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Ok guys! So Ive been getting mixed feedback regarding the dub to FMAB. Im curious as to what the majority would prefer? Being transparent, it doesnt matter to me personally haha so I have no issues switching if thats the case. Sound off!



Like this poll is just batshit. Pure batshit. At least I know Roshi tried haha.


It's crazy how good this show is man. Even with a dub so bad it ruins the voice of Ed and other crucial characters - taking away from the seriousness of important moments and making them sound just plain goofy - it still is just incredible. Damn. It kinda sucks yall made Roshi watch the dub. I guess it shows how many didn't watch the show in sub. If they did they would realize how much better it was instead of chalking it up to wanna be weebs


Bro imagine being this much of a pissy bitch over a poll done 2 years ago for where your opinion is smashed out of the water and going. "Its everyone else whose wrong not me. Theyre stupid"

Spadez (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-16 01:57:02 Exactly Kyle, I gave a reply as to why Dubbed Brotherhood has such a following in the first episode. It seems that a lot of people that can just stream either forgets that it was one of the first dubbed anime that pushed the genre into the US by late night showing of DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal, .hack//sign, Cowboy Beebop, and a bunch of others.
2023-11-13 19:41:57 Exactly Kyle, I gave a reply as to why Dubbed Brotherhood has such a following in the first episode. It seems that a lot of people that can just stream either forgets that it was one of the first dubbed anime that pushed the genre into the US by late night showing of DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal, .hack//sign, Cowboy Beebop, and a bunch of others. **edit -- There is context as to why it is blown out of the water. I agreed with most of the people bitching, but OK after, after further discussion, was more concerned with the people that said Dubbed was better without going further into why. If you go to my first episode response, we discuss it a bit further.

Exactly Kyle, I gave a reply as to why Dubbed Brotherhood has such a following in the first episode. It seems that a lot of people that can just stream either forgets that it was one of the first dubbed anime that pushed the genre into the US by late night showing of DBZ, Yu Yu Hakusho, Full Metal, .hack//sign, Cowboy Beebop, and a bunch of others. **edit -- There is context as to why it is blown out of the water. I agreed with most of the people bitching, but OK after, after further discussion, was more concerned with the people that said Dubbed was better without going further into why. If you go to my first episode response, we discuss it a bit further.


Shit I just saw these because of Patreon's new notification system. Anyway yeah I stand by it - the dub is worse. This is purely subjective but I gave my reasons. And yeah, I completely disagree with anyone who says the dub is superior and at the time when I was watching the reactions I wished it was in sub! As someone who watched both versions, I'm fine with my assessment. But yeah I mean it doesn't matter lol 99.8% of the reactions to anime here are in sub edit: that background info given above by William is interesting though. It helps explain what would seem otherwise baffling. Thanks for the context.


Anytime man! Been following Roshi for a LONG time. I do wish he would stick to Subbed, but at the time this was released he was just getting into REAL anime. He was a fan of DBZ and DB back when it was released on TV like I mentioned before. The notification system is pretty trash TBH, but this series was directly after a bunch of english "animes" like avatar the last air bender. I recommend watching his Loki series if you haven't yet.


Sub please

Oui Oui



This specific anime has one of the best dubs I’ve heard. It’s weird to watch the sub at this point.

Faiz Khan

honestly either is fine


I prefer sub but both are great regardless

Lance Isaac

This one could be either way imo🤷🏾‍♂️


The dub isn’t bad, I just put sub cuz I prefer it😂🤷🏾‍♂️


Dub is amazingly well done, I’ve watched both. Can’t go wrong with either tbh.


Dub for this one personally, but I do enjoy it in sub too.

Christopher Solero

Dub is better for this show imo. (Literally pulled over while driving to work to answer this lol)




Both are great, this is one of the rare cases where the dub is fantastic


One of the rare times that they’re both equally good, l’m so use to the dub for this tho so I voted for that


Dub lets gooooo

Grant Skaggs

honestly it deadass doesn't matter, both are real solid


If there is a Dub of any anime to watch, FMAB would be the one. The VA’s are actually so good.


Yeah out of the few anime out there, this one is known for its dub. On top of it being great I will also be easy to follow I’d assume.


Roshi... why you so good to your patreons😭


This is one of those legendary anime’s where dub imo is better than sub.


Dub for this one, especially for Roy mustang


Dub all the way. The sub is trash for this one


Sub for sure dub is good but not amazing

Elyver Dela Merced

Either is fine. But forreal i still hate when dubbed anime is inaccurate to the real material. So i would have to vote sub cause of that.

Manuel Granados

The Dub of this anime beats Sub any time.


both are great, but the fmab dub is regarded as one of the best english dubs out there. in this case, i actually prefer the dub over sub, & this is coming from someone that almost always prefers sub. i'll still be watching either way tho!

