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mob 12 pat rxn.mp4

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Sorry to hear about the day you had yesterday, and you could have rested today too; but I really enjoyed your reaction! Also seemed that you really enjoyed this episode too!

Dev Bhavsar

Awesome reaction as always! Glad you're enjoying the series! I can't speak for your other patrons, but I would rather you take a few days or even a week of rest instead of forcing out reactions while in pain. Your personal health should ALWAYS be your number one priority. Hope you feel better, and take Mob's lesson to heart: Don't be afraid to ask for help! 🤗💛


I was waiting for that kid to drop a "Bakaaa" just like Kilua. lol


I'm sorry to hear about yesterday. if you don't feel like reacting we don't want you to force yourself, we care about your mental health too


Fight on!

Marco St

Most of the patrons are here just cause we like your content and want to support you. We're not really "paying you" for your content. You'd be making these reaction videos even if we weren't around. :) I'm just here to support one of my favorite reactors and want you to succeed - part of that is you taking a break when necessary. :)


Hey, It does break my hear seeing you like this in the beginning. 🥺 You did look better after the episode. it's a wholesome episode that resolve the situation perfectly I hope you feel a bit better. I had a friend that a singer and used to do a lot of corporate jobs. For her it used to be, good day, bad day, the show must go on and put in a mask and smile and entertain us. It took her 15 years before she realized that now how she wanted to lived. Now she doing her own thing and start to break down the mask and be true at all time. It's the relationship with the fans that matters. She still doing her job but on a bad day no mask, it make her artistry better, her relationship with her fans more genuine and a more relatable person. I think, AP, in some way you already know that. That good. Yes it's a job but what value here is you. Sometime you have a bad day sometime good day, low energy high energy, It's all more than OK. It's different for each person but for my part it does help going back to work even on bad day it set a routine and reset many thing in place. Sure it doesn't solve everything and it shouldn't but time heal and working for me help. Cheers ❤️


pfft, I don't care if you upload late, I'm not "paying you" and expecting you to react constantly without fail. I'm donating because I'm impatient and want the reactions asap and wanted to support you :) This should be a nice and easy job, don't strain yourself and have fun