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That Emma play was a nice way to establish an emotional connection but I still need a viable plan otherwise Normans way is the only way



Just wanna say, I always look forward to your descriptions under the videos. They’re always funny or catchy


This episode was really good imo.


The episode was good but I still feel like we are rushing through. I am not even a manga reader and I can tell the switch of pacing was not necessary. This episode would have been a lot better if it came after episode 6


Kill the farm demons and leave the civilians alone and If anybody else wants smoke cross that bridge when you get there. 🤷🏾‍♂️


Also Emma is a whole savage in the manga, the anime really just fucking this season up. In the manga the kids be killing them wild demons with peak efficiency. lol


I mean everyone has a family. Regardless if someone is trying to kill you and your family you gotta kill them first. Simple as that. Emma is just in the wrong and she needs to fuck off lol


And we can clearly see from real world politics that method totally solves everything 🤨


Yous needa react to Wonder Egg Priority!! U should start when JJK or TPN finish


the civilians are the ones buying the meat from them farms lmao i see what you mean but it would lead to smoke regardless becuase of demons like sonju who wants to eat humans even when he doesnt have to.


They already put out their list of future reactions. It isn't happening.


nuking village=stopping farming? but more than that it was already explained that if elite demons know you have evil blood they'll come after you, more evidence that demons who can barely afford human meat and live on the verge of dying don't have options anyway.


The old guy cant tell others about his blood because the royal family wants nobody to have that blood and will hunt them down!


I’m against genocide regardless, especially if that’s the first plan you come up with. At least try a peaceful way before it comes to that. Just saying there is no other option besides that is just ignorant imo.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Lupa got in one. "Emma? Why did you say that name?"


Retaliate ??? What are they going to do, eat the humans extra hard? It’s like me saying, I’m mad at cows, now im gonna chew twice as long .


the humans did come up with a "peaceful way" already 1000 years ago or however long they mentioned it led to this lol. i cant blame the humans who are on this side of that agreement for choosing this method at all especially norman


yo, norman needs to be taken out, dude's too much

Amer Noor

first off Norman immediately chose genocide before trying anything else. I would have agreed more with him if he tried anything else before genocide.


Love how this show is constantly questioning morality. You've already talked about how you feel about the genocide, but earlier in the episode Laboratory Animal Experimentation was brought up. We test different drugs & other substances on animals all the time, but it makes you cringe when you see human children. So, are we wrong?

Devin B

I mean from his perspective he hasn't heard of a good demon before meeting up with Emma and them again and every demon he has seen was malicious towards humans so him thinking about genocide first is understandable cause what other option exists cause the gate to the human world is being heavily guarded and there is no guarantee the humans on the other side would accept them. Even though genocide was his first option it's definitely the one that benefits humans the most.

Jaime Ruiz

I legit stop watching this show because anime went it's own route. Dog sht tbh.


stop crying about the anime going its on route. most anime only watchers still say its good

Blitz Cam

Well, I know it's definitely a huge debate about if season 2 of Promised Neverland is good. I read and finished the manga, so I know that whole story, and if the anime went according to the manga story, I would rank the show as one of my top 5 favorite anime(Along with Code Geass, Death Note, Clannad/After Story, and Naruto Shippuden). Watching this anime as someone who has read the manga, it is clearly a completely different story, and I'm disappointed how several important characters from the manga were just completely skipped in the anime. There were a couple episodes that were extremely rushed, and I don't like how the story is being told, where it seems like characters are now just being told what to do/what is going on, instead of them figuring it out over time. It ruins character development. One example from the manga is Ray figures out by watching how others(ie one person skipped from the manga)fought demons that their weak point is their eyes, which shows that he can adapt and is smart in battle strategies, but in the anime, Sonju instead just tells Ray that weakness. Now, in the anime that might seem like a small thing but the demons are supposed to be terrifying and a threat, and already knowing this weakness makes them less of a threat. There are other small things that are different. Like in the manga they use guns/have the possibility of using guns to fight demons. Instead of just a bow and arrow. Well, I could go on about the differences, but I'll save more of that until the end of season 2. Despite all these differences, I do enjoy some of the episodes from the anime, but because they skipped so much of the manga and yet still want to include parts of the manga they decided to have all these flashback scenes, and lots more discussion of several important moments from the manga story. I could talk about it more, but I'll wait.

Blitz Cam

I really want to like the anime as much as the manga, but I would have gone another way about telling the story if it wasn't going to follow the manga, than what is currently happening in the anime. Some of my friends who haven't read the manga do like the show because of Norman's character, while others have just hated the pacing of the show. This is the first manga I read that's finished before the anime has finished so far, so it is unfortunate how many scenes most likely won't be animated. I am curious how the anime will finish. The manga finish was a perfect finish to the story of the manga, but for the story the anime is telling, I don't think the same ending from the manga will fit as well. I do hope the anime goes on some kind of side story for the characters to have more character development, especially Emma, who had so much that was skipped from the manga, and maybe that way I can enjoy the story more as an adventure anime. Well that's what I'll say for now. I do want to see what happens next.


The moment I saw all the bright colouration I gave up any hope that this anime adaptation would satisfy me. It didn't feel gritty enough. I won't hate anyone watching the anime but it's not the true vision of the mangaka, at least from what I can tell


Uhm yeahhh,so no,in life people make their decisions based on what they’ve experienced and their knowledge,they have every right to,so regardless of whatever arcs was skipped to justify Emma’s thinking,it still wouldn’t matter,cause she doesn’t know what Norman went through. Imagine knowing your gonna die soon but not know when, that in itself for me gives complete justification for normans plan,he’s trying to get the best solution with the little time he has(stressful)😩


The reason the old demon probably didn't share his blood with anyone is because he was keeping it secret. Remember they said that the demons from the farm kill anybody with that blood because they don't want demons who can live without humans (they need to keep selling their merchandise/children to them for money).

Jay rellim

yeah that's what they were saying at the end credit. then sheera said doing a move like that was considered selfish technically since he chose to keep the secret out of fear that they'd kill his family lol then she it tries to make a larger point that everything is effed up anyway etc. it's right before the ending soundtrack

Devin Jersey

yo keep your eyes on boruto newest ep was HEAT

Spring time

Yet you're still here spending time on a comment. Seek attention elsewhere weirdo


Man ik, they are going to love Mushoku Tensei




bruh i disagree with sheera saying the demons were being selfish because they explained that there were special demons sharing their blood and all it resulted in was a massacre of the people who drank the blood and the people who were sharing it