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Happy one year of March 2020 y'all 🙃

Following last month's critical bug fix update, AltStore 1.4.4 beta is now available with more bug fixes to cover the remaining issues y'all have reported! I apologize for any inconvenience these bugs have caused; hopefully this update will let you get back to sideloading apps with AltStore ASAP 🙏

In no particular order, this beta contains the following improvements:

🚀 Fixes sideloaded apps not launching on iOS 14.5. iOS 14.5 requires a newer code signature than previous iOS versions, which AltStore and AltServer macOS had already been updated to use but AltServer Windows had not. The attached AltServer Windows beta now uses this updated code signature, and using it to reinstall AltStore will fix apps not launching on iOS 14.5 (you do not need to delete AltStore first).

📵 Fixes "This device is already registered with this team" error when installing AltStore. This was due to a bug where AltServer macOS incorrectly treated iPads as iPhones, and tried to register iPads as iPhones even if they were already registered to the account. This has now been fixed, so re-installing AltStore with the attached AltServer macOS beta should fix this issue (you do not need to delete AltStore first).

🔓 Fixes AltDaemon untrusting apps after refreshing them on iOS 14. Refreshing apps just by replacing provisioning profiles seems to cause issues on iOS 14, so now AltDaemon will fully re-sign + reinstall apps to refresh them. This means AltStore will now quit when done refreshing with AltDaemon due to being reinstalled, but should otherwise behave the same as before.

That wraps up this round of improvements, but expect another post regarding Delta 1.3 soon which is just about ready for public launch!

- Riley

NOTE: Like previous AltServer betas, the attached AltServers will install AltStore beta to your device, not regular AltStore.

NOTE: Windows users should uninstall AltServer before installing this AltServer beta to make sure it updates properly.




i dont seem to have beta access in my altstore is there anything ive missed instruction wise or is it just waiting?


Same error on MacOS dude: Installation Failed, The file “CFNetworkDownload_Gl1ia4.tmp” doesn’t exist.


How do I use altdameon, I’m on an iphone 11 running 13.3 with the latest beta but I can’t seem to figure out how to use altdameon




I've been receiving the same error and haven't found a solution yet.


Mine keeps crashing when trying to refresh


It did fix the problem with "Already registered with this team", thank you.


I was really looking forward to installing alt store on 14.5 beta but same error message. Know you are working hard appreciate it but please send a fix ASAP


Is this a fixed version for 14.5 beta2?


Seems to be working on ipad for me finally! 13.5.1


Well got alt store installed and now nothing will open and crashing on each app opened


The way you handle these beta versions is quite annoying. Why don't you just make this whole project open source? That way more people could work on it. Or at least try to make AltServer update itself to the latest beta all the time. AltStore struggles every few weeks or so to update itself or the apps and breaks itself in the end. Which leads to my intervention of reinstalling AltStore on all my devices.


Still no dice on the plugin, saying it's outdated, macOS 11.2


Is there no way to get the Altstore beta ipa file? I’m not near a computer right now but am jailbroken so I can side load it with altdaemon but i don’t have the beta ipa.


Where is the ipa if you don’t mind me asking


Hmm there is an issue for me it says on my active apps when I sign them that they have 7 days u till they need to be resign, but when I tap on view app ids it shows that unc0ver has a few days left which one should I trust the front where it says unc0ver has 7 days left or app ids


Also I’m using alt deamon


Still Having the SSL Error. PLz HELP


Didn’t work


Seems a lot of people are having trouble with this one. I'm on 13.0 right now for iOS so I'm just gonna not update and wait for a more stable version.


i can’t even get alt store from their website or the patreon. that’s what i get for trying to support fools


SSL ERROR. Plz fix


Still getting an app crashing on Mac run altstore. 12 promax iOS 14.5beta 1


Hello. I bought the Altstore beta to get a more stable app/jailbreak and honnestly, nothing works as I expected... 1. I can’t run Altstore on my iPad Pro. I installed it exactly like it said on your website, and I trusted the profile in my setting but Altstore crash while opening, with my current app ID or with a new one I created just for the occasion. 2. I use AltDaemon and until I buy the beta, I was able to refresh Altstore without problem. Now, Altstore crashes before the refresh is over... So I deleted beta and re-install the old version........ Do you have some... solutions please ?


i have the same issue..


when I download it still says version is 1.4.4b on mac


i have AltDaemon 1.0 installed, how do i get updated version? i'm patreon


it worked fine for me


Is it possible to make a linux package for those of us on a linux distro?


Have you thought about making an altserver that can run on a Synology server? The problem I’m having is when my Mac goes to sleep mode I then cannot refresh my apps because it says the altserver is no longer available.


I have to say I’m getting a little frustrated. This was released 5 days ago and it seems based on the other comments there wasn’t anyone that successful got this working on 14.5 beta…the exact thing this update was supposed to fix. Not saying we need a fix but I expected at least an update by now.


