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Sorry guys. I feel super guilty about not uploading. I’ve felt kinda depressed and demotivated all week and I have no idea why. Its been a struggle to work or even get out of bed, but I’ve tried at least getting something uploaded for you guys. I’m hoping I’m out of this weird state soon. It’s like all I want to do is sleep. On top of that I feel physically ill so I think it’s just be best to do it tomorrow once I’m (hopefully) feeling better. Even if I still feel like shit I’m going to upload so don’t worry!! Just wanted to give you a heads up. ❤️



No worries.

Dillon Hansel

Don't sweat it. Depression sucks and doesn't care about reason. Just do you and get back to regular schedule when you can.

Killua X

Don't do it if you feel like shit Lex...just take care of yourself.

Diego Zenhäusern

Take the time you need, we understand!


I hope you are doing okay.. dont feel sorry.. take the time needed to feel well again..


I hope you're doing ok today. I wish we could do more. If you need anything don't be afraid to ask. I'm sure one of us will be ables to help. 🤗❤️


Take as much a you need!


Don’t feel guilty at all, focus on feeling better. Take all the time you need. We completely understand

Oda Nobunaga

Looking forward to tomorrow~!


want to sleep all day? sounds like me XD don't worry about it, just take it easy & avoid pressuring yourself too much, get better soon!!