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What a way to start things off! 



imagine if the game was just kitito getting constantly raped and he never remembers


This is the best Sao season imo. Glad y’all watching it✌🏻


Never thought I’d watch SAO after season 2 but I might have to give it a try with y’all

Cameron 鳥

No way sao??😳😳😳 didnt expect this one


finally SAO getting somne respect


Haven’t watched this inna minute since 2018


Nice! I'm only a couple episodes ahead on this one. Alicization has been dope!


S3 animation is fate stay night levels of epic animation! You have my word! Story is decent too

Damion Middleton

Didn’t see this coming. I’ll give it a shot then.


nice! SAO was the first anime i watched and tbh i didn't see the issues with it at the time, but saw everyone hating and then S2 was kinda eh. So I'll trust your judgement hopefully you're right


Just curious yall arent doing polls anymore?


so hype for ya'll to react to this. really wanna see your opinions on it! also... sheera's makeup is on POINT yet again!! I see youuu


I agree with Lupa in the sense that Alfihem arc really hurt my view on the series. It would have been 100x better if they had just removed that arc entirely and ended season one after kirito woke up


I only watched season 1, I have to finish Gun Gale before I watch this 😂

Minh Le

Yes yes yesssss i love u so much roshi for reacting to this❤️ fucking love it

Kdawg 226

Let’s gooo



Michael Corleone

sao is straight up dookie buttcheeks but hope whoever likes the show has fun w/ their reactions :) I can't wait for them to react to Mushoku/Dorohedoro tbh

Frenzy X

Season 3 has goated animation so I am hyped for this.

Alex cleveland

oh god, FUCK SAO 😂🤣😂🤣. Sorry squad, this is def the worst series u guys reacted to. I haven't even watched this newest season to know its trash; the first season told me how ass this show was gonna be till the very end...🤷🏽‍♂️


This is the only thing getting posted today? (I’m just asking)

Lupa is Dadi

Ayooo Sao?!!! outta nowhere, didn't expect this but should be dope

Antonio Bacon

I fully agree but I'm glad that those who do like the show will enjoy their reactions.

Benny T

Have y'all watched the movie?


Thank you guys! Can't wait to see your reactions to this series, one of my favorites :D


same. Dorohedoro reactions gonna be fun


Yeah.. I'm gonna sit out on this one. Have fun tho

Tyler Windover

Let's goooo!!! Alicitization is so good!

Hannibal Lecter

Noice I really enjoyed the alicization arc


SAO!?! Alright imma head out ✌️enjoy who ever is watching this


If you don’t like it then leave.. why even bother to click on a vid just to leave a hate comment. Get a life my guy.


This and war of the underworld are goat tier sao


Why are half these comments so salty holyyy, i mean i dont hate or love SAO but imo this season and next are the best of its kind. Show gets so much hate cause people just love to pile shit onto it


Not expecting this😂


people just love to shit on sao cause its sao. yeah the shows pretty sub tier, but this season and the next is prob the best.


not this..


The toes I had to suck for this reaction

Oscar kariuki

This is the comment I needed to see before heading to bed. This took all the stress away😂

J. J.

This arc is so good but so slow


Yep there's the salt I was looking for on the update post lol, shows how good people are at reading captions. I for one am I excited for this as I love all things SAO. Looking forward to experiencing it again with you guys!

kaeleb white

Even though it has a couple problems I still like SAO, the whole alicization and war of underworld arc was pretty good imo. Let them watch what they enjoy lmao

Alex cleveland

@CRuEL_WOrlD LMAO its on my feed on Patreon, it was unavoidable to see and not to on comment buddy🤦🏽‍♂️ And here it is, the classic: "Get a life" comment 😂. I was expecting a cliche response and I got it👍🏽😂

Alex cleveland

@yooin No😂 SAO is actually a really bad series that had lots of potential when it came out... People don't hate on it just because its SAO; Ppl actual have a solid reason to hate on this trash.

