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Yooo why is this so epic? That one scene wit Sasha's Dad changed my perspective on things. So good!


Nicole Guerrero

yayy, you guys are early !! this season is making me feel so conflicted, idk whose side i’m on 😭😭 floch and eren are on another level and falco always taking hits for gabi, he’s a real one for that 😭


Early early this man roshi the goat




The Trio goated for the Early Reaction



JunpeiFES .

🤘🏼😤🤟🏼 This episode was amazing! I know it is too much going on for gabi right now but i do hope she opens her eyes. And zeke with the plot, fuck, i am still wavering about zeke, is he really want to help the Eldians? Because it doesnt look like lol sooo good


U guys are my favorite reactors cause y’all smart and get it lol

Devin B

I respect Sasha's dad for understanding the rules of being a soldier. When you kill there is a chance that you'll be killed as well but that kind of world is not meant for children cause eventually they will just end up repeating that cycle of violence and even though it's hard to forgive someone when they took someone/something from you it has to stop somewhere for everyone's sake.


Next week, GOAT eren cements his status


Also never thought I’d see the day but floch is easily one of my top fave characters of the series


Eren really walked in the room with the 9 out.


I knew from day one that nigga floch was up to no good


LMAO i miss s1 when it was simple and not complicated !!

Alex Omega

#TeamEren #FuckGabi


What Sasha's dad said is the reason I dont hate Gabi, yeah she killed Sasha and shes been an asshole but this is how she was raised, she was taught in she fights for her Marley her family will live a happy life. And Sasha's dad is mature asl, very few people would have reacted like that.

Asante Upshur-Benson

Y’all’s reaction to nut ass Gabi admitting to Nicolo she killed Sasha was gold🤣 Mr. Braus speech was deep but I still hate Gabi lol


Yo falco always getting the short end of the stick smh.

Kendall Gresham

I am impatiently waiting for next week. I've been waiting for this moment. I wanna see all those Titans lol


Sasha's father is very reasonable. it's makes it worse knowing it's always something terrible that has to happen before people become like him.


next sunday is gonna be epic as fuck


I think you misunderstood something Roshi. It's not that Eren is trying to tramble on the hope that Paradis has. We know that he really has no choice but to go down this path. What Levi was talking about is how the other branch of the military (Pixis and them) are pretty much giving up on getting Eren to comply with them so they're looking for a replacement for him so Eren can be eaten. And that's why Levi was so pissed about this whole thing because the military is now willing to replace Eren when he was supposed to be seen as their hope this entire time. And that's why he was saying that they should be getting someone else to be eaten meaning Zeke.


that speech from Sasha’s dad hit different. The message of “ensuring the children don’t repeat the sins of the generation past” becomes a theme that really resonates with the story and one the manga kinda drills in the readers head a lil bit 💀

Ted Cali

I know I'm stealing this comment from somewhere, but meet Floch: the background character who became a main character by virtue of literally everyone else fucking dying.

Jigga Man

Hange: They laced the greens! Floch:🤫 😈

DIO not Dio

Imma admit, last ep had some janky shots... But wow, Mappa REALLY knocked it outta the park with this ep. Reading the manga and seeing this unfold, at best I was like, "Damn..." But hearing Nicolo talk about how much Sasha meant to him damn near made me cry. Give whoever voiced him an Oscar bro 💀 he earned that. (Also, Sashas dad a king, he handled that so well.)

Jeff Heart

I ready for next episode tbh it’s gonna be good

Viela Guay

Lmao still love how people act as if Sasha wasn't a soldier invading a foreign country attacking a civilian zone. She was a soldier who got killed by a soldier after she killed some other soldiers. Gabi is completely right in that she killed the people close to her first (the guards), which is part of why Sasha's dad was so accepting, he knew she chose a life where she'd be taking lives so it's perfectly expected that she'd end up getting her life taken at some point.

Mirz Mirz

Next episode lookin rough man


lmao fr!! if gabi was one of the main characters and sasha was in gabi's positions, people would give sasha the same energy they're giving gabi.


So is Eren just permanent psychopath now or are we getting scammed.


