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Part 3: The Face of Enchantment

A disconcerting hush blankets the room, suddenly shattered by a velvety, feminine whisper that weaves its way into my consciousness,

"Let us first beautify your face." 

The unexpected voice, so intimately close yet without a discernible source, sends tremors of unease through me. My thoughts race, seeking an explanation. How is it possible to hear such a voice within the confines of my mind? An icy dread mingles with my sweat, trickling down my temples.

This surreal moment is swiftly overshadowed by a sensation enveloping my face, akin to soft hands caressing and sculpting skin. I can feel every minute alteration: my formerly prominent jawline gently curves, becoming more demure and yielding. My cheekbones, as if pushed by an invisible sculptor's thumb, rise subtly, crafting a more refined and aristocratic visage. The bridge of my nose slims down, and my lips, once thin, plump up tantalizingly, resembling petals awaiting the morning dew.

Drawn as if by an unseen force, I approach a nearby mirror. The reflection staring back is both mesmerizing and alien. My once tranquil blue eyes have transformed, now burning with a fiery crimson hue. Their shape, too, has changed, elongating slightly, making them appear more feline, more seductive. They promise mysteries of the night, drawing in anyone who dares to meet their gaze.

"Wh-what's become of me?" 

The voice that emerges is a siren's song, melodious and hauntingly feminine. It's still recognizably mine, but with an alluring timbre that was never there before.

"This... this can't be real," 

the velvety undertone of my voice echoing the seductiveness of the face I now wear. Waves of disbelief crash over me, struggling to reconcile with the undeniable evidence mirrored back.

The enigmatic voice, now almost familiar, returns with a playful lilt, 

"Oh, dear David, This is just the beginning.." 



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