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elite 2x6 pat.mp4

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not late at all. only caught the intro. looking forward to watching later. much later. for i am currently in Disneyland


ill try. i have 4 kids to look after and i don't do well with kids.😅


[Before watching the reaction] Adversity is the first path to truth. I think it’s fitting to the episode. I also believe in it. When you go through adversity you find some truth. When it’s easy, no adversity, anything can go. When it gets hard you find your true strength and who are your true friends and when you come out of it you are usually closer to your true self than what it takes to get through adversity. I also like what Horikita said in the beginning of the episode in front of the elevator. “You’re thinking about it all wrong. What you become doesn’t depend on anyone else. It’s something you decide for yourself” Don’t let others define who you are and make you do things you don’t want to. Truth some may end up being shitty people by doing what they want 😂 But I know you are an amazing person so decide for yourself what you want to do and it will be great. 😋 Ok I’ll start watching the reaction now. Be back later for comments. 😁


So, like Ryuen said, Class C has a traitor, so Im assuming thats who recorded it, and that traitor was in touch with Ayanokoji. Just assumptions though.


Let hope you can have fun with the kids it can go both way. Either everyone has a lot of fun or it's horrible 😅. They can be so annoying sometime. Or they can be super fun.


Reaction comments [Intro] It was 20 milions points to change and choose which class you want to be in. Also you can buy anything with point in this school as shown in previous episode where Koji bought Sudo extra grade with points


[Let jump into the reaction] “A child from the beginning how do you expect to function in society” Sudo needed to hear this. But I think it did bring up the true him a few minutes later when he did come back. All this posturing to not lose face. Adversity is the first path to truth. He became truer to himself after this situation when he came back to the field.. A lot of the time we behave in some way as a defense mechanism. When we strip it all down we can become truer to ourselves👍


Kushida is the type of personality I hate the most. Two faces. If he changes the participan last minute it will just make his team worse since people were preparing for a certain sport than they told at the last minute that they were going to do something else. [Kushida threatening with fingerprint on her uniform] Uniform is fabric. I’m no expert but I would think it’s hard to get a fingerprint from it especially in the outer jacket. And I guess she never wash this one outfit she was wearing in S1 😂 But I guess only her words would make a problem for him.


[Horikita brother] “That is not the type of person you need in your life” That is so true. Choose the people you want to surround yourself with. Have they proven to be toxic all your life or proven to be supportive. Be with people who are supportive and help you grow. Horikita should work on becoming someone she is not ashamed of. That's enough. When she realizes this she will be in a much better place than pursuing her brother. Back to being open and vulnerable. Yesterday discussion if it’s hard to be vulnerable. This show it’s hard but so powerful. When you learn that you can be more easily open with the people you trust.


[The race] Koji is always doing just enough. I think he purposefully let the brother win. He just kept up with him. He did say he could run faster. Koji said it before the sports festival, It’s not important that we win, our class will be stronger. Or something like this. I think indeed Horikita has become stronger.


[Ryuen and Horikita end scene] For the whole scene I thought, record this record this. 👍 But even if Ryuen said hypotically he still said it and it’s his words against Horikita just the fact that he said so it will put doubt in the mind of the one who judges the case. I don’t believe they can expel Horikita. The tape helps them. Break the phone if she is smart she can do a life upload in the cloud. But I don’t know. Also you have a case of Ryuen getting violent with her. Not that it never stopped him before. I don’t want her to do it because I don’t think Ryuen has enough of a case against her to do anything and with what he said there will be doubt on his word. How did Koji have access to that and he sent it anonymously. I’m impressed. 🤯 Kushida the little dog running after him 😂


[After episode review]Koji is a genius. That's why I like season 2 .That's what I was waiting for the whole season 1. Kushida is keeping a facade and wants to eliminate everyone that knows her true self. Kushida, whatever her reason, I still hate her. There is no redemption for me. Well it will take a lot and I mean a lot more for her to redeem herself in my view. Thank you for saying. “Trying to prove that you deserve to be loved and accepted. You shouldn’t you should never had to do that” 🤗 Thank you for the reaction. You were great especially in the review part. Take care. 😋


I guess this sport festival did bring everyone in class D together 😁 I like that suzune is the opposite of ayanokoji, like just the approach on how they gain people to their side. Suzune is a lot more thoughtful than him lol, and they mention they have a traitor in class C now. I’m curious who it is now 🤔? It’s definitely something that happened in middle school, kushida doesn’t want to let her dark past coming to light. Considering her personality it’s gotta be something messed up, kushidas’ personality won’t allow her to trust someone with her secret lol. She’s trying to catch her brothers shadows, wanna know now about their backstory is now lol.