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Hi everyone, here's the alpha preview update for this month!!! I'm very excited for you to see some of the new content!

Play the alpha here 

Password: eternalsummer

What's New:

  • 20,000 words of new content, mainly in Chapter 6 and for the third new session in training your recruits if you're a captain!
  • Chapter 6 is actually playable again! There were. So many bugs. God, so many bugs. I am so sorry! I ran quicktest so many times, but I guess the code and wordcount of the game has gotten so big that even the debugger misses whole branches when it tests for bugs!
  • Multiple typos and bug fixes throughout, primarily in Chapters 5-6. 
  • Fixed a bug where the quest "Brave Little Bunny" appeared as a choice, but not as a listing on the quest board.
  • You will now be able to view the Shepherd compound blueprints in the codex after a certain point in the story. These were the ones that debuted last month (earlier this month? God what is time); however, viewing them here on Patreon is still way better because they look really small in the game LOL. The earlier goodie music and whatnot also plays in your day off hub if you enable the music toggle in your settings menu!

Developer Notes:

  • As with last time, if you play the trading card game (which you unlock via a side quest), it may refer to characters who haven't been introduced yet. This is unintentional, because I wanted to unveil this feature early, but when it's unlocked in the actual game, all characters will be recruited, thus making the "error" not an error.
  • I've lost track at this point of what files/images/assets I have uploaded and which I haven't, so if you come across a part where it looks like there should be a picture there but there isn't, please let me know where! It might look like that:

  • I highly recommend choosing to spy on your recruits even if that's not something your MC would typically do. I just think what happens next is really funny and I want someone else to validate me GLRJGLRJG. Chase!mancers and Chasers, you're in for a special treat in that scene, but you might not be able to see it yet since Chase's romance isn't complete! (Code-diving is okay for that part... 😉)
  • Content warning: Training Session #3 involves pretty crass language, explicit innuendo, and sex talk/gossip in one route. Cybele has a foul mouth and exercises it liberally. You've been warned!
  • ANGANT HAINN. I love Angant Hainn. None of you know him, but he was a minor character in the books and he brings me such comfort for some reason! I put in an option for all your thirsties because I knew some people would be a certain type of way after seeing him described as a "broad-shouldered, muscular warrior..." Even if he is made of fire...

What's Next:

I WILL FINISH CHAPTER 6 THIS (NEXT. JUNE) MONTH EVEN IF IT KILLS ME. I swear on the great Boba Gods that I will not drink any bubble tea until at least one path in that chapter is done and Lavinet is recruited in a coherent manner instead of just skipping to Chapter 7. I drink a lot of bubble tea, so you probably can't even understand how seriously I take this oath. As Milktea as my witness, I WILL FINISH THIS CHAPTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm rearing to move on to Chapter 7... I have so many notes... it will be spoopy, gory, atmospheric... murder will abound... MC will have no choice but to huddle up with Blade, Trouble, Chase, and Red! ❤ I hope you're scared!

Total wordcount: 563,034 words without code

Thank you as always, and I look forward to hearing what you think! 


(No title)



‘Have no choice...’ please we all know if there was a choice we would still pick that 😉


excited to play!! ALSO, not sure where i should report a bug, but i can't complete my second (third? the most recent) training session with my recruits due to a bad line error! on the page that ends with blood dribbling down my face. sorry to bother!


Hi there, I'm so sorry for the late response! I haven't been able to hunt down this error, but maybe the update will have magically fixed it somehow?? If you ever see it again, please let me know!! Thank you!