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this plan was epic





The subtitle skip made me spit out some of my drink dawg... ☠️

Hasnain Khan





I’m glad you guys like the shot of Shoto facing off Dabi, cuz the manga readers were not happy at all with the adaptation. I still think Bones did a good job though.

Deja Brown

Toga could use sad man’s parade as a last resort to help AFO or the hero’s


LMAOOO sheera big brain with the furnace jail 💀


Glad you’re not caught up Roshi. Cuz now all three of y’all are in for a treat this season. This is Certified Peak Fiction. Horikoshi is one of the greatest mangaka in Shonen history.


great episode, the way that they're handling this season so far is good.

Ginger Dwarf

Finally, Blind roshi. My beloved


Who pulls the strings?

Logan Gamb

some people always find a way to complain, as a manga reader myself I thought It was great, and have been loving everything this season so far

Caleb Gaming9099

Some crazy chick with a knife should not be able to pull a kid who could destroy mountains with punches bro, I thought that was so stupid. Monoma became one of my favorite characters this ep, his quirk is awesome, he’s kinda raw. And sheera, they needed deku to deal with shigaraki, the chick with a knife and a nomu won’t be able to defeat deku


Me too. Fortunately, people are starting to realize that it’s just a trend to hate on popular shows like MHA, cuz it’s the easiest way to get attention on social media. Same thing happens with DS, JJK, and even AOT. It’s so silly lol.


What are you saying? You're acting like Deku weighs as much as a truck. Yes, she can yank a kid in MID AIR by lassoing him and PULLING. That's how physics work. You don't need super strength to do it.

Danny C

Yo, Roshi being in the dark for this means we’re about to get top tier reactions from everyone 👏🏼 Episode 8 is gunna be fire


I love the call back to the USJ, when Shigaraki said that Eraserhead was cool.


Loving one of those rare times where they make a very unlikable guy likable due to the dire situation everyone's in and him basically coming in clutch. The nice part is that it just isn't his quirk that's the cool. His quirk is just copying quirks, so what. The cool part is how he managed to learned the complexities of using a complicated warping ability and then having to apply that on a mass scale, multiple times, simultaneously and not fuck it up. Very impressive for a side character.

cyrus gudino

To clarify the whole plan was taken from the League of Villains very first plan back at the USJ. To divide and conquer but unlike then our guys actually properly planned who is going to which area and who’s going to fight them

Arkan Matlub

Ok folks, not even Roshi has read the manga from here on out, so they all are pure anime raw reactors now. It’s gonna be hypeeee


Not really a callback when he said it to Aizawa in season 6.

Arkan Matlub

Both happy and sad that roshi is blind reaction now. Sad because he’ll miss the god art horikoshi puts in the war arc, but happy because pure raw reaction to everything

Danny C

Tbh, even after people watch the anime, I HIGHLY suggest for people to read the manga, cause yeah, Horikoshi’s art is fckn beautiful


toga in no universe can rival deku. thts why they had him matched with shiggy my goat cus he is the only one able to rival shiggy.


Not even just anime. It gets done with ANYTHING popular nowadays. It's so weird to me but they say misery loves company.

Boogie's Games

YEAAAA SHEERA she out here planning murder 😂😂😂

꧁The Artist ꧂

Yes she can pull deku, but what doesn't make sense is how deku isn't able to do anything about it. The dude has a flying quirk and super strength. He should easily be able to resist toga pulling him.

Greg Harrison

Monoma MVP and the battle just started.


Yall didnt notice it, but Zoro was part of the planning too. You can see him at 26:01


Even tho he failed I do love that Hawks went straight for the kill. This episode was a feast, it had a lil of everything. 😤


I was reading it today and I genuinely love this anime very very much but it does not hold up to the art in the manga. It’s so gorgeous

Trey Milliner-Williams

for sake of plot imma ignore how Toga is somehow strong enough to pull deku into a warp


Sheera ain't wrong tho. Shit, they should've teleported them niggas into a volcano. Fuck the "put them in jail" hero shit. Give them DEATH.

Arkan Matlub

Yeah it’s really hard to translate that kind of drawing to the anime medium. It’s just very CLEAN and bones quality kinda has that ”lowres” feeling

Soul Pirate Ruichi

"I forgot what his quirk was...other than yapping" LMFAO Lupa

Soul Pirate Ruichi

Monoma was really a side character, he's a main to me now! Shout out to him fr!


So nobody is allowed to get caught off guard, ok. Superman should never be punched ever again because he can fly and has super strength and speed. Neither should The Flash or Quick Silver. Nobody is allowed to be caught off guard and everyone should react on the fly perfectly because they have the powers to do so.

Earphone Jack

Monoma was out there having the time of his life! 😂 I love him!