I don't think he misunderstood when Levi says himself "I believed" It was also on a personal note to Levi

Immoral Mortal

im all for everyone fighting and killing each other, if i was nicola i would have stabbed gabi in the chest five times and cut her neck


This episode was so emotional, from Niccolo and his mourning of Sasha to Eren pulling up holding his friends hostage. This isnt going to end well for anybody and it shows in Erens face that he knows it too

DIO not Dio

Eren just doing what he believes is right, what everyone else is doing really tbh.


floch has came a long way since season 3.


fax i cant stand her, her getting her ass beat isn't enough needs to be a pack


This chapter of the manga made me change my tune on Gabi a bit. Can't wait to see you all react to the insanity that's coming. Isayama about to go in RAW.


Dude, that showing up with a cut hand threat under the circumstances is just about the hardest shit I've ever seen. Dude's just like, "I'm a suicide bomber. Only, I won't die. Don't try me."

Big Daddy Dre

Facts, i just watched another reaction channel and they were damn near crying because gabby didn’t get killed

Anthony Purington

Damn man, if you react so much to some deep shit in this episode, I wonder how you all would react to a show like Bojack Horseman.

Joel Braaten

AOT just continues to escalate!


Something tells me that all the unironic Yeagerists are going to face a rude awakening come next ep.


Eren was like "ay speak of the DEVIL am i right?"


Did you forget the Marleyan Warriors are already there. So this will soon be one big shit show.

Jaime Ruiz

Idgaf what happens so long as Eren wins.

Wyse Ebbah

Bojack Horseman’s just as deep if not deeper. But the key difference is the intensity. AoTs intensity is through the roof in some episodes. I still enjoyed Bojack more, but AoT definitely makes for a more exciting reaction, I feel.


Yo. People who aren't watching AoT with us don't understand why we hype this show... EVERY SINGLE WEEK. With every passing episode AoT is solidifying itself as a modern classic and well deserving to be in the top 5, if not, top 10 best anime in history. I mean... how much more can this series make itself have an introspection about everything that has built itself up to be? Sundays have never been this fun before


Eren walked in like Chris Hansen, “why don’t you have a seat.”😂😂


I hope Mr. Braus doesn't feel guilty for Sasha becoming a soldier and still perpetuating that cycle of hatred. =(


everyone scared of eren, meanwhile levi bout ready to put hands on him


Floch hit em with the they'll never believe you


some wild 3-way royale rumble lmao

Jay rellim

yo roshi, floch's VA also voices giorno lol he just voices savages all around


is it fucked up I was screaming at Mr braus to shank that bitch the whole time?


You're still in the forest. In the terms of Vinland Saga, your not a true warrior.


I just want this to actually end, regardless of how. I'm feeling a type of mood like that one type of antagonist that's like, "Yeah, humanity's fucked, the world's fucked, so I'll just destroy and go for a restart." XD I'm starting to both love and hate this show at the same time, if you catch my drift. Kind of like how I felt about Code Geass. But I do hope Gabi keeps having a bad time and suffers a good amount of mental anguish.

Stanley Labissiere

Man that whole interaction with Nicolo, Gabi, Falco and Mr. Braus really fucked me up. Legit tears in my eyes.

Marquese DeBoe

Kinda mad y'all didn't see the boy hank in the beginning


I do not understand the unlimited hate for Gabi and calling her stupid for killing Sasha. It's incredibly biased because THEY'RE ALL SOLDIERS. Sasha was not a civilian, she was a fucking solider and so is Gabi. A soldier shot and killed a soldier. Gabi and Sasha are enemies in a war. Eren would have absolutely done the same when he was her age and yall would cheered him on. From Gabi's perspective Eren, Sasha, and the crew came to Liberio and killed civilians, Udo, Zofia, and those gate guards and Gabi wanted revenge. Ignoring her incredible indoctrination, her actions make sense for her personality and the revenge she wanted. Falco has a perspective no other character has from Marley.

Devil’s Advocate

Falco sounds like Tanjiro, Floch stands like a Nazi, and Gabi is dumb as a brick.


it seems death awaits


they just topped the casual reiner and bertholt reveal, with the casual eren just entered scene.

Guerry Nine

Fr! I was drinking tea when I saw it and spilled it all over my legs. It was very hot tea :(

Samuel Sargunam

Floch is the biggest bitch. The only character I never liked.