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overlord 4x6 pat.mp4

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Well first impression before watching the reaction. This is a pre-action episode. The next one should have more action with the frost dragon. I think Ainz is handling everything pretty well. With enough demande and saving the dwarf. I really hope it work well for the dwarf that he will bring back.


Let jump into the reaction There were some before the opening scene but not very important. The dwarf just close the gate before a Quagua attack letting some of the dwarf soldier perish (imply not scene the soldier perish) [Being patient] True Ainz is surprising with his action this season based on the previous history. We’ll see.


[Death knight attacking] Well the Quagua did say let go massacre some dwarf when the gate reopened. So they are getting mauled. [Death Knight defeated] At first I thought ya just them falling off the bridge but now I’m wondering if someone finished them if they survive the fall? Otherwise I don’t think Ainz would be so surprise if the Death Knight could be kill just by cutting the bridge.


[Dwarven kingdom question] They used to have a King but no longer have one so that is why they have this council. Maybe the king has died for some reason. I guess they learn magic by trading with their neighbors (pure speculation). And as soon as they saw how easier magic (non-ruin) was, everybody started doing it instead of ruins. Also the sorcerer wouldn't necessarily be the king. Like in the empire you have the emperor and the main sorcerer but now in the empire they can’t rely on him because he betrayed them. So a similar situation may have happened. Also most kings are hereditary. So even if a powerful sorcerer showed up he would not be automatically a king.


[Turning the ruinesmith into slave] I think free people are more likely to be more inventive with the ruin than slave. And Ainz need them to rediscover lost technique. So let hope Ainz knows this and all is well for the runesmith. Well the past season showed us that Ainz can be a piece of shit but it’s hard to remember when he acted so surprisingly this season. Ainz wants the dwarves to rediscover lost technology. They would be more inventive being free people rather than slave . I’m sus about what Aura smells there and she decides not to tell. 🤔


[After episode]Ainz is very different this season. Past he was all brute force. Yea Aura said what she smelled wasn’t important but The guardians all believe Ainz know it all so It might be important. Very curious about it. No throwaway line so it’s important. 😋 Lol I think the dwarves would be highly suspicious of you not liking alcohol 🤣 Well I this was a calmer episode. Hopefully the next one will be lit. 🔥 Thank you for the reaction. Take Care. 😋


Well, it is my theory that Ainz is unable to care about lives (and well being?) of strangers because of being undead. Like constant version of the green light. He did say he felt like that in Carne Village (season 1 episode 3). This explains all his behavior, such as trying to be friendly to countries and having fair laws in his kingdom, but then just killing whenever it is convenient. He still acts like a good guy as he was before becoming undead when there is no reason not to. In a way, this forces him to be selfish to the max in some situations as he is unable to care.


I also love how complicated and philosophical this would make the morality of the whole situation. Is Ainz really evil if he is basically mind controlled into doing evil things? Is he at fault? Is someone else?


I wonder how much is it that this was just a game for him. When you play games. You just kill whatever you have to kill that how you grind. Well now it's more than a game since it's all his life. But I think. He may see the "player" as the only real people. The rest is just games.


i dont believe he really see's rest of the world like a game. especially when it comes to the guardians. he clearly wants them to grow and think for themselves because they were made by people who he deeply cared for. I also think that if he didnt have to care for Nazarick he would have probably just gone off into the world and bonded with humans/demi humans whatever was around. A lot of his actions especially in the first season seem to have come from a fear of him and his people not being strong enough to exist without something bad happening to them. Like what happened to Shaltear


Last episode they had mentioned that runesmithing takes a lot more effort than using magic, but with magic it requires a lot of expensive items in order to engrave weapons. It takes more skill to use runes, that’s why it’s becoming less popular. They mention like 200-300 years ago there was a change in how they did things, not sure if the magic user is still alive or if they ever existed. I’m guessing it’s going to be a funny thing next episode when Ainz find out how the death knights died 🤣. Considering only their kings hammer has 6 runes, and they themselves are not even able to put 6 runes on a weapon. Maybe it has nothing to do with a player? Also the dwarves don’t have a king, they’re more made up of a council. Idk if they’re still doing the king thing lol.


