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With a new weight-loss pill tested in London by Adipose Industries, The Doctor goes to investigate the sinister truth behind the product, only to find out that his old friend Donna Noble is investigating as well.




loved this reaction, can't wait to hear your thoughts on the season.

Laura Reinkens

Hey, was it me or was your stream too fast? I used the Prime Video stream and you went ahead 2 seconds each 10 seconds. Season 4 is a gem with only one filler episode and I am really looking forward to your reactions. Are you watching the BBC Player? Just wanna make sure we are synched next time. Thank you!

Isac (Welsh_ML)

EY YO IVE BEEN AUTISTICALLY STIMMING IN EXCITEMENT OVER SO MANY PARTS OF THIS VID LMAO!! Rekkais commentary at the end was so so so well thought out honestly! It’s a possibility! Donna was annoying as fuck on her first episode but I still loved her and she did already prove herself as an actress too with her strong willed emotions of a woman who knows what she wants and she WILL get it, not even the annihilator of millions of galaxies can’t tell her what to do lmao. She stands on fucking business! 🩷 Syntell thanks again for making the dark times bright, same just goes to both of you honestly I’m very happy with your content and it’s great to be back (at the behest of being back meaning bedlocked again but all good) I’m very excited to continue what is clearly a boundary based friendship between them because I know it will be funny, beautiful, dark and sad but absolutely, FANTASTIC! 🩷

Andrew Nicholson

Good to have you back on the Tardis trail, fellas. Always a pleasure to see your reactions! This series of nu-Who is the start of perhaps its golden age - Imo, at least. From now until the 50th anniversary episode is 3 series of chaotic fun , with rarely a poor episode, and frequently excellent ones. …albeit mind boggling at times with the timey-wimey stuff….and my favourite nu-who character is only a few episodes away too. (her first lines are: “Hello Sweetie”) P.s. enjoying rekkais youtube channel.