Carsen Phillips-Ward

The Dub is great for FMA honestly, gives it the classic feel from back watching late night as a kid on Toonami lmao


But....but.... sub 😟


Either dub or sub is fine one of the animes that dub isn’t bad


People who thinks FMAB sub is better than the dub loses all their anime watching validation


Hmmmmm. I’ve first watched this on sub but when i’ve watched the dub with Blind Wave.. damn the dub still haunts me. One of the animes i loved the dub here. DUB IT IS!!!!


Both are good, but the dub voices are spot on.

Ace Overton

This is one of those rare anime with excellent VAs. I'm big fans of Travis & Laura. You'll feel there difference in the end


I would have to go with dub because I've only watched this anime dubbed and I'm used to the voices

Jeremy Estrella 🇩🇴

I started it with sub but switch to dub. I thought the dub voice actors were on point.


The Dub is actually great for this anime


I watched the sub and it was really good, idk about the dub


It’s very rare that an anime gets the dub right, and this is one of those anime. Dub

Asante Upshur-Benson

Fmab is one of those rare anime where the dub is better than the sub imo


I'm surprised at the poll, glad to see most agree that the dub is pretty good 👌

Daffy Ducc

FMA BrotherHood, Yu Yu Hakusho & Cowboy Bebop are some of the only few good dubs out there

Andrew Bourgeois

Dub plze. it's rare when the dubbed is more on point then the sub.


Ufff That’s a hard one cause I really fuck with Vic mignogna work as Edward but the sub is great too😭😭, I think this time I wouldn’t care which rout you go 😂😂🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏽‍♂️


Watch it in Spanish 😏

Austin Yun

If you do dub make sure to leave the subtitles in the video as well


Ayo!! we got Spanish on this bitch? Imma watch that shit now 😂😂😂


Dub alll the way

The Truth

Anime dubs are legendary


Dub easy


I honestly am fine either way but I will choose subbed just because the first time I saw Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood it didn't have a Dub that even existed so all I knew was the Japanese with English Sub.


Imma keep it all the way real, the dub is fine for this particular anime. And I hate dub on most animes lol


You should watch whatever you prefer. Sub/dub has always been a divisive topic in anime. Please just choose the one you enjoy more, if you enjoy it more, then your reaction will be more enjoyable to watch.



Lupa is Dadi

Dub? I feel sad for the Sub watchers, ya'll have been out voted 😭

Ross Lerma

One of a handful I recommend dub for


I honestly thought people liked the dub for this anime better because it’s easier to understand the laws of alchemy and all the science mumbo-jumbo Ed says, but apparently people actually like the voices? lol what? Well, I guess I better get used to the dub then cuz no way am I missing out on Roshi’s reaction to this masterpiece


I hate all dubs but fmab was one of the very rare exceptions, overall the sub is superior voice acting for sure but the dub isn't bad by any means.

Ronardom Variation

Dub is superior for this anime in my opinion, I grew up watching it in dub and loved it 👌

Pink Sama

This is one of the few instances where it truly does not matter whether u watch the sub or dub


Personally, I love both the sub and dub so much. But, for this rare occasion, I have to pick the dub.


Theyre both great, it just comes down to preference


Dont feel bad. Its due time that people stop worring about that subject. Just be glad that as an anime community, new people join us everyday/ try out different shows. Whether its through popular series, curiosity or recommendations.


This is one of those animes like DBZ, Yu-Gi-Oh, Pokemon, Digimon, etc. Once youve watched it dubbed multiple times, hearing the sub is just awkward.

Damion Middleton

Dub is perfect when comes to FMAB to me. Gives me Adult Swim vibes once again.


Dub all the way

Richard Bernard

Well then... if its dub then im out


Honestly it doesn't matter which one, both are very good. Pick whatever feels more natural to you 👍


I don’t really care to be honest, but subbed sounds better to me

Nick Heiney

Dub actually sounds good with this anime.


Quick question is this different from full metal alchemist? Should I watch that first? Or is this a separate show?


Dub isn't great but the sub is superior


Full Metal Alchemist went anime original after a bit because the manga was still ongoing. Brotherhood follows the manga to the end.


There haven't been many votes I've been more disappointed in. The english dub is great for a dub but the sub is absolute god tier


English dub for sure, its a dub on par with Cowboy Bebop and Dragon Ball for reference.

Lalisa Truong

As someone who usually prefers sub when it comes to anime, FMAB's dub is one of the few that I actually find to be just as good as the sub. I even prefer it over the sub.

Vincent S Deluca

Sub is good, but Dub is legendary. FMAB is widely known as having one the greatest Dubs out there (which I think the poll suggests). VA’s are phenomenal and the translation is incredibly faithful. I’ve seen both and It’s one of the shows I actually will never choose to watch sub rather than dub given the option.


