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How you guys feeling about the S2 adaptation? so far we are still enjoying even though we obviously dont know what content was cut from the season



I’m enjoying it too. But I’m like y’all who’s anime only and clueless about what the fuck manga readers be talking about lmfao


Uh oh, here comes all the hate comments lol

Windley Honorat

They basically skipped the anime near the end right now this in the manga is close to the final arcs of the manga basically Honestly let's see how it goes cause it's starting to look like Tokyo Ghoul 2.0 right now


They cut out one of, if not the best, arcs called Goldy Pond. Without spoiling there was a time skip and alot of fighting with the demons and a reveal had way more impact because a certain someone was disguised as a demon..I understand the actual ending of the entire show caused a bit of a stir but them skipping goldy pond which was mostly well received sucks. BUT I still think they are doing alright with what they are doing now so I'm going to just watch through the end to see how it goes, don't want to be super critical yet

Jay rellim

sadly the arc that was cut out (goldy pond) was great. i didnt read beyond that arc but i heard the manga went downhill from there so i'm kinda glad they're going in a different direction


It's gripping as expected though I'm an anime only consumer so I cannot contribute to the original source or creative differences for that matter.


I haven’t seen the manga but if they only have 11 episodes and I don’t want it to be boring idc if they skip stuff you can’t really do stuff in 11 episodes


I was letting it build but I might pass on the whole thing now with the cut outs

Deku Kana

They cut 60 chapters of the best arc in the series (Goldy Pond) and rushed of the best twist 🙃 so it’s like Tokyo ghoul all over again

Joshua Burns

Some of them kids should be dead already and I wanted to see everyone’s shock. I stopped reading the manga just so I could catch up and be blind for the rest of it.


The arc they skipped was far from boring, manga went a bit downhill after it


The manga readers will come in droves soon. As an anime only I’m happy with what I’m watching. I’ll trust the process


this starting to look like Tokyo Ghoul s2.. the amount of content cut is insane. At this point you might as well just read the manga

Jay rellim

im dead laughing at lupa not even wanting to hear the comparison to how we treat animals

Charles Liu

This anime adaptation is way too trash, I can't believe they just removed the best arc and brought Norman back like that


So far, after episode 2 it's been pretty disappointing as someone who has read the manga to be honest. I'll reserve my full judgement till after season 2 ends though.


This is one of those things where manga readers have extremely specific expectations and if it doesn't go EXACTLY the way they read it, then it's automatically trash, because anime has to copy-paste from manga all the time. They're just petty like that. Most of them anyway. I see some here are actually reasonable. Anime only peeps get the advantage of not having pre-set expectations and taking everything in as it comes. From that perspective, it's great. But ofc manga readers have to be so incredibly noisy and vocal about it, which may or may not ruin the experience for some of the anime only people.

Antonia Moore

Just read the manga, Goldy Pond was incredible and I know you guys would love it. In the meantime, I'm still going to watch you guys cuz I love ya.

Daniel Turner

Had to read what the cut content was and it was quite a bit of useful material


“Kentucky fried children” I’m done bro lmaooo


I am an anime only watcher but the story feels rushed to me. We get to a bunker that has interesting details like help messages written on the wall and evidence the bunker was abandoned suddenly with the moldy cookies left behind but none of it is explored and we leave the bunker in like 2 episodes. The pacing for sure feels off to me compared to S1


I'm saddened the arc I was most looking forward too was cut. However I heard that this was the authors choice meaning they might do something just as epic in the future. I have no idea. I'm still going to watch and decide my feelings once the season ends. it definitely does rub me the wrong way so far though.


