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wind hashira petty



Idk if it’s just me, but the video isn’t working :(

Arima Kana

Want mitsuri to stretch my dick😞


To clear up something you said least episode, Muichiro is NOT stronger than Sanemi or Obanai, the strength ranking amongst the hashira are pretty debatable after the top 4. But Gyomei and Sanemi are undisputed no. 1 and 2., number 3/4 is a toss up between Giyu and Obanai. Then IMO Muichiro at 5th and Mitsuri at 6th

Kameron Renae

I love how tanjiro was like “it’s cool I don’t fuck with you either 😌” lmao I love him. Genya and Sanemi’s relationship is so sad to see 😭

Corey Leach

Holy fuck im early af to the reactions

Hasnain Khan


Boogie's Games

Yo Sanemi has no chill this nigga was on ass 😭😭😭

Zero _

everything you said is still arguable, the only non-arguable thing is Gyomei at number 1. *(Spoilers)* You can use Kokushibo feats for injured muichiro to get him to number 2 from his near death amp + the fact that he has See through world and got red blade on his own (without help from another person unlike sanemi). You can also argue Obanai for number 2 with the same things but instead with 2nd and 3rd drug muzan (Near death amp + STW and red blade on his own). If you were referring to this arc alone then yes Gyomei and Sanemi are probably number 1 and 2 but Muichiro would be stronger than Obanai with the mark.

Art of Trolling

All those years of pent up anger and grief from having to kill your mom and your brother calling you a murderer I’m not surprised Sanemi is like he is. If you pay attention to this episode he clearly wants Genya out the corps no matter what even if it means blinding him (Kinda Wild) Idk if it’s to protect him or if it’s because he is bitter.

Kameron Renae

Also in ballet guys don’t really wear that lol they wear a shirt and bottoms or a unitard. Depends on the school. But not a leotard and tights 😂


I think thats one of the first times Roshi has been the one to get jumpscared and not Lupa or Sheera.... and it was Zenitsu lol

XxYourWaifuxX Xx

The training is insane! Technically Tanjiro passed because he landed a blow. Idk about Zenetsu

Casually PS

“Be like Fire”


Love Misturi and Obani relationship one the best for those who know,know 🥹🥹

Semaj Brown

I still think Sheera is right. Hey, even itachi fucked sasuke up badly. I think he just doesn’t want his brother in the demon slayer core. It’s his way of protecting him from demons. Like I can’t keep you away from demons if you work for a company that job is to slay them. Most people in this world don’t know demons exist so he could live a life away from them and be safe


tanjiro fr imagining tickling a dead kid when he was thinking about siblings fighting


i mean you could’ve let them find out for themselves in the final arc when genya gets flash stepped but yeah we know sanemi just doesn’t want his brother to get hurt which is why he’s harsh


tokito is kinda stronger than obanai without the mark but it’s close


I'm ready for Sanemi to be the Itachi of this series lol mad rude to his brother but it's actually to protect him


My manga heart hurts with this episode and all the sanemi slander, I understand it tho cause he is trippin 😭

Corey Leach

I think Wind Hashira's training was to be fierce and persistent like a tornado or something. They know how much potential Tanjiro has, so yea it was dumb for him to get that training suspended. It would've been nice to see how much Tanjiro's skills had improved from training with the previous Hashira.

Malcolm Hughes

Gyomei be crying like "I had to do it to 'em" lmao


Ngl my boi Sanemi is my favorite character in the show. I know people hated him cause of what he did to Nezuko and how he treats Genya, but… he’s just too sick (in a good way)


I agree, Gyomei and Sanemi are the undisputed 1 and 2 and that 3rd spot is between Obanai and Muichiro


next episode will have a surprise for lupa i know he'll enjoy.


Bro! At least click enter a few more times so persons would have to click see more to see it. This spoiler is clear as day as soon as you scroll. Omg you Manga readers are insufferable.


Personally I’d do the same thing. Like maybe not blind but I’d do something to get my sibling out of the Demon Slayers if demons already killed the rest of my siblings


can’t really hate him at all we saw why he is the way he is towards genya and you can understand why he attacked nezuko i respect him

Jarron Taylor

Okay buh trying to blind your sibling for life is insane, especially when saying "I don’t have a brother"


I mean you can’t really blame sanemi his brother called him a murderer after he just killed his mom to protect his family and then they never spoke again for like 10 years


I don’t think Kanroji knew that. Which was probably the joke.


big bro said YOUUU WHATT

Nut Sox



Alot of people hated him, he's unnecessarily rude and a dick to his brother and he didn't really train any of the slayers. He just beat them up all day


The training with Mitsuri wasn’t expanded upon because Tanjiro didn’t really need to be there from a narrative point of view. Every other stop in his training (except Sanemi), Tanjiro acted as a living morale boost and unifier for the lower ranking demon slayers. That wasn’t really necessary for Mitsuri’s training because she’s such a ray of sunshine that nobody needed a morale check.