One of the best dubs ever


Most people watched it in dub but doesnt matter to me. I'll still enjoy it. Doesn't hurt to watch it in sub either


agreed, im fine for either one tbh


"Dub isnt great". Said about one of the most GOAT dubs of all time besides cowboy bebop

Prime Echo

Me lookin at the result : YEAH?

Prime Echo

Dub is great for a dub so people tend to be biased on that fact. The sub is still superior. Just try both and see what you like better


One of the best dubs along with Cowboy Bebop, Samurai Champloo, Yu Yu Haskusho and a few others


I've only ever seen this one dub, not sure if it really matters

haywood banks

One of the only shows where I prefer dubs

Joshua W Capute

Yeah, this is the problem with the sub market in America. The vast majority of people are going to choose the dub regardless and while this is actually one of the rare few dubs that was properly done in regards to faithful script translations, as well as competent voice acting especially by Vic Mignogna who 100% conveys the emotional level that the Japanese VA; who is actually a woman since its easier to keep a standard voice of a Shonen (young/adolescent boys) character without worrying about the inevitable voice change. Athough I believe that this dub along with Cowboy Bebop are pretty much the only dubs which merit a watch, I am vehemently against dubbing in general as the general quality, which was not great to begin with has only become worse since companies aren't worried about faithful script translations anymore thanks to simulcast basically cutting the time necessary. There are many things which are difficult to translate in general from Japanese to English and it doesn't help that Japanese inherently doesn't have a real "hard" or "literal" translation, it is essentially based off one's own personal interpretation. The VA's, or Seiyuu, are the top paid positions in Anime productions and are regarded as "Idols", and rightfully so as they are incredibly humble, hardworking, talented and they must meet a different level of standard not matched in the states. Please choose the sub as not only was that the way it was meant to be watched initially as well as fuck Funimation and their bullshit firing and continued defamation of Vic Mignogna who is more than likely not getting anything monetarily from them anymore.

The Wheff

As one of my favorite shows I have watched it many times over, and in my opinion both dub and sub are great. However, you have to be very careful with the sub, because there are so.e absolutely awful sub versions out there. I have come across 6 different sub translations and only one of them is good, and the rest are complete garbage. I think thats the biggest problem fuelling the never ending battle between sub v dub for FMAB fans. On one hand the dub for this show is great, where the dialogue was not only translated well but voiced well by the VA's, unlike other anime dubs that make you cringe out of existance. On the other hand subs have great VA's too but the problem with the sub for this show is that there are multiple different versions of sub translation that make me think the translater just ran it through google a couple of times and hoped for the best. There is only one sub version out there that is good quality, but the show is so heavy in detail that by reading the subs you can very easily miss important facts and other details can be taken out of context. Watch it in sub (the good version) if you think you can keep up, or in dub (the only good dub anime). Either way it's up to you (or the poll, i guess), and i hope you enjoy the show too.


nooo, watch the original voices! SUB


Honestly, Dub makes for better reactions than the sub for FMAB


Fmab is my favorite anime and one of the few anime I think the dub is superior AND fits the setting better


one of the rare few where dub is better

Sebastian Stróż

Sad to see but looks like easy drop as the dub is going to win :pepehands:

Liam D

FMA:B is one of the very few where you should watch it in dub. It’s phenomenal.


Dub is more enjoyable I think

Matt Teague

I wouldn’t say either is superior but this dub is phenomenal compared to other series. I’m a sub man but I’ll be watching either way.


Def sub, I know the dub is damn good, but sub is just the way its meant to be.


The dub is on par with the sub. I think it’s a better experience when there’s actually a GOOD dub in my native language


Watch it in spanish dub fuck it lets get crazy😂😂😂

Joel Braaten

I love the dub. So I voted for that.


Have only watched the Dub and it was great all around.


Dub. Its a win win.


The Sub is just crazy good


Either is fine. Dub is more convenient. Just make sure to watch the outros as some episodes include extra content.


Dub cause I'm hoping for a reaction to the bloopers at the end of the series

Hank yang

I prefer sub, but dub version of this anime is not bad 👌


Dub is one of the best dubs alongside Space Dandy etc etc


Dub is the best version bro


People that pick dub right now are just bunch of weird 10 years old 🤢


Always sub But i dont really care about fmab so im not going to vote.

Tyler Windover

Dubs always sound weird to me. DBZ and Bebop are the only two dubs I can stand at all.

Chosen One

You guys should totally react to akame ga kill!


the dub for fmab is hands down one of the best dubs for anime. I mainly watch anime in subs, but the dub for fmab is a masterpiece imo

Vincent Lee

I prefer sub but don't mind if you go with dub all i need is for there to be subtitles, I don't mind if you do dub with the subtitles on because it's easier for me to read the subs then have to listen carefully to the audio so if you can do that id highly appreciate it since I've decided to watch this show for the first time alongside you


Doesn't matter to me. Either way though, can you throw the subs up for your boy? Can be really hard to hear what's being said in the show when you're talking at the same time.


lmao is there a way to take the dub audio plus the sub visuals?


