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Curious to see how this wraps up! The Roshigan was active as hell today lmao


Jose Ovalle

When is tanya or dorohedoro supposed to drop? Are we waiting for a another show to finish?

JunpeiFES .

Well that sucks this is going to end. I agree, we needed more information and probably grow sentimental moments by giving us detailed scenes. But it is just one anime of many, and i am just happy to watch it animated. I hope Sankarea get its spotlight and gets animated too (not by this studio😒) because it has a nice storytelling. One day... one day 😭


So I've been reading the manga for the past 3 days, I will say that yes it's extremely disappointing they didn't follow the manga and the anime is ending so soon but it's kinda cool that we got to see a different outcome but hopefully they are ending it so soon to possibly work on something else. I'd recommend finishing the anime and reading the manga as well


dang, haven't thought about sankarea in a hot minute!

Matthew B

They did this adaption dirty.

Antonia Moore

What Phil has been going through hits way harder in the manga. While the older kids were away he had to sit quietly and watch as his friends and even siblings get shipped out. I remember in one panel Phil was in the fetal position because it was so sad and depressing. Please give the manga a shot when you have the time. Thank you guys for everything.

yasmina C

i stopped watching at ep 6, just cant compare to the manga


My only gripe with this episode is that I wish they would've shot peter. He brutally fucked up a lot of kids with his experiments. Just kill him and then start the peace stuff lol

Alex Omega

Sheera made me laugh throughout this episode so hard. I wish this series had three seasons to flesh out the characters more than they did. Overall I personally don't hate the series but unfortunately, I don't love it either.


I hate how emma is ok with taking ratri with her, she didn't see or experince anything he did to people for years! It's like me now meeting hitler and saying I forgive you. ( I only watched the anime so I don't know if it's different in the manga)

Cleven Anthony

So y’all just all see the future now huh ? Lmao imma need sheera to stop sharing her powers cause this is starting to get outta hand 😂


I'm still convinced that the anime was done like this so they can make the live-action movies easier. The manga is a little bit more complicated than this. Welp, it is what it is.

Baren Nerab

One more episode ? ahh man, I kinda wish they did an episode about the the past and explain the evil blood and how the "promised" got made, for context hehe


That's been Emma's MO the whole show tho. She said in season 1 that she wanted to save literally everyone. That being said, I find it kinda cheesy that things have just conveniently all worked out in her favor. Feels a bit too shonen, Emma with the OP compassion.


Yea, I agree with Sheera. It seems like the Demon Elites are the ones who gave Mujika the nickname "Evil-blood".


I have not seen the episode but gonna read the manga instead 😒


Same wavelength. Stop watching it this episode. Gonna read the manga. Good thing i’ve bought the volumes.


Roshi unlocked his Roshigan. I agree, if they had a season in between or atleast a movie it would have been better.


worst part about this adaptation is they deprived us of tall norman

Jazmyne Mattucci

I truly wish this anime actually followed its manga's story and not...yknow, do its own thing considering the manga ended already. We got deprived of so many other characters and arcs that they didnt even bother to go through. I suggest reading the manga after yall watch this cuz boi is it a better experience


If you plan to read the manga you gotta have Isabella's theme on repeat for the whole ride, it makes the experience feel amazing.


I'm normally not someone to comment on videos but people seriously need to stop with these comments. we got it, the manga is better. sucks for you that they went anime original, i get that. you've probably been really looking forward to it getting animated, but under every video the comments are the same shit over and over again. it's mad annoying. 90% of the people who are complaining are manga readers, anime only watchers have been enjoying it for the most part, so for the love of god, if you hate it so much, either reread the manga or let it be and leave cause it takes away the fun for other people. thank you.


Even if we got all the stuff in between,I still kinda feel like they were saved a little bit by plot,normans idea still would have made sense to me,either way I guess I enjoyed it


This show is terrible now, but I’ve come too far to just drop it. Everything about the second season is off, the pacing is bad, & there isn’t enough back story to have you emotionally invested or for the plot to even make sense. It seems like the entire plot now is jus based on luck & coincidences, everything is going too smooth. Every issue that arises is solved by bs & now they’re going the “friendship” route . I’m sad seeing how this show ended up


Will Lupa-San ever keep his starter locs in?

DeAndre Woodruff

Man after reading the manga which was great start to finish. I'm severely disappointed with this trash way to tell the story. Hopefully they pull a Brotherhood.