Joshua Burns

This is the first time in the training tanjiro was more like the other generic demon slayers😂

DsWorldd •

Going off y’all’s takes, u might not fully remember the brothers backstory from S3. Yh Sanemi is tripping being so cold to his brother but the last time they spoke he was ignorantly scorned by Genya after he also lost his younger siblings and killed their mother to protect him. They seemingly haven’t said a word since so obv things would be mad tense, he’s not just a dick for the edge.

Jarren Jenkins

This will always be a debate. The whole point is each Hashira have their own strengths and weaknesses. Gyomei is literally blind but is the strongest. There are those that lack speed, physical strength, but in the end, they all put in a massive amount of work by using their unique abilities and that's facts.


Yeah! We saw that he was a kind kid that cared for his family before his mom turned into a demon, and he’s seen some wild things and what demons are capable of. So the way he is now makes total sense

Jarren Jenkins

We about at the end! Hope they announce an early release or something. The next few episodes are about to pick up quite a bit.


Except Genya is the one person who can recover perfectly, just give him a demon steak and it heals him.

Nick Vaughn

This is very much so a set up arc for what is to come next and things that come later will have more meaning to us as the viewer because of this arc. Everything that comes after this is straight up foot on the gas with no brakes


i think the reason hes a dick is because of his dad. during s3 we got a flashback from genyas pov and we know that their dad was a bad person as he abused the kids and their mother. maybe genetically he just got his father's assholeness.


I just don’t even put spoilers in the comments to avoid the risk of people accidentally seeing them even with the warnings. I hope they have mods or some way to avoid spoilers in the comments


11:30 Why did Zenitsu do that? 😂


The spoilers in this comment section are crazy


like people have been saying it's really a setup arc that wasn't a lot of pages, so you don't really get as much for the story especially when they are already milking it by adding new scenes.

Trey Milliner-Williams

every Hashira is a tweaker the levels of tweakingness is like how you tell whose the strongest out of them


I mean, they didn't really spoil anything. To me it reads like speculation, just like what Sheera said. If anything, y'all confirming that's the case makes it a spoiler.

Kevin Kovacs

"milking" is a bit much but I can see why you saying that. It's overall a good thing that they add new anime original scenes becacuse it gives more the viewers more attachment to the hashiras. If you don't like it that's your problem let people enjoy the mor "peacful eps" befor ethe final battle. I do feel like this arc works better as binge watching all 8 eps but I enjoy it weekly better.

Kevs rey

I think the wind harshia was learning striking power


Dying at Zenitsu giving every reaction channel a jump scare. 😂

danial javady

Sheera's hair looking good!

Berts Tv

1 thing i dont like is the crying hashira just stop plz

Devin B

With Sanemi, how you view his character is like a roller coaster. First people hate him because he stabbed Nezuko, then people start to like him a bit when we saw his and Genya's background with their mom, and now people hate him again because of how he treats his brother.

King of New York

Nah they remember but that doesn't justify anything. Yeah his younger brother was in shock and called him a murderer 10 years ago. But when he apologizes Sanemi tries to literally kill him and the other students? It'll probably be the thing where he "did it for Genyas own good" or something but right now in the story he's tripping hard.


Im pretty sure Shera was right about him just not wanting to see genya get hurt because of how felt when his mom got turned and killed his other siblings besides genya and felt like a failure so he wants him to leave the corps for his protection somewhat

Michael Blake

As someone who has finished the manga, I must say A LOT OF YOU MANGA NIGGAS ARE WEIRD. You don't have to keep "um actually in the comments. Let people speculate. Stop arguing over who's the strongest. Stop trying to explain why Sanemi is the way he is. That is the fucking point of the show, to reveal thigs about the characters, let it be revealed. It is stupid.


Sanemi still my goat 🙏

Earphone Jack

Sanemi is far from lame; He was just tripping. You can tell what Sanemi’s true motives were by how he kept trying to get Genya to quit the Demon Slater corps. As the oldest sibling myself, I understand but he’s definitely going about it the wrong way. 😔

Earphone Jack

When they all started jumping Sanemi, I was like “Jump him! Jump him!” 🤣🤣🤣

Earphone Jack

Obanai probably would’ve came out of the training respecting Tanjiro more had he not gotten that letter from Mitsuri. 😂

General Grevious

I’m pretty everyone that was training has CTE😂


At this point, I just expect it. I remember someone spoiling the entire mystery behind Squid Game in episode 1's comments section and then following it with "Just a theory, tho." Sure thing, fam. Lmao

Jazmyne Mattucci

bruh can u imagine getting your ass beat by someone, and once you start fightin back, that same dude ends up giving you a restraining order💀 💀 💀


Mubarez Ahmad

The Wind Hashira is gonna get his redemption arc. He's actually really cool and strong af

Justin Knighton

Nahh this comment section is crazy!! People just spoiling stuff left and right. Come on yall!


