rumbling and the euthanization plan are two unrelated things. We don't know eren's perspective on the rumbling but we know he agrees with Zeke's perspective to euthanize all the Eldians based on the end of ep 15.

matthew perry

Eh I took eren as trying to distance himself from armin and mikasa for their sake. Kinda like a lelouch type of move where he becomes the bad guy and cuts ties with them so they don't interfere and don't get cast as bad too.

matthew perry

the rest of the world needs no incentive, they were going to declare war on them even before eren attacked. zeke said that everyone's mistake is they thought they had time, options, and power, and I think eren knows this too which is why he attacked to steal the warhammer from them and for them to get zeke out. I think that's why he's distancing himself from mikasa and armin and all them because they would interfere with him moving forward, and that's why the jaegerists are a thing, because the traditional military structure is too bogged down by inefficiency to make a quick and decisive decision. I think at this point in the story eren is in the right, if this is what it takes to save the eldians who I view as the victims then so be it.


Yeah, it's fucked up, but I think I support Zeke's plan. I still think he's a bad person for killing so many people, but his goal is something that I agree on. I think about the greater good, and if we talk about that, since the "normal" humans are the majority of the population and the Titan powers only cause war whether they're in hands of the Eldians or the "normal" people. Zeke's plan is the least painful and most peacefully possible way to solve this ongoing conflict, because the way I see it, it is impossible to achieve piece while having Eldians and "normal" people at the same time, it has to be one or the other, either an entire world of humans who can transform into Titans or a world of only regular humans, with Zeke's way the Eldians with have the rest of their lives, but not new generations, ending with the unbalance of power and the suffering of Eldians and regular humans alike.

jin's scream in dionysus

zeke is a product of propganda such a tragic character this season has really flipped my ideas on every one

Jaime Ruiz

Ima be honest idgaf what happens to anyone other than one character. I want Eren to succeed. I start the show with him, and hopefully I finish it with him.

Devin B

The only reason I don't agree with his plan is cause he thinks that if Eldians are gone then there will be no war but even in real life people will find a reason to fight another nation whether it's to prove whose superior or trying to acquire a resource they have. Plus you're basically forcing the Eldians to not have a future without their consent cause maybe they want to start a family and leave a legacy. Not every Eldian feels like Ksaver did in the sense that they wish they were never born.

Masen Tsmayo

Yo Levi did zeke how hisoka did got oh I’m dead 😂😂

Isaiah Rodgers

non of this would not happened if the marylean would stop being a puss and get along with the eldians. this is why racism needs to end

JunpeiFES .

Stop with the facts, same answers over and over lol get back to the jokes! Lupa San: are you size 10? *chops Zekes feet off* now you are 9 😂😂😂😂 i died! 💀

JunpeiFES .

The shuffle running! 😂 i knew they were going to laugh their ass off 🤣


That man standing next to Grisha during those meetings is Falco's relative. That was the same family member Eren's grandpa was talking about that made it hard for Falco's family


Zeke still wants to use the rumbling as a deterrent which is why he returned to the island.


Actually, no. Even if Eldians are normal people they are slaves to the founding titan that can rewrite their memories, change there bodies and turn them into dummy titans on a whim. All it takes is one bad person to get the founding titan and fuck things up for Eldian and non Eldian alike. The titan powers need to go but without the titan powers, the Eldians will be wiped out by the world. Hence Zeke's euthanasia plan which is a middle ground.

n momo

I think that it is especially the terms used which is not the good one, in the French translation they said "soft eradication" and not euthanasia. We can better understand Zeke's motivations just with this formulation.

Wyse Ebbah

I think berthodht increased his affection, but he always had a soft spot for her tho. They were actually closer than most. And even though Annie was a loner, apart from Reiner and Bert, she hung out with Armin the most. They also had that whole stuff about being good people etc. It's not obvious, but they weren't too distant. All that said, bert is definitely the one in charge of the jerking off on annie's crystal.


Yo I'm pissed at Eren. He didn't need to talk so much shit to Mikasa and Armin. I hope we get a good explanation cause I cried


I, Floch, have a dream


you realize Zekes plan is literally for Eldians to die so the world can be saved right? His plan is literally to commit genocide and euthanize the population lmao why would you root for that? It's obvious as fuck Eren is just using Zeke at this point from their conversation. You know Eren aint interested in a plan where he kills off all the Eldians so the rest of the world can live safe.

Justin Baker

Technically, the plan isn't to actually kill all the eldians, but to change how their bodies function using the founding titan. Like zeke said, if they just made it so that Eldians could no longer bear children, the titans would be gone by the time the remaining eldians passed away from old age.

Natasha Padparadscha

"There is no greater salvation than never being born into this world" is a super haunting and underrated quote


I really hope that the second part of s4 is directed by Seong-Hu Park

Tyler Moon

There is another way. I don't know how you're going to feel about it though.

Tyler Moon

Zeke's plan isn't to complete the rumbling.


Yeah sheera said that and Roshi or lupa didn’t say anything ab it idk how u forget something like that bc they clearly show her being eaten but I hope they see this comment bc it made her death sound not as bad I mean that would still be a horrible death but it’s nothing compared to getting eaten alive by dogs at 7 or younger


Haha I love the reactions to when Mikasa subconsciously protected Eren from getting hit by Armin.

Chuk it

Eren is big CAPPING about mikasa and armin... he knows what he's doing

Lupa is Dadi

Beat by cops? I think you meant eaten by dogs. But I get it it's been awhile

Lamaree Jackson

When Eren turns out to be the Sasuke of the show.