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Man them boys got clapped up for trying to revive Mom. That sucks.


The First Day | FMAB Ep 2

Watch "The First Day | FMAB Ep 2" on Streamable.



Ed's voice in the dub is dog shit. Not to mention that being's voice is so... yea everything in dub just sounds less serious lol. It's so odd ngl. No way people in the comments genuinely shit on the people who requested sub 😂😂


At the time FMAB came out in the US, it was strong armed to be released Dubbed here first. Vic is the voice actor for Ed and he did both the original AND the Brotherhood. Original was completed before the manga was so they asked and took liberties, focusing on the smaller points. Once the manga was released fully and Brotherhood was made, they sped out the releases in order to get people into Anime since all we had was dubbed on Toonami back in the day. Not saying that Sub isn't always better, just explaining why Brotherhood has such a Dub following, it was one of the first real animes to hit the US that started real fandoms (I prefer sub, but I give credit where credit is due, this is not the worst dub by FAR).


Thank you for that context! Actually really helpful. And I do not disagree with that last part at all.


I agree with you as well. Dub lacks a lot of heart that Subbed has. You can feel the emotion and connection in the Voice Actors in it. I didn't want you to feel that I am attacking you for your opinion, just add some context. I said it just a bit ago, but I highly recommend Loki, it is a finished series with the trio! If you have already seen it, my bad lol. XD


the best anime!


Top tier anime!


top 3 anime


This show is about to mess you up your mental in so many ways. But it's sooooooo good!

Vincent Lee

if youre gonna watch the dub, is it possible to listen to the dub with subtitles? it's easier for me to read the subs instead of listening to the voices


Roshi, man you’ll enjoy the openings of this anime for sure!!! But don’t skip them 😜


Ed is (15) and Al is (14) ~

Alex cleveland

This is in my Top 3 anime Ive watched. FMAB is a masterpiece.

Matt Teague

His brain about to get clapped harder than Isaac


Going on the topic of “the origin of alchemy “ realm Ed was in and how he learned to do alchemy with no circle, going back in the episode Al said Ed now does the same thing as their teacher, do you think the teacher also visited that same realm?


The story of this anime is utterly, amazingly fantastic.


I really thought I wasn't never going to watch this show again after like seeing this four times, but I recommend the orginal full metal alchemists if you haven't seen it. It's like an entirely different show and it's really good

Justin Neason

I just realized something- did Ed give his arm for the knowledge to bond Al's soul to the armor? I've watched this many times and I remember wondering why he still had his arm in that scene and only his leg was gone before he clapped again, I feel mad slow xD

Christopher M

This anime taught me a decade and change ago........never try playing God.


he gave up the leg for the information plus al's body and the arm is for the suit of armor transformation.

The Wheff

What I like about alchemy as a magic system is that it is a hard magic system that requires intelligence. You can be a foolish alchemist, but you can't be an idiot alchemist. It's a clever plot device that puts the phrase 'knowledge is power' to work. All the magicky people are actually smart, so when they do magic things it doesn't feel like an asspull friendship=win, and because intelligence is needed to be an alchemist you can have your alchemist characters win through skill, knowledge, cunning, and strategy. No heart of the cards or made up power levels that quickly become irrellevant.


Ed is 15 in the beginning of the series and 16 later on as time progresses.

jesse almonte

So if were doing 2 episodes a week this series is gonna be 8 months long. Im happy but also dismayed


Think of it like this: It will give you something to look forward to each week for the next 8 months :) Edit: He said he would be releasing episodes 3 and 4 tomorrow so you're in luck.


equivalent exchange is basically how everyone uses alchemist like in the first episode how the guy turns water into mist/ humans into ice because the body is made of water etc, can't do anything out of thin air by ordinary means.

Jamal Cheatham

Man, I love that you're checking FMAB out. It is personally one of my top 5 animes of all time and can't wait till you get to the meat of the lore and story. Love content, keep on rocking!

Chris D. Jones

Just wondering your first opinion are on the “God”/“truth” character?


Yay Stew! (Roshi should definitely watch the bloopers after he finishes the series)

Nomad Von

It's like you can't create a human soul, which is why tht mom came back as a monstrosity. "Technically" Al died, his body was taken, but his soul was intact. So Ed was able to transmute it. But the mom full on died and was dead for some time.


you oughta watch that end credits its nice


Winry: grandma wanted me to tell you she’s making stew tonight! Al: FUCK YEAH !!


Goat anime.


lmao he needs to watch those bloopers after finishing the show


Halfway through the episode it showed those slides and Ed was 11, Al was 10. Ed became a state alchemist when he was 12. Now Ed is 15 and Al is 14. Hence the 4 years that passed.

Lupa is Dadi

Yoo I appreciate you leaving the opening in there! 2 is okay :) 🖤

Aras Paty

The sound is very low.


hes mature because he was literally given he knowledge of everything through the gate. it was literally in the scene lol.

Friendly Elites

"grandma wanted me to tell you we're making stew tonight!" "FUCK YEAH!"


Lmao your intro got me to do another playthrough of Final Fantasy 15

Susana Canales

Edward was 12 when he became a state alchemist. The youngest ever. He’s currently 15 and should be 16 soon later in the anime.


I watched this when I was younger and the mom being brought back gave me nightmares or made me scared to be alone for a good while.