Hey guys. I always have the hope that he’s becoming a good person as well, but when you think about it, and I mean really think about it, many of the positive changes he’s made have been accidental effects of things he’s done with a selfish motivation, or at the very least selfish in the fact that he cares about little to no one else other than his guardians. For example, the lizard men. He forced them to fight him, not to unite them or to solve their food shortage problem, but to enact an experiment to see if these people could eventually become useful warriors to him. When you take into account that he got rid of the 8 fingers. He didn’t do that to save the people from their evil machinations, he did it because he wanted them out of the way for when he took over the city and also to keep some alive to use for gathering information, for example helma. The fact that he helped Cairne village wasn’t out of the goodness of his heart either. He helped them because he wanted to gather information from them, learn more about the world, get his name as Momonga out there. Then with Nfirea he only protected him because he was useful to him. He could create potions. As for his grandmother Lizzie, Enri and her little sister, the only reason they are guaranteed safety is because he wants to keep Nfirea happy because it will make him more productive and likely to cooperate. If you really analyze everything he does, he only ever helps other people outside of Nazarick because they can be of use to him and if you can’t be of use to him, he will kill you if you get in his way. That is why he is a bad person. Because if you are only kind to your family, and outside of that only use people or see them as tools to be disposed of the minute they stop being valuable, you’re not a very good person lol. At least in MY opinion. Everyone has different standards and different ways of looking at things though! 😁


I’d never argue that he is a good person. Dude literally slaughtered thousands of people at the end of season 3. But it does seem that now that he has a better understanding of how this world operates and how strong he is in it. he has started down a “I’m going to conquer this world and make it a utopia for all under me” sort of path as opposed to what he was doing before. At this point in time I do believe he wants to make a better existence, but I wonder how that will change as it goes on and if all the guardians will always stay loyal or if other players/strong beings will take issue with it and he’ll end up fucking stuff up because although he’s very strong. He’s also kind of incompetent and being less cautious might lead to some mistakes.


The king thing will very likely be explained in the coming episodes.


I am not arguing he is good. He clearly acts evil. I am just interested in why he acts evil. Is it because of the undead thing? Is it feeling disconnected, like the world isn't real? Is it because he went mad with power? Was he always evil? I think it is the first one, because it fits really well on how he behaves. He is making fair laws, trying to be friendly with Jircniv, not treating dwarves as slaves, ... But at the same time, he massacres people as if they were insects. Being "mind controled" by the green light not to care about the killing explains everything beautifully.


yeah the moment he killed all those soldiers is the moment that marked him as a bad guy. why he acts evil in my opinion. its simply because this was a game to him at one point and and he doesn't see it as real life. you really don't have to hold back in a game. he is trying to rule over that world after all so whoever stands in his way must be destroyed. I've done worse in red dead redemption 2🤣🤣


But then again, does he want to rule over the world? Seems to me like he was just peer-pressured into it by the guardians. Which is exactly why I don't think seeing the world as a game fits very well. You would expect him to find something fun to do and enjoy himself if that was the case. He should not be as stressed out about everything as he is.


other point of interest that makes me think about - who would you prefer as a ruler? someone who does good things for the wrong reasons? or someone who screws up with good intentions?


People talking about whether Ainz is a good or bad person like he is still actually a person. He's not just not human either, he is undead, an entirely different kind of existence. Do you debate whether grass or rocks are morally good? Hell, even when he was human he lived in an insane corporate dystopia and barely got the most basic education so imagine what kind of moral compass that culture would have. Even if we play into the idea of him conforming to modern Euro-American morality he does a fairly good job considering he is ruling a country. Torture, ruthless counterattacks over small issues and apathy towards anyone not from your country or its allies are all pretty casual things.