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Hi everybody, welcome to the first day of June! I hope your month gets off to a great start and you stay cool, hydrated, and happy! 🌞

Just a small look forward at this month--obviously I updated the alpha the day before yesterday, and I will continue to make good on my oath to abstain from bubble tea until I finish Chapter 7 this month LOL. Some small things to take note of for this month:

  • I've noticed that I "back-load" (is that the opposite of "front-load") a lot of high-effort/time-consuming work at the end of the month, making me rush and panic in the last few days of each month to get everything done on time! (E.G. I try to finish the alpha build update, the short story, and the Q&A all in the last five days or so of the month, which is........ not a good idea for my sanity LMAO). This is no one's fault but my own; you may not know it just by looking at me, but I'm a pretty bad procrastinator and always have been (I tell myself I do my best work under pressure, so then I create situations that are a lot of pressure LOL). 
  • To spread this work around more evenly and give myself the room and time to care for each endeavor, I'm going to be moving the Q&A from the end of the month to the middle of the month from now on! So instead of opening around the 25th of each month, it will open around the 12th-15th (somewhere thereabouts) henceforth! So this month's Q&A will be "early"!

Other things:

  • The Shepherds Summer event is running all month! If you choose to participate, you'll get a special role in our Discord and the unity that comes with being in a community-wide event! 😂 You can head on over to the linked post for more details if you haven't seen it already! As such, I may be posting for the event here and there myself, so keep an eye out throughout the month for special themed posts from me!
  • One more month until my novel comes out on July 6th! As such, I'll be also running a month-long preorder campaign, leading up to the book's release! Participants who preorder a copy of the book will receive special, limited-edition swag from me--and this is open worldwide! I'll have more details soon, so look out for the official announcement of the event on June 6th!
  • I will also be posting about any interviews, panels, or podcasts I'll be taking part in at some point! I'll try not to bombard you with info and keep it to one post, but thank you as always for your patience and support! 🙏

That's all for now! Thanks for reading, and happy June!



Good luck with the interviews and things! Don't forget to take care of yourself 💕

Stephanie Beth

So proud of you 💗😄🎉 can't wait to read it!