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Hi Patrons!

Our big update to Delta Sync is finally ready: Delta 1.5b3 is now available! This beta focuses on fixing a wide array of issues that had been reported, and Delta Sync is now working more reliably than ever before. If there are any sync errors that you haven’t been able to resolve for some time, there’s a good chance this update should address those. You should see far fewer conflicts going forward, so please let us know if you still see excessive conflicts or any sync errors in general.

There are a bunch of sync-related fixes, but a few highlights:

  • Fixes excessive conflicts when signing out and signing back in
  • Fixes restoring old versions of saves and save states
  • Fixes syncs sometimes fetching outdated changes

In addition to these syncing upgrades, there are also a few iOS 17-specific changes such as fixing crashing when loading save states, so please read the release notes below for a complete list of everything that’s changed.

As stated in our previous update, we’ll now begin working on AltStore/AltServer updates for compatibility with iOS 17 and macOS Sonoma, specifically related to AltJIT and the Mail Plug-in. We know many of you may now be using the public betas, so we hope to have our next release ready shortly - thanks again for your patience!

Riley + Shane

Installation Instructions

If you’re already using the Delta beta, you can update to this version from the My Apps tab.

If you're installing the beta for the first time, make sure to first link your Patreon account in the Settings tab by following these instructions: https://faq.altstore.io/patreon/altstore-beta

Release Notes


Delta Sync

  • Automatically resolves Cheat + ControllerSkin sync conflicts
  • Syncs GameSave.sha1 hash between devices to prevent redundant uploads
  • Displays activity indicator when signing in
  • Delays seeding Delta Sync database until initial sync
  • Delays sync until after interactive Settings dismissal has completed
  • Uses local modification date when uploading changes
  • Saves change token to disk immediately after fetching remote changes
  • Deauthenticates existing service when switching services
  • Improved error message when remote storage is out of free space (Dropbox only)


  • Revised UI to use modern "inset grouped" style
  • Uses large titles where appropriate


  • Updates GoogleSignIn dependency to 5.0.2
  • Removes Fabric + Crashlytics dependencies


  • Replaces `UIDocumentBrowserViewController` with `UIDocumentPickerViewController` on iOS 17+
  • Skips checksum verification when importing zipped games


Delta Sync

  • Fixed “Harmony.sqlite couldn’t be opened” sync error when there are more than 1000 games
  • Fixed “file does not exist” sync error after restoring previous version
  • Fixed Delta Sync switch remaining OFF if users cancels "Disable Syncing?" warning alert
  • Fixed incorrect mass conflicts when signing out then back in
  • Fixed missing references to remote files when signing out then back in
  • Fixed queued syncs sometimes fetching outdated changes
  • Fixed accidentally using wrong account when signed-in to multiple services


  • Fixed crash when resolving sync merge conflicts
  • Fixed crash when disabling Delta Sync or switching services

Experimental Features

  • Fixed saving screenshots to Photos with .limited authorization
  • Fixed saving screenshots to Photos as JPEGs


  • Fixed accidentally deleting Games directory during sync in rare circumstances
  • Fixed `GridCollectionViewCell` "Unable to simultaneously satisfy constraints" runtime error
  • Fixed crash loading save states on iOS 17
  • Fixed displaying system name in dark text when remapping inputs on iOS 17



Mike Morin

Why am I not seeing the update? So this does nothing to fix the iOS 17?


Hi Mike! You should see this update if you already have the beta installed, so please DM if not. The update does fix crashing while loading save states, which was an iOS 17 issue - there will be more iOS 17 fixes coming soon.

Mike Morin

Thank you! I know it’s pretty much just a two man team over there and I really appreciate the work you guys do. I’m just having SEVERE ALTSTORE WITHDRAWALS!!! I need a fix!!!! lol


Are there any plans to use iCloud for sync and storage in the future?


Sync has been a lot LESS stable for me since installing this update on my devices. I’m getting 2 constant sync complaints about the DS “Home” app, one saying there was a conflict and another stating that the save states for it don’t support syncing, which is confusing especially because I didn’t try to enable syncing for it or anything. In addition to that, my save states aren’t syncing between my devices. My iPad has some save states that from its perspective appear in the sync settings, but my iPhone just doesn’t see them at all. This was all working just fine on the last update. Possibly relevant is that the iPad is running the iOS 17 Public Beta, while my iPhone is on the normal iOS 16 release. I’m not sure if the OSes are part of the syncing issue; I installed iOS 17 and the Delta update on the same day, so it’s hard to tell which is causing issues. It seems like Delta has gotten confused about which Save States belong to which app; if I go into the DS “Home” app’s sync settings, I can see my save states for the game for which my iPad has the save states and my phone does not. If there’s a better place to report these things, please direct me there and I’ll provide all the details that I can!


Hi Alex! Thanks for reporting, and if you send a message to our inbox we can work with you on what's going on and hopefully find a fix.


Hello! I’m getting “sync failed there are no saved credentials for the current user”, am I missing something? 😱


This is what I was having trouble on. Since the beginning. Jk I was hoping it would be fixed. Thanks for your hard work!

Frederik Born

Still many many syncing issues


Hi Carlos! It's possible you may need to sign in to Google/Dropbox again. Please send us a message to our inbox if you still see this error after signing in.


Hi Frederik! You may still see conflicts, but they should be able to more easily be resolved. If you can't resolve them for any reason, please send a message to our inbox so we can fix it in the next update.


How do I get apps to download? They have been spinning like they're downloading for hours now and I paid for beta access...I can't get anything to download and open in the alt store. I followed all instructions to the letter, but nothing will download to my device. Just perpetually spinning, can't figure out why nothing will work :(

Franco Rapetti

Where can I download the desktop app for Sonoma?


Can I use 14pro 16.6 to break through the limit of 3 applications and install it?