Its actually dogshit compared to what it couldve been. The arc they skipped is the most important and the most interesting in terms of building the world and the build up to norman being alive

Michael Corleone

It's a really bad adaptation and tbh the anime-original scenario isn't good either. Just to give you an idea, Season 1 covered 37 chapters of the manga. Season 2 has covered like the same amount in 5 eps but altered what happens in those chapters to try to make it make some sense but also skipped 2 whole arcs to get to the point where Norman is reintroduced (in the manga doesn't happen until much later)


This shit is hot trash now🤦🏽‍♂️ was looking forward to S2 literally just for goldy pond


Im curious as to how they plan on doing this. They skipped some real pivotal points but I wont shit on it yet. It is disheartening though that it seems they are rushing it to the end of the series and Im not too sure why. Budget reasons??


Some of these whiners don't deserve anime adaptations. It's not trash just because it subverted your expectations. There are literally no arguments in here about the actual quality of the season; only that they cut parts of the manga and that hurt their feeeeeeelings. Guess what, the creators aren't idiots, they're doing it for a reason.


I recommend watching SeaTactics review of this ep. Hes anime only aswell but still points out the many flaws


Im inclined to agree with this sentiment usually but not with this. They actually skipped alot of stuff that is really important to the story. If they rearranged stuff or skipped some of the slow bits I could understand. But they decided to skip almost a seasons worth of content but in each episode give us 2 minute montages of happiness and useless scenes. The decisions really dont make any sense. But if they're going a whole different route with this adaptation, I'll watch and judge afterwards. But so far its looking grim 🤷🏾‍♂️


When I was watching this on my own, definitely called the end reveal there. I'm like, "What if it's Norman....." and right after I thought that, he spoke and took off his hood. I called this since Season 1, and I'm anime only. I just had a feeling. Just like I did with Ray being Isabella's biological son (called that near the beginning of the season, and bam). Here's what I've been thinking since S1 as well..... Isabella's in on it. What exactly did Norman see? His look back then was not fear, but surprise. Isabella is the one who led him there. I'm betting she's been in secret contact with some helpful people. That's... just my prediction. She probably leaked info to Norman and the rest of those cloaked figures. I'm also making a bold prediction that one of them is Minerva.... unless Minerva actually lived a long-ass time ago and has been long dead. I don't remember if they mentioned his timeframe at all yet. Hell, one of them could even be Isabella maybe. That might be crazy talk though. And yes, I think Isabella is playing double agent in favor of the humans.

Kyle Hall

I guess next episode is supposed to be a recap and the season is only 11 (10) episodes long pretty disappointing

Sean A Desire

Its basically getting the Root A treatment, im very dissapointed because the best arc in the story has been cut 50 chapter of greatness we will never see sadge.


For those who can’t understand why manga readers are mad, imagine if dragon ball just cut out frieza saga and goku just got ssj in a training episode 😂😂 that’s basically what’s happening

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

The problem is the inconsistencies. What was the point of the bunker and HELP if they were going to leave with no real development there? Why the timeskip when last episode made it seem like they were going hot pursuit of the kids? What did Isabella do that whole time? Now Emma and kids found a demon village but we never saw the progress of how they're here and are so skilled. And the biggest thing Norman here and now, granted timeskip but only 6 episodes since his "death"? It's just all rushed imo.


The Problem is the they skiped the 2 Arc wich was still well written and after that the Author just kinda went full fukkin retard mode and it went downhill till the end. The next episode will show if the anime really is going a different route or if its just a way to rush to the end fast .


I've read the manga, but this seems like an interesting change. So far, I'm enjoying this and i feel more immersed not knowing what is going to happen and its seems creepier, especially that scene with the old man lool (and also seeing a bit more story-buliding around the demon world). Also, I still believe characters that haven't been shown yet will show up. (...hopefully.. lol). I'll reserve judgement until after the season 2 ends.

Alex Campbell

It’s not cut content they said anime will be done differently story wise from the author himself


i will look forward to where it goes with a hopeful different route but tbh i wouldnt trust that Author to write a shoppinglist after the last arc in the Manga .


as some one who hasn't read the manga this show is still fire. but i understand where you guys are coming from. usually enjoy reading comments but going to skip the comments in this show its just all salty about the adaption.