Earphone Jack

He said that after the literal flashback with Monoma that said what his quirk was. 🤣🤣🤣

Davon Thomas

I mean it isn't hard to pull someone that isn't resisting. He was caught off guard and didn't know what was happening

Davon Thomas

He wasn't resisting it isn't hard to pull someone out the air that isn't resisting. Plus midoriya weighs like 100 pounds lol most anime characters default have super strength

Trey Milliner-Williams

If there’s enough time for bakugo to turn around there’s enough time for deku to resist. His reaction speed is way higher than that


He said a select number of of people only, we weren’t part of the select few😂

Damion Middleton

Happy Birthday to All Might! 🥳🙌🏾 6/10

Zen Reacts

People being surprised that Miriko only gets 1 cool moment in the series

Delinda Arts

Remainder of the season is about to be MY PEAK ACADEMIA


LMFAO Im not mad at Sheeras furnace plan

Nuke XD

I have a theory that Toga cant use One for All even w Deku's blood, cause when Monoma tried to copy Deku he couldn't use it as well, and maybe the power would be too much for her to handle, so maybe she can’t copy him too


The best laid plans of mice and men... foiled by an obsessed teenager... 🥲


I could be completely wrong here but if Toga were to get Deku's blood and theoretically be able to use OFA for the duration that her quirk allows.. would it eventually transfer to her permanently considering OFA is transferred thru dna?? 🤔


No coz for it to transfer to her permanently thru DNA the original weilder has to willing give her the DNA like almight did to deku


i mean sheera is right. They should have executed AFO asap after catching him in fact.

Drake Rage

23:13 LMAO Roshi, I mean it depends who you are surrendering to. I might surrender to All for One, but NOT Shigaraki... All for One will take your quirk and tell you you owe him a favor... but Shigaraki? That bitch will take your quirk AND turn you to dust. Depending on Shigaraki's mood he might even slow the Decay down to make you feel the pain of being slowly disintegrated, LMAO.

Jalani Abdul-Aziz

MONOMA THE GOAT 🤣🤣 bro coming in insanely clutch rn

Aaron williams

No because shera a furnace is KILLLING ME. They would have at least took a bunch out

Aaron williams

Sheera is right tho toga could be a great ally since she has sad mans parade and she gonna choose to protect deku

꧁The Artist ꧂

Deku and Bakugo literally react to toga pulling him through the portal. Getting hit off guard is one thing, continuing to be hit after realizing what's happening is another.




Mirko got BUFFED, and im here for it! 🤤


You also have to consider in a sense that it's similar to Monoma's quirk too, and he wasn't able to copy any of Deku's quirks


That’s true but I thought that was simply because his quirk didn’t require him to ingest dna

Justin Spencer

Last time someone tried to copy one for all it didn’t work I’m inclined to believe it wouldn’t work if toga got blood but idk


im so confused, wasnt one of the heroes that was pushing back the cages into the portal.... Crust? The shield hero that literally crumbled into dust and died last season? Wtf


I was thinking that same thing, unless it’s a relative of Crust’s but— Bro looked exactly like him.


no way that shes already dead

Yassine Biggie

Yeah its not Crust but either a brother or a sidekick. They have done this before with Death Arm's sidekick being exactly like him


One of the side content for MHA reveals that Crust's younger brother was his sidekick, so that's him in this episode.

The GoDKing 27

Teleport them to space🤣

Clrissa young

Shinso and monama need to be in 1A, replace minata and tsu or the tail kid

Andrew Crittle

idk about tsu she has to be one of thier best support for the team i would say koda instead he gets literally 0 screen time lmao


At 11:30 is that not Crust???? The guy who died last season???


I was thinking the same shit ol'boy got the monster reborn card in his back pocket


I'm glad this is when Monama is actually f*cking cool and broken AF and not obnoxiously annoying like in the past couple of seasons. The fact that he finally got the chance to be able to shine...!

Clrissa young

I just don't like tsu. She and sero have similar powers and sero doesn't get on my nerves lmaoo I do agree kota doesn't get any relevant screen time tho so if he got replaced I wouldn't be mad


Endevors side kicks with todoroki lol father is fathering


The anime didn't explain it worth a damn but that's his younger brother. If you go back and look, Crust had a different mask.

Joshua Shores

Lupa’s fit reminds me of my player on NBA 2k15


Umm y’all forgot Deku power will fuck toga up is she did get Deku blood. She not built to handle one for all. Her body will break the moment she try to use it. It the same reason why Deku was scared when when thought dude could touch him and copy his quirk cause it will break his body

Rishad GB

ah they didnt notice crust (yes ik someone else) is there when he died cause of shigaraki before....would have been funny lel..yea they watch a lotta shows so its fine

Rishad GB

Thing I love about this show is NOBODY gets ignored....every single side character or quirk is getting used ....literally everyone


Jokes on you we brought legos bro


This niggas a resident evil monster


Nah Sheera is right, can’t be playing games with these guys anymore. Hit em with the furnace, we already saw jail doesn’t work 😭