It's still a little bit odd though. Like I understand why they added new scenes for Uzui, but why also adding scenes for Tokito but not for the others?


Tbf Tanjiro was lucky that Mitsuri didn't mention the spoon feeding part, or else he would be the one being tied up for the others to train lol

Tokyo GxS

We understand that Sanemi is gonna become cool, yall niggas dont have to go crazy with the spoiling

Seth Aasland

all tanjiro has to do is just exist and be himself and these crazy ass hashira’s want him dead bro 😭

Atlas Creation

So you’re just going to spoil instead of letting them find that out? Weird af

StorySmith []

The thing on top of the flapjacks is a honeycomb. Apparently the honey on the pancakes is fresh

Travis James

demon slayer aot and jjk fandom are probably the most disgusting when it comes to spoiling


Understandable. In manga, its really just snake and stone hashira training. Hence why snake actually feel like training. Rest where offscreen or super short.


Without spoiling, will they ever give us a ranking order or is it all based on their fights/who survives?


Pretty much whoever survives except for one they say is definitely number one without question

Markus Bryant

You’re honestly not going to get much out of this arc story telling wise. It was really really short. I honestly thought they were going to make a movie out of it like the Infinity Train and leave it at that. They extended Tengen and Muichiro. But Mitsuri’s training was like 2 pages max I think (I’m assuming they didn’t extend hers cause you gotta be creative to get extra time out of stretching lol). Obanai’s training was extended just a little. Sanemi’s training was about endurance. Fight until you can’t fight anymore. I also think a funny detail, Sanemi’s prepping to lunge at Tanjiro the first time almost sounds like loading a gun. But the overall arc is really just setup for what comes next. Opening up plot lines and bits of foreshadowing in order to build the next arc. And idk what people expect from Sanemi cause he quite literally thinks everybody is useless, he absolutely hates demons, and he doesn’t think demons should be part of the corp. so why would Genya be any different. And Tanjiro interfering was breaking rank. Even if Sanemi was wrong, I’d assume that the formally correct course of action would be to attempt to restrain, not escalate the situation by fighting back. So restraining order. Stupid militaristic stuff I guess lol


I think the way tanjiro is going to each hashira training also gives us the weakest to strongest hashira.


Isn’t that her ex the love hashira


im sure some people arn't enjoying this arc but personally i like the extra bit of comedy they are throwing in!


they literally didn’t spoil anything lmao they literally said idk if for this reason or another reason


they literally said idk if it’s for this reason or another reason. nothing was spoiled in the slightest.


Same I is a prodigy and a hashira he gets special treatment 🤷🏽‍♂️


Thank you for the warning before I scrolled too far!


I decided not to read the comment, since somebody said a lot of spoiler in here. smh


Honestly it's helping a lot of the Hashira get fleshed out and adding extra details and interactions, that otherwise don't exist or only happens during shit going down

Justin Spencer

I hadn’t disliked a hashira but til now screw him. Regardless of Personal feelings you try to perm injure two slayers that have defeated or help defeat high level demons including Tashiro that faced 3 2 of which are defeated mind you the wind has no mark that was his chance to try and get it smh that guy was ass and that whole situation was dumb

Bria A.

I get what Rosh’s saying at the end — we did briefly get a rundown of what their individual training goals were supposed to be in one of the first couple episodes, though! I’m not going back, but I *think* Wind Hashira’s was either power behind blows or taking hits? (Pardon the mix of first names, last names, and titles, I don’t remember all of their names off the top of my head lmao) Uzui was stamina and endurance, Tokito (Mist) was speed, Mitsuri was flexibility, Snake Hashira was swordsmanship, and Stone Hashira will be physical strength I believe. No idea what Giyu’s teaching. I get that this is basically a filler arc but it would’ve been nice to see Tanjiro carry the previous lessons into the lessons that come after.


he literally said he's going about it the wrong way 🤣🤣

Michael Smith

Just thought! Inoskue probably did awesome if he did the Snake Hashira's training. HE basically did the same thing when he freed the people in the 7th ribbons.

Green Camero

What in the diddy party shit was this hashira on?!?!


