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Hi everybody, I've been talking about this for a little while, and today, it's finally here! It's exactly one month until the release of my debut novel, WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE!

To celebrate, I'm hosting a give-away until June 27th (or while supplies last); if you preorder a copy of WHABH, I'll send you a swag pack as thanks! And this offer is open worldwide. :)

Each swag pack will contain:

  1. Shepherds of Haven bookmark (either the official game bookmark or a character bookmark)
  2. Shepherds of Haven emblem sticker
  3. WE HAVE ALWAYS BEEN HERE limited-edition bookmark
  4. WHABH-themed and autographed bookplate to attach to your copy of the book!

Participants will need to attach their proof of purchase, shipping address, and email address to the form below.

Give-away Form Here 

That's all! You can find more details here or on the form. I sincerely hope you will consider participating in this limited-time, special offer--and thank you so much for being an early supporter of all my work, including Shepherds of Haven and WHABH! 💖💖💖



I preordered after I saw you post it on tumblr, I’m so excited!

Emily M

Thanks for doing this! Do you know when this giveaway packs will be sent? I'm moving soon so I'm not sure what address I should list.


Hi there, I'm planning on sending these out in the last week of June, but if you need more time, you can make a note on your form and I will do my best to try and accommodate that! The latest I can do is July though! :)