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HXH 136-137.mp4

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Welfin and the others went to go to meteor city to find Gyro, the leader of NGL. Welfin's brother and Gyro are separate characters. Also you called it on the trans thing! Most of the family refers to the sibling as "brother" but killua identifies her as sister, so it does get confusing in the dialogue.


It seems the episode manages to cheer you up a bit. So there that, 🤗 You started the intro by staying your so depressed 🥺. I guess the first advice everyone says is talk to someone. But to tell the truth I've never been able to do so when I'm depressed. If you can please do. Friend, professional, or even us. I'm sure it's great advice but like I said in real life I haven't done so. What worked for me is to find a positive space where I can reflect on life. It's different for each person. I have 2 polar opposite happy places. 1st I like to get away from people at the top of a mountain by the rivers or anywhere I can reconnect with nature. The other is I know a few places with local artists which are always full of positive energy and a great vibe all around. In real life I'm an introvert and not much of a talker but just being surrounded by great people and sucking in the positive energy does wonders. Like Project2501 said for the gender thing, Killua refers to them as female and the rest of the family refer to them as male. I tend to go with Killua on this one. The next arc is a short one but surprisingly very good and touching. I hope you will love it, I sure did.


Good on you for already picking up on the specific dialogue for this member of the Zoldyck family! Many people don't even think about it, if at all till much later. Also go ahead and refer to her as a she :)

Christopher Rivera

The name for this sibling was actually predicted by Japanese fans in ~1999-2000 who pieced together the clues such as the tour bus lady in the Zoldyck family arc telling tourists/Gon that there were 5 Zoldyck siblings. In Japan there is a word game called “Shiritori” in which someone says a word and another says a word that starts the last syllable of the prior word. This can be applied to the naming scheme of the Zoldyck children. I-llu-mi > Mi-llu-ki > Ki-llu-a > ?-?-? > Ka-llu-to The Zoldyck arc manga chapters were published back in 1999 (chapters 39-43) and the chapters adapted for this episode were from 2011-2012 (chapter 319-320).


Unlike other reactors, I feel like AP will be able to figure out why there is a difference in pronouns without being told too - so I look forward to that :)


Excited to see your reaction to the coming episodes, this is a really interesting arc coming up. I think it’s kinda up in the air what the gender of Killua’s other sibling is, so even I can’t help you there, sorry. Great reaction as always.


The chills I get from Ging walking into the frame with the beautiful ending never fails to get me hyped


Illumi: Hisoka you could've fought the ants or the chairman Hisoka: Eh whatever Illumi: Gon is on the verge of death Hisoka: Real Shit?!!

Ok Great

The community mostly refers to his sibling as a female as Killua refers to them with female pronouns whereas the rest of his family use male pronouns. Whether they're trans or not, you should use female pronouns as they prefer being addressed as such.

Christopher Rivera

People should just let her have a chance to figure it out anyways since that’s the fun part of watching things for the first time 🌚

Christopher Rivera

Didn’t AP just want to know if “brother” was a typo* to get the pronouns right? Why is everyone telling her about what we will soon learn from the show itself?

Christopher Rivera

Irony in HxH. The spider-ant gets its blood sucked out by a “Spider”/Shizuku. The hunter becomes the hunted/Ponzu. Curiosity killed the cat/Pitou. Netero (“I am not alone”) dies alone for his species. Meruem, the ant who criticized human individuality, dies with his beloved human. Humans were individualists whose greatest power was collective/mental/cultural, the ants were collectivists whose greatest power was in key individuals/physical/biological (Meruem and Royal Guard).

Christopher Rivera

Can add a deeper interpretation for Pike/Shizuku (though probably unintended: a happy accident). He’s only eaten* humans as far as we know while Shizuku sucking out his blood makes her more spider-like in a way. Fits the idea of humans being more monstrous than the ants. (Only obvious caveat is spiders actually do eat prey and not just suck blood but it’s a common misconception even among scientists). One I forgot (and I’m sure there’s more: Pokkle’s death is similar to lab testing on animals (including brain experiments). Kite’s corpse being put together for her amusement is also like taxidermy.


I burst out laughing when you instantly shot down Ging as being the worst choice when he said he'd run lmao Also made me laugh, you trying to figure out who Beans was, eventually concluding "...he's like... circular... he looks like a bean" hahaha yes that guy that looks like a bean would be Beans.


That conversation Ging has with Beans really exemplifies what it truly means to be a Hunter. It's not about being strong, it's so much more than that. Ging orchestrates the meeting just to see if he can get it to play out the way he predicts it.