Jalen Holmes

YESSIR! Can't wait for you guys to react to this

Jalen Holmes

That's just your opinion to others like roshi it's entertaining and enjoyable. Just like any anime you have ppl who love it or hate it. You didn't even need to comment you could've ignored this

Brandon Hart

Yo I am so glad y'all are reacting to this. I love the series as a whole since It was one of my first anime. Hyped to see how you'll react to some stuff

Alejandro Pupo

Aye, the season that turned me into a SAO fan


people hate on sao because its unnecessary popular when it really shouldnt be considering arc 2 of this series was complete dogshit and fact hes got a harem when hes basically married to asuna just makes the show worse this arc though is basically the redeem arc of SAO because it actually has good character development and finally good story to tell


You guys watching the uncensored?

Cleven Anthony

Speaking pure ignorance since when has any show with a bad season not improved in the future and also your smoking crack aside from underworld season 1 was the best season

Alex cleveland

@Cleven Anthony S2 of SAO wasnt great bro.... I didnt see any progression. Just different worlds that the MC goes in...

Alex cleveland

I actually liked the half of S1, and then it turn into a cringy wtf harem incest fairy attacking sexual assault show lmfao. It changed its Isekai genre to stupid ass drama.

Chad Shipman

Excited to see this!! Can't wait to see more!


https://sakugabooru.com/data/ad095e7335f80bd3d648587b0b0c1322.mp4 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Nothing is really spoilery about the op. It's expected for him to get strong at some point. Not a super important fight or anything either.


Shame lupa aint here for it tho. This season is significantly better than previous seasons including the original arc. Still despite the insane quality and animation increase it is still sao so if you hate it you hate it.

Grand-Daddy Longnuts

Hey so I haven't checked in in awhile, uh... Why tf are they watching SAO? They've seen good stuff already there's no damn way this hits the same

Devin B

No lie though I had my reservations about watching this new arc just cause some of the previous arcs were kinda sub par but this was actually pretty decent and the Underworld arc after was pretty dope too.


Yeah the pacing is much more reasonable and the stakes are more solidified.



mitch anderson

I'm waiting for my exams to finish before I go on a binge spree of SAO and Scientific Railgun


Should wait to check opening until you have seen 10 episodes about.


Ignore them, you’re entitled to your own opinion and you don’t have to like SAO

Matthew Osteen

this is where I fell off of SAO


(i've not spoiled anything in b4 i get flamed ) episode 4 gonna be a rough one ngl


ooo favourite season of SAO with my favourite SAO opening and soundtrack. Cant wait

Runner Up

In comparison to the rest of SAO it's good yeah but I'd say overall the pacing is still weird. At least it's decent though so it's not like they're watching that random af AFO arc lol


SAO hella trash but Alicization was lit AF. First half not that good but the 2nd half ooo boi.


"They should've left" Imagine being a child and seeing an epic fight up in the air and wanting to leave. Not to mention the combatants are only focused on each other. XD Also, there's a thing called dramatic effect.... when certain stupid/silly things have to happen, omg moments have to happen, so that the plot and story can develop and progress. When characters don't really act or think as fast as you want them to be able to (even though you probably wouldn't have reacted that fast either in their situation, let's be real), just so dramatic shit can happen. The venture into the cave and the mistakes that they made are what get the story rolling. Everything that happens in this season all started with this... with three innocent kids venturing into the cave just to get some ice.


welcome to 2021 you're not allowed to have one of those that differ from the whiniest cunt in the thread.

FreshxEli Tv

Lupa was like roshi sheera im not coming to work y’all handle y’all business 😂😂😂😂


We do. But we already have a lot of shows collected from prior polls and suggestions from discord to transition in that one isn’t really needed right now

Zachary Provenzano

i stopped on the first half should of finished it. Thanks imma just watch it with them this time around.


if you follow public opinion, you will never have good opinions about any anime! i wanna watch it and then decide on my own yknow!


This is easily the arc of SAO, give it a chance people even if you hated Part 1 and 2

The Pebble

Wtf are you talking about Cleven? It's obvious there are people who like SAO, you make it a point to show your existence all the time. When are fans like you gonna realize that the majority of anime/manga fans and critics have absolutely valid points for disliking this crap? If you like it, that's fine, but there are literally objective points to be made against the story-writing and character depth, or lack there of, to be made in this abomination. It's like The Room, people love it, but it's still objectively terrible and a straight meme, so stop arguing otherwise; It's a losing battle for you guys.


So did you skip the first two season based on what people say or did you already react to those seasons? I did not mind season 1 and season 2 was pretty good plus Sinon.


