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ennoshita really pulled through on this one. he's no longer just a substitute 👍


Yay Haikyuu, Ya it’s been a minute so I don’t quite remember exactly where we were but it’ll come back soon enough. Thank you for the reminder. It’s exactly Date Ko vs Seijoh. Then the winner takes on the winner of our match 👍 Most people want to see them against Seijoh since they already beat Date Ko and they are just the iron wall. No surprise there. I’m the last person to say don’t neglect your sleep since my sleep schedule is a mess. 😋 But still it does mess up your days.


[Let jump into the reaction] OP Fly High Full by Burnout Syndromes 👍 We are less further along than I thought. Ok 3rd set. It’s been a while since they went to a third and final set. It’s not the end of the world. Then Noya Earth Defence Force 😂 Sho bumping into Kagueyama. This guy is too light It’s nothing 😂 Haikyuu always goes by so fast. It’s so good. 😋 I love that you have big smiles throughout the episode. 😁 Haikyuu is the best. Fuck up does happen. Serve in the net or outbound serve happens even in national teams level.


Ennoshita at the end. 🥺This show really even if they won and everyone is supposed to be happy They do get you with the feels and show that since Daichi is back, Ennoshita is back as a sub. But it’s Daichi last year, he will have time to shine next year. He is the main candidate for future captain. (Note: I haven’t seen that far in the future so it’s not a spoiler just base on the fact that they were discussing he would be a candidate for captain in the last episode) And Yamaguchi 🥺 I forgot to add Daichi his comment at the end on how he saw that they were doing good so he didn’t come back during the match ❤


After episode. Thank you for the Extra long review after the episode.👍 Always speak from your heart ❤ Ennoshita did amazing in this match. Everything is a mental game when you go far enough. It’s a lot in your head. And how you can get over it.


Is it hard to be vulnerable? Yes it is Especially in public or with people we aren't too close to. Many put on a mask saying everything is fine. But it is liberating when you are able to flip the switch and be vulnerable with the people you trust. That one thing Karasuno has that’s amazing. They are so supportive of each other. You want to have your best player out there. That's why it’s hard for coach Ukai. Managing the roster. There is no easy answer. Great reaction. Haikyuu always bring out the best of you Take Care. 😋


when kageyama tells sho he still needs 100 years to go to catch up to the little giant. that gave me a good laugh. and when they start fighting. thats the cherry on top. 🤣🤣 those two are just hilarious. i don't know whose funnier, them two or noya and tanaka. daichi finally returns and suga decides to punch the crap out of him. 🤣🤣 this show is too good!!


about being vulnerable. as a man, i guess it depends on the person. if you ask me i know my weaknesses so there would be no problem admitting to them. you have to admit to yourself to know what your weaknesses are or you will never grow and improve. it wouldn't affect me if others knew about it. when it comes to sports everyone has a weakness. you must work as a team to make up for everyone's weaknesses. but i can see why some people will have a hard time admitting to it.


I guess It depend on the weakness. Sports I have no problem with that. I suck at sport 😂 And I guess it goes with maturity, personalities, and the type of weakness we are talking about. Some stuff is harder to open up about then others. EDIT: When you learn to be vulnerable it's become easier and liberating.


sports is one thing. i could care less if even the opposing team knows my weaknesses. that's the reason for a team. when it comes to life, now that's a totally different story. as a man, expectation of you are always high on everything you do whether it's work or family. nothing you do will ever be good enough. if you don't at least meet certain expectations people will judge and that's the part that can be hard and all we can do is say everything is fine because it's easier than admitting to it. as a man nobody gives a crap of how you feel. people don't want excuses they want results. don't ask how i know 😅


im hoping for a rematch with seijo. great episode, great reaction ✌


Actually enoshita felt relieved when he saw daichi. That's why he's mad at himself for relaxing like there's no need for him to play anymore.