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Maki too raw



The female characters are so well written in this anime. Its like the writer takes the classic Shonen tropes nd improves upon them to perfection. Each character has effect on the individual value of the story.

Elyver Dela Merced

literally jumped on as soon as i saw the notification.

Ranginald Vagel

Miwa never questions anyone that's why she gets clapped lmao

Ranginald Vagel

Nobara won her fight then promptly got assassinated RIP Well Tokyo still up 2-1 + Miwa kinda trash without her sword

Wahli Bridgewater

Homegirl really said "Yo I'm just tryna get back in the kitchen"😭😭🤡

Trent Ward

Yo maki go hard. She has a whole nen contract to be better physically and they rejected her so dumb. Its like people dissing asta for having no magic, even though he is just as effective as the top magic knights.


Bullet receiving that good budget!


*Edited to avoid misunderstanding* This episode was fucking beautiful holy shit, the art and animation especially on the close-ups of Maki and Nobara during the fights were insane


I agree. As much as I like shounen anime one of the worst things about the genre is the overabundance of poorly written female characters


Is there any chance of you returning back to the previous video player? This new version is not good at all

Francisco Rodriguez

does anyone know how far in the manga Roshi read towards like chapter just curious


I dont get the problem with Mai sniping Nobara. Isn't this a group battle? 1v1's don't mean nothing. Mai and Mechamaru were meant to support Momo anyway

jin's scream in dionysus

I'm so happy we got to see the girls show out! The animation this episode was perfect

Damion Middleton

2 Maki’s I definitely acknowledged: Fire Force and this. 🙌🏾


I swear lupa be missing plot points cuz he too busy crackin jokes 😂😂


Lmao did Roshi really and seriously put his foot down offscreen to Lupa about injuring him in the JJK intro? XD I'm happy for you Roshi. You finally did it. :D


Was it really though? I think animation has been amazing every episode so far.


Word try to rewind and the volume jumps back to full blast 🥺


Crazy how both were being forced to not fight by their families. I just realized that. Woooow

Yolo Samurai

How is Maki literally THE BEST anime waifu ever??


I kinda feel bad for Mai... I think deep down, she's stuck as that scared little girl who clung to Maki. And she keeps repeating "I hate you" to make her believe it herself, thinking it will help her grow up faster and get over the past. Or it could be she's saying it more to herself than to Maki. I just get that vibe that Mai kinda hates herself, just because of the environment she grew up in. I hope she goes through some solid character development in the future. Would be nice to see her overcome her inner demons.


Mappa animated this episode so well. From Miwa getting tossed around to Momo getting toy slapped by Nobara, everything was extremely fluid. Props to the studio for being consistent with the top tier animation

Jake Disarufino

Maki out here dripping way to hard Jesus mappa goes to hard when animating and I love it ❤️ maki is fucking amazing this whole show just continually gets better def my favorite anime out rn and it’s cementing itself very high in my all time list rising steadily

Michael McCurran

I don't know if it's on purpose or not, but I find it kinda interesting that at the end there, young Maki really didn't seem to be putting any effort into holding her sisters hand. She wasn't exactly enthusiastic when she said she wouldn't leave her behind, either. Not to say she didn't care about her sister, but maybe she always had an idea that they wanted different things in life.


In love with Maki


One of the best episodes this one. Mappa said W O M E N power.


so does the player auto set the video quality? sometimes its good but sometimes its very blurry. I missed the player from before that can adjust the quality

Cleven Anthony

All I came here to say is the animation is always amazing so why they had to snap this episode and make it 10 times better ? Lmaooooo


it would be great if we could watch this in a player that have image quality selection, i think that having 360p 720p and 1080p is not too much to ask


Just once I'd love to watch an anime that turns the trope around of a character fighting to become something great despite protests from everyone else into a character that just wants to be a normal woman who wants to clean that kitchen lmao. It'll be a female Naruto that just wants to become a real woman, believe it! Fucking Lupa kills me with his jokes xD

Scott Brown

This is probably the most retarded shit I've read this month, and I've been frequenting r/wallstreetbets recently.

Dous Dous

I get Mai tho tbh. She wants a normal life vs going around the country boxing curses that kill and torment people and seeing people die and crap. "Your sis left so we're making you a child soldier." I'd be mad too. I think Mai is more angry that Maki left her there more than leaving in general. If the Zenins can interfere with Makis crazy life I'm sure they'd interfere if Mai left for a normal teens life as well. Miwa is taking care of 2 brothers so I think Mai's train of thought is more along the lines of Maki leaving her with that trash family, knowing they were gonna take it out on her without a second thought but still going without saying a word to her despite all that "just stick with me Mai, I'm here for you Mai" talk that they had when they were little. Plus ol girl was still in her early teens when this happened, with no healthy emotional support, of course she's messed up over it.

Khanlin Rodgers

I really recommend you guys watch this on crunchyroll. The translation for that entire conversation post-fight between mei and Maki (as well as the rest of the show) was translated very differently and changed the meanings of some some important quotes.


Better than dying, IMO. As based Nanamin said, "Sorcerers are shit", which is facts


Yeah, what kinda retards yeet someone who is specifically BORN OP (as is the "divine" will, hence why they are spawned under a Heavenly Pact)? Look at Mechamaru, dude is theoretically pretty OP, kinda. Perhaps not that gud per se, considering how crippling the cons are compared to Maki who essentially got a tit-for-tat Heavenly Pact, lose Cursed Energy entirely in exchange for Yuji-tier raw physical stats. I mean, she's essentially female Itadori, stats build wise, except she can't use Cursed Energy at all (and Yuji can only do this because of Sukuna acting as a Reactor Core, essentially), and specializes on weapons technique rather than brute-force + buffs via Raw Cursed Energy (the Yuji way)

Justin Baker

Where do they watch it? I've always noticed that they seemed to have different subtitles for some shows, but never really knew why.


This episode was so good


Its odd that the witch had a problem with scars on the face when the lady that gojo has been teasing has a scar. She is still strong, has a high level position, is probably strong and she's pretty.


Cover your nose when you sneeze bro! Thank you for the reaction!!! This episode was Amazing.

Alex cleveland

Why r the female characters in this show so strong and dope??? I mean, I def don't have any complaints about that. 🔥🤍