I can’t get the thought of Luppa and Roshi “horse playing” like that now, thanks Roshi

Sunshine Hall

First off them photon swords sound like farts, and second off ROSHI YOU HAVE TO WATCH THE END OF THE OPENING SONG TO SEE THAT DOPE ASS HANDSHAKE FUCK YESSS


Ah ok damn but season 3 is the best so all good ^_^


I hate to be "that" guy, but here goes. Before refrigerators and electricity, people as early as 1100 B.C. were still able to enjoy ice most of the year. They would build wooden or stone "ice" houses and store blocks of ice, usually packed with sawdust or wood chips. This kept the ice cold and insulated allowing families to store their perishables longer or for merchants to sell ice.


@settsu you're a smart guy. Fuck the public opinion. This season of sao is actually fukin badass. I think lupa is missing out this time.


I appreciate the info, thank you very much


So, speaking as someone who has SAO as one of his favorite anime of all time, out of 1136 anime per my MAL right now... I loved the FIRST HALF of Alicization. But the second half of Alicization is legit one of my LEAST favorite anime of all time. It was a bunch of extremely poorly written, fan-pandering nonsense. That part of the novels wasn't bad, but damn if the anime adaptation didn't make everything a thousand times worse.


Do I need to watch SAO II before watching this?


There are some characters and events that would be mentioned that you wouldn't know, but for the most part no. This is its own series with little to no effect from the previous seasons and can be enjoyed on its own IMO. Of course thats still up to you to decide

Ranginald Vagel

Dang dropped SAO in the Gun stuff should I catch up first?


Alicization is kind of a soft reboot. Asuna will show up a few times, but for the most part it'll be stand alone. S2 stuff *will* eventually come into play in War For Underworld S2 (aka like 40 episodes from this one)


The only thing is, certain moments might have less impact due to less investment in certain characters, as well as lack of knowledge of the history between the characters, their chemistry etc.. Depends if you just want to watch it just for the season's story or if you want a really full experience.

Raider (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 04:12:18 Is this right after a girl who apparently was dying of cancer or some illness i don't remember & Asuna was close with her. Visiting her at the hospital. I dropped SAO years ago. Anyone can help?
2021-02-06 05:14:43 Is this right after a girl who apparently was dying of cancer or some illness i don't remember & Asuna was close with her. Visiting her at the hospital. I dropped SAO years ago. Anyone can help?

Is this right after a girl who apparently was dying of cancer or some illness i don't remember & Asuna was close with her. Visiting her at the hospital. I dropped SAO years ago. Anyone can help?


This is S3 of Sao. I want to say one of the movies fits in the timeline between the seasons but yes it's a little after that.


@Alex cleveland "turn into a cringy wtf harem incest fairy attacking sexual assault show" Well first things first, at no point does Sugu want to be in love with Kirito. She says this multiple times, including when she has her breakdown upon finding out that Kirito, who she had been trying to push her feelings of love onto, was actually Kazuto. She even says she hates herself for falling in luv wit him. Secondly, marrying your cousin is reasonably common in most places, including Japan. You may not like it, but that doesn't make it less common or less normal in other places. And thirdly, it is most certainly not incest. Incest is defined as "sexual relations between people classed as being too closely related to marry each other",Sugu and Kirito never had any form of sexual relations, they hug like once but that's the closest they get to anything remotely sexual. Thus, no incest whatsoever. Nd just how is Sao harem? Harem is when the girls compete with each other, and they are always around the male character. Which doesn't apply to SAO at all. Literally every girl knows Kirito ONLY loves Asuna.


i dont like og sao, but alicization imo really good and oh god there such a fantastic animation, but plotwise - its typical sao with a lot of stupid things and decisions in direction :)


i loved alicization the plot seemed actually really good until...well later in the series when you know yeah became typical again


this is one only arc i like about sao...first season really decent...alfhiem obviously who could like that trash arc..gungale it was good but it just not that GOOD like why is he still using a sword in a game that uses guns like this isnt star wars and this arc very decent


i dont think you understand, the author made it so every girl ends up falling in love with him even after asuna and kirito is now a thing he made new girls falling in love with him its like please stop its getting annoying, i cant even say anything about why its still a harem (even though its not) but when got bunch of girls falling in love with them and author keeps making new girls falling in love with him well may as well be and again i cant even say because their is a scene that SCREAMS harem


part 1 of alicezation war of underworld was very good, second half...HELL NO i end up dropping it second plot armor hits and we all know what that is


ya he for sure is but i dont blame him for not trying SAO is pretty majority of it just shit why its popular no one actually knows its basically why was trump in office when everyone was memeing about it


A1 and Egg Firm. A1 probably spent the majority of their budget on that, I think they also do Seven Deadly Sins. XD Egg Firm is collaborating with Re:Zero's White Fox on Mushoku Tensei currently, as part of a new studio called Studio Bind.