Thank god y’all voted dub lol

Nomad Von

Dub. It’s on YuYu Hakusho and Cowboy Bebop levels haha

Norrin Radd

No one reacts to this show subbed. You know why? Because the dub is better!

Norrin Radd

REAL TALK!!! You would love this show if you haven’t seen it yet.

Philly The Kid

I watched this in subbed but I found it wasn't bad at all after watching reaction channels viewing the dub.


I usually vote for sub, but I really like the dub for this anime


the dub is really good, subs still better imo but thats just personal preference. It's easily the best dub for a show

Deshawn Smith

i'm usually a sub kinda guy dubbed for this show is actually really good. I've watched both. I wouldn't pick one over the other


FMAB Dub is I think, one of the best dubs out there. On par with Cowboy Bebop.

Prime Echo

All them Adult Swim/Toonami nostalgia feels are the reason for the vote turning up like this lol. All kinds of bias, all kinds.

Chinese Cartoons

I give a slight edge to sub, but honestly the dub is really good too, so you can't go wrong with FMAB.


For a show that has a dub this good, I think it's much better to watch in dub. You also get to watch the bloopers at the end that show what some of the VAs did while in the studio


over 500 of you lack culture

Keon Richards

This is one of the cases where the Dub is actually better😂


lmaoo sub niggas mad rn

Alex cleveland

FUCK U FMAB SUB boys and girls lolol


dub is fine but sub is superior because its the OV like the Author and Studio bones intended it to be

Norrin Radd

Doesn’t make it better. Any American would take the Faulconer DBZ soundtrack over “what was intended.” It’s not about what was intended, but what’s better. This is the final word on this.


Im not going to sit here and argue about sub vs dub for all of anime. But the voice actors in the dub for FMAB are absolutely top notch. Plus a show in fictional early 1900s europe makes more sense to me in english anyway.


Personally, I won't vote. Both sub is obviously closer to the original material, but FMAB has one of the best dubs out there.


Sub is absolutely superior. Plus its easier for you to voice your opinions and such as you watch without making it so we cant understand whats happening, since there's subtitles.

Jefferson Joseph

The dub is pretty good and I've never watched it in subs


Dub all day. It flows perfectly.


This is one of the few cases where the dub is A LOT better than sub

Kaz Z.

whoa i’m surprised by this poll

Shawn Nguyen

the dub is surprisingly ok

Eliot Blane

Do the dub but make sure you have subs too so you can talk over the show without missing anything


Romi Park (who voices Ed in the sub) is in my top 10 favorite VAs of all time (English and Japanese combined, #2 out of Japanese-only), so I may be a bit biased here...

Kyle Llewellyn

Dub but please use subs too just so you don’t miss anything


I don’t care about what the comments say. I’m just glad everyone chose the dub


All the sub voters can eat shit

Otter Mane

I usually watch anime subbed cause I prefer the voice acting but dub is what I grew up on so gotta go with dub this time


Its not a lot better think you're overexaggerating


I hate dub watchers but fine I guess this one is ok, to many dubheads around though is annoying these days. As long as you don't watch Naruto or MHA dub


How? And 6 cornball dub fanboys unvoted you they think because they like things that it means something.


Wow this is a very surprising poll. I can't stand dubbed anime. Won't be tuning in. But I support a fair poll. It's a decent dub too. Just lose so much emotion when you watch english.

Stanley Labissiere

I don't mind this dub at all, but still suggest putting some subtitles


Dub and sub please.

Lupa is Dadi

Damn you sound like you actually achieved something for the first time in your life.


Imagine picking sub over dub for FMAB


the dub of FMAB is really good. worth it


im amazed how many sub votes exists lmao. imagine watching subbed for one of the best dubs of all time


sub is always better. BUT, the dubs for this show are prolly one of the best english dubs in anime. So it´s a win win situation.


lol, imagine not liking this dub - which is clearly superior to the sub acting cast in every way


Well rip... I was hyped for this but not anymore.


Tbh FMAB has one of the very few dubs that are actually good. I still prefer sub as I am a big fan of those Japanese voice actors, but dubs are definitely okay for this one


Tbf, this is the only anime out there with a decent dub. If you go with dub, can you watch with subtitles? Hard to follow along with the English dub without subtitles as the reactor commentating merges with shows audio, vs on sub it’s easy to differentiate the noise. Will be tuning in either way but hoping for some late poll sub votes!

Ariel G Perez

The dub was well done.


Seeing it on dubbed is enjoying the series 80-90%


Yesss! Dub is winning! The dubbing is top notch!

Tony Sylar

Always subs. Always.