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For me, this is the episode where the pacing issues start causing things to fall apart. In one episode Norman and his goons go from "eradicate the demons" to "Actually, this is a bit much fam lets chill" . Im sad yall, hope they can bounce back next week!



Nothing can be done. This season was a mistake the moment they announced it would be anime original.


It's just doomed


I had the same feeling watching this episode.


Are you going to read the manga at all Roshi?


They had 1 job and it was to follow the manga couldn't even do that


Ahh, this is just unfortunate. Glad to know you're considering reading the manga, Roshi. This story deserves to be told in its entirety.

JunpeiFES .

You have a point Roshi, i would like to have seen at least 3 more episodes with backstory of Normans crew. Manga readers, just say yes or no without an explanation lol is there a backstory to Vincent, Barbara and the others? This will change my mind of how to see this anime


Damb, excited to see what happens from here on out!


Emma has that protag charisma

Kalib Holland

It's not even necessarily skipped content as the full reason it felt so weird. In the manga it was definitely fleshed out more and had more context as to why Norman and his crew had a change of heart. Same thing with Emma having so much empathy for demons.


Man, this is tragic....but I'mma keep watchin'!


Roshi - it's not even skipped content. It's just different. Enjoy the manga man, it was told very well.


Promise Neverland Brotherhood baby😂😂

kurumi Tokisaki

Anime has become so soft....this wouldve been so much better with them degenerated. The whole not killing the cyclops kids is whatever but the kids should have been mindless savages too. have the toddlers chewing on the babies. let one of the main cast get eaten alive...geez something. Plus the demons have auto healing and keep the ability to regress...even more reason to kill them.


they ruin this anime, just gonna read manga after

Jaime Ruiz

Brother just finish watching this with the season and wait for TPN brotherhood


I'm so baffled by how heavily this plot revolves around coincidences now. like, "oh yeah btw, I found this thing on this random dead guy & What do you know we now have ingredients for a cure XD

Elijah Webb

Even with the coincidences the demon side has strong demons and humans with guns and there prepared for you emma and the rest need way more than bows and arrows at this point


Absolute trash. The anime could've been top ten of all time if they followed the manga imo.


Unfortunately they cut a very large character building section in the manga out of the anime. Just not the same.

Deric Jackson

The dude that got mad cause he wanted to kill all demons ... joins the demons side because he cannot kill all of them... *Sigh* The logic


Maybe when the end of the manga will be adapted, i think changing a bit the story will be a better idea imo. Rather skipping and changing the Goldy Pond arc. 😔😔😔😔


This season should be called The Promised Nevermind. Ever since they went anime original, it went downhill real quick. If only the stick with the manga.


Don't really think shock factor = good writing. The anime is still following a really good story, but its skipping a lot of important information. Basically just the decision of a couple people in charge of producing the show causing it to be rushed.


Dude.....Even if they went with the Manga, that ending (and everything leading up to it) would have left a bad taste in people's mouth. Hell, I'm still disappointed just thinking about it.

Sir Bull Thesis

what the f.... At this point, the manga was WAY better LOL!

Stephen Delong

I got a feeling ol science boy is Norman's dad considering Isabella and Ray. Both those kids some masterminds


Yall better off just reading it and startin from where the first season ends fam


I just wanted to say, the music for this episode is completely off the chain.


This may surprise you, but people who haven't read the manga think the show is fairly decent. The only one's who think the show fell off are the manga readers & hearing ya'll complain all the time is a little annoying.


"Don't you wish you'd have killed them now?" I still don't see what killing a town full of commoners would've accomplished. It's clear that the royal demons have evil blood so Norman's serum won't do anything to them. So even if Emma doesn't have a solution, Norman never did either.

kevin (btw i'm a girl)

Honestly I have no complaints I guess I’m easily satisfied 😂 as long as I don’t get bored I don’t care if they skip a lot of stuff or if anything gets rushed. That’s why I loved GOH I never got bored watching it

RavinFox .

Norman saw the miracle in action, the human like relation, and was overall desperate. I think his change of heart was fine, just silly to see in contrast with the destruction around them. Emma's pacifist route is something I've had faith in since the start since they manage to make it this far without casualties. If you have a conversation to anyone about handling this situation while managing younger kids, most people say they'd abandon them... but they're doing pretty darn well. I dunno about the future, but I'm choosing to trust the calls these kids make when they're determined, spirited, and actually together. There's NO way this story won't get darker. Heck, I don't even see an end either... but I do faith in them.

Ranginald Vagel

Valid the source material was still good so even at 50% power it's still not bad

Jake Rosendahl

The reason Evil Blood is bad is purely political. It's alluded to in this episode "Keep some mass production farms open, we still need food for commoners." It's all about royals maintaining control with farms and giving them low quality meat so they have the bare minimum intelligence and human form. Evil blood throws that control out the window. I also think most demons don't understand that Humans aren't animals, they're so detached from the production that its just viewed as meat.


Pacing is way off for sure. I felt that way since episode 6. Season 1 is definitely superior.

Kenisha & Kim

Yea idk the first half of the season was good but then it went downhill like they need to make season 3 superb with a lot of episodes lol tbh