Fun Fact: Kirito's VA is the same VA as Betelgeuse in Re:Zero, Inosuke in Demon Slayer, and Mechamaru in JJK. Asuna's VA is also Mother Fortuna in Re:Zero, and Zero Two in Darling in the FranXX.


Sao alicization and sao war of the underworld are amazing i know youll love them definitely the best seasons of sao

Alex cleveland

@CRuEL_WOrlD tbh I could care at the least... I haven't watched this anime in like 4 years. But just overall the anime is subpar. Storyline.... there's no storyline.

Ace Overton

I am beyond excited for this. SAO is still one of my favorite series of all time

Ace Overton

Seasons one, two, and three are still my favorites. The mental effects and philosophy are top tier for me


you thought incest arc was good one? hmmmmm


not gonna lie, but SAO should of went from SAO arc to this it would of made the series just so much better and not ever include incest arc unless it was done differently


it doesn't have some girl wanting kirito DPS if know what i mean


I though all of it was pretty good, Alicization and War for the Underworld are on another level though.

Ace Overton

that's literally a spoiler fam. You are raising expectations for what might have been a surprise

Ace Overton

You should def catch up. Most people are all cap just because they didn't understand the under tones of the series. They just wanted all of the cool epic moments and missed out a main theme of the entire series, the effects the virtual world are having on humans. Kirito even says exactly that multiple times and people just missed it and trash it. They don't deserve SAO

Ace Overton

Basically it all depends on what you like. Flashy sword fights? Then the second half is what you want. If you like a deeper story, then the first half hits better. The story in the second half is....questionable but viable. But it has nothing on the first half


I never got to thank you fellow subscriber, glad i got an answer than a troll answer.


If I half to wait for the second half of a show to get good, then an anime is most definitely not worth my time. If I’m not hooked by the 4th or 5th episode, I’m done


This man Roshi said "I'm snitchin on whoever I gotta snitch on" then immediately flipped. "I woulda hit her protected her. Oh dear, Oh precious, Gordon Ramsey headass 😂. Same though, but I wouldn't just rat my whole village out damn.


I love that you guys are starting Alicization! Can't wait to see more :D

Arsean Wilbon

So lupa just gonna miss out on the awesomeness smh

Spearbearer Josh

Haha yes you figured it out; but did you find the truth hidden within the truth? :^)


Let me just point out that irl nobody knows where the human soul or conscious resides and it’s definitely not tied to one set organ like the brain

Ranginald Vagel

Yeah the brain is important for sure but personality and mood can change with gut bacteria so who knows


lol that intro was fire but much info tho


Well as you just said no one knows so you can't say that the soul definitely is not in the brain. That is kind of a counter argument and the soul is just our way of explaining our personality, even though you could argue that comes from our brain being a computer with immense processing power and with near unlimited storage capacity and that our actions comes from past experiences. But that is just my opinion if you don't like than just find someone who is more like-minded


Well no the soul isn’t just our way of explaining our personality that’s not even what a soul is. And our soul isn’t connected to specific organ because your it lives on after the body dies


have u watched oridinal scale yet? its a movie that happens in between the end of the last season and alicization/war of underworld


I hate this show too. Sooo Imma call myself watching you watch it lol

Random Guy

It wouldve made for a good binge watch if you reacted from all the way from the first season. But I can understand you can't really make a good reaction from something you might have watched already.

Random Guy

Random fun fact you can't unhear. Kirito has the same voice as Betelguese from Rezero.


did they react S1 and s2? i can't find them....


Sao Abridged will make him love the series again😂


They watched them before hand like way back they don’t have those reactions on the Channel


I know this a year old but, did you not hear what Lupa said about SAO from one of their Fire Force vids?


pretty sure cousins being like that is somewhat normal in japan