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Killua X

And I was just about to go to sleep ::facepalm::

Christopher Rivera

Phinks whistling was the highlight of that episode for me. I think Killua was willing to follow the Troupe thinking zetsu would be enough, and knowing Gon was also competent probably raised his confidence in their chances (while also wanting to prove himself as capable as Gon). Even if they couldn't capture them, information on their location would earn them some money and it was their only other avenue to make an appreciable amount of money towards Greed Island. They didn't expect Nobunaga and Machi to be unknowingly tailed by other Troupe members for just this kind of situation.

Christopher Rivera

Notice when they were seen and they jumped from the window, Killua doesn't leave a cloud of dust when doing so (light feet).




Phinks genuinely impressed with killua was great. It's such a good scene from the very start, perfect tension


Dont worry about the spoiler, its nothing too significant

Killua X

Yes! I remember reading that somewhere and had to go back to watch it again. Because of Killua's training he doesn't leave a trail. Incredible attention to detail by Togashi. Most (including me) are so caught up in the surprise of them being discovered at that moment to even notice but it's so cool to see those little details throughout the show.


Do not pause the end of the 51 episode too early. =)


It wasn't that Killua's family cant handle the phantom troupe, it is just that 'it wasn't worth the money', they just weren't offered enough to do the job. The Risk > Reward.


Well depends on what you mean by handle, they'd actually have to risk their life in attempts to kill phantom troupe members in contrast to the usual one-sided assassination. Hence why it's not worth the money.


In short, Killua severely underestimated the phantom troupe's power and their boss' intelligence, while Gon and Leorio are just stupid.


No Google? Can't watch Mega at work.

Dillon Hansel

Don't worry about that snippet you saw. It won't make ANY sense until you see the actual scene and isn't that pivotal to the plot.


Lex "its late so im gonna try and be quiet" Lex's brother "AAAAAAGHHHHHHHHHHHH!"


hell yeah!! cant wait for more hunter x hunter... man its so funny how hyped she is sometimes..like im sitting here thinking you haven't seen shit yet lol also thanks for making my day less boring by reliving my experience of watching it with my little sister :P


Someone mentioned that you don't see Killua kick up dust when they try to escape, but as well as that, you never hear Killua's footsteps in this show when you do hear other people's - another detail about his assassin upbringing that's ever present. Pawning something is different than selling, I believe. I don't know much about it to be fair but I've seen situations where pawn shops agree to keep the item for you for a set time in order to buy it back, like collateral. But anyway, Gon doesn't really care about things like that. Becoming a hunter was a means to an ends: finding his dad. If pawning his license helps him get closer to his dad, he'll do it. And being a hunter, having a hunter's spirit, is about more than having your ID on you.


I was impressed with your thoughts about Gon in this episode. It's the same thing how when Killua told him he was an assassin, and that he stabbed his mother in the face. This kid is pretty frightening when you think about it. You gotta understand, at this point all they know about the Phantom Troupe is that they're the bandits that killed Kurapika's tribe, right? They don't know what we and Kurapika know. Killua knew more I guess. Man I have so much to say on this reaction and I'm only one episode in XD

Diego Zenhäusern

Yes, especially after seeing Killua beeing completely blown at how easily Phinks blocked his attack....I think the fight showed really well, that Phinks is way better than Killua, but that Killua's still hella strong since he was able to at least surprise/ impress Phinks. And I personally really appreciated that it still never seemed like Killua had a real chance, even after that move.


I think you missed a detail, when Killua broke free of Phink's grip, the skin on his ankles got torn off.

Killua X

This is true. Definitely thought she would pick up on that but she's sick so she's not 100% ^_^

Killua X

Yes. When I look back it at all, being like the 3rd time I'm watching this show, it's amazing how much foreshadowing there is. Or at least, how much Togashi stayed true to the characters' personalities through their growth. Gon definitely grows on you... and his perceived weakness right now will present its strength later on. He definitely doesn't seem like a complex or super interesting character right now (especially compared to Killua and Kurapika) but he really is. His psyche, his personality, his drive, it all will make for many compelling analyses down the road, especially with our intelligent reactor here.


dont worry bout the spoiler, hope you get better soon :)excited to see more eps

Killua X

IIRC, the arc really starts to pick up from here. The slower episodes like these where we become more familiar and invested with the characters just make the more intense episodes that much more rewarding. For first-time viewers/reactors, I would say this is like a test to give you faith to power through the later GOAT arc lol.


I don't think Gon and Killua were planning to take the Phantom Troupe on. Remember Killua said they weren't strong enough to take them on. When they got caught, Killua said there was no point in lying; then told the guy that there are big rewards even for their location; so I believe they were just looking to sell the location of the base. Which is still dangerous, but not as crazy as actually fighting. I only bring it up, as you seemed quite heated about them being guaranteed to fail; so I think you missed the part about them just collecting info instead of fighting.


Kurapika can use emperor time on anyone as you saw when he used his chain of law on himself the one chain he can’t use on other is his chain jail which can only be used on spiders


Lol her face when Pakunoda put her arm over Killua's shoulder