Absolutely. And no one of the developers is willing to say something. I paid for something useless I am afraid to say.


I get an internal error every time I try to install altstore on my phone is there a fix for this?


Same issue we’ve all been having. No fix just a bad release.


I get "Could not find AltServer" when trying to use AltDaemon


Hi Riley, I've just joined the Patreon because I love what you're doing with AltStore. I have one question though - when will the custom sources feature go in to general release? I'm going to build a source for some of my own apps, but I'd like to eventually help some friends and family also use AltStore to test those apps and I want to know if this feature will go in to public release any time soon.


Any solution for SSL ERROR? Ios 14.5 beta3


Still nothing here. I feel bad because on one hand I appreciate all the work that goes into altstore and it’s obviously something very useful to us….but this release and worse the response to this release has been awful. Especially because this Patreon is the people that are willing to pay for the work.


I’m not able to do auto background refresh properly, Unc0ver will always not get refreshed with altdaemon. I have to manually do it, and AltStore will exit every time I do a refresh, is it normal?


This is getting sad….zero support…definitely canceling before next month


Since the beginning of July of last year, I requested a fix to AltStore defaulting to free developer teams as opposed to the paid developer teams that allow signing apps for a full year. For 5 months, there was no change. In the beginning of December, I shared the fix, literally two lines of code, simply swapping the if else statements in AuthenticationApplication.Swift for the team selection. Fast forward 3 months, and that simple fix has not been applied, leading me to believe this is intentional. I'm cancelling my Patreon subscription as I no longer trust your ability to deliver even the most basic fix.


You need to go into settings and then press join the beta then login with patreon


I had my reservations about paying for this, and boy were they spot on! Multi-device support? haha yea right. Sideload IPAs??? Where the hell is that feature? AltStore Beta? yea that doesn't install after linking my Patreon. This is the worst $3 I have ever spent. Patreon cancelled, email me when this bullshit works.


can i dwonload more then 3 apps now?


My honest theory (and I would love it if someone that knew code can prove this) Altstore is broke and whatever restrictions Apple put on he has no clue how to get past. I’d be willing to bet that last months release and this months are virtually the same. This seems like a money grab. The developer knew people would not sign up/stop paying for a broken app and instead of being honest about it he release the same bs version of it with a new name.


Has anyone got the DS emulator working?


Works just perfectly for me on IPhone 12 iOs 14.2


How do i get it


Will it keep updating to new betas or will I have to keep installing the updates manually from patreon?


i have problem after restart jailbroken device that says could not connect to device and altstore is not installing even when ipad is connected to pc


Hello everyone! I’m new on this shit, really I don’t know how to do anything of this. I just read something in the internet about how to use apps ++ without jailbreak and no mac in hands, just your iphone and with this guy’s app. But the truth I feel lost and stupid, can someone help me with some info or a link? Thanks a lot🙏🏻


can i update my gfs not beta altstore with this version

Shaky Cam FX

Looks like Apple updated something and the MailPlugin is not supported with the version of Mail in macOS 11.2.2 "Mail has disabled the following plug-ins: AltPlugin.mailbundle Contact the makers of these plug-ins for versions that are compatible with Mail 14.0." Mail Version 14.0 (3654.

Shaky Cam FX

Ran VMware Fusion and created a macOS 10.15 VM and it works okay from there, so it does look like a 11.2.2/Mail issue.


Is there an ipa link?


I need an ipa link, not an altstore


Can I get an ipa link to the AltDaemon file or the AltStore file?


am not even able to install altstore on my 12pro max it gives error as "installation failed: this action can't be completed at this time (-24111)"


How can I only install AltStore beta ? I currently have both version on my phone, the beta being installed from the regular one... this makes my activated app goes to 3 where I actually only need two...


Does anyone else have a problem with the mail plugin on Big Sur 11.4 Beta1? The plugin is no longer working.. Looks like its incompatible with Mail v14. Now I do hope that we get an update, or else I will loose all side loaded apps.....


SSL ERROR: WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_FLAG_INVALID_CA SSL invalid CA. WINHTTP_CALLBACK_STATUS_FLAG_CERT_CN_INVALID SSL common name does not match Can't install neither in Windows neither in MacOS


Is it normal to have to restart my phone every time for the apps to appear?


Is Mail plugin support for Mail in Big Sur 11.4 on the way? The first release candidate just landed today.


I can't install AltStore on the new Apple TV 4K using this Beta. I get the error: "This app was not built to support this device family; app is compatible with (1) but this device supports (3)". is there a newer version out yet, that supports the new device? Thanks!


Every time I try downloading the zip file for 1.5b4 it starts off downloading fine but when it completes it opens as 1.5b3 on macOS.


I tried installing the mail plugin and it says it's not compatible!


No its not working. Same error its showing that its not compatible


I guess you have Mail app v14? doesn't work for me too 😔


Yes that’s the issue. Please help if any solution