I'm usually only an anime only for most of the shows I've watched but this show was the only time I read the manga and I genuinely liked the arc they skipped over because it did actually go into details about the world, put into perspective that characters can still die, and introduced a lot of new and interesting characters on top of that. I didn't finish it because I genuinely wanted to watch with reactors but now manga readers are saying that it finished bad and seeing so much change here in the anime original, has truly made me regret ever reading it and not finish reading it at the same time. Regardless, love y'all reactions!


I wouldn't call it trash but in comparison it's incredibly underwhelming. And I usually watch anime first and then go into manga so I'm no manga elitist. Season 1 was good, read the manga after from the beginning, anime was still good and even made a few changes that I liked. As for how little people are saying about the season and why it's bad, it's because anything we could say is so different from the anime that if we went into actual detail of what was cut it would be considered heavy spoilers. Like incredibly. Also in general, speaking as a creator myself, it's harmful to just blindly follow and trust that a creator is doing what's best for their story just because they made it. Think about JK Rowling and how she fucked up Harry Potter because all the dumb shit she started saying, or how Game of Thrones was thrown out of the main media hype talk because the creators of the show (ahem, adaptation) fucked up the ending so badly. They're not exempt from any kind of criticism, especially because Cloverworks apparently has a history of making very mediocre anime adaptations. Not to mention the author for The Promised Neverland didn't even think up the idea for the amazing arc that everyone is talking about, himself, one of his editors did.


No, apparently the next episode is a .5, kind of episode. Meaning it won't actually take the place of one of the 11 episodes, saw that on twitter a bit ago.


Im not even gonna watch this season there's no point. They cut entire arcs out and are giving it an anime only ending its basically pointless to even watch this imo.


I'm not necessarily mad or anything and if anime-only peeps enjoy it, that's not an issue. It's just....this part happens towards the end of the manga (or at least the second half of it). People are missing a huge chunk of the story that is important and I don't know how their gonna loop it back in. I almost wanna theorize that...this is what the Japanese movie is gonna use as its script or it is the script, lol.


Nothing fills my heart with more joy than manga readers raging.


I don't mind the skip and still enjoying this. Will be sad that they won't see the most epic hunger games fight in forest. I don't see at all how would they do that anymore with this much skipping through the arcs.


. . . Instead of being unnecessarily condescending how about you actually hear the criticisms or try to find out WHY people are angry? You sound pretty fucking ignorant dude.


How about you read the manga and understand why people are upset? Stop complaining about people complaining when you don't even have their context. People are mad because the stuff they skipped in the anime is literally the best that the story had to offer and we wanted to see it adapted. With that context in mind this adaptation fails horrendously (and even without that context there's still a lot to criticize)


Uh oh. Here comes all the deflection from people who don't even know what they're missing.

lakewood145 .

This writing in this episode really pissed me off. For 2 major reasons. #1 The constant unneeded loud shouting from the duo morons. While trying to survive in a hostile territory gathering food lets just shout. The writer wants us viewers to feel how serious their environment is, but every time the kids are screaming in the forest as if they're home free. #2. Season 1 made us understand these kid's IQ are one of highest there are, but keep doing the most illogical things possible in such a situation. From Emma going to pick-up the apples, to girl with glass shouting afterwards as if the monster was not just there. Someone better kick the bucket soon to give them a wake-up call or I might lose all interest in this season.

DeAndre Woodruff

I'm not gonna lie, the hypest arc in the manga..... I'm just gonna see what they do.

KS Neelesh

If I'm being honest the reveal was very meh. Just a random ass 1 year time skip with norman appearing in one episode with no buildup, no world building it's all very stale imo. The reason the first season was so fire is because they stuck to the manga this season theyve completely removed amazing plot, storylines ,compelling and exciting characters and villains with high stakes every time. This is just so bland IMO. If your an anime only watcher I get it that ull enjoy the show but compared to what it couldve have been had they just adopted to original material you wouldve have enjoyed it a thousand times better. Just saying.


its wierd that most manga reader say the ending was bad but not willing to enjoy change in the anime.