I think Inosuke would do great because he wouldn't let empathy stop him. He doesn't care about others so he'd have no problem with his focus


Giyuu didnt teach anything because he quit the training initially


still dont get why people hate on Demon Slayer. yeah the anime makes it way better, but the story is still fun and interesting. This arc is ALOT better than most people on twitter think it is. Imagine a show with just nonstop boxing and random exposition without downtime...

Bria A.

I know (I did briefly look up the training order when people mentioned how short it was) but if they’re padding out the “season” (idk if S4 will have more than one arc) with non-manga compliant episodes and Giyu agreed to teach, I thought they might still have something for him. Unless he agreed to participate, which is a different thing.


They dont have friends in real life to talk to about these things so the minute anyone gets near it they cant help themselves.

George Otarashvili

I think wind hashira just doesn't want his brother in demon slayer, he gave everything to protects his little brother, even killed his mom, so it's kinda logical for him to say "you don't even have breathing technique and trying to destroy everything I sacrificed by risking your life" and he hates demons so much I think he decided to blind his brother so genya wouldn't go so low again to eat demons


Your forgetting after anime became more popular most of the people that jumped on it just wanna see anime characters that fight and have nothing else to offer

Tokyo GxS

He does, I read the manga but im not spoiling anything. Literally everyone is saying that maybe read?


There still can be a nicer way to explain and tell him that


Wind hashira is huge dick even his brother but at least you feel for him


Sanemi’s training seems to be geared around combat against an upper rank hence why it was just an outright brawl against him. Everyone that’s made it to him has all the conditioning and swordsmanship what they don’t have is that experience against a vastly superior enemy so it kind of make sense to do that training then go on to the stone hashira which seems to be more about inner focus and mental fortitude.


he didn’t try to kill him he just tried to blind him. if he were to kill him he’d be kicked out of the demon slayer corps cuz it’s against the rules to do so. he wasn’t trying to kill the students either he just wasn’t taking the training lightly on them


I like the arc, but yeah this "training" really just seems like more of a way to show the personality of each Hashira, which i'm perfectly fine with tbh


leak the drink for the fam lupa i beg


Yeah I also think Genya is sorry af but Wind shouldn't be treating him like that. W Zenitsu as always 😆


this show is cheeks


In Sanami’s defence eating a demon is very taboo in the demon slayer corp and he’s trying to protect Genya but he can be WAYYY nicer about it damn 😭


Defend Sanemi all you want but you all crazy. Blinding his brother for that is insane. I don't even remember an anime where I have a hated a character this much besides Gabi.


Now that Tanjiro had his nuts spread he's ready for cry training.


what gabi did was completely understandable


we live in a world where JJK won anime of the year bro. nonstop action is exactly what ppl want nowadays

Beast Boy

So either you watched the reaction and thought. "Yeah imma be a hater" or you just randomly decided to go on a demon slayer reaction. Not watch it but felt the need to comment anyway. Either way you a clown lmfaooo


It’s not that deep fam. I’ve been following the series and I think ima just drop it. Just a random persons opinion and you in your feelings cuz my opinion is different from yours. Saying this, respectfully. Ironically, calling me a clown is being hateful. No need for that

Brobi-Wan Kenobi

Tanjiro is so kind and pure but he's also an insane petty little freak and I love him for that lol.

Sleeping Quest

As someone who isn’t a hardcore fan of this series (only watching for their funny reactions and for Muichiro) I find annoying asf that most anime fans shit on any show that popular or even semi popular/mainstream. Yes people have different tastes in series. But, just because some series are popular doesn’t mean it terrible. DS , MHA, and JJK are decent shows with interesting arcs, not my cup of tea. But, it’s not terrible. I just learn to ignore the immature fans that’s shit on series just because it’s popular.


So did anyone catch an error in the subs at 20:11? It said "wind" Hashira, yet they already duked it out with him. Someone must've slept on the job to forget to use the correct title, "stone" Hashira lol XD

Ren Lichtfoot

I thought so too, but it wasn't an error. They just came from the Wind Hashira's residence. He lives high in the mountains, presumably near the top where there's more wind. This is why the Mist Hashira had to run through town to reach the sparring session each night (due to distance). I presume it's the same for Tanjiro and Zenitsu having to walk to the next site.


I didn’t know asking a question was making stuff up but your reply shows ur intelligence

Douglas Kelley

Then why did wind and serpent Hashira have to team up against the mist Hashira?


I'm guessing you haven't read the manga so im not saying anything about it to give you spoiler.


it looked like a pineapple refresher from starbucks


You actual see the affects the Love Hashira Misturi's training had on Tanjiro when he was fighting the Wind Hashira Sanemi. Tanjiro is able to do a high kick against Sanemi neck and he is able to bend deeper/faster when dodging Sanemi kicks. The affects of Obanai's training is also shown by how much faster Tanjiro's reaction time is now.