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⚠️ This update contains a crucial fix for a bug in the previous Delta beta (1.5b3). Please update ASAP ⚠️

Hi all,

It's come to our attention a bug in the previous Delta beta could result in corrupted save files being uploaded to Google Drive/Dropbox, as well as save states becoming associated with the wrong games. This beta not only fixes the underlying bug, but also includes various tools to help you fix anything that might have been corrupted in the meantime.

Upon first launch after installing this beta, Delta will ask you to review all save states that may have been affected by this bug. Please make sure all save states are associated with the correct game, and if any are not, you can manually reassign them by tapping them and choosing another game. If you later realize there was a save state you missed, you can access this screen again by going to “Review Save States” in Settings > Experimental Features.

Once you've confirmed save states are correct, you’ll see a “Database Repaired” alert informing you some save files may be corrupted and require you to verify them. Delta will then save a text file with a list of all potentially affected games to "On My Device/Delta/Backups/conflicts.txt" in the Files app. For each game in the list you care about, please launch the game and make sure your save data is intact. If your save data is corrupted, you may need to restore an older version from Dropbox/Google Drive via the Delta Sync settings.


In other words, you only have 30 days from the time you installed the last beta to ensure you can restore any corrupted save files. This means if you updated the same day we released it (July 18), you only have until this Thursday, August 17 — 5 days from today! — to guarantee you can restore all corrupted files. However, as an extra precaution Delta will also back up all possible save files it can find for each affected game to "On My Device/Delta/Backups/Saves" in the Files app. If you can't restore an uncorrupted version from Google Drive or Dropbox, you can try manually importing these save files by long-pressing a game and choosing "Import Save File".

Lastly, you may encounter a new sync error for certain saves and save states saying "the downloaded record is associated with the wrong game". This is a precaution to prevent downloading corrupted files that were already uploaded by other devices, and can be resolved by restoring an uncorrupted version from Google Drive/Dropbox. If you attempt to restore a version that is also corrupted you'll see an error alert, so we recommend trying to restore all versions from newest to oldest until you come across one that isn't corrupted. If there is no uncorrupted version available, you can choose to ignore the error and download the version anyway as a last resort. Delta will do its best to repair the corrupted file.

We're very sorry for the hassle, and please let us know if you're still having issues with this beta so we can fix anything ASAP.


Shane + Riley

P.S. Completely unrelated, but we also managed to squeeze in a new Experimental Feature from contributor Chris Rittenhouse — Alternate App Icons! You can now select between 4 different icons for Delta if you want to change up your look, with more to come in the future 🎉



Mike Morin

At updates on an AltServer update for iOS 17??


Is there a .ipa available? While altserver isn’t working on sonoma, I’ve had to revert to using sideloady


Hi Dave! We've gone ahead and attached the IPA to this post for anyone who needs it :)

Mike Morin

I guess all of us on iOS 17 Beta got to wait until the Public Release of iOS 17 to start using AltServer again. That’s at least another month away.


I keep having this annoying bug where i use altserver beta to install altstore, but it decides to instal the normal altstore on my phone which is super annoying when i have two apps installed already (its windows altstore beta)

Mike Morin

When will AltServer work on iOS 17????


Delta 1.4 seems to crash when creating or loading save states on iOS 17… Would updating to this latest Delta beta fix this issue or is there another update in the works?

Alex Rogers

Any plans to add 3DS support to delta? There are a few emulators that are able to reliably emulate the 3DS on iOS already- delta is just so much more polished than the other emulators and I’d rather use delta over one of the other apps