KS Neelesh

I have no problem if the story is told in another order provided they stick to the original story but when the completely decide to cut out over 60 chapters pretty much half the manga worth of arcs, characters, emotions and world building and skip to the very end like this it is disappointing. Obviously if you are an anime only enjoy the show of course you should. I'm just saying its disappointing to those were looking forward to the arcs being adapted to completely act like they never existed.

KS Neelesh

There is no problem in changing the ending at all. But to skip the best arc which had more than enough substance to support a different ending is where the frustration is. It's not about just the ending I have no problem in the story being told another way if they adapt what was working and change the ending, it's the fact that they have decided to write off everything else and skip to the very end and change every single thing that made the manga work is what is frustrating. The coming arcs had massive stakes, and would have completely turned into another story and people would be even more amazed in the anime. You have no idea what was even cut so u have no context in being upset like manga readers.

Kevin Kovacs

I hope somebody on discord tells them that the next week episode is gonna be a RECAP episode just before they react to a filler episode!! 😅


im anime only and i think there are good ideas in this season, but direction and scenario really sucks - characters just teleporting from one point to another, there useless cliffhangers that don't mean anything worthy, there a lot of unnecessary scenes and waste of time, so yeah, its not very enjoyable to me to watch


So Emma and Ray don't see the red flags? How did Norman escape unless the others with him are adults from the farm I don't see how Norman would have escaped unless he was let go to so the demons could follow him to the kids or he is helping in the kids capture because of brainwashing or something.


I'm a manga reader that doesn't even mind filler if it's enjoyable to watch. There are 11 episodes this season, we are on episode 5 and we hardly learned anything about the world. Last season we learned something every episode, if they actually followed the manga this season if would have been the same. So far though there has been nothing but a bunch of meandering about without the character learning anything about where they are. We lost the bunker last episode and we don't know what the writing on the wall was about or how those humans found them. This episode all of a sudden Ray and Emma know how to parkour over roofs, the kids know how to blend in to "demon" society, they don't question anything concerning the demons temple they are in especially since the old one seems to visit it all the time. The chase scene I felt last longer than necessary and escape last episode had no stakes compared the manga. So no I am actually not happy with this adaptation so far. It feels like the anime is afraid of putting the kids in danger and giving them any serious means to protect themselves. It's just becoming increasingly frustrating to watch.


and they confirmed next week is a damn recap episode so we actually only get 10 eps this season....


shame on you lupa sensei , you can't leave Phil

Rudy Strother

It’s been confirmed this recap won’t count, and is basically a .5 episode

Sir Bull Thesis

Lol guys! Please, never change! Lupa's reaction to the kids screwing up and "The Mother! " "No!" "It's Mother!" "WHat?" "It's Mother" "No It's not!" XD. I've never seen someone so 100% sure but completely off at the same time.


As someone who has never read the manga the changes obviously don't bother me, however I felt the reveal of Normans return was pretty anticlimactic and held no emotion. Apparently in the manga there's about 44 chapters from Norman leaving the farm to it being revealed that he's alive, then there's a further 44 chapters until he's reunited with Emma and Ray... Here they've gone from 7 episodes to be like here's Norman guys, and obviously with the year time jump it kind of helped it along the way, but I feel there's no weight in it at the reveal I was kinda like "meh"


what the hell is this lmao

Ace Overton

I disagree. But I also can accept the manga and anime as different. I can't judge the full quality until it's over to compare

lakewood145 .

Lupa's reaction to the dynamic dipshits is exactly why I'm down with this season anymore. Too much illogical decisions while knowing that they are in a hostile location.


The plot is so disconnected. We don't even know how